Jake has talked about gardening, all the positive benefits.
He has been getting raw. (food diet that is)
And then there's the whole naked thing.
So what better a day than today for him.
It's the Sixth Annual World Naked Gardening Day. A chance to work in nature au natural.
So grab that spade, trowel, rake or hoe while the sun puts a little color on those cheeks.
Socks are ok, but save the tighty whiteys for another day. Get out there and grow.
Don't worry you can still accessorize with a hat, work gloves, and even those garden crocs.
And give something for the Goose to gander.
And Austin you don't have to miss out.
There's World Naked Bike Ride Day on June 11th and Naked Hiking Day on June 21st.
Saturday, May 14, 2011
How does your garden grow?
Posted by
Special K
4:42 PM
Labels: G, Gardening, Jake, World Naked Gardening Day
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LOL! Lookit the yoga'ing gnome. That's classic.
Put a little color in those cheeks. LOL!
Aw man, great choice of pictures today and love the goose peeking through the bushes. Just a really cute post.
Love the choice of music too - this is a great number. Woodstock, that's a classic.
On a more "serious" note, I will point again to Jake's calves in that first nekky pic. Look at his calves - they're like a woman's. Those are Jake's legs around Austin's neck; you bet they are.
Tighty Whitey Jake is the Jake that first caught my eye several years ago. Not the bouncer lugging his gym bag around. That picture totally unravels this myth of "stud" Jake.
Isn't TWJ beautiful? He's simply beautiful and actually, those socks kind of say it all.
Tighty whitey? What are you talking about, Jake isn't wearing underwear in these pics.
Next time you decide to photoshop Jake do a better job, butch looking Jake upsets you so much but that pic you did and posted on twitter is strickly childish.
Stop accusing OMG just because someone who had access to one of Jake's more intimate moments, leaked it onto the internet . And, yes, he's in his underwear.
Intimate moments? This pic looks like it was taken outside of some dorm room , posing/stretching. How is it intimate? That space isn't private, it's public taken in a hallway.
He is in his underwear? Really? Well someone is in their underwear with a pic of Jake taken from a LAOD screencap is.
You sure are going to great lengths to prove it's real troll revisionism, which makes my suspicions spot on.
You were very sloppy as usual, thre TMZ tag was a dumb move, the pic is not on their site, not even their archives.
The only thing leaked on thr internet is yet another tacky photoshopped pic of Jake by pissed off fangirls hating his new butch look, LOL!!!
^^^ There there, it'll be alllllll right....
Waxed and buffed Jakey is getting to somebody, I think.
I think he's beautiful in the TW picture. Absolutely picturesque.
He's nice in these nekky pics but I must admit, I like the tighty whitey pic the best.
I wonder if it could be TMZ took the picture down and that's why it can't be searched.
You are busted yet again PG, the tighty whitey comment, tsk.
Who told you to tag it TMZ? The pic is not in their archives or site.
Most of the comments at ONTD from the fangirls are they want Jake to fuck them, only a few gay comments, that's not what you wanted, eh?
Back to the drawing board
OH MY DOG. It just dawned on me that the troll is accusing what, someone on OMG of photoshopping the Tighty Whitey Jakey pic?
OH MY DOGGGG!!! That's stinkin' hilarious!!! And they talk about OMG'ers being paranoid and spinning things to fit. This is totally rich.
It doesn't get any better than this, folks.
OH MY DOG. This is awesome. Yeah, I did it! I did it!
The pic was never on TMZ PG and you know it, the pic was never linked to the site. The link was tumbler, whoever photoshopped it using the LAOD screencap has a tumbler account along with a twitter account of course.
TMZ would have a disclaimer saying it was fake.
Evelyn, have a seat on the chaise and sip something, would you?
We can work something out.
That's not a dorm room, it is more likely a hotel room probably changing clothes.
It's not that recent, between his hair and the fact that he is wearing a his black watch. He is now wearing that stainless Rolex watch he got in December.
I don't know what you are trying to accuse anyone of, but here is the first tweet of it 7 hours ago.
Here are two of the tumblrs that put it up hours ago.
This is too awesome. I've got to call my buddy Tom.
Someone's losing their mind.
Doesn't quite look like Jake to me.
So, is that the same Tacoma in the Jake photos as the earlier ones with Austin??? I can't tell.
It's fun to see Adam with the different looks--except for that goatee, hope we don't see that one again--but I like the jet black hair the best.
That gnome is really funny.
Now he's over on WFT2 claiming I photoshopped this picture that's spreading all over twitter. I think someone's having a mini meltdown and they're thinking I'm one-handedly trying to what? Sabotage Jakey's manhood? This is just so awesome. Really, they're boosting my ego tremendously; as if that's possible. LOLLLL!!
This is too much. Truly a day in history. I think I've seen just about everything now.
SK, the picture is photoshopped. Someone went to a lot of trouble trying to prove otherwise but it's clear that the pic was probably taken from IHJ gallery and recent. I think they photoshopped the watch as well to make it appear "real" which means that it was done by someone in the Jake fandom that would know such things.
It was never on TMZ, the tumbler/twitter links prove that, if the original source was TMZ, they would have linked to it.
They tagged it TMZ to make the fake pic "legit", the original tweet was done by the person that did it and knew that it would be re-tweeted.
It is a hotel room but I doubt Jake would let someone take a pic of him doing yoga moves in his hotel in his undies unless he ws drunk.
Also it doesn't look like him, very sloppy like the fake LAOD pic that was floating around.
Someone probably googled pics of a man doing girly things like yoga in their undies and slapped on Jake's face.
