Today's Out Spotlight is an author and advocate for civil and social justice, a gay rights pioneer and early HIV/AIDS expert. He spoke up and spoke out as voice for all, right up until the end of his life. Today's Out Spotlight is Kiyoshi Kuromiya.
Kiyoshi Kuromiya was born May 9, 1943 in a Japanese internment camp in rural Wyoming during World War II. Steven Kiyoshi Kuromiya grew up in the LA suburb of Monrovia,California with his parents and younger sister. In 1961, he graduated with honors from Monrovia High School and was accepted at the University of Pennsylvania. While a student at Penn he became active in the civil rights and antiwar movements.
A committed civil rights and anti-war activist he participated in demonstrations and protest around the country . He served as an assistant of Martin Luther King Jr. and took care of King's children immediately following his assassination.
To protest of the use of napalm in Vietnam in 1968, he announced that a dog would be burned alive in front of the University of Pennsylvania's Van Pelt Library. Thousands turned up to protest, only to find a message from Kuromiya: "Congratulations on your anti-napalm protest. You saved the life of a dog. Now, how about saving the lives of tens of thousands of people in Vietnam."
He was one of the founders of Gay Liberation Front-Philadelphia. He participated with Frank Kameny, Barbara Gittings and other LGBT pioneers in the first organized gay and lesbian civil rights demonstrations. These "Annual Reminders," held at Independence Hall and the Liberty Bell each Fourth of July from 1965 to 1969, laid the groundwork for the Stonewall Riots and the LGBT civil rights movement.
In 1970, he served as an openly gay delegate to the Black Panthers convention, where the organization endorsed the LGBT liberation struggle.From 1978 to 1983 he traveled worldwide with his mentor, architect Buckminster Fuller, and collaborated on the last 6 of Fuller's books, writing the last book posthumously in 1992. (Fuller died in 1983) Including Fuller's book, Critical Path, which argued that people can control their destiny through technology. Kuromiya later called his AIDS newsletter, ``Critical Path.''
Diagnosed with AIDS in 1989, he became a self-taught expert on the disease, operating under the mantra "information is power." Believing that patients fared best when they understood the disease, explored treatment options and actively participated in medical decisions he created the resources to empower those with HIV/AIDS.Kuromiya is perhaps best known as the founder of the Critical Path Project, which brought the strategies and theories of his associate/mentor Buckminster Fuller to the struggle against AIDS.
This provided information and resources to people living with HIV and AIDS, creating a community medicine chest to help patients get free drugs, publishing a newsletter for up to date information and resources, and ran a 24-hour hotline for patients needing information -- even prisoners calling collect.
The Critical Path newsletter, one of the earliest and most comprehensive sources of HIV treatment information, was routinely mailed to thousands of people living with HIV all over the world. He also sent newsletters to hundreds of incarcerated individuals to insure their access to up-to-date treatment information.
Critical Path provided free access to the Internet to thousands of people living with HIV in the Philadelphia area, hosted over a hundred AIDS related web pages and discussion lists, and showed a whole generation of activists and people living with HIV that the Internet can be a tool for information, empowerment and organizing.
In the first issue of Critical Path, published in 1989, he wrote, "it is our conviction that . . . a heroic endeavor is now needed both to provide for the continuing health maintenance of Persons With AIDS the world over, and, by the year 2001 to find a cure for the ravages of AIDS for all time."
On his Web site, he posted graphic AIDS prevention and treatment news that he believed was necessary to patients' health. Seeking to protect the public's right to such information, he was a plaintiff in a suit claiming that the 1996 Communications Decency Act, which criminalized the circulation of "patently offensive" sexual material, was unconstitutional. In 1996, the U.S. Supreme Court agreed and struck down key provisions of the act.Kuromiya understood science and was involved locally, nationally and internationally in AIDS research. As both a treatment activist and clinical trials participant, he fought for community based research, and for research that involves the community in its design. He fought for research that mattered to the diversity of groups affected by AIDS, including people of color, drug users, and women. In 1996 he sat on the FDA panel that recommended approval of first potent protease inhibitors.
