It doesn't look like it's a telemarketer talking to Jake. But someone's got his attention.

Why does smooth talking tall Texan come to mind?
Jake might have been tooting his horn, but Austin's a Music Man too. We know he sings,

Tell us something we don't know about Jake..., your costar in The Day After Tomorrow. We heard you became BFFs while filming.
He makes really smart choices.He knows what works for him. And the kid can sing!" (People June 11,2007)
Baz Lurhman is saying the same thing. Sitting down with MTV to talk about the 10th anniversary of Moulin Rouge he talks about who else audition for the movie, including Heath, Jake and Courtney Love. What did Baz say about Jake?
"Jake should do a musical," Luhrmann said. "He's a wonderful actor, but [he has a] great voice, tremendous voice. He sang some [Stephen] Sondheim for me, complicated singing, great voice. When is he going to guest on 'Glee?' "
Glee goes up against OTH on Tuesdays. Maybe OTH would go for an all singing all dancing episode the same night.
Speaking of the Crazy Tree, it grows on.....

With only 3 episodes left of OTH, there's not much Julian left but alot for him to do. There's find out the real truth about BrookeDavis'(TM)accident and avenge it. (Wait wasn't that last week? Think again. This is the Crazy Tree remember) Move to New York. Give BrookeDavis(TM)a baby. Restart a career. (Does Julian get a career or will he have to give it up to raise the kids?) Male bonding. And get in some baseball.

Tonight on the Crazy Tree.
The Man Who Sailed Around His Soul" - Jumping in the Mystery Machine Nathan aka Freddy, Julian aka Shaggy and Feats of Clay (come on he's going to be Daphne and you know it) find out if really was Old Man Kellerman was really behind the accident on the only bridge in Tree Hill and getting in coaching Jamie's first little league game. Meanwhile, BadBadBartenderChase asks Alex to take a drug test for him dum dum DUMMMM! BikiniQuinn gets an offer to do a shoot in Puerto Rico. Cue bikini's,location episode, and freedom for the fellas for next episode)And BrookeDavis(TM)tries for her hand at a good old fashion trade for Baby Lydia. (A sign, a car (with new tires), designer sunglasses, and Julian's truck).

And today's Two Wheel Tuesday. Get out and ride.
Wonder if Austin has ever said this?

