This is one PoP in that you'll like.
Official Prince of Persia Trailer
Thanks for the link PoP. PoP's link is now down. Stubborn TB put it up on You Tube. Thanks Stubborn. (We will see how long it stays up until the "official" official trailer comes online.
All the hair jokes aside. Jake has got it. He did it. He is the hero. Prince of Persia looks incredible. Incredible! It is worth the wait. Knew it would be big and epic, but this has exceeded any expectation. Blew me away. It looks like Bruckheimer has finally done what no one else has done before, translated a video game to the big screen. It is damn good! The look, the action, everything. Jake, Gemma, Ben work. Gemma is great playing against Jake, the wit and banter are great, and can tell that she holds her own against all those men. And the accent.... it works . This has all the makings of a true summer blockbuster, and it making Jake the hero/action star that he's always wanted to be.
What are your impressions?
Hmmm you think accent works on tall Texans?
Back to your Crazy Tree Hill Monday.Julian admits he's not a guy's guy and he doesn't have homies. - Seriously do they just like to bait audience with these scripts? But Julian ordered by Brooke Davis (TM) heads off to a weekend in the woods with guys, as (Up)Chuck is the Greek Chorus for the group, starting it all off with "Who the hell is Julian?"
Julian struggles to fit in and finds out something surprising. Brooke slept with Nathan and they made a sex tape. (Color us shocked)
Meanwhile Brooke Haley and Quinn get a little girl time. Friends, psychics and pot brownies. So Gossip Girl got Tyra Banks and One Tree Hill gets Dionne Warwick as their guest star. Feats of Clay continues with his angel Sarah who helps lead him to Quinn. It makes you wonder if they will pull out Jeff Healey Band's Angel Eyes, if they are going that retro with an episode named after Cutting Crew's one hit wonder - (I Just) Died In Your Arms Tonight.
Monday, November 2, 2009
PoP in's welcomed
Posted by
Special K
9:03 AM
Labels: Austin, Jake, Julian Baker, One Tree Hill, OTH, PoP, PoP Trailer, Prince of Persia
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PoP trailer looks like a mix of movies we watched before - Mummy, Indiana Jones - plus parkour.
Alot of people didn't think Jake could do a British accent. But it works! Oh my. Great to finally get to hear it. He did study with one of the best dialect coaches. A couple of lines he sounds like Orlando.
Yeah it reminds of you Raiders and a little Mummy, but you can see Lawrence of Arabia too, but if you have seen any of the video game you can see how well it translated to screen. There are a lot of gamers who are going to be pleased that someone have finally made a the closest adaptation of a game that they've ever had.
Really like the banter between Gemma and Jake. Think that is going to work to its advantage.
I watched Mummy when it came out and i really enjoyed it - at the time - but my tastes have changed some. I'm more of a sissy than i used to be, and i wouldn't watch it again - there was some pretty gruesome stuff in there.
However, that being said, i watched the trailer and it looked awesome!!! I loved Jake's voice and agree that the repartee between him and Gemma was awesome. I loved when he was floundering, trying to explain why he couldn't take his eyes off her. Cuteness!!!
And i loved his voice too, and the hair kinda made sense in context with the rest of the movie. Let's hope that maybe good vibes for POP will get him off the hook sooner in his personal life.
Honestly, i don't think seeing him with Gemma would bother me at all. I don't know if i'm just so anti reese because i started out disliking her from an irrational standpoint, or if i really do get a bad vibe from her, but either way, i don't think i'll ever be able to feel different about them. however, if he were with a woman that he genuinely seemed to care about and had some chemistry with, i think i'd be able to not get so bothered by it. (go me!)
but, and i do NOT mean this in a bad way, there were a few times just in the short trailer when the expression on his face or some move he made made me think, "Gay." even when he is saving the world, he still gives off a gay vibe imo. :/
(apparently my word for the day is Vibe!) S.
Gay is OK! :)
Dear Ted:
I just don't get it with Gyllenspoon. Reese is a calculating deceiver. (Do you remember when a reporter went up to her on the red carpet just before her split with her ex-hub saying how lucky she was with him in life and she agreed?) Jake is such a nice guy. Is she using him to give a good image of herself? Please help!