Around the same time, Kuromiya became the first employee of We the People with AIDS and a founding charter member of ACT UP-Philadelphia and the ACT UP network , a pioneering organization that helped bring AIDS to the national consciousness. He was the editor of the ACT UP Standard of Care, the first standard of care for people living with HIV produced by PWAs.
Kuromiya became the lead plaintiff in a federal class action lawsuit calling for the legalization of marijuana for medical uses.
Known for his intelligence and wit was also a nationally ranked Scrabble player and a master of Kundalini yoga.To the end, Kuromiya remained an activist, insisting on and receiving the most aggressive treatment for cancer and the HIV that complicated its treatment. He participated fully in every treatment decision, making sure that he, his friends and fellow activists were involved with his treatment every step of the way. He never gave up.
He died May 10, 2000, due to complications from AIDS he was 57 years old.
"I really believe that activism is therapeutic."
Programming Note: On Monday,April 25, PBS stations unveiled a new documentary about the Stonewall Riots. Check your local listings for times and dates of encore presentations.
Kuromina sure did a lot of things in his all too short life. Funny about using the dog to get a crowd, love it.
I was really amazed at all the things Kuromiya did and I just hit some on the list. He participated in sit ins, was in Montgomery for the protest, was at the Democratic Convention in Chicago protesting as well.
His work and philosophy about HIV/AIDS information and resources was ahead of it's time. It was those people who took control and demanded information and answers about HIV/AIDS that led the way to making a difference in facing and treating the disease.
I didn't quite catch all of what he did but it looked like he was extremely active. I was surprised at how young he was when he died compared to what he had been involved in. You know, it's great to be involved in a lot of things, i.e. in school, at work and at church. There are people walking this earth who may not have a real padded resume or life history, but they do something as simple as smile & say good morning to a lonely person every day or whenever they see them, and that little lone simple act can make a very important impact on a life which in turn can affect other lives. I think that is just as important.
Everyone has a talent. Everyone has a part in this world, be it small or big. And it all adds up.
As I was talking with someone today, this is where he screws up every time and gets a big mustard stain in the middle of his starched white T. Underplay does not appear to be in the repertoire or list of talents. Nor does casual. Nor is understated.
What is on the menu in big bold, underscored letters is overplay. Over the top. Hyperfocused. That's it. That's the 3 choices.
Nothing has changed.
Jake is still gay. Jake is still in a committed relationship with Austin Nichols. And Jake is a big ol' diaper wrappin', Chick-A-Boom-Boom readin', sippy cup fillin' dad, several times over.
Great Spotlight, Special. What an amazing man.
Everyone has a talent. Everyone has a part in this world, be it small or big. And it all adds up.
Well said PG. And lol the need for more gigabytes.
This whole "it was a last minute decision" is so ridiculous. Even if you don't believe there is a BT, what about Atticus? He just up and left him like that? And really, he doesn't have the time or money to buy a few things on the road? Of course not, because it interferes with the whole "story".
Meanwhile, got to wonder if Quinto isn't maybe inching towards that closet door, he's been papped twice with Jonathan Groff in the past week (although admittedly he didn't look happy about it the first time). Someone on DL a while back claimed that they'd avoid walking together in public so as to not get papped, either that person was wrong, or he's changed his mind. Plus there's the blind item that fits him, about someone in a hit sci-fi film from 2009 battling his management over coming out before the sequel comes out.
Good for Zachary Quinto - I hope to gosh it is true about him vs. his people.
One thing I have gotten into over the past week and a half has been Adam Lambert. What a refreshing change!
He's out, he's open, he's charming as hell. His tweeting, though not on the clever level as Austin's, is wonderfully entertaining. I love the way he talks to his fans and he can be funny. He's just charming as all get out.
Plus, his voice is just sexy as heck, too. Holy cow, that song Aftermath; I'm still not tired of listening to it. What an incredible song and lyrics.
This whole "it was a last minute decision" is so ridiculous. Even if you don't believe there is a BT, what about Atticus? He just up and left him like that? And really, he doesn't have the time or money to buy a few things on the road? Of course not, because it interferes with the whole "story".
Good point about Atticus, too. The whole thing would've been more effective and believable had he stopped after a couple of shows. But to follow it all over the States like he just had nothing else to do? Please.
Give me a break. One word - overkill.
