Today's Out Spotlight is an author, activist, speaker, editor, photographer and one of the leading transgender activists. Today's spotlight is Leslie Feinberg.
Leslie Feinberg was born September 1, 1949 in Kansas City, Missouri, into a working-class family. In the 1960’s, she came of age in the gay bars of Buffalo, New York.
After surgically transitioning from female-to-male, ze became an outspoken opponent of traditional Western concepts about how a “real man” or “real woman” should look and act. Feinberg supports the use of gender-neutral pronouns such as s/he, “ze” instead of he or she, and “hir” instead of him or her.Feinberg is well-known for forging a strong bond between the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender communities, and other oppressed minorities. “Everyone who is under the gun of reaction and economic violence is a potential ally,”
Hir acclaimed first book “Stone Butch Blues” written in 1993, is a semi-autobiographical novel about a lesbian questioning her gender identity. It is widely considered a groundbreaking work about gender.
The story is based around Jess Goldberg, a transgender individual growing up in a conservative town in New York and discovering the burgeoning gay community in Buffalo during the 1970s and 80s. The book,which won the Lambda Literary Award, is frequently taught at colleges, universities and some high schools.
“Transgender Warriors: Making History from Joan of Arc to Ru Paul”, hir first nonfiction work, examined the structures of societies that welcome or are threatened by gender variance. It was selected as one of The Publishing Triangle’s “100 Best Lesbian and Gay Nonfiction Books.”
Hir third book, “Trans Liberation: Beyond Pink or Blue” documents Feinberg’s near-death experience after being denied medical treatment for a heart problem. The doctor, after discovering his patient was transgender, turned hir away.
In 2006 Feinberg returned to fiction with hir second novel.“Drag King Dreams” picking up where “Stone Butch Blues” left off, chronicling the issues of transgender life today.
Ze is also a national leader in the Workers World Party and a managing editor of Workers World newspaper. Hir writings on LGBT history, "Lavender & Red," frequently appeared in the Workers World newspaper.
S/he has also been involved in Camp Trans and has been awarded an honorary doctorate from Starr King School for the Ministry for transgender and social justice work.In October 2007, ze was the keynote speaker at the Annual Convocation of The Church for the Fellowship of All Peoples in San Francisco, where ze was given the Howard Thurman Award “for hir activism and advocacy in defense of oppressed nationalities, women, disabled, the working class movement and the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community.” Hir speech focused on finding common ground where communists and religious activists can be in solidarity in the struggle for social transformation and liberation.
Proclamations congratulating hir were issued by the California State Legislature and the City and County of San Francisco. The mayor’s office named Oct. 21st “Leslie Feinberg Day.”
In 2008, after becoming disabled from a degenerative disease, which made writing difficult, s/he began telling hir stories through photography.Ze has delivered speeches at colleges, universities, conferences and Pride festivals across the country and was named one of the “15 Most Influential” in the battle for gay and lesbian rights by Curve Magazine.
Feinberg is married to poet and activist Minnie Bruce Pratt.
Ze has carried legal documents for 40 years that s clearly state who is, and is not, part of hir family. Irving David Feinberg, Betty Vance Hyde and Catherine Ryan Hyde, though biologically related, are legally defined as not part of hir family. The documents also define Feinberg's partner Pratt to be hir family; and also refers to certain other chosen people as family.
"Gender is the poetry each of us makes out of the language we are taught."
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Out Spotlight
Posted by
Special K
3:09 PM
Labels: Leslie Feinberg, Out Spotlight
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One very big thing the picture has shown us whether it is photoshopped or not is that no fake romance or Adam Latrine lecture has convinced anyone who believed it all along that Jake or Austin are not Gay.
A Photo Of Jake Gyllenhaal In His Underwear Hits The Internets
A new old photo of Jake Gyllenhaal posing in only his underwear has surfaced on the Interwebs and altho I’ve never seen the photo before, it’s possible that it’s a pic that’s been making the rounds for some time now. Jake looks a bit younger in the photo so that’s why I think it’s an “old” photo. The photo has been attributed to TMZ but it was found on a Tumblr site. Wanna see Jake in his undies? Check out the photo below.