I guess they didn't like the butch Jake pics of him doing manly things like Karate and boxing
Sabatoge his manhood?? Not really, most of the comments on ONTD from the fangirls on ONTD want Jake to fuck them and think he's hot, only a few gay comments, so you failed!
Your the one who can't stand the real Jake. Who is neither butch nor shy when it comes to his gorgeous body. Jake is beautiful just as he is. It's posters like you who want to keep him in the closet, shipping an image that you think is more acceptable to the masses.
Non-thinking girls have been wishing that of Jake since he appeared on the internet, what's new about that?
LOLLLL!! I'm still riding the cloud. Jack thinks I photoshopped that picture.
What does manhood have to do with being gay? Jake is all man. The fact that he is gay is incidental to his allure.
It would not surprise me if it turns out it was the troll himself that put that picture on the web. Just likes to stir up trouble. I've said it before. He is not obsessed with Jake. He is obsessed with us. I guess we should be flattered to weild so much power. Jake looks pretty young in the picture. He has a sweetness about him.
Exactly 21:14.
Notice how upset and personal the accuser was. Totally wired over the thought that "someone" out there is trying to do "something", I'm not sure what. I think in their mind, they think someone was trying to make Jake look gay, which to them is a bad thing.
Jake is gorgeous in this picture, whether it's a photoshop or not. I don't think it is. I think it's him. That's his little 1/4 ass and that looks like one of his incredible one-of-a-kind thighs to me.
I saw the picture 10 days ago. I can't remember if it was on FB or tumblr.
Saw it too, but in it's original setting, sans Jake's head pasted on, it was tumblr, not FB or TMZ.
It was linked to a yoga site
I think we all need to give PG virtual high fives. She gets credit for the best troll meltdown ever. I think their head may be about to explode. Too funny.
No sign of my salamander today. I doubt he found a way out on his own. But maybe we got lucky.
After talking with someone last night, I will say that the one thing that leans me toward it now being fake is the different skin shade line on his neck.
But wow, what a photoshop job - really darn good in this case. Would still be nice to see the original before I make my own positive conclusion!
I'll say one thing though. After two erotic photoshop jobs of Jake making the intense rounds on the internet, I wouldn't be surprised if it was the same person doing both this one and the black underwear one. Ha! And they would be getting better at it, just now need to work on the skin tone blending. lol
45-45 degrees this morning! What in the heck is going on?
Always so great to hear Woodstock come on. What a classic rock song. You still cannot beat this stuff over what is being put out now although it's great to hear dance music having a comeback. But rock? Rock has never been the same since the likes of the Stones, Bruce, The Who, Fleetwood Mac. Tom Petty.
Prayers go out to the people of Louisiana and Mississippi who are lining the Mississippi River as they are opening more gates to let out excess water.
How awful would that be to watch a gate being opened, knowing that water could be headed towards your home or farm and there was not a lot you could do about it other than sandbag and sandbags can only hold so much, right? It's so upsetting to watch the TV interviews of families who have lost their homes and belongings due to high water. We've had big floods around here before and it's truly incredible to see entire major roads and farmland just covered in water. Technology can be oh so sweet but Mother Nature can just make you be in awe in a totally different way.
Seems this world is undergoing more natural calamaties of historic proportions the likes of which I sure haven't seen.
prairiegirl said...
This is too awesome. I've got to call my buddy Tom.
Someone's losing their mind.
PG your talent is amazing. Your computer abilities are way over my head. Good job. I know you just must have labored for hours creating that pic:-)
SK I love that you put that pic of the lady in the pink hat in your post. Austin would look awesome in that hat.
Eat Your Everything Out Grace Jones
This picture is nowhere to be seen on TMZ, so that leads me to believe that there's another site on the Internet called TMZ (but stands for Thigh Man Zone) or this beautiful yogay portrait was Photoshopped using the inspiration of Grace Jones, the head of Jakey Gyllenhaal and the body of a hot man flamingo. But it's Sunday, so I will temporarily believe that Jake once flashed his barely there nalgas like he's auditioning for the title role in the Palm Springs Gay Twink's Choir production of Black Swan. I love that whoever this is made sure that his socks matched the hotel carpet. Details like that really make a picture.
Source: Public Addiction via ONTD
yogay. I knew Michael K would love that pic.
Hey, thanks Tom! Any time!! **cracks knuckles**
I'll tell you what.
So far, no one's coming up with the original of this picture. There's all kinds of statements that it's a fake and it's been seen with the original poser but until I see the original, I may lean back towards this really being Jake.
Oh my. I can't believe MK picked up on that pic. Someone is not gonna be happy. Oh my some people think Jake is gay. How awful:-)
prairiegirl said...
I'll tell you what.
So far, no one's coming up with the original of this picture. There's all kinds of statements that it's a fake and it's been seen with the original poser but until I see the original, I may lean back towards this really being Jake.
You can bet there are busy fingers out there searching PG. Lets see what they come up with.
And this weather is crazy! It is a flat 50 degrees out there and the AC was on earlier last week when we hit 90 degrees.
This phone is so cool. You turn it on and there's an instant forecast on there with the present temperature, expected Hi and Lo. And lately because it's been cloudy, there's these clouds that spread across the screen when you open it up. So awesome.
But it's Sunday, so I will temporarily believe that Jake once flashed his barely there nalgas like he's auditioning for the title role in the Palm Springs Gay Twink's Choir production of Black Swan.
lol. I love Michael K.
You know, the more people get all worked up about this picture, the more it's endlessly entertaining.
If the ones who are so "outraged" would let it die out, we all would lose interest and the matter would disintegrate like they want it to.
But everyone's holding court over this picture and I'm sorry but it's becoming a mini legend unto itself.
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