May 1, 2011, 10:51 pm
Bin Laden Is Dead, U.S. Official Says
Osama bin Laden has been killed, a United States official said Sunday night. President Obama is expected to make an announcement on Sunday night, almost 10 years after the September 11 attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.
Good news about Bin Laden if it is indeed true.
I wondered about Atticus too, but then we know Jake has someone minding the store at home. I' ve kept quiet about a few things re this road trip too. On the one hand I am glad he is sowing some wild oats. He is a bit late for his teen rebellion. On the other hand this is just like when he followed Lance and Mcmaughany(sp.) I'd prefer to see others follow Jake, not the other way around.
You heard it here first. Osama Bin Laden is dead. I broke the story first. Sorry, I cannot reveal my sources.
6 hours ago
My buddy plays a lot of Call of Duty. He claims he assassinated #BinLaden from his couch. "Don't underestimate the power of the internet."
6 hours ago
I'm pretty sure that facebook is going to get credit for the assassination of #BinLaden.
6 hours ago
Big day for The United States of America. I love all my brothers and sisters all around the world. #BinLaden
5 hours ago
On the one hand I am glad he is sowing some wild oats. He is a bit late for his teen rebellion. On the other hand this is just like when he followed Lance and Mcmaughany(sp.) I'd prefer to see others follow Jake, not the other way around.
Well said, m. See, I don't know if Mutt 'n Jeff realize this or not but they're doing exactly what they think they are rebelling against. They're puppets. They're all the time reacting and rebelling to what others are either talking about or what they're being told to do or not do.
Who knows what the whole past week or so was entirely about but there is no doubt part of it is a reaction to the blogs and those who are following their story. See, Jake couldn't possibly be a dad. Lookit. He's taken off on a whim, gone for weeks, oh look-now he's off to NYC! He's a single, free of responsibility man. He's hanging out with his fave group, he's a groupie, living out a dream
And while he was at it, he had a great time. That's all & good. But you'd love to give these 2 a good Roxbury because they just wasted a week out of their lives reacting and in essence, being played.
They're shackled, they're ball & chained and they're imprisoned by their own closet instead of living their lives the way they should be doing, the way they think they're doing but alas, aren't even close and last week just proved it.
Dear Ted:
I don't understand people who write to you who seem to dislike you so much. Why don't they just stop reading you? It's like those freakish conservatives who hate Glee. Just turn the flipping channel! But I digress. So what do you think of Toothy Tile's new hair do? Hot or not?
Dear New Do:
Hot, always hot. And thanks for the support and love!
It is time for Jacob Gyllenhaal to take a good hot shower, change his underwears, buy a new pair of pants, and haul his chunky little ass back home where it belongs before I mail to CAA a T-shirt for him that reads Deadbeat Dad.
LOL. This is one of the funniest things ever. Yes, I'm sure Jake is quaking in his boots - "Oh no - prairiegirl is mad at me! Oh no - prairiegirl doesn't approve of the way I live my life! Oh no, she's going to pull out the big guns and voice her disapproval to my agents!"
Yes, keep delivering those ultimatums because, of course, you have so much power!
No one is delivering ultimatums. Simply put, Jake and Austin are tools who continue to live their lives reacting to those around them instead of honestly living their lives. Too concerned about others finding out the truth about who they love. Sad really.
No one is delivering ultimatums.
Prairiegirl did :) If you make the threat that unless someone takes some kind of action that you want them to, then you will take some other kind of action, that's an ultimatum. So when she said: It is time for Jacob Gyllenhaal to take a good hot shower, change his underwears, buy a new pair of pants, and haul his chunky little ass back home where it belongs before I mail to CAA a T-shirt for him that reads Deadbeat Dad. it's an ultimatum. Now, of course, she doesn't actually have the power to make an ultimatum, but it's amusing nonetheless to see how seriously some of you take all this silliness.
Oh Jack, thanks for the laugh.
Speaking of things that are kind of funny, I found out about Osama because I was on DataLounge, and all of a sudden all these Osama is dead posts went up. Then I turned on the news and saw Obama speak.
Great news, I just hope it doesn't cause any terrorist attacks in retaliation.