Cute as button these two are, think there is a couple who would have them beat.
Kissing Courtside
Why does smooth talking tall Texan come to mind?
Because it's the only thing that you think about when you think about Jake?
This was a trick question right?
Maybe the better question would be: If they're supposed to be a couple, why wouldn't Jake actually be in the same city as Austin when he clearly has all the time in the world to go wherever he wants?
Austin has all the time in the world too. He could be almost anywhere.
If you bother to look at the body language Special's saying it's not a business call. And he's hiding behind a bush and truck for God's sake.
Haha TwowheelTuesday? #onlyinportland @AUS10NICHOLS
Here's a video Jake arriving at The Daily Show last month to promote Source Code, meeting fans and signing autographs.
Jake at The Daily Show
If you bother to look at the body language Special's saying it's not a business call. And he's hiding behind a bush and truck for God's sake.
LOL. He's outside on a public street, ffs. And "not a business" call doesn't automatically = Austin. I know it's not popular to admit it around here, but he has lots of friends and he could've been speaking to anyone.
Jake Gyllenhaal sighting at Chelsea Market. Woof.
3 hours ago
"Woof" is used by gay guys to describe an attractive rugged manly guy.
And "not a business" call doesn't automatically = Austin. I know it's not popular to admit it around here, but he has lots of friends and he could've been speaking to anyone.
You're free to say anything you want, who's holding you back? I don't have a problem at all saying it may not, probably isn't Austin he's talking to. Who in the heck knows where Austin is at, has been for the past week?
Nobody knows. You can't tell. And that would be why? Think about it.
Things get revealed in due time. I know I'm not sweating it.
I've been moving furniture tonight. I've got a garage sale to get ready for. I've got a job that's gotten really hectic in the past couple of weeks and will be from here on out. I've got a phone upgrade to suddenly plan for. Got a trip to the big state of California to start getting ready for.
I think it's apparent that no one here is really sweating who in the heck Jake is talking on the phone to in his hobo clothes with his hobo sack. But you just go right on ahead. Let us know who your conclusion is.
Oh no! Bald Jake Gyllenhaal looks a little too much like John Travolta. Grow it back quick Jake!!/thesnitchboard
Nobody knows. You can't tell.
Exactly. You can't tell. There is absolutely nothing in those pictures that would bring a "tall Texan" to mind.
Let us know who your conclusion is.
?? That makes no sense. I just said that he could be talking to anyone - which means that there is no conclusion to be made. It's ridiculous to even try to make assumptions about who someone is talking to by looking at a picture.
SK is the one who thinks she can divine who Jake is talking to just by looking at the pictures - not anyone else :)
Jake's clearly not talking business. It is clearly someone he is very comfortable with. He body language is open and relaxed. Look at his face, it is soften and open. There is no tension.
Whatever that person is saying to him has him deep in thought, look how his eyes are hooded. Look at the way he's chewing his lip and rolling up his tongue.
That's not a business call, 22:21. Quit projecting things onto Special and get over your issues.
I think it's obvious that it's probably someone who he's very comfortable with. Knows very well. You can just tell.
I think it's a lonely looking picture myself and kind of sad. Don't ask me why.
But the fact that he's shoved up into the corner of that bench and just the way he's pushed into it, arm across his tummy, falling asleep while he's on the phone. Then when he sees the pap camera on him, he starts to get up and he suddenly becomes all alert looking.
I think Jake looks very alone there. It would make a great art picture, actually.
Excellent song choice, too, Special to go with the post. That's a beautiful song.
And when I said "you can't tell", I was referring to where Austin Nichols is, not to who Jake is talking to.
Off to bed! Time to get some shut-eye.
No big deal said...
If you bother to look at the body language Special's saying it's not a business call. And he's hiding behind a bush and truck for God's sake.
LOL. He's outside on a public street, ffs. And "not a business" call doesn't automatically = Austin. I know it's not popular to admit it around here, but he has lots of friends and he could've been speaking to anyone.
Nut job, loser, sicko, pathethic. Just a few lovely words that come to mind when I think of someone who does what you do. I love what you do. Its so funny. It makes me think how sad you are really.
^What's apparent is how obsessed you are about it. How many posted have you made?
I did watch the Crazy Tree tonight. Not really loving the transitions they made, it just seemed all over the place in terms of timelines, but hey it's OTH, time is irrelevant.
They opened up at Jamie's little league game, and while they were singing the National Anthem, there was Julian out in the field singing along to himself while the rest stood hat to chest. There was something quirky enough to make you grin.
One thing I did notice, is that there was a large American flag wave that filled the entire screen for 2 seconds, and maybe wonder if they inserted it after the recent events.
Back to the crazy of the Crazy Tree. The whole who's pregnant played out like a game of "telephone". I was waiting for Julian to say Purple Monkey Dishwasher. (Simpson's joke)
And no BrookeDavis(TM) is not moving to New York. She is giving it up for the children to be named later. They are staying in Tree Hill. And doesn't Julian get a say where they live at all, or did that go with his pair too?
Next week, the ladies go to Puerto Rico, and the guys go camping. Again.
Today's song is from Sondheim's show "Follies", I know Jake is a big fan of Sondheim's musical "Into the Woods" but could see him singing this one too.
Jake just looks exhausted to me. Especially in the 2nd and 3rd pics. It's been a long train ride.
I am up to about 4 unwatched episodes of OTH, but I will get around to them eventually, so thanks for summarizing the plot a bit. Keeps me somewhat up to date.
The troll would be a lot more credible if they did not instantly argue about every thing. Any fool can see that Jake is not on a business call. His body language is way too relaxed and one only allows oneself to nod off when talking with very close friends. He must be exhausted from this trip. He looks wiped out. And at loose ends to boot.
Funny about Jake's singing. He projected a lot more confidence about it in the past. I hope we get to hear more than the SNL bit someday.
12:08 and m make a more sensible realization. Probably plain old tiredness.
Love this song. How beautiful.
That's not a business call, 22:21. Quit projecting things onto Special and get over your issues.
Any fool can see that Jake is not on a business call.
LOL. Who said it was a business call? I never said that. You're the one that needs to stop projecting and being overly-defensive or maybe you just need to learn to read. What I said was Jake has lots of friends and he could be talking to anyone. Why is that so controversial and why are y'all getting up in arms over such an obvious observation?
OCD said...
^What's apparent is how obsessed you are about it. How many posted have you made?
Could care less. Keep making an ass out of yourself. I enjoy it.
This is part of the write up yesterday on Popsugar about Jake.
Jake Gyllenhaal popped up in NYC yesterday afternoon, chatting on his cell phone outside a cafe in the Chelsea neighborhood of Manhattan. The actor's in his home city after a stint in LA shooting End of Watch, and his role in the film actually necessitated that Jake shave off his usually luscious locks. He did, though, have a break from the set to take in a few recent shows by the band Mumford & Sons
When is NY been his home city? Most people would say Jake's from LA.
We've seen other places drop this hint that NY's home before.
Is this a plan? And what's the purpose?
These pics really do look like he's checking in with loved one(s) before he comes home. Be home soon! :)
I watched Glee, good episode built around Fleetwood Mac's Rumours album. During the show they also showed this really great commercial from Google Chrome featuring the It Get's Better Campaign, really touching and effective. Here's the clip for anyone who wants to watch.
It Gets Better
Oh wow, I kind of wish I had seen that episode. Fleetwood Mac - what a fantastic group. And Rumours was packed with lyrics about events going on in the members' lives at that time.
Love Stevie Nicks - that lady is the best. There is nothing like a Stevie Nicks twirl.
^^ that's me! Blogger not liking me this morning.
Whoops! There we go! There's Colombo! lol
I had Glee on in the background, watching with one eye. I liked last weeks episode too, which I watched for the first time in a long time. That's what made me turn it on again last night. A talented cast for sure.
Not my kind of movie, but I am blown away by how well Fast Five is doing at the box office. One article attributed its success to an ethnically diverse cast which brought in all types of viewers. Something for everyone.
I take that reference to NY as Jake's home with a grain of salt. He calls LA home.
Awww, that was one of my fave Fleetwood Mac albums. I'm sorry I missed Glee last night. Thanks for the link! :)
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