Yeah, I have NO idea from whence this photo comes … but I love EVERYTHING about it. It would appear the photo was snapped in a hotel room so I have to wonder what other photos/things took place in that room. Can we PLEASE give it up for Jake‘s bum? I mean … yeah. This photo totally rules the world, don’t you think? I wonder if we’ll get to see more photos from this particular photo session. HMMMM. Enjoy!!
it's fake!!!!
Sorry JIS lunatics. Mission accomphished.
Great Spotlight, again. Ze is quite good looking. :)
Damn this photo is exploding all over the internet. PR must have been called in to do OT on Sunday.
Mission not accomplished fanghoul, one of your heroes, MK has declared it fake, I guess you were hoping no one would actually LOOK at it.
Next time don't photoshop his face on such a small body among other things.
Well Jack, go back and read Dlisted I have yet to see Michael K call it a fake. There are people on who commented calling it a fake, but nothing yet from the owner of Dlisted.
It was very different writing today's spotlight with gender neutral language. I wanted to make sure to respect Leslie's ideals and feelings regarding gender and gender identity.
MK doesn't care if it is real or not. His mission was accomphished. Keep the Gay rumors not only alive but roaring.
From MK:
This picture is nowhere to be seen on TMZ, so that leads me to believe that there's another site on the Internet called TMZ (but stands for Thigh Man Zone) or this beautiful yogay portrait was Photoshopped using the inspiration of Grace Jones, the head of Jakey Gyllenhaal and the body of a hot man flamingo. But it's Sunday, so I will temporarily believe that Jake once flashed his barely there nalgas like he's auditioning for the title role in the Palm Springs Gay Twink's Choir production of Black Swan. I love that whoever this is made sure that his socks matched the hotel carpet. Details like that really make a picture.
He said that he temp. will believe it's real because it's Sunday then says "whoever" made it. Sounds like he is saying it's fake IMO.
MK is not on a mission but you clearly are, and it blew up in your face. PITNB pulled it after they realized that it was fake, MK won't because he has already stated that it was kake so he's covered.
The tweets and the lesser blogs don't mater, LOL!!!
MK is not on a mission but you clearly are, and it blew up in your face.
LOLLL!! Jack is still believing someone from OMG designed and started the spread of this picture.
Too much. Jack, I'm embarrassed for ya.
PG has been hoisted up on the virtual shoulders of OMG for causing a troll meltdown, but I can't see it. lol
^^ Lookit. Some of the trolls have turned this picture into some kind of rallying pole for themselves. A few of them have been furiously beating the drum next door that there is some kind of "sinister" work and blueprint plan behind this picture.
Beyond laughable.
I'm kind of bored with it now myself. Frankly, I'm surprised at the life still in it and most of that life is being instilled by trolls.
Note that there's a difference between those who simply believe it's not Jake and those who not only believe the same conclusion but also believe that there is some kind of "sinister", "dastardly" plan behind its release.
It's that second group that I'm talking about.
Maybe Jake's people can issue a statement denying its validity, huh?
Hey, new pic of the man himself on x17, walking Atticus.
LOL, 3rd time's a charm!
Love the Livestrong socks; where've we seen those very recently?
Recognize the guy as the friend Jake was seen with before walking dogs. This is a planned photo op.
Wonder why?
Oh, sorry! Thanks, bad link.
Well, I mean I had the bad link. Thanks, 18:46! lol
x17 says it's their exclusive which tells me it's a planned photo op just like the last one was Jake did with this guy.
Jake doesn't look thrilled about having to do this walk. Look at his body language and look how his shoulders are down.
It's purpose is clearly to be seen.
The young lady with him looks like one of the ladies on his team.
But it is great to see Atti again.
And yeah it does looks like he nicked those socks from a guy named Nic, or is it vise versa?
Here's the link that worked for me.
Jake walking Atti - X17online
Congrats again to PG for causing a photo sensation and a 10 on the Richter scale for troll meltdowns. I think its photo-shopped, but who knows for sure. It looks like an old picture, but someone knew Jake was attending yoga classes. I would say that most on the web are assuming its real, shopped or not.
