They say no man is an island but he may be on one.
Have been tracking this for last couple of days. There have been 3 tweets over the last 2 days that lead to believe Jake is on Island.
The first was a tweet that got retweeted over and over:
Just passed Jake Gyllenhaal in the airport. To anyone who doesn't know, he is my #2 dream man. #babeland - jacvanek
and started to look around to see if there were any other mentions then
yesterday there was this late in the afternoon:
Apparently Jake Gyllenhaal was in Woods Hole last night at the liquor store. I wonder if he was wearing a shirt? - dohnemus
There's only few things you would be doing in Woods Hole front runners are doing scientific research, or catching the ferry to the Martha's Vineyard or Nantucket. I don't think Jake is the Science Guy.
and then finally there was this last night:
Just spotted Jake Gyllenhall w/his dog on ferry to MVY. Both very laid back :D - LifeCoachKaren
So three independent tweets him leaving LA, where the ferry is and then on the ferry so it sound pretty solid that Jake will be celebrating the Vineyard 4th. And with the homestead still up for sale so why not use it if it's still in the family.
Now, wonder if the weekend will include the Edgartown 4th of the July Parade.
It's definitely got the little hometown feel, marching bands, and fire trucks, where kids and families dress up and march along, sometimes in costumes, and others in their best red,white and blue, decorating their wagon, bikes, or trikes. And some even get more elaborate make a homemade float. And everyone throws candy to the crowds.
Two years ago Ray Allen showed up with the NBA trophy. Don't think the Lakers will this year, but Jake says his a Celtics fan too.Who doesn't love a parade? You know for Atti. ; )
Maybe Jake will go to the Flying Horses in Oaks Bluff. It's the oldest operating platform carousel in the US.Different than typical carousels today. For one, horses have had real horsehair manes. And then it just go round and round, but not up and down. But you can try to grab for metal rings along the sidelines, hoping to snag the elusive brass one for a free ride.
You know for for Atti. ; )
And on the Vineyard you can get away the cameras.(B.R.* Before Reeke)
You know for Atti. ; )
And you can even tweet from there and no one would know you're there they can think you're anywhere.
You know for Atti. ; )
And of course farmer's market in West Tisbury.You know for Jake.
And speaking of Jake and islands MTV got to the bottom of the Kris Allen and his island man crush.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Island Fever
Posted by
Special K
8:59 AM
Labels: Atticus, Jake, The Fourth, Vineyard
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Smooth Operator
Was ready to post and then saw new pictures that started a Wild Goose chase.
For what?
Where's the hair? Austy's bare.
And how do legs that look like this?
Go to this?
And arms like this?
Go to this?
Is this his summer look?
Better hydrodynamics? (Absorbent Man Go!!!)
Easier for Speedos and sunblock?
Just always ready to make good on his naked tweets?
Or is it that one of the pair can be the one with hair?
Then again maybe its just OTH Alopecia
Whatever it is, it's whole lot of Nair or hot wax to handle all that Texan.
Posted by
Special K
3:40 PM
Labels: Austin, Hairless, Hot Wax, Smooth Operator
Monday, June 28, 2010
Two Wild and Crazy Guys
And we're back with pics now. Thanks for your patience.
Looks like Austin will be back to the beach, this time in North Carolina, and back to business in two weeks. The OTH crew starts back to work on July 14th.
The Crazy Tree is back baby, but for how many episodes is the real question.
The big question is not how long they let the crazy go, its how crazy they're going to let it get.
Austin had tweeted back on June 18th, "we don't know how many. Could be 13. Could be 22. Could be 3. They can cancel anytime."
Now if they only have 12 episodes to do it will all wrap up in December, if crazy goes for the full 22, they're there till March. Not a bad schedule and even better they get weekends off. While not exactly 9-5 hours, for show business it's pretty damn close, and perfect for a working daddio. And don't forget a week off from work before Thanksgiving, which is when someone's movie comes out. hmmmm...funny how well it all works
And what about the fella who's going to be busy that week in November? Well, Jake's back to business, gym business, hitting the gym again yesterday.
The whole series
Jake did give a little shout out to Austin (the city, the hubs, both?) with a tip of his cap. (Mellow Johnny's) But it was the wild horsey tee catches the eye. Does it seem like we are seeing the Jake of yore a little more and more?
And a little bit of PoP that popped up after this weekend's boxoffice.
One interesting note is the case of Prince of Persia. While many on the domestic side of things have been calling this film a bomb, it’s been creeping up its game around the world. While it has only pulled in $86.1 million in domestic sales, it has succeeded in pushing itself past the $300-million mark worldwide. With an estimated budget of $200 million, this puts the film in the black and broaches the subject of whether a film warrants a sequel based on worldwide box office. Time will tell if Bruckheimer decides to throw his hat back in the Prince of Persia ring, but it would be an interesting story if he did. - Film School Rejects
Posted by
Special K
1:04 PM
Labels: Austin, Crazy Tree, Jake, OTH
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Out Spotlight
Many LGBT communities celebrate Pride during the month of June, so today's Out Spotlight is Largest Gay Pride Parade in the World, The Sao Paulo Gay Pride Parade in Sao Paulo Brazile. This year marked the 14th annual Pride Parade.
This theme was "Vote against Homophobia" and was a reminder for LGBT Brazilians and their allies to "pay attention to the political debate on gay issues this year when Brazilians are going to the polls to vote to elect the next President as well as the Senate and Congressmen.Although organizers planned for four million people for this year's, news reports put the figure at around three million around those of last year at 3.2 million.
