Jake stepping out and photographed two days in a row should have set off the Spidey senses that he would soon be going covert.
And Austin leaving LA, what does Jake do? Leaves LA.
Now you see me
now you don't
now you don't
And where has Jake popped up?
The City by the Bay.
This morning Jake spotted on line at Ferry Plaza Blue Bottle for coffee and as the tweeter said "bearded (but still HOT)" and "Getting his hipster on.... (SF Style)." (twitter)

Could he be that big of a fan of "So I Married an Axe Murderer"? Or is he doing an in depth study of Hitchcock's San Francisco? Or is the kale better there?
He was also spotted grabbing some at Gracias Madre last night.
Could this be connected to someone's travel plans?
Does it seem now that if Austin is not in LA, Jakey is not in LA?

And one more question... How can it be that you see Jake so much in SF, shopping, eating, wandering, corner the kale market, but never one peep where he sleeps?
And one more question... How can it be that you see Jake so much in SF, shopping, eating, wandering, corner the kale market, but never one peep where he sleeps?
It's usually the unwritten code of the land - even if you know where he's staying most people don't post that info on the public interwebs.
Don't think I realized Kristy McNichol wasn't out. Nice picture of her and her girlfriend. Thanks for the link PG.
There's nothing private about staying in a hotel--and it's odd that he never seems to be spotted in or near one when he's up in S.F. I'm beginning to wonder if he doesn't have a place up there.
There's nothing private about staying in a hotel
That may be so but from my experience on people spotting celebs rarely do they post where they're staying. The paps are another thing. Normal folk don't usually give it up until sometimes after the fact.
Nonsense, if people see a celebrity around a hotel or in one they will mention it. No way does the general public care or abide by closet rules of engagement. Jake's got a place in the Bay Area. No one with half a brain believes he lives at the Woodrow Wilson address. Mister Privacy would never let paps take a video of him on his motorcycle pulling up to the 7411 street number, which is on YouTube for everyone to see. Never mind, it's easy to find his so-called residence with a simple Google search.
After the fact? How many times has Jake been in SF since Zodiac and you NEVER
hear where he stayed after the fact.
He's got to have a place there. That's the only way he can never get seen at a hotel.
Awesome to hear about Kristy coming out. Hopefully many more will follow.
Ever heard of friends/relatives places.
Yeah for 5 years. Right. Go buy a clue
Why so snarky 6:09? Post proof he has a place in SF, or else it's just your speculation.
JessinSF Jessica Chan
When I was hiking today, i saw a bearded dude that looked like my bf's doppelganger and then we realized it was JAKE GYLLENHAAL.
14 minutes ago
thattwinmelissa Melissa Rodas
@Jacky_y RT @CelebSightings: RIGHT NOW in San Francisco: Jake Gyllenhaal shopping at SF ferry building farmers' market. (Sat 11:16AM)
1 hour ago
January 22, 2008
Burning Quests!
Jake possibly relocates
A Scratch in Time?
While we’re told by giddy, gay real estate movers ‘n’ minders that Jake Gyllenhaal is buying swank, family oriented real estate in San Francisco’s Noe Valley (the boys are praying Reese doesn’t come along and put flowered curtains up all over the place)
Post proof he stays with friends or relavtives in SF, or else it's just your speculation.
Duh! I know it's just speculation! That's the difference sweety.
Well then quit demanding proof from others, 18:40. You don't like it being demanded of you, then realize that a highway runs at least 2 ways.
And stifle your 'sweety'. You only know one way to comment on OMG, don't you? And it's spelled r-u-d-e.
I would agree with Destiny's leaning - that Jake very well might have a place up there. Seems like he was up there several times last year.
And if he has found a place to hike, found a place for his coffee, and found his farmer's market? That sounds to me like it's his neighborhood and not just a getaway weekend.
Got a clue. Sorry you didn't speculate either sweetie.
Well, our original plans were to get up early and drive to SF. One of my favorite stores is having a big sale and so we planned to have lunch first, shop, then drive back home. But we were both too lazy and wound up staying home so I missed seeing Jake. We always stop at Ferry Plaza to look aorund. Another favorite place. We postponed the trip to next week. Lets hope Jake drops by there next weekend.
It thinking something the privacy person wants to steer everyone away from is why is it that Jake will not stay in LA if Austin's not there?
Do I think Austin is with him? Well there is an interesting pattern of Jake's dining choices and when Austin's busy working and when he's off even for a couple days.
And yes Destiny that is exactly the point I was trying to make that nothing mentioned tends to the theory that they have a place in the area.
And thanks Ted! for posting that reminder of him looking for a place there.
I hope the guys are able to have some quiet time. Well. As quiet as a hoard of kids will let you - when they're all down for sleep.
You know, people who eat too many carrots? Their skin starts to turn orange.
I wonder what happens if you begin to eat too much kale? Are there perhaps.....epidermal augmentations? Are there various...digestive system repercussions?
Just wondering! lol.
You knowwwww..... Jake seems to exhibit obsessive compulsive tendencies and now I wonder if his obsessively chronic wearing of the GI Jake army cargo pants isn't some kind of pigment identification desire with kale?
Thoughts, anyone?
ITA. "privacy" comes along all innocent, but certainly has another agenda.
LOLLLLLLLL!!!! I killed myself on that one.
Pigment identification with kale.
Hey! It just might not be that far off the mark.
And yes!! This is dinosaur kale. Lookit that. Isn't that just weird looking? What in the heck do you do with that? It looks like it should be put in a vase.