We watched 127hrs last night. We really enjoyed it despite the cutting off the arm scene. And Franco deserved the nomination for this one. I totally forgot it was Franco while watching the film. Near tears at one point. I loved the way Danny Boyle directed it too. My husband spent most of the Am googling Aaron Ralston so it was a hit with him too.
PG I sure hope you get decent weather when you visit Ca. Miserable here in sunny CA. Raining, cold. Very unseasonable weather.
Jake has not looked as miserable in a photo as I've seen since the Reeke days. I think he has had his fill of pretending.
All I did was put up a link; it was the trolls who conjured up all the hype. Unbelievable hoopla over what some are saying is a photoshop.
And we have yet to see the picture in its alleged original form.
I think the photo op is a direct result of all the brouhaha over the picture. For whatever reason, Jake's people made him go out.
It was in late January that Jake was out with this same guy and his dog, a couple of weeks after the "break up" with ol' Tay. That time it was clearly a photo op as well.
Tell you what. When I first came to OMG 3 years ago, I didn't even know what a photo op was. That an office admin from Kansas can now spot one doesn't say a whole lot for Jake's people.
Troll meltdown and I missed it. LOL PG, "thank you" for that. I can't believe this one got so much traction on "legit" sites like Dlisted. Love it.
For the past couple of years there's been a cocktail festival, for lack of a better word, and it includes the opportunity to go to trendy bars (in the middle of the afternoon) in a small group (15-20 people) and the owner/bartender talks and showcases 3 drinks, built around on ingredient. that is how I've spent this weekend, in the company of Roma. Yesterday we were in Brooklyn, and the featured alcohol in the drinks was Lillet, today in the Village and with Angostura Bitters. It's a blast, and I love this recent trend in bars that make classic, really good cocktails.
There are pics of Jake on IHJ of Jake going to yoga classes, so someoen would be all Jake fans aware of that site along with tons of pics that can be used to photoshop!
The guy with Jake was also with him last year when he went to that lakers game with Adam Levine.
I'm hoping for good weather, m. It is freeeezing today! It feels like winter and I have a sweatshirt on and I'm still cold.
The countdown is on and pretty soon, this Kansan will be headed for the big Califor-NI-A !!! Never been to California in my life; never west of Vegas, actually. It really is quite remarkable that OMG has taken me as far east as Boston and now, Lord willing, as far west as the Pacific ocean.
I hope to be able to compare the seafood of the East Coast to the seafood of the West. It may be next to impossible to top Lobster Mac & Cheese. That is just about pure heaven there.
M&M (wherever in the heck she is right now) and ol' PG will be running amuk!! over there and we hope we will be hooking up with m and her hubby. It should be another big YakFest and the boys' ears will be burning. lol
I'm really excited.
All I have to say this weekend is... I LOVE BRAZILIANS.
2 minutes ago
LOLLL!!! Austin!!!!
Attaboy Austie!! Grow those kiwis back, buddy!! I'm proud of ya.
Now here's the key:
Let. It. Stay. Up.
Couldn't you just give him a little lovin' noogie?
Hey m, Ch 23 is long done! My beta is holdin' me up. I'm already 3000+ words into Ch 24. Wait til you see this Grecian style indoor pool I have for the guys.
what was Austin's seekwit message today peegee?
It's a seekwit, Jack, sorry.
Okay, I'm sorry but I have to re-post this - just saw it on Twitter. Seems I've seen some of these same words spoken already this weekend:
From a blog called I'm Stalking Jake by Becky Heineke. Get a load of this:
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Jake Gyllenhaal in His Underwear (OR IS IT)
According to the Rules of Scandalous Jake Gyllenhaal Photos, the gayer the picture, the more likely it's a Photoshop job.
I can't believe I'm actually typing these words (it brings me deep personal shame to even admit I would know this) but...Jake's legs are longer, his arms are bigger, his head is large, but not that large, and that head did not start out on that body (T-minus 10...9...8... until someone finds the original pic in the IHJ archives). But POINTS FOR EFFORT, random Photoshopper.
And yet lack of points for sticking TMZ's logo on there because hello, it's super-easy to just go to fucking TMZ and see that the picture is not there and therefore this is made up.
Jake Gyllenhaal: Still not quite as gay as the internet desperately wants him to be.
And that is not me bolding that last sentence but it is the author, aka Profit Girl.