"Millions of gays and lesbians have jammed several of Sao Paulo's main avenues for the 14th annual gay pride parade in South America's largest city."A river of gay men, lesbians, cross dressers and even heterosexual couples flowed down skyscraper-lined Avenida Paulista"
The 4.2 km parade started at Avenida Paulista (MASP) at around noon on Sunday, June 6th and ending at the Praça Rooselvelt, in Downtown Sao Paulo, at around 10pm.Sao Paulo's first parade was in 1997 was attended by 2,000 people. By 2003, participation hit one million and from 2006, the annual parade in Brazil's largest city(pop.11 million) hit the three million mark and at it largest parade with 3.5 million in 2007. It has remained over 3 million since.
The Parade being the largest event of its kind in the world and it is one of the major tourist attractions in Brazil, receiving official support from the city government of Sao Paulo, as well as the federal and state governments.
The parade (Parada do Orgulho Gay de Sao Paulo, Brasil) and its associated events are organized by the APOGLBT – Associacao da Parada do Orgulho de Gays, Lesbicas, Bissexuais e Travestis e Transexuais since its foundation in 1999. The parade takes place at the beginning of the Brazilian winter when the temperatures are a bit cooler and there is less likely to rain.
The Month of LGBT Pride in Sao Paulo was born from the experience of organizing parades and has added more activities over the years such as The Cycle of Debates, the LGBT Cultural Fair, the Citizenship Award in Respect of Diversity, and the successful Gay Day, that happens on the Saturday before the main parade.
A non-profit organization, the APOGLBT’s mission is to fight for a more just and inclusive society, which recognizes equal rights for all. The association has served to promote citizenship and self-esteem of LGBT by conducting and encouraging activities of all kinds.
The almost 14 years of success reflect the seriousness of the organization with its principles and goals.
It was reported that a 198 people were killed last year in homophobic and transphobic attacks in Brazil.
Sister city Rio de Janeiro will have its pride parade on Oct 10, 2010.
Posted by
Special K
12:38 PM
Labels: Out Spotlight, Sao Paulo Gay Pride Parade
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Short, Full and Whole (lotta of something)
Jake almost a Dude... somebody wanting the full monty....and the whole deal
In an interview for PoP in ShortList, Jake reveals that he auditioned (and didn't get!) for Dude, Where's My Car?
Are there any other big movies you missed out on?
These are horrible stories. So many, man. I've been acting for 15 years, since I was pretty you, so there have been tons of different things. My flummoxed audition for Dude, Where's My Car?
You really auditioned for that?
Oh man. I gave such a good audition. Such a bummer. It was good.
Be serious, because we're goig to print this...
I'm serious. Totally serious. I came in and they were like, "We don't want it to be like Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure, we want it to be different." I was like, "I got it. I got it." I'd worked on it. I knew exactly what I was going to do. And I was like [puts on dorky accent], "Dude, where's my car?" That was the character. That was who I was going to be. And they were like, "That's great, um can we try it again, without the accent?" And I was like, "That's all I've got...That was what I've to got for it." That was a movie I would have loved to have done.
Can you image Jake and Hal Sparks together?
Bubble et Bubble
Now Torchwood's John Barrowman would like to see Jake bubble and clothes free. In Now Magazine Barrowman said hed' like to see the full monty.
John Barrowman has a soft spot for Jake Gyllenhaal.
The Torchwood star would like to share an on-screen snog with the 29-year-old hunk.
'I've been pretty lucky to have kissed some fabulous women,' John, 43, admits.
'I've also kissed some of the most fabulous men but Jake Gyllenhaal is lovely - just take your clothes off, Jake!'
It might not be the full monty but something was getting Austin all hot and bothered the Whole Foods from the sound of this tweet.
Is it wrong to get aroused in whole foods?
(Talk about something for a t-shirt)
Wonder what it was that was so arousing?
The food?
Or a what a certain shopper might do with it.
You know nothin' says lovin' like something from the oven.
And little extra Jakey:
Do you mind if we ask about rumours about you?
Sure. Oh gosh...
They say you're a dab hand at woodwork. Is that nonsense?
That is kind of nonsense...I'm going to just set the record straight now. I don't think I'm that good at woodwork. I do like doing woodwork. But I don't necessarily think I'm good at it. It's really hard.
Posted by
Special K
12:39 PM
Labels: Austin, Cars, Full Monty, Jake, Naked Chef
Friday, June 25, 2010
Tweet it -- Tee it
New from Wild Goose Inc. it's Tweet-tees
Taking the tweets to the streets.
Organic cotton. Sweat-shop free. Made from 100% actual tweets.
Check'em out (Be sure to click on the pics check out all the deets)
This is bullshit. myself and paul bettany have the longest Wimbledon match in history. It took us ONE MONTH to finish!!!
My bed head is amazing. I'm screaming for USA and my brow has the voovoozela ap!!
I hereby solemnly swear that if the Celtics win, I will streak through the streets of Venice, to the pier, and perform an naked backflip...
Then of course our exclamation series.

And for a limited time only!!!
The Too Sexy For My Shirt Tweet Two-fer Nooner.
Ok brazilenos. I'm rooting for you right now. You make futbol so damn sexy. I'm getting turned on. Can't wait to come visit your country!!

Act Now! And you a can get Thursday Threesome. One more tee from this tweet that works with the other two, no mix 'em and match 'em. ; )
Posted by
Special K
12:49 PM
Labels: Austin, Austin Friday, Tweet-tees, Twitter