Dear Way Off:
Love ya darlin', but your Gyllenspoon decoder is way off! They're both using each other for something in this relaysh.
Dear Ted:
Of all the Blind Vice stars, who is your favorite to write about (excluding Toothy)?
Dear Closet Case:
That's a tough one! Maybe Fake à la Ferocity?
Bitch-Back! Is Reese Using Jake?
Lionsgate has put a schedule for the online Brothers' updates
Twitter schedule:
Insider Info Tuesday;
Film Chat Wednesday;
Trivia Friday
search Twitter #BrothersFilm or at
their twitter.
Lionsgate Twitter
Brother's also has a facebook page.
That last Brothers should Brothers' not Brother's
I need to watch the trailer a bunch more before I comment, but my first reaction is that it looks fun. I don't see any great acting, but it is not that kind of movie. I do expect to see some jokes arise out of that "you will have to search me very thoroughly" line given Brokeback and Jake being gay.
Re that Halloween picture, I don't see how anyone can tell anything from that, but it does not look like Austin to me. The male does not seem tall enough.
Jake's voice isn't recognisable.
Sophia reaches Austins chin at best (pic)
In the Halloween picture it looks like she's leaning in slightly and she still reaches beyond the guys nose.
Interestingly enough the source that the pic seems to have come from doesn't mention Austin either.
It sounds like that fansite owner used the "Who else could it be?" method here.
It seems like they already took the PoP trailer down again, it now plays the "Avatar" trailer. I found it somewhere else though and uploaded it to Youtube. Not sure how long it'll stay up...
I think the trailer looks really good, very action-laden with an interesting lovestory underneath.
And Jake has definitely worked on his accent a lot.
The PoP game won't play on my laptop (damnit!) so I couldn't say whether it follows the game. But the gamers seem to think it's going to be good, and they should definitely know ;)
Remember all those articles and arguments about how NPH and others who have come out after being in an established hit doesn't count?
Another HW myth falls.
White Collar was the top ranked non-sports event show on cable last week, beating out Monk.
On IMDBPro Bommer is ranked No. 55 on their Starmeter rankings.
Changed the link since the first one has been pulled. It now points to the You Tube one Stubborn TB did. Thanks again Stubborn.
Another candid pic of Jake.
What do ModCloth and Jake Gyllenhaal have in common? A shared love for local Pittsburgh bakery @dozenbakeshop!
Gotta say it, with this haircut he could give Austin a run on the fivehead. He's gotta be at 4.5 : )
The movie Jake should have made.
Actually Tooth Fairy was supposed to open against one of Jake's movies but both had their dates moved.
Thank god! We have enough jokes to deal with!
It's called heels & leaning into eachothr for the photo, which was set to look as if they are in the frame of flowers.
There is the photo of them at the shack and she has no heels on and you can see just how tall he is and how tiny she is. Since your so informed, you should know that Sophia is known to sport some serious heels when she is out.
There are photos of her with him from a friends wedding, both dressed up and it's around the same hight difference. Just look at the hands on the guy in the Marfa photo with her, those are Austin's hands.
They were in Texas to support the arts for the area at an event sponsored by the "The Art of Elysium"..
Just as they attended an event a few weeks ago hosted by "The Art of the Elysium" as well.
I'm not going to argue the nature of the relationship, as I have vowed not to do so any longer, it's our right to have opinions.
But that is them, they were photographed twice during the weekend. Also, the woman that posted about Sophia and her designer mask, is more interested in the designer mask than who Sophia attended the event with.
Sophia has supported this designer before, so I'm sure the name mention is way to get the designers name out there. Like the what are you wearing question everyone is willing to answer.
Well there are several websites of people making and purchasing arty masks heading into this event, so who made you mask seems like a normal question for this low key event in texas than who is your date.
A charity event was held in a town of 2,000 in the middle of nowhere? I really don't get that. Do you have any links that talk about the event?
Meanwhile, the Chicago Cubs become the first major league sports team to have an openly gay owner.
Laura Ricketts
Like the trailer. Think PoP's going to be good.
Uh, Passing By, didn't you say on the last post thread you were leaving for good?
It's a sign of a weak character, breaking promises. How are we to believe anything you say now? (Not that we did to begin with)
Uh, Passing By, didn't you say on the last post thread you were leaving for good?
