What to do when your team is losing another playoff game and you're stuck on a "date" .
Go to the happy Cinco De Mayo Tequila place.I'm a maniac , maniac, on the floor
What are you thinking about?

Oh this and that you know.
Nothing you need to bother with.
Nothing you need to bother with.

Clap your hands
and keep thinking happy thoughts.
and keep thinking happy thoughts.

One tip for today. Taking it all with a grain (a rim, a industrial size shaker, The Salt Palace) of salt. and that's not just your margaritas.
Happy Cinco de Mayo!!!

Those "photos" of Austin & jake are hilarious. But darn it Special, you've now got me craving a Margarita and guacamole.
Excellent meeting today. Learned a lot and had a good time doing it. And a free breakfast & lunch!!! Hey, it doesn't get any better than that.
Love learning about safety not only in the workplace but you can take this information home and apply it there as well. So many accidents and tragedies can be avoided if we just keep our eyes on the path or task at hand and think if we are acting safely.
Did you know that most electrical accidents don't happen from big boomers but from smaller ones, like a wall outlet? Know why? Because if you were to come in contact with something really big electrically, the force of that current often will blow you off of it.
But if you come into contact with a live wire from a loose outlet or in a power cord, that current usually isn't strong enough to blow you physically off and so you just stand there holding onto that live conductor and you eventually just fry up inside.
And that it's quicker to die by getting electrocuted in your left hand than your right because from your left hand, it goes right to your heart.
Well, ol' Blake Shelton has opened up his big mouth again and he's trying to do some super fast tweet damage control.
Back from a Sox/Angels day game. Despite the loss (it was ugly) had a great time.
What else would Austin be thinking about with the Lakers losing (well until Artest clotheslined Mavericks guard J.J. Barea) and on this "date".
And with Cinco de Mayo today and probably needing a shot of tequila - led to dreams of Mariachi Jake and Austin.
Ha! My girlfriend was just making fun of me last week because I insisted on having a wall outlet checked out because it looked dodgy to me. Our super just ended up changing the plate, but still made me feel safer.
Saw that about Blake--do these people never learn, or never think before hitting the send button?
You know, in this apartment, there's one outlet cover that is loose; it's just cheaply and poorly ill-fitting. I'm going to call the office and request they fix that because I always knew it was a safety hazard, but now I know that were I a business, an OSHA inspector would fine me $7000 for something like that. $7000, the minimum fine for a violation to companies.
I just love Adam.
adamlambert Adam Lambert
@GQfashion fangs? Haha. I find most of the fashion in your pages quite boring and pedestrian. I stepped out of that closet long ago.
3 May Favorite Retweet Reply
Adam, you rock, buddy.
You know, I would be more apt to believe Blake Shelton if it weren't for the fact that he also recently participated in that BBM "joke" on the ACM Awards.
lol, Adam took a swipe at GQ after they called him a worst dressed for his Gothic look.
What did Blake say this time?
Back in 1912, Hellmann's mayo was made in England. The Titanic was carrying 12,000 jars of mayo for delivery in Mexico, which was next after their stop in NY. This would have been the largest single shipment of mayo ever delivered to Mexico . As we know the Titanic didn't make it & the people of Mexico were very sad. They declared a National Day of Mourning, which they still observe to this day.
He "re-wrote" some lyrics to a Shania Twain song, intending for them to be from Shania's point of view, but they were promptly interpreted to be from his point of view:
blakeshelton Blake Shelton
Re-writing my fav Shania Twain song.. Any man that tries Touching my behind He's gonna be a beaten, bleedin', heaving kind of guy...
19 hours ago Favorite Retweet Reply
Poor Mary, tried to peddle her rot over at WFT, and was sent packing LOL!!
Jack, you can use my name alllll you want. It's not bugging me in the least. Everyone here knows it, anyway! LOL.
Man, like you're doing something so new & daring. Update your material, would you.
Grrrr, I cannot stand Firefox4. Why would I want my browser windows way up there practically off the screen? I'm going to have to email them and voice my opinion of their update. I'm not seeing what's so great about it.
Al & Stephanie Abrams are LIVE from the Kentucky Derby. Stephanie has a great hat on. Yesterday, Al was interviewing Dick Van Dyke, who looked great by the way, and Dick Van Dyke said that the Step In Time number in Mary Poppins about killed him.
Well, back to training today and looking forward to our little field work. If we miss anything unsafe, we're going to get it pointed out to us. I hope I don't miss something. This guy loves to call on everyone; that's why you can't let your mind wander off for even a second because LOL - sure shootin', he's going to call on you.
Look at that gorgeous smile. That's a beautiful thing.
Awww, love that photo of Adam.
Never heard that story about the Titanic and the mayonnaise.
;) said...
Poor Mary, tried to peddle her rot over at WFT, and was sent packing LOL!!
Whomever you are you are truly sick. I feel very sorry for you. Too bad you don't take your inner self hatred and use it in a productive healthy way. It would make your sad lfe bearable.
So true Very Sorry, Jack comes off as a self-loathing gay man who seems to need to attack others in order to make himself feel better about himself.
9:42 nice try but try again!
Never heard that story about the Titanic and the mayonnaise.
Well you probably never heard it because it is a bad pun on Cinco de Mayo. ; )
Count me in as one who believed the story about the mayo, though it sounded weird. Love the stuff myself. Its most likely why I always need to lose about 10 lbs.
Groan........ :-D
Can't wait to tell my girlfriend, she loves puns like that.
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