Suns CEO Reveals He's Gay
Phoenix Suns president and CEO Rick Welts recently revealed that he is gay
This is pretty big. This guy is the President and CEO of the NBA Phoenix Suns. This could be the biggest coming out by anyone presently empoyed by a Major League team. I wonder if this is the guy Bergman was working with. He is a personality in the entertainment business.
That's great about Welts Tom.
Good detective work PG.
Poor PG, clutching at straws and blaming prophecy girl for that picture. Talk about delusional.
She didn't blame anyone for that picture.
All she posted was the reaction to the picture from I'm Stalking Jake. And saying that "the same words spoken already this weekend."
You might want to read what she posted again, this time for comprehension.
Oh SK, snark has never suited you, lol. PG is trying (really hard) to infer that Prophecy girl has been trolling OMG and WFT. No need to read PG's drivel again. LOL!!
Now you are changing your story. That's not what you said.
See your comments
Poor PG, clutching at straws and blaming prophecy girl for that picture.
Now you are saying:
to infer that Prophecy girl has been trolling OMG and WFT.
So which is it? Or are you going for door number 3 this time?
First of all get your posters correct. I am 8:54, but did not post the original post at 8:33. So it's a bit impossible for me to be "changing my story".
Sk/peegee, etc are jealous that Becky made $$$ writing about Jake's crazy fandom, that's why they call her profit girl, how childish.
BTW, her points about the picture and TMZ aren't rocket scientist revelations, Stevie wonder can see that pic is fake and it was really dumb to put the TMZ tag on it, even MK checked and noted that, really dumb.
Sticking jake's head on a too small body, photoshopping his arm onto the body because of the watch, attempting to make his head smaller, even the socks were added, you can see that the right foot is smaller than the other.
Epic fail. Sure the dumb lazy tweeters aren't Jake fans and some blogs as well but at least PITNB pulled it when they realized it was fake and MK knew it was fake but posted it for shits and giggles.
Jack I have never used that moniker at all for her. In fact I don't comment about about bloggers and what they do, that is their own choice. I have said many times, there is space in Jake fandom, for all different kinds of blogs and fans.
Nor have I commented about her directly ever before or even now.
What I did comment about was the post that PG made that was being misconstrued by you.
Again you might want to work on getting your facts you straight.
Now say good bye Jack
I went over to I'm stalking jake site and noticed someone trolling over there. The last time that happened, we all know it was prairiegirl. Funny that pg was very quick to accuse Becky of trolling. How transparent.
Jack couldn't, or wouldn't, get a fact straight if his life depended on it. The very thought probably causes him to break out into a sweat
I have never posted on I'mStalkingJake.
You need to look elsewhere for your accusation on that, Jack. I won't be false accused.
sureee! You were quick to go there and copy/paste from Becky's post. Frequent visitor methinks LOL!!
And you're the only one who calls her Profit girl. Sprung!
Jack sure loves to use peoples names. Must be some psychological significance to that.
I'm surprised by how much traction that tmz photo got. But then again it is supposed to be Jake in his undies so that alone would generate interest.
PG sorry I missed your call. I usually have my cell on me at all times but for some reason I left it in the the bedroom all day Sunday and did not even check it until this AM. I'll call you back soon.
it's not a tmz photo m but you already know that.
it's a very poor photoshopped pic, only believed to be real to the lazy , blind or annoyed that it has been revealed to be fake.
a piece of shit with jake's head pasted on it or any other celeb would get traction, but that's the point isn't it?
PG was quick to cast the first stone by implying that prophecy girl has been trolling here, but PG doesn't like being accused of the same thing. Funny that!
It has nothing to do with "liking" it or not "liking" it, Jack.
I've made my statement and I'm done about that.
That's all you have to cling to right now anyway, too bad.
And Jack that's not the Stubborn from OMG. Nice try.
What was the word you used before? Oh yeah, Epic Fail.
My little buddy just became a first time grandma this past weekend. Twins!!!
Her daughter was artificially inseminated and it's a boy and a girl, 4 lbs. and 6. Isn't that great? So exciting - she's bustin' today with her pictures. She's been waiting a long time to be a grandma!! It's a happy day for her here at work today - I'm so happy for her.
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