It's a sign of a weak character, breaking promises. How are we to believe anything you say now? (Not that we did to begin with)
But passingby never lies! Everything she says she saw on the internet she backs up with links!
Like she posted these other pics from the wedding taken at the same time as that badly photoshopped picture of Austin & Sophia!
Or like she's posting this other pic from this weekend to prove it's Austin in that Halloween pic!
(cue a post by passingby she won't post here anymore)
The announcement for the mask ball that took place on 10/31, scroll down:
The 10th pic down, Austin and Sophia? Taken on 10/31:
The Masquarde Marfa was co-sponsored by the Art of Elysium.
Funny that was the same group who had the benefit in LA.
Work Work Work... it never ends, does it.
Is there a shot in hell our dear Toothy Tile could be really scared straight, as opposed to just scared into acting that way?
Our fave Current TV segment "That's Gay" written and performed by Bryan Safi (which is still way funnier than Brüno ever hoped to be) blasts the futile hobby some people have to convert gay men back to being straight.
Are people just bitter that the supercute, funny and talented Neil Patrick Harris is openly playing for Team Homo? Deal with it, folks! He's ours!
We certainly hope of all people, Toothy's watching this latest installment... he can finally realize that no amount of happy family photo ops with his beard babe is ever going to convert him to full hetero. Just give up the pointless game, dude.
As for Bryan, he tells us no one's ever officially tried to persuade him to go straight, though "My mom occasionally still tries to set me up with her friends' daughters, 'because Bryan, never say never.' "
Yeah, good luck with that, girls!
Wait! Can Toothy Tile Be Converted?
Check out Bryan's video that Ted put with the story.
The vid won't load for me (keeps flashing "Loading video"). I tried at AT and at the source. Anyone else having this problem?
Saturday 31 October 2009
The Crowley Theater
Doors at 9, Show at 10
Join us for a FREE members-only night of music, dancing and masked mayhem with a special performance by Heloise & The Savoir Faire!
Guests are encouraged to wear black and bring their own costume mask.
If you are a current member interested in attending, please
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If you are not yet a member, click here to purchase a special Masquerade Marfa Membership!
Masquerade Marfa would not have been possible without the amazing support and assistance of The Art of Elysium, Interview Magazine and Gilt Groupe.
The other picture
A link to all the photos from the friends wedding (NOT PHotoshopped).
The people who are not SB or NB are fuzzy because they are private people, not because these photo are photo shopped.
At least I take the effort to do some simple homework and check things before I blog about it.
Clearly wearing plaid is not proof that you have a relationship with another man, as almost 30% of the males in this country do this.
As 50% of those who go to halloween parties have masks on.
Austin was at a masquerade Ball, Jake was attending a house party with a hockey mask on (clearly very different sort of events)
I went to a party with a new orleans mask theme, does that make Sophia my girlfriend ??
The only thing I reported that was incorrect was the bar that SB & AN went to in late June in Texas. But they were in Texas in June, just not at the place I reported.
There is some stuff to back up my information.
I got that too at first and had to refresh the page and then it worked.
If you're a bridesmaid and even worse celebrity who's a bridesmaid you're not going to a wedding by yourself. Honey please. You don't. You want someone fun, who's hot and who everyone is going to talk about after you're gone. Austin's perfect.
Have I gone to weddings with one of my go-to gay guy friends as my plus one? Hell yes. Did I have a great time? Definitely. Probably the best times I had, because we just were their to have fun and celebrate, there was no agenda.
Funny thing one wedding I went to another girl at the table brought her go to gay as her plus one, and he and I ended up having the better time. Yup I know, I just pretty much laminated my H card with that one.
Julian, Did he just - "don't know how to quit you"? And do a BBM joke. Oh yeah he did.
What OTH did tonight was mock BBM and the rumor about Austin & Jake, just like last season they mocked it as well, when they talked about the who has dated who website.
The part when Brooke said I never dated him, I don't even know him, I would have dated HER and so on.
That's when Julian states, your a public figure and the rule of decency went out the window.
On this website you make up lies and then you take photos of people in their private lives and you rip them apart.
You claim to care about Jake & Austin and yet you make up complete lies about them, you judge them, you doubt them and then you attack those with whom they wish to spend time with, you mock them.
