All I have to say this weekend is... I LOVE BRAZILIANS. - AUS10
The Top Ten BRAZILIANS Austin might be loving (and don't think it's because he went and saw Rio or caught Terry Gilliam's Brazil again)
10. Brazilian Barbeque?
9.Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu ?
8. Brazilian Football?
7. Brazilian Sambas?
6. Brazilian Carnival?
5. Brazil's Gisele Bunchen? (you know 'cause Austin kinda has bit of Tommy B look, (please don't do the headband Austin) )
4. Brazil Nuts?
3. Brazilian Butt Lift ?
2. Brazilian Blow outs ?
or after all the talk about silky smooth and buffed
A good Brazilian Wax?
Austin was seen out last night The DeLeon Tequila Two Year Anniversary party at the Chateau Marmont.How sad is a party that's on the slowest night of the week? Who has a party for alcohol on a Sunday night? And did you the guest list?

Doubtful that it was his idea to go, he's not the person who needs the red carpet fix.
Wonder if he's like that other time when he went along for the drinks and the free tequila .
This looks like a (kinda) grin and bear it night.
Kind of like another fella.

Jake's Mr Mopey here seen with Atti and friends.

Know that everyone is saying this Jake doing the canyon on Sat. But is it a bait and switch.
Ask yourself:
Why were the tweets just seeing Jake? No mention of being with friends.
And come on no mention of Atti or just Jake and his dog on the trail? When he's out with Atti people notice.
Who Took the Jake Gyllenhaal Tighty-Whitey Photo?
If you've ever wondered whether Jake Gyllenhaal prefers boxers or briefs, the answer is a resounding...briefs.
And check out the photographic evidence to prove it!
Get a load of hose tighty-whiteys hugging Jakey's taut tuchus in this semi-scandalous photo, which popped up on the netz Sunday and seemingly came from nowhere.
So what's that flaming flamingo pose and why is he nearly naked?
It ain't a yoga class on a nudist retreat!
Taking a page out of the Amber Rose handbook, seems Gyllenhaal is recreating Grace Jones' iconic photo from the cover of her album, Island Life.
Because doesn't every superhero dude love listening to Grace Jones and mimicking the flamboyant singer's poses?
The real question is: Who took the photo and how does JG get such buns of steel?
We are dying to know who was on the other end of that camera, and what made him feel like getting his disco butt on? Obviously, the photog's someone Jake feels super comfortable with and is also a major fellow Jones fan. Let the guessing game begin!
(Proabably safe to rule Taylor out.)
While Gyllenhaal's rep says she is super busy at the moment, we are promised further deets on the photo as soon as they are made clear!
One thing that is clear—Gyllenhaal is apparently hiding a certain side from us!
Could this photo be any, um, less typical downtime for a big-action movie star? Well, other than those ugly socks that match the seedy carpet.
Jake, where's the real you been hiding all these years?! Under your Brokeback Mountain cowboy hat, perhaps?
We just can't quit you, Jake.
Those photos of Jake and crew look like they were just hiking around a parking lot. And boy does Jake look unhappy.
The Frisky: Jake Gyllenhaal Channels Grace Jones In Tighty-Whities
Best Week Ever: Jake Gyllenhaal, In Underwear, Poses Like Grace Jones
Refinery 29:Jake Gyllenhaal's Butt Perks Up Our Day
Well Ted seems to think it is real.
There is gonna be some heavy duty spinning going on very soon.
Those of you who guessed "Don Lemon" for that "Which TV personality is coming out?" blind item can give yourself a pat on the taint this morning. But you know, you should always start your day with a pat on the taint no matter what since it's the body part that barely gets any love. It's always getting splattered with all kinds of bodily fluids from our genitals and b-hole and we never thank it for that. We basically treat it like a back alley. It gets no love! It's like the Marlon Jackson of body parts. So we should all pat our taints to let it know that we care. But I'm digressing all over a post again. Let's move on to DON LEMON'S COMING OUT PARTY!!!!!
CNN's prime-time weekend anchor Don Lemon, who is Liz Lemon's ninth cousin once removed, made the decision to come out while writing his autobiography called Transparent. Don already admitted that he was child touched by a bishop, so he was a little wary because he didn't want people to think that's the reason why he loves the peen. Don also tells The New York Times that being gay and African-American is a totally different game.
The guy is good I like him. Not a biggie but I sure like what he says.
I'm not even touching that one with a Tyler Perry joke, so moving on. Don also says that he wishes more famous people would come twirling out of the closet (Geraldo Rivera's stache just twitched).
“I think it would be great if everybody could be out. But it’s such a personal choice. People have to do it at their own speed. I respect that. I do have to say that the more people who come out, the better it is for everyone, certainly for the Tyler Clementis of the world.
