Thought the moonshine post was coming when Jake went to Dixie --think again.
During Prohibition (1920-1933) in the United States, all alcohol was banned, family "recipes" came out, bathtubs turned into gin mills, moonshine brighten and "medicinal tonics" were the cure. Or where they? Seems that some of these solutions to a "dry thirst" led to a condition called Jake Walk or Jake Leg.JAKE LEG - Paralysis brought on by drinking jake, Jamaican ginger extract, a patent medicine. It is believed that the malady was first discovered in Oklahoma City by Dr. Ephraim Goldfain in February 1930. "The first person to record a connection between jake and the paralysis may have been Ishmon Bracey, the black blues singer who cut 'Jake Liquor Blues' in Grafton, Wisconsin, in March of 1930." Jake leg "afflicted enough souls to instigate an entire subject of folk music. Blacks and whites were affected. It rendered men impotent. And it was no longer inspiring musicians by 1934, which meant it was a cataclysmic but discrete event." What had turned the harmless patent medicine into a crippler was the addition of tri-ortho-cresyl-phosphate, TOCP, a "plasticizer" used to keep synthetic materials from becoming brittle. This was during Prohibition and the Treasury Department tackled "the problem of people getting too much pleasure from patent-medicine tippling by ordering that the solids in fluid extracts be doubled." TOCP was believed to be harmless and was used to "boost the solids."
─ "Annals of Epidemiology: Jake Leg: How the blues diagnosed a medical mystery," by Dan Baum. The New Yorker, Sept. 15, 2003, Page 50.
Now don't go a thinking that every time Jake is seen walking funny he's got the Jake Leg, despite what he might say to southern girls.
Hipsters note: The JakeWalk is a new bar in the Carroll Gardens section of Brooklyn, NY from Stinky Brklyn owners Michele Pravda and Patrick Watson.
Thanks to Romo inspiration for this post.
A huge apology to Destiny. A thousand pardons faire D.
Destiny mentioned the JakeWalk bar during the
J/R/Week in NYC. I think I missed it in the flurry of
their whirlwind schedule. Forgive me.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Posted by
Special K
5:46 AM
Labels: Bad Medicine, Jake, Jake Walk
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What a great song!
Guess Reese doesn't want to be associated with that ole Jake Leg!
SK: Hail to thee, blithe spirit!
Bows several times dramatically.
Turning in original compositions everyday, one after the other! Unbelievable.
You sure do make me laugh.
As someone we admire very much said recently, "Hilarious"!
Great post, thanks for the laugh this morning. :)
And as that same someone we very much admire said last year, "AMAAAZZZING!!!!"
You two deserve to win a blog award, coming up with the greatest, funniest ideas ALL THE TIME. Not once in while like evry 4 fuckin years but EVERY SINGLE DAY. Wow.
I think Jake is more likely to be suffering from the Stockholm Syndrome at the moment.
Im sorry but I don't agree Krusboda. I think Jake went into this situation willingly. I think he just underestimated the outcome.
Who predicted this would happen the week (THE DAY) Stop Loss opened in theaters?
Reese is the most vindictive bitch in the world.
So that was the reason for a lovely-dovely photo op. Good planning! lol
No wonder Jake has to hit the moonshine.
I guess that is why we didn't get any Reeke this past weekend, they were saving it up to sh*t all over Ryan. Too bad this cover didn't come out before Ryan hit the Howard Stern show.
If you go to the main page for US, they have a section that a the body language expert reveals their connection.
To quote Jake -- Hilarious!
I don't think Jake was in on doing this to Ryan, US weekly has Reese written all over it.
I know articles in People are pr approved, is that the case for US? If so, Jake would have had to go along with this.
And might I add, it particulary galls me that Jannn Wenner owns US. Another case of an out gay man contributing to the homophobic HW system all in the name of selling magazines.
I thought the stuff in US is also PR approved.
As I was looking at the body language link, it disappeared! It's not part of the article anymore. Check it out.
Special, I agree with you. I don't think Jake had anything to do with that. It's Reese and the timing is hardly coincidental with Ryan's moving opening on Friday. TR is right. She is fixated on Ryan and Abbie.
Destiny, Jann was married for many years (and has children) to his wife; then later in life, he came out.
Jann is a daddy again. He is having/or recently had a child with his partner.
As I was looking at the body language link, it disappeared! It's not part of the article anymore.
Yes, it was there few moments ago.
Great post today. Learn something new every day. The thought of Jake leg does conjure up some other visions for me though.
Re the US mag cover and article, I for one am curious about the "lovenest" mentioned. That's a new wrinkle. All I can say about Reese's efforts to undermine her exes limelight is that this is a pattern she followed even when they were married. I am sure the articles timing is no coincidence. The cover is just a pap photo though, I wonder if all the rest are too.IHJ will post it soon enough.
I saw some pics of JC and Chase on other sites. They reminded me of Jake and Austin. Standing close together, bodies touching when seated next to each other. If they are indeed a couple, I hope they have the courage to set an example and be out and proud, Hollywood be damned.
If someone finds the body language interpretation can they post the text here? I hate giving extra hits to anything about Reeke. Thanks.
Actually I think Jann and his wife may still be married in the legal sense of the word, but now he is lving with his boyfriend and their new baby. Last I heard his wife was still involved in the business too. But long before he came out there was plenty of talk about Jann being gay.
All that being said, still doesn't change the fact that Jann runs around being out and proud while contributing to the problem. Just like Geffen.