First you bring my information into question with doubt, saying it didn't happen, they weren't there. You ask for proof and I provide it for you...
But once you get it, then you actually attack they event, the person and those around them.
Explain it away with hate and as cruel beings.
Sophia & Austin attended two charities that support the arts in two states,good causes.. Yet you mock to support your belief.
then they attend events with friends (weddings) and brother-in laws and you find a means to mock once again.
I have no problem with Jake, no problem with Austin.. No problem with them if they are gay, as I am a one who supports equal rights for ALL...
But making something up an saying hateful things about them and those they love with zero knowledge of them or backing is..
So I'll ask you as you mock me ...
HOw old are you? I'm 40, I'm a trader, I've been married for 13 yr to a lawyer, I live in Soho NYC. I have a gay brother, many gay friends and I play softball with many many gay females who I love and with whom I love their families and support.
As a friend of the gays you'll understand my response....
OH Mary!
You did it again. Returned when you said you wouldn't. Your promises, and words, are hollow.
Geez, at least have the courage of your convictions, and stick to your finale. Coming here over and over, especially when you said you were through, speaks louder about your beliefs and the need to convince others, then it does about OMG posters.
Sad, really, that you can only feel a sense of security when complete strangers agree with you.
You are 40 and can quote One Tree Hill? Really?
Don't know that I would have admitted that on a public forum.
And OTH has done BBM mention/joke before Austin was even on the show.
I am not mocking Austin.
I'm just saying he is NOT dating Sophia.
They're friends and they hang out. But they're not dating. And she knows exactly why they aren't dating and just friends. He's gay. And he's with Jake.
Sorry you baiting is not going to do it.
fyi= stop sterotyping gay men, it's homophobic. Friends of gays would mean gay men not gay women I assume.
BBM jokes in 2009??? I hope this isn't the episode that Sophia directed!
Hey a TT/OTH connection, i think i'll e-mail Ted so he can post my letter. LOL!!
What is "lir"?
Nope, not a "lir"ist, can't say that I've ever "lir"red in my life. Guess I'm too sheltered to go "lir"ring.
Playing baseball with "teh gays." Wow, give that woman a GLAAD award!
Time for a new thread.. you have once again been called out.
You attempted to call me out and check my information. I provided proof and photos and a link.
But of course, as stated you ignore the things going on because they do not support the agenda you have.
I never said I was a great typer, nor a major in English or grammer.
Calling me out on my typos, spelling and grammar is not going to change the things I posted.
Put as others stated, you on this board pick what you wish to see and ignore or mock what you don't.
At the end of the day, you are making up lies about two human beings with families and friends, with whom you don't know.
WHY... because some gossip columist created a blind item and because of a few photos from years ago.
Not because you know them or anyone who actually knows them either.
HOW OLD ARE YOU, What is the state of your happiness??
When they marry this year (not Jake & Austin) and have kids and move forward .... what will you do ...
The really sad part in all this is what AN's has had to go thru. He isn't A-list and his friend is.
He isn't gay and never has been, not even bi. He is living his life in the most honest way possible and yet you make up lies about him.
It's not a gay straight isssue.
It's about making up lies about people you don't know and have zero contact with.
Well nobody here will ever get a GLAAD award that's for sure.
Reading and writing slash because you get off on it and treating gay men like animals in a petting zoo are just 2 reasons.
PS: "teh" is so LOTR fandom, so dated like you but some similarites. But SK is no MsA, she was nutty but she knew when she was being strung along.
Sk, S. T and Tom all actually believed that Rattler was Jake, I shoul say Dany from WF2 did also which tells you what mins set you are dealing with.
I remember sometime last year pics appeared of Jake and Reese, on the Nailed set. They were holding hands, SK actually said that it looked like Jake was sqeezing her hand, her hand looked red and he was treying to hurt her.
Yeah nice SK, advocate violence against women, waht sick shit and this from a 40 year old woman who acts like a 15 year old girl pissed that the cheerleader is with the football player.
But you know them Passer by, you know them. Sorry we forgot. Of course you know them.
For the record, Austin is not just dating Sophia, he is living with her, both in LA and in Wilmington..
That is a fact, you can say it's not true, but it is in fact.
