While most know by now that OTH was renewed for 13 episodes what you might not know is when it will be back on the air.
After The CW's Up Fronts yesterday, it was found out that OTH will not be coming back in the fall, but is a mid-season starting in January. (And that pretty much guarantees there will be only 13 episodes)

Half season- half sweaters more like it.
(hint: CW maybe hook up with
Old Navy as a sponsor)
And it looks like Austin might getting more into behind the camera in this last gasp.
Sorry for my absence. I am writing a script for all of you. I hope you will like it.

One word Austin, dude you have to be bring back the dog that ate Dan's heart, maybe as pet for twins. With all time jumps the OTH does they could be 16 and the dog eats their stash and then all the food at Karen's Cafe while Julian quotes Harold and Kumar and whilte they think their dad is lame as Mom thinks he is.

And where's Austin? Well he said something about pat downs and airports earlier this week. Did he bug out early before end of the world happens or does he just like to go through security for tender moments with the TSA? Maybe he was getting a head start before the rest of LA follows.

After a karate workout earlier yesterday,

Jake hauled himself thru LAX with his bags (and maybe a snack)in tow.

Was Jake getting the heck out of

Some are saying no, so grab that bucket list and knock a few things off while you got the chance. ; )
Happy Austin Friday.
Congrats to Jeff Nichols for taking home prizes at Cannes. This guy is outstanding. Watch Shotgun Stories and Take Shelter when it opens.
6 hours ago
Bob Knorpp
So apparently all during coffee at La Colombe in TriBeCa, Jake Gyllenhaal sat right behind me. Mish Fletcher told me after he left. lol
3 hours ago
TheBeanCast Bob
@ischafer If a Gyllenhaal sips coffee in TriBeCa in coffee and you don't see him, was he ever really there?
3 hours ago
I am throwing this question out there since the world's supposed to end tomorrow. What's the one song you'd want to hear when it happens?
'Only Living Boy In New York'
Oh drat. I just heard the world is ending tomorrow. Headed to wal-mart for canned beans and batteries.
35 minutes ago
"Highlands" by Bob Dylan
Or, even though I'm aware it’s not Mumford & Sons, I would have to go with Mozart’s, Serenade No. 10 for 13 Winds, K.V. 361/370a "Gran Partita"
Austin forgot the ICE AGE Glacier Water and the sushi to go.
Take me out to the ball game.
Boy, that's a tough question Special. So many songs, and yet I can't even name one, LOL. Maybe U2's Until The End of the World just to keep to the theme.
My girlfriend is obsessed with this story about the group who thinks the world will end, and keeps reading up on this group. And not because she thinks it will happen.
It's a tough question, and completely stumped my brother too.
I don't know I think something joyous. But Ode to Joy seems too Kubrick, and Peer Gynt Suite is just too Soylent Green.
I don't know if I would go for something predictable like Handel or maybe something like Lionel Hampton and Illinois Jacquet doing "Flying Home" or just something as simple as "Here comes the Sun" (no pun intended because because it always makes me smile or even "All you need is Love"
All I know it would be something that makes me smile and makes me celebrate the joy of life.
The idea of Austin writing a script for OTH gives hope that one episode has chance to rise above what they usually churn out. Don't think it would be too much of a challenge.
Jake Gyllenhaal’s lawyers are trying to get rid of a “fake” photo of the actor that shows him in just his underwear. Gyllenhaal, photographed above carrying coffee and carrot juice out of Urth Cafe in West Hollywood on May 18, has been laying low lately by getting photographed arriving and leaving places. The photo, if real, would spice things up!
PHOTOS: Jake Gyllenhaal Takes His Buzzed Head To Karate Class
A letter stating websites to take the photo down was sent to a few sources and according to The Hollywood Reporter the letter said, “as anybody could tell from a cursory examination, this is a fake picture, in which our client’s head has been pasted on the body of another person.” If it’s fake why do they care if it circulates? Sounds fishy to me.
The pose Gyllenhaal strikes is said to look like an album cover pose of singer Grace Jones. His lawyers say the photo violates the actor’s legal rights. Does this mean I can’t Photoshop Gyllenhaal’s face on a Nyan Cat without getting sued?! I would rather see a Photoshopped Jakey in his underwear than the same photos of him walking to karate or him hanging out with Mumford and Sons.