I think if I had seen more people like me who are out and proud, it wouldn’t have taken me 45 years to say it,” Mr. Lemon said, “to walk in the truth.”
Airport frisk session. I'd like to thank Trey for using the back of his hands on "sensitive" parts. International followers pay no mind.
4 minutes ago
This only happens in the good ol USA
4 minutes ago
We just heard back from Jake's rep who insists this photo is not real. Grab a look while you can, people, because we hear it's going to be taken down as fast as he and Taylor Swift called it quits. Fingers crossed that one day Jake will proudly be able to give us his best Grace Jones!
Well, at least Ted got Jake's people to say something.
Isn't it funny though the huge hullabaloo over this photoshopped picture?
I think it's hilarious.
I don't think Kirstie & Max are the best dancers but I think I've got to root for them to win.
I don't see what's so great about Chelsea & Mark.
Well, time to go to the pump and let the oil companies ream my wallet.
It's the most attention Jake has gotten since the whole Swifty business. Didn't think it was him, but it's kind of sad that it isn't, because it sure gave him some buzz.
Oh, one more thing, it's kind of funny that it has taken them so long to say it's not real. I guess his people thought there might be a chance it was, LOLLLL!
I guess his people thought there might be a chance it was,
Well, after putting a few gallons in my rental car, I will say this. You won't see this one buying an SUV. Of course, by the time I get my rental, the company obviously has no fuel efficient 4 doors left and I get a dumb Jeep something or other. You can't see past the huge headrests and I can already tell the fuel mileage is terrible.
I don't have to pay for the car because the accident was not my fault; his insurance is paying for it. But I still have to put gas in the tank and I'm not happy about having to drive a dumb SUV.
And my speakers even sound better than these.
Hey!!! Tomorrow is T Shirt Tuesday and I'm off for another T shirt! Another T shirt and another Chicago dog. Man, I cannot wait to have that thing - it was so good last time.
Sorry about your car PG, didn't realize you'd had an accident. I would hate to drive a big ol' SUV too.
Man, one of my favorite shows, Outsourced, has been cancelled.
On the plus side, Amber Heard is one of the stars of a new show picked up by NBC, the Playboy Club. (She was also recently named the new face of Guess).
Guess we'll soon know about OTH. Is Austin hinting by talking about flying somewhere--is it to NY for the up fronts?
Ted's pretty savvy. I doubt he would be fooled by a shopped picture. I think Ted use the infamous photo as an opportunity to say "One thing that is clear—Gyllenhaal is apparently hiding a certain side from us!". A Toothy hint.
Ted's pretty savvy.
was seen out last night The DeLeon Tequila Two Year Anniversary party
At the what?
at the Chateau Marmont.
Ah, okay. Enough said.
Now that the pic has been confirmed by Jake's people to be fake, I don't think it is so simple to just file it in one's hard drive.
I think the biggest question has to be why? Because I think this goes beyond someone just having "fun".
Why have there been two of these types of manips done and why do they take off like a Texas brushfire in August? I don't think you see Brad Cooper, Pattinson, or Tom Cruise being complimented in such a way. At this point, Tom Cruise would probably love this kind of attention. Any kind of cyber attention.
Back to subject. The last manip (black underwear) everyone pretty much could tell after a close look that it was a manip and it never even made it to Ted's column.
But the tighty whitey one did. Like m said, I can't believe Ted, his team & his editing dept are so stupid as to put out that first article and then retract it in a second. No, it was done for a reason. Exactly why, I don't know but you have to wonder why and not just shrug your shoulders and say, "Oh, that silly Ted!" No, it's not that simple.
For a manip, this thing got tremendous mileage and even got Jake's people nervous enough to make him go out for a photo op. For those who think Jake calls all his own shots, they're living in a fantasy world.
For myself, I'm really wondering about the "coincidence" of two photo manips of Jake and their plant on the internet. Maybe there could be something as to the timing of their release, who knows. And some of the outraged reaction to the tighty whitey Jake pic is beyond casual. That's a whole subject in itself.
Off to work.
Thanks to whomever created the pic. It did its job. Keep up the good work.
Isn't it funny though the huge hullabaloo over this photoshopped picture?
I think it's hilarious.
Hey, you were contributing to the "hullabaloo" by going on and on about how "hot" that fake pic was and how this was the Jake that you first fell for. lol.
Jersey Tom said...
Thanks to whomever created the pic. It did its job. Keep up the good work.
So you approve of people photoshopping celebs and putting it all over the internet? That's "good work"? Wow, you sound so vengeful and bitter.
People who hide in the closet and lie and engage in phony relationships to the degree Jake has done lose respect, and what goes around comes around.
destiny said...