Just as it's true that they were in Texas this weekend, la last weekend Wilmington the weekend before and La the weekend before that. As they were in Texas for the weekend of ACL's as well.
But of course they are lies...
Right??? I think not.
Just like the party they attended for Halloween didn't exist in a small town of 2000, but when proven it did, again it's for PR, why else ...
Because all the tabloids picked up on it, because all the entertainment/gossp tv shows reported on it, because getty images/wenn/wireimage and so on ran photos.............NOT...
And posting ad nauseum about the daily lives of Austin and Sophia with the intent of convincing others that they are dating, when in fact the words "No, we are not dating" have acctually crossed their lips isn't bizarre leaning towards obsessive behavior?
Oh, and I'd like to send a shout out to Jack B., the poster above. Recognize that nasty tone a mile away. We here at OMG should feel special that we've caught the attention of such a legendary troll. Means we're doing something right.
Hi Jack!
You know for a fact that Austin and Sophia are living together, but not dating? You mean all this, all your posts, all your pearl clutching over OMG not falling in line behind you is about Austin and Sophia being roommates?
If that doesn't point to Austin gay, then you're truly blind.
Here is the biggest newflash...
Just because I know that Jake & Austin are not a couple and I know for certain Austin is with Sophia does not make me homophobic, one has nothing to do with the other.
Lies are lies, and it is a lie what the focus of this board is.
That is a fact, Jake & Austin are not lovers and Austin & Sophia are, that is a fact, stating it's a fact does not make me homophobic.
I'm for all equal love,all!!I'm not intereted in sex, race, age, and economic status to name a few.
Saying negative things about me will NOT erase the truth.
What truth would that be, PassingBy?
That you believe that Austin and Sophia are dating, when you just said above that they are not, when the people in question said that they are not, that there is nothing, NOTHING, but location, friendship and work between them as shown in pics?
That's YOUR truth, PassingBy, and you're welcome to it. Just don't expect others to join the club.
Oh, and are you really going to leave us this time?
I loved tonight's episode of OTH, and both me and my girlfriend howled at the BBM jokes and she agreed that this was clearly a deliberate reference. Just like the evil director last year who was giving Julian so much grief was named Reese. The writers knew exactly what they were going with that scene.
Also got to see a bit more from Austin, and a bit of the character actor in him when he tells that ghost story.
I agree Destiny - they knew where they were going with that scene. And they do slip little things into the show. Definitely making Van der Beek's character's last name as Reese, was not random. Just like those initials on Julian's sweater last year.
Like Julian with the guys. Hope they let Julian be with the other characters. In fact I liked him more with guys than with Brooke with her is he reduced to being the good bf, and there is so much more to Julian than that.
He was really good with the ghost story.
Just watched the PoP trailer. It doesn't sound like Jake's voice to me. And the trailer was so fixated on the effects and look that I really couldn't get a sense of Jake's character or how he is in the role. Of course with these kind of movies that is often the problem, or at least in my opinion. I know these effects-driven movies are popular, but I also like a good story and characters to go with it. No way of knowing from the trailer.
What would be the big deal if Austin and Sophia was really dating? It would not bother me one bit.
What would be the big deal if Jake and Reese were really dating? It would not mean anything to me either.
Why do some get so annoyed at the thought of this. Rational thinking leans more towards this idea simply because they are seen together often. Jake and Austin are Not seen together that much anymore. It's been a long long time.
It also does NOT mean that Jake and Austin did NOT have a fling or very very close relationship that may have changed. Rational thinking leans more towards this also, simply because they seemed inseparable years ago. NOT NOW!
Maybe just friends. Nothing is wrong with this either.
I swear, It really looks silly to not understand this (to me) and get really worked up because the evidence of What one beleives is no longer good evidence or No longer there.
Good God...
Who beat the hornet's nest tonight?
I can't believe the lengths that Passingby is going to, ad nauseum, to convince us of our evil ways. Wow, its quite the lengthy campaign. Yeah.... that's it! It's a Campaign.
Sorry for your vain efforts Passerby, they don't call us Toothy Believers for nothing.
Reeke and Sophin are not really dating.
It also does NOT mean that Jake and Austin did NOT have a fling or very very close relationship that may have changed. Rational thinking leans more towards this also, simply because they seemed inseparable years ago.
