Now did Mr Nichols think he could get away from the pink hats?
Au contraire mon frere.
So for that OMG presents:
Top Ten Excuses for Austin's poof to pink hats.
10. Told too look out because he would be tickled pink later.
9. Nancy O'Dell tweeted him and knew he couldn't compete. Hrumph!
8. They were all sold out of pink sombreros after Cinco de Mayo.
7. Couldn't decide between blush and bashful.
6. Afraid someone would mistake him for Pepto - the Pepto Bismal boy.
5. Wanted to avoid the obvious, with those ears someone would crack the "pink elephant comment".
4. Someone would have figured out, that it wasn't Duckie he wanted to be for the OTH tribute to John Hughes.
3.Pink and brown (hair, eyes) is so last season.
2. With his height and those stems, the Goose would become a pink flamingo.
and the number 1 reason.
Afraid once he goes pink next stop is the crazy Red Hat Ladies.
But Austin - Embrace the pink! Always remember anyone looks good in pink supporting breast cancer awareness and research.
And just a touch a Jake since it's two-fer Friday.
Jake was seen in LA, heading into a boxing workout.

This is sad. This guy was a big-time player. From
Baseball Hall of Famer Harmon Killebrew said Friday he is ending his treatment for esophageal cancer and entering hospice care.
"It is with profound sadness that I share with you that my continued battle with esophageal cancer is coming to an end," Killebrew, 74, said in a statement Friday, according to
Killebrew is 11th in career home runs, hitting 573 during his 22-year career with the Washington Senators and Minnesota Twins, according to He was diagnosed with cancer late last year
"With the continued love and support of my wife, Nita, I have exhausted all options with respect to controlling this awful disease. My illness has progressed beyond my doctors' expectation of cure."
Killebrew, who has spent the past decade promoting hospice care and its benefits, said he is "very comfortable taking this next step and experiencing the compassionate care" of a hospice.
"I am comforted by the fact that I am surrounded by my family and friends. I thank you for the outpouring of concern, prayers and encouragement that you have shown me. I look forward to spending my final days in comfort and peace with Nita by my side."
I find it kinda funny to see Jake carrying that big gym bag by the handles. I prefer the shoulder strap myself, either the gym bag, overnight bag or laptop bag. Don't like using the handles! And normally you do see people carrying by the shoulder straps, not by the handles like he's using.
Maybe it's really heavy.
Hey isn't that a Tacoma in the background? Funny that.
LOL Still trying to push that, huh? I guess to confuse and throw off the detectives (and paps) he snaps the cap on and off when needed. But you clocked it, Spesh! I mean it's not like there are any other black Toyota Tacomas in LA or anything.
Unlike that Volvo you thought Jake still drove. Oh that's right you will keep ignoring that.
And I didn't say anything that it was related to Austin. I just pointed out how funny it was that a Tacoma was in the background after the discussion earlier today.
I am so glad everything is back to normal re blogger. I felt lost with no post, no comments to read or a way to make any.
Chaos here at home. I almost tripped over a salamander wandering around my family room. He's about a foot long. We both got surprised and he ran under the wine refrigerator. I am hiding in another room. I've surprised him a couple more times as he ventures out of hiding trying to find a way out. Last I saw of him he crawled into a gap in the vicinity of the dishwasher. This happens about once a year and eventually my husband is able to catch them and put them back outside. I guess when they get run down from lack of food and slow down a bit. They move fast, though watching him try to make traction on a hard wood floor is funny.
I'm still impressed with Austin smooth calves, because that looks like a wax job, and that's some effort and maybe some tequila to lessen the sting.
And those red hat ladies, Austin should be careful. They could corrupt a "good Southern boy" like him.:D
M, I am grinning at your comments about your salamander. Good luck with relocating him.
Living in the Caribbean for a bit, every night we would have to get the little lizards out of out bed before we crawled in. Now if you pick up a lizard up by the tail, they break off (and the tail regrows). Let's there were a lot of tailless lizards by the time we left.
It's bad enough to have the critter in my house. Not sure I would ever recover if I found one in my bed. I did get bit by a lizard once when I tried to get him out of the house. Bit me right on the finger but fortunately did not break skin
Wow, never had anything that big get in the house.
LOL, yeah I thought a spider was bad.
This building needs a band-aid
31 minutes ago
Okay, I'll be brave and put this up. Jake in his tighty whities: (Oh, and I suggest having a tall glass of something cold nearby, a damp wet cloth and something to collapse onto)
Tighty Whitey Jakey
There're a few souls next door rendering it a photoshop but it doesn't look like it to me. If it is, it is darn excellent and just like the black undies pic, still worth a look. Not only a look but a right click and Save. LOL!
This thing's gonna give you a jolt.
Jakey pretty proud of his little body, ain't he? Darn lil' narcissist.
Another little observation.
He is shaved, diplatoried, waxed, shined and buffed here. And by buffed, I'm not talking about muscled, I'm talking Turtle Wax and chamois buffed. He is shined up to the hilt.
Oh Jake is all kinds of fit and fancied there. He is looking mighty mighty fine indeed.
Striking a yoga pose, Jake's showing he's flexie like a bendie straw.
But the socks kill me. Although they may add a little more giddy up to Austin's step. ; )
Do you really believe that pic to be authentic?
Looks like Jake's in LA and hiking/running Runyon canyon.
@LaceySchwimmer Lacey Schwimmer
saw Jake Gyllenhaal @Runyon, 2time seein him 1time was on Regis&Kelly I tripped when I said hi. This time I had a dog strapped 2my chest fml
35 minutes ago via Echofon
@wannapeanut amanda sankey
Went ass over teakettle today at Runyan when my puppy said - hey look a stroller! Managed to get up before Jake Gyllenhaal ran by. #victory
32 minutes ago via Echofon
Chris Karlson
@chrisk910 Chris Karlson
Why do I love Runyan Cyn? Ummm, hi random fellow hiker Jake Gyllenhaal #starfucker
25 minutes ago via Twitter for iPhone
Boy, I know Twitter limits characters but gee whiz, that's still no reason for totally incoherent, run-on tweets. Those 3 were all literally big messes.
Jake totally all about getting ready for his movie. Jogging. Boxing. Or is that karate?
Boy, it is cold here! I think we're barely over 50 degrees.
I kinda like Adam's new hair color - kind of a bronze-ish on top. Wow, what a great head of hair he has.
But I'll tell you what. Adam buddy, that constant messing around is going to damage your hair if you keep changing it like that.
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