People who hide in the closet and lie and engage in phony relationships to the degree Jake has done lose respect, and what goes around comes around.
You nailed it Destiny.
destiny said...
People who hide in the closet and lie and engage in phony relationships to the degree Jake has done lose respect, and what goes around comes around.
Oh, I see. So "phony relationships" are bad, but "phony pics" are good as long as they're done with the intention of trying to embarrass or out someone of whom you don't approve. Yeah, like I said - vengeful and bitter.
Well I've been going in a thousand different directions, making arrangements for a certain Kansas arrival next week, but I had lots of fun reading about the second underwear caper for Jake in 8 months. The last one was on September 1, 2010 right after that odd Cabin Fever photo, and right before Jake suddenly disappeared throughout September.
So I agree something's up with the timing of these manips. And Ted addressing the topic knowing there would be a denial in just a few hours gave him the opportunity to make a Toothy analogy as well as point to Jake's closeted existence.
Oh, I see. So "phony relationships" are bad, but "phony pics" are good as long as they're done with the intention of trying to embarrass or out someone of whom you don't approve....
Jake never had this kind of problem when he was just in the closet. But, it looks like someone got tired of his, I'm a footloose bachelor, without a care in the world, who is going to be in a he-man copper flick, buzzed-cut and karate ready (that is when he isn't boxing his testosterone driven aggression away). You know, starting the new year right after he had sex 17 times with Anne Hathaway, dragged his sister and niece into his labyrinth of lies with old Taylor and continues to hide his children away from the world, but openly gushes over Ramona every chance he gets. Karma's a bitch.
Jake may be the biggest fraud in the history of Hollywood. He said he was gonna turn Hollywood on its head in so many words. What happened to that kind of courage.
Speaking of tighty whiteys.
But, it looks like someone got tired of his, I'm a footloose bachelor, without a care in the world, who is going to be in a he-man copper flick, buzzed-cut and karate ready (that is when he isn't boxing his testosterone driven aggression away).
10:30, you might well have hit on something.
Destiny made a good observation on that photo op set of pics. Notice the lady who's walking with Jake and his friend.
She doesn't even look like she's broken a sweat. Make up on. Hair done. She was prepared, knowing their pictures were going to be taken.
Also look at where they were photographed. It looks like a large area of pavement, like a parking lot, not a sidewalk. But where are the cars?
Could it have been taken early in the morning?
Could the photo op been not only about the photo that was circulating but also distraction for him (and family) to slip out of LA while everyone thinks he's still in LA. The run in Runyon cemented it.
One thing that is curious, is that Jake did not do his usual Sunday routine. Farmers Market and coffee. That makes me think he might have been in LA on Sunday at all.
That makes me think he might have been in LA on Sunday at all.
That should be:
That makes me think he might NOT have been in LA on Sunday at all.
Taylor Swift: I Try to Let Love Surprise Me
Originally posted 05/17/2011 11:30AM
Taylor Swift has had her share of high-profile romances, and judging by some of her song lyrics, not all of them ended well.
But when asked about having been attracted to a bad boy or two, the singer and actress – who has been linked to Jake Gyllenhaal, John Mayer and Taylor Lautner – defends her choices, saying in the June issue of InStyle, "Well, they start out nice!"
Yes, I know exactly what Karma is and Jake may very well be experiencing the ill effects of his actions.
Karma: Action seen as bringing upon oneself inevitable results, good or bad either in this life or in a reincarnated state.
There's those two words again:
Someone is really stuck on this photo being "stupid".
For a picture that got a lot of buzz on the internet, got a lot of positive reaction, someone keeps interjecting that it was "stupid".
I've yet to hear a solid answer on what exactly it is that makes it "stupid".
To me, "stupid" is a very negative, derogatory adjective to describe a fun, sexy photo. Manip or not.
Someone is truly very bothered by the content of the photo.
devincfDevin Faraci
Took @scoleribros mom to dinner right off the plane from Ohio. Jake Gyllenhaal walked into the place. #doingLAright
16 hours ago
To me, "stupid" is a very negative, derogatory adjective to describe a fun, sexy photo. Manip or not.
LOL. So even though it's a manip, it's still "fun" and "sexy." God, that's hilarious.
And people gave you lots of answers as to why they think the pic is stupid, you just don't like the answers so you ignore them.
Someone is truly very bothered by the content of the photo.
There's nothing to be bothered about. It's a fake. There is no "content." Why is this such a hard concept to grasp? I believe Jake is gay, but all this insistence that he's getting payback for his "sins" is just plain creepy.
Oh, calm the heck down 14:26.
No one has said this is definitely what is going on. We're speculating on the reasons behind two manipulations.
Put your gavel away.
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