From The National Post Scandal Sheet:
Jen @ Dose May 20, 2011 – 1:33 PM ET | Last Updated: May 20, 2011 1:34 PM ET
– Jake Gyllenhaal and his lawyers aren’t happy about those (probably) Photoshopped photos of Jakie in his underpants and they’ve issued takedown orders to websites that posted the pics. Queerty, however, isn’t backing down.
Jake Gyllenhaal’s lawyers know that you’ve been thinking about him in his underwear, and they are not amused.
Queerty got an email this afternoon from Jake’s law firm, asking that we remove the (probably fake) photo of him in his undies. We’re keeping the photo up, since it hasn’t been proven fake and because their letter bumped it from “funny and cute” to “actually newsworthy.”
“Your publication of this fake photo violates many legal rights of our client by, among other things, defaming him,” says Jake’s lawyer.
Oh, really? Defaming him? Well, we don’t like defaming anyone. You might even say that we are gays and lesbians allied against defamation.
But what exactly is the defamation here? Is is that people might think, wrongly, that Jake wears underpants? Or that his reputation is sullied by the idea that he allowed someone to photograph him without pants on? Or that he stayed in what looks like a cheap motel?
Simply calling something defamation doesn’t make it so, as Howard Stern learned in 2009 when he tried — and failed — to sue someone for suggesting that he’s gay. Is that what’s going on here?
Jake’s a public figure, and we can talk about him if we want to. We can even speculate about what he looks like in his underwear. We can’t — and won’t — claim that this picture of him is definitely authentic, since we just don’t know. (A lot of people seem to claim that it isn’t, but internet-photoshop-experts are about as reliable as internet-lawyers.)
In any case, if Jake wants us to take down a fake photograph of him in his underwear, all he has to do is provide us with a real photo and we’ll gladly post that one instead.
After the jump: read the lawyers’ letter.
Left arm across baby’s torso, right hand supports baby’s tush #1
Left arm across baby’s torso, right hand supports baby’s tush #2
^ Was wondering if anyone else picked up on that. : )
Can you now do a comparison of 10 more actors holding an infant? I think that might prove that most people hold infants that way. Thank you in advance.
Jake's reaction to the photo has only caused the thing to kick around far longer than it would have--it's a week now, and this thing would have been over last weekend without the letter stirring things up. And when even an industry source like THR criticizes the move, you know it was really the wrong thing to do.
And yet he continues with his same management and pr.
Destiny, his overreaction is the same as what happened on the two blogs. That picture would've been a right-click 'n save and we would've moved on to the next subject, without another day's comments focused on it. But when totally off the wall accusations began to fly directed at individuals and OMG as a whole, the picture then became a story.
And yeah, Jake keeps following his people like a sheep follows the lead off the cliff. He gave final approval so he's got to deal with all the underpants ridicule.
I just have to laugh. The guy had no problem taking off his shirt at the drop of a hat during PoP promo, a movie in which he hardly even took his shirt off in. No problem with the 3/4 nude Santa hat dance in Jarhead. He also had no restraint bragging about all of the nudity and sex in LAOD.
Not to mention he had no self-consciousness in practically flashing his kiwis to the public with his 10-day old, walkin'-on-their-own train pants last month.
But he has an issue with white briefs and a yoga pose.
I think the influence of his people are giving Jake an atomic super wedgie.
An atomic super wedgie - could be a great idea for a Halloween costume this fall.
LAOD has the hetero seal of approval.
Now Jarhead, on the other hand, an undercurrent of homo under all the macho soldier business. Bet he wouldn't do something like that now.
Poor Jake. Made a laughingstock by the end of it all. I think most sites took the legal letter for what it was worth. A lame effort with as much leg to stand on as Jake in that photo.
13 more episodes of OTH? It would be so cool if they use one of Austin's scripts and let him direct it.
Chores kept me off the web almost all day yesterday and part of today. When you have a now 20+yr old house it seems like something needs to be replaced or repaired every week. Pain in the butt.
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