Hard to take a burlesque show seriously. There must also have been a pratfall or two along the way, given the tear in Jake's pants near his crotch at the Memphis stopover. Jake should probably stop giving impromptu piggyback rides.
I agree, Destiny. Now we have to worry about retaliation.
Glad I could give you some cud to chew on, Jack!
Maybe get a bigger size of pants, M&M!
These kinds of things CAN happen as we all age.
tsk, tsk, Jake.
I adore Adam, I'm glad you've become a fan PG. Still don't have a twitter account, but maybe it's time to finally get one.
True to form, a Fox "News" affiliate had a scrawl line for six minutes last night: Obama bin Laden Dead:
In the rush to report the news of Osama Bin Laden's death, a FOX News affiliate in Sacramento should have taken a moment to check its spelling.
Running along the bottom of FOX40's report on the event, the chyron read: "Reports: Obama Bin Laden Dead."
Apparently, some people issued complaints and accusations that it did it on purpose. After all, FOX News has some obvious conservative leanings in its coverage with Glenn Beck and Bill O'Reilly over at the mother ship.
FOX40 issued an apology (kind of), but not before they defended its mistake by pointing out how easily it could be made and that other news organizations made similar mistakes, including CNN and the Modesto Bee newspaper.
They even threw a fellow FOX affiliate in San Diego under the bus for its anchor actually saying "President Obama" instead of "Osama Bin Laden" was dead.
I adore Adam, I'm glad you've become a fan PG. Still don't have a twitter account, but maybe it's time to finally get one.
Oh yeah, I'm a fan now. Probably first of all because I keep downloading his songs! lol. The guy is also very magnetic and he has a radiant beauty that shines from within.
His tweets are entertaining. He's in the midst of working on his next album and he tweeted out to his fans if they had any ideas for songs. I mean, one time he just complained about the temperature in California. (I think it was 88 degrees if I remember right). LOL!
I also liked when he addressed his fans as "lovelies". I thought that was awesome.
Just had cold oatmeal for lunch. Couldn't nuke it but about 10 seconds because it was in a styrofoam-ish cup all weekend with saran wrap & a rubber band to cover and I was too lazy to transfer it to a microwaveable bowl. It was still darn good.
Abundance All Natural Apple & Cinnamon oatmeal. Very good stuff.
You certainly paint a grim picture of parenthood. What's wrong with a little fun? Fun doesn't end with responsibilities. All Jake did was take a vacation on a train.
LOL! I pasted the same doggone thing. 3rd time's a charm and now the back seat of those pants ought to have a good chunk taken out of them to match the front after this third time:
You know, it would take me probably about 6 hours to vent about Mr. World Tour and we all know who that is. But Special doesn't have that kind of gigabyte space nor does everyone want to have to scroll past all of it.
Not only that, but it's not worth my time. I didn't see half of it nor am I going to - I'm glad I missed a lot of it. But I've seen enough now.
And I'm just going to say this.
It is time for Jacob Gyllenhaal to take a good hot shower, change his underwears, buy a new pair of pants, and haul his chunky little ass back home where it belongs before the two words “Deadbeat Dad” start getting dropped around here.
Fantasy Folk Camp is over. College dorm days are over. And Pretend Single Guy Monopoly is officially called for lack of offspring responsibility and spousal consideration.
Play time is over, Jake and it's time to go home and pay some attention to the people who are overly patiently waiting for you.
Did anyone catch the name on the letter to Ted today about Toothy?
So what do you think of Toothy Tile's new hair do? Hot or not?
I didn't notice the name, I sort of stopped paying attention to that once I realized from the few letters I had answered, and of course Tom too, that Ted uses the name you sign your letter with.
That is pitiful, and sadly not surprising, about Fox News using "Obama". I can't wait to see what the wingnuts come up with for a reason why Osama being dead is not a good thing--or more likely, why they don't believe it.
I don't know anything about Mumford & Sons. Do any of them have families, and were the families along for the train ride? If so, BT could have been along.
More likely BT was with Jake's family, or with Austin--not sure I think he was along for any of this (although pictures of him supposedly in LA mean nothing, he could have taken them anytime, and saved for later).
I wonder why Ted hasn't said anything about Goose in a long time.
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