All fun aside, I find myself rather intrigued to try the rubbery looking vegetable myself. I saw a blog just now where some guy said he & his partner blend kale into their fruit smoothies in the morning. (there you go, Jake buddy, another idea!). He said to make sure and blend it in there real well, though. lol.
Ahh yes, following Mr. Jakester is just a trip through foodie education and self-awareness, is it not?
My older brother has done that since he stared eating carrots everyday, his fingers have a orange tinge to them. We made fun of him this summer and called him Cheeto fingers.
Someone else spotted him hiking.
@BrentHurley Brent Hurley
bumped into a heavily-bearded jake gyllenhaal hiking on a trail in Marin this AM...celeb-doppelgänger? ;-)
1 hour ago via Twitter for iPhone
Don't think I realized Kristy McNichol wasn't out. Nice picture of her and her girlfriend.
Wasn't it? She looked great!! Not hardly any different either from her days as Buddy on Family. I used to like that show. And look how curly her hair is.
Okay, so what was all that tweet business about Long Island about then? What was up with that?
Are there really this many people who mis-identify a celebrity face? Are these people just looking for hits or 5 seconds of Search Fame? I just have to wonder if Orlando Bloom or Leo D have all these tweets floating around about them, placing them here and there at the same time. Do they have friends, business peers & pals posting misleading, false tweets on their behalf placing them in Town A when they're really on a plane headed for Town B? Is there really all of this Garmin-generated, frenzied cyber entry going on for them? Does Lindsey Lohan, Lady GaGa, the Biebs, and Beyonce - do they have this kind of behind-the-scenes subterfuge going on?
Just wondering.
Cheeto fingers. LOLLLLL! Special, you guys are brutal to each other. That's a good one.
lol @ you for thinking I'm trying divert your attention away from "whatever".
Oh. My. Dog.
This is just toooooo funny!!! While letting 3 dogs in and out, in and out, in and out all night, I come in here to check Twitter and what is trending but "Seinfeld the Musical." So I get all excited, thinking that they're going to do a musical on Seinfeld. But it looks like people are just making up songs that could be in a Seinfeld Musical. Absolutely stinkin' hilarious!!! LOLLLLL!!! All I have to do is look at these songs and I start laughing!!
Like -
Summer of George.
And you want to be my latex salesman.
No soup for you!
I'm an architect.
The 1987 Vomit Overture
Jo(h)n Voigt Carpool Blues
Maybe the Dingo Ate Your Baby
The Moops
I don't wanna be a pirate.
It's gold, Jerry.
That's the guy that swiped my marble rye!
Those are just killers. Just classic, classic lines. What a fun twitter trend.
Just got off the phone with Clarity and she says to tell everyone hello!!
She still kind of keeps up with what's going on and she was just checking in.
Which is also what someone like myself does.
Never too far away. Checks in. Keeps tabs. Helps to guard the roost.
I Was in the pool!!
Can't Stand Ya!!
Just classic.
Of course now all I can hear in my head is:
(Sung to the theme to Greatest American Hero)
"Believe it or not, George, isn't at home, please leave a mes-saaage at the beep. I must be out or I'd pick up the pho-one. Where could I be? Believe it or not, I'm not hooome."
Noodles to go with his kale?
foodiehunter foodiehunter
yes. jake gyllenhall paid a visit to hapa ramen today.
6 hours ago
hailsyeah Hailee Hudson
@becki_larsen we need to hang at farmer's market more often! RT @foodiehunter: yes. jake gyllenhall paid a visit to hapa ramen today.
5 hours ago
The big question is why does Jake bug out of LA if Austin is not there? It is more and more obvious that the only thing that kept him in LA this summer was EOW.
Like most actors, Jake has more than one home probably, NY, L.A., SF and probably elsewhere.
I think Austin days as a puppet to OTH are over. Most likely Austin is in SF wioth Jake.
Good catch by the commenter who said why did Austin have to send send a txt to someone to tell him where he was. His Girlfriend of so many years you think would have known. Hopefully the Sophin soap opera is over:-)
Of course now all I can hear in my head is:
(Sung to the theme to Greatest American Hero)
"Believe it or not, George, isn't at home, please leave a mes-saaage at the beep. I must be out or I'd pick up the pho-one. Where could I be? Believe it or not, I'm not hooome."
LOLLL!! I remember that. George was hiding from his gf (who wanted to break up with him) so that she couldn't dump him. And here came that voicemail recording. LOL
I'm sure Austin is a professional...the professional thing to do would be to contact the organizers himself, which is what appears to have occurred. It's not the done thing to have his "girlfriend" tell them on his behalf.
You've forgotten (or are ignoring) that the moderator of the event already knew early that morning Austin would not be at the Premire and tweeted to several OTH gals that very fact. Therefore, the "texting" that night, half way through the Q&A, was a staged/scripted occurrence.
You have a very vivid imagination professional:-)
You have a very vivid imagination professional:-)
Haha! Not really. Inverted commas = beard
Forgot? ignoring? Alzheimers? Maybe some people have not studied the in depth timeline of said event LOL. I was responding to Tom's comment:
"Good catch by the commenter who said why did Austin have to send send a txt to someone to tell him where he was. His Girlfriend of so many years you think would have known."
I'm sure Austin is a professional...the professional thing to do would be to contact the organizers himself, which is what appears to have occurred.
Appears you are the one not paying attention. I was responding to this clause of your sentence. In other words there would have been no reason for Austin to contact the "organizers" of the event during the Q&A because obviously somebody already had early that morning. Might not have been Austin at all.
And, I don't call manipulating the public a "professional," act. More like an "actor" merely playing his part and being cued into the scene. Hitting his mark as planned. Just like with his beard.
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