^^ = Possibility / Probability
((What would be the big deal if Austin and Sophia was really dating?
What would be the big deal if Jake and Reese were really dating?
Rational thinking leans more towards this idea simply because they are seen together often.))
^^ =
Good Possibility / Good Probability
because of current situations.
Great possibility of intimacy at least once because of time spent together.
Hey, stay around anyone long enough and things are bound to happen.
Gotta go, Another case is about to start. Later.
Court Reporter and Balif are not Passing by. Sorry
Jake has got it. He did it. He is the hero.
Not feeling British (by way of Persia) Jake at all. At least not the little bit of him that the trailer shows.
If Sophia and Austin were in Marfa, Texas I'm sure it was for work. But I'll wait to see if we get any stories or better pictures. I just checked the local paper on the internet and didn't see a word about the ball, I would think that if celebrities showed up for something like that in such a small town that we would or will get stories about it somewhere. Why would they go to the middle of nowhere if they are not going to get an publicity out of it...or publicity for the charity, at a minimum. Also surprised Just Jared hasn't run any photos of it.
passingby = passing gas
Uh oh passinggas was here.
Passing by will not take a hint. They keep saying they will be leaving but yet they are back like yesterdays pizza. Have you never heard of roommates? I lived with 4 different men in college. That does not mean I had a relationship with any of them. What I wonder about is why they are so intent on selling us on a romantic relationship. Methinks they doth protest too much.
Anyway, on to the more meaty stuff. I took the OTH Brokeback comments as poking fun. We know Austin loves to quote movies and he poked fun at Jake while he was at it. They have been poking fun all along. I was glad to see Austin get some decent air time for a change, but the show is still drivel.
As to the trailer, I deliberately held off saying anything so I could watch it a few times. I have a real good ear for voices. People can call me after years and I will immediately recognize their voice. I heard Jake's voice some of the time - the part where he is flustered answering for sure, but not all of the time. As usual, I see no chemistry at all between Jake and the female. She seems to look in space most of the time, not at him. Did she need to do that to keep a straight face? I am keeping an open mind about the movie. It looks like light entertainment.
Ted picked today, the day of the trailer release to have a big Toothy article. I had no patience to read the comments since they seem to be overtaken by Twilighters all the time but I watched the gay conversion video and it was funny.
M you are so LOST with this issue. You really try hard convincing yourself, don't you.. The emperor really does not have clothes on, but you'll see full armor, won't you?
^^^ I wish trolls like you would get lost.
I heard Jake's voice some of the time - the part where he is flustered answering for sure, but not all of the time.
Check out PoP trailer @ 1:01, that sounds like the VO artist.
Poor Passingby!
Just because I know that Jake & Austin are not a couple and I know for certain Austin is with Sophia does not make me homophobic, one has nothing to do with the other.
you don't know a thing about Jake, Austin or Sophia.
FilmDrunk - site with funny and nasty comments
WDW now has another version of the trailer. Shorter and it gives away less of the story. I like the 2nd one better. Less narration. I realize the movie is targeted to the tweener set but all that story telling made me feel like someone was reading me a bedtime story.
Shorter and it gives away less of the story.
Too late! lol
Dear Ted:
I love your B.V.'s so much! They are so incredibly delicious, if I could sustain on them alone for bodily nourishment I def would. Would you be so kind as to answer a tiny question about Seymour Plow-Me-More? I would like to know if his pearlies are pretty and white, or if they could use a good buffing.
Dear Tighty-Whities:
Toothy wouldn't be jealous.
Awful Truth
(you don't know a thing about Jake, Austin or Sophia.)
and you Do LOL? What a Joke
ONLY trolls like Passingby and Jack/Jeff claim that they KNOW the Truth.
Why does passingby care what we think? Not sure why she’s so anxious to convince us that she’s right and we’re wrong.
It's with a heavy heart that I tell you fine folks—all you Twi-hards, Robstenites, Brangeloonies, Gyllenspoonsters, Gosselinatics and the rest of you—that after two wonderful years with the Awful Truth, I'll be hanging up my pink Britney wig. I'm moving on from the gossip game...
Awful Exit: Buh-Bye, Becky!
Second PoP trailer with some new footage
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