I wonder if Ted knew this cover story was coming, hence the return of TT this week.
Though his and Witherspoon's divorce falls under "gossipy, personal stuff" that Phillippe won't discuss, he will talk about the paparazzi who track his, Witherspoon's and their two children's daily moves, snapping pictures in private moments.
"You're a sitting duck and a target they can rely on at any point in time because you're in a car and you're easily followed," Phillippe said. "Every day of my life, as I leave my neighborhood, someone is following me." ....
"I try to not to spend too much time worrying about what people think about me or I'd end up in a cave," he said.
Ryan Phillipe sheds pretty boy image
I take back what I said and agree with clarity; Jake has gone into this appalling charade with open eyes.
You know what is really interesting.
When you search US weekly under Jake's name it list all the features for him. The body language one comes up, it was posted an hour ago, but when you click on it, it says "Oops, what you're looking for isn't here!"
Try for yourself.
US weekly search: Jake Gyllenhaal
Last result on the bottom of the page. Reese and Jake: So in Love!
I really don't think Jake was in on this one.
Again this has Reese all over it. Reese is the bigger of the two stars in 360's group. She may have pulled rank and got her way on this one.
I don't think Ted calls her General Witherspoon for nothing.
And remember Reese has PR/publicist team separate from 360. So you don't know what one team was told to do and the other not.
I think the orders were more about getting back at Ryan and taking attention away from him and Abbie any way she could.
Reese is going to be even madder--there is talk out there that Abbie is pregnant. Just saw it on Huffington Post.
Destiny, what?? Link, please!!
Love it!!!
Special K, yeah this is Reese, not Jake (not that I'm the biggest fan of his these days but this does not have his handiwork on it). Ted recently ran an item last week about how Jake had a clandestine lunch/meeting with a Fox executive which was not reported and no one knew about. He was using this as evidence that Jake does know how to be low-key and quiet and that the recent Jake/Reese photo ops had nothing to do with him.
Ok, I just read the instructions on how to link and couldn't figure them out, so here's the address.
Abbie and Ryan having a baby?
Sir Ian McKellen says- I agree that audiences are much less perturbed than producers allow, by a performer's sexuality.
Sally Kern is at it again!
Maybe if we're luck Kern will be voted out the next time her term is up. Now that would be poetic justice.
So was that a Jakewalk Jake had in New York when people were speculating about a bad back?
How did she get voted in? I wish someone had asked her to explain what she means by "homosexual agenda". What a curious notion.
I definitely said there'd be something for Stop Loss. Here it is.
Reese Witherspoon visited a farm and bought a $650 piglet for her kids! They're said to make great pets. (Pigs, that is.)
Kirsten Dunst called Tobey Maguire and apologized to him for things she did when they were working together and dating in 2001. Rehab heals all wounds!
Wonder if there was a call to Jake too?
Why would there be a call to Jake? He was the one who was screwing around her on her with a guy (s) during the final years of their relationship. Although her partying didn't help but neither did Jake's relationship with Austin.
Even aol has the Abbie rumor:
Lainey has an item about Abbie/Ryan and Reese's reaction to it:
Well the pregnancy story is catching fire while the Reeke story is languishing.
I wanna hear about the US story about the Reeke 'lovenest'. it's probly really gonna be a pic of Papa G's house and US labeling it Reeke's. yeh right.
I wanna hear about the US story about the Reeke 'lovenest'. it's probly really gonna be a pic of Papa G's house and US labeling it Reeke's. yeh right.
It'll be Ojai, CA. How much you wanna bet?
Could be the reason that there was no Reeke for her birthday or Easter is because this was already planned. They didn't need to do any more.
Jake is right this has sure gotten to be "hilarious". One good thing the more this gets out there into the mainstream and it has had the effect it was intended for Jake the sooner he gets out of reeke. He really needs to get out. This makes the guy look soooo bad. Does the poor guy know how much he is being used.
You would think Momma G. and Maggie would be hopping mad. Lets hope these two bright women have had enough of seeing Jake made a fool of.
Loved this part from the Lainey story-
You know Type A is gritting her teeth through her sunshine smile. Reese Witherspoon will need to call on all her Southern charm to blow the sting off of this one.
Lainey seems to believe it's true.
Defamer seems to be indicating that the source is not credible.
Looks like our friends may be branching out. Check out this comment from the JC Chasez is not dating Chace Crawford thread at Just Jared-
its funny how this rumors are generated and quickly picked up by gossip mongers for no other reason than a photo showing some make-believe ‘chemistry’. its like what happened to Jake gyllen..whatever and what’s his face from that tv show.
but jc shouldn’t complain is not like the publicity is doing him any harm ..cos lets face it his ‘career’ is pretty non-existent these days.
I think the pregnancy story is a delicious and excellent counter-attack from the obviousness of Reese's PR campaign to deflect attention from Abbie and Ryan's movie. Well done to Abbie or Ryan (or "Stop-Loss'") PR people. Brava, Brava!!
I think the pregnancy story is a delicious and excellent counter-attack from the obviousness of Reese's PR campaign to deflect attention from Abbie and Ryan's movie. Well done to Abbie or Ryan (or "Stop-Loss'") PR people. Brava, Brava!!
You know Type A is gritting her teeth through her sunshine smile.
I know that look! It's the smirk! You know, her everyday look.
PR firms going head-to-head, cool! It's almost like getting box seats to the live show. It's pretty pathetic, too, but I'm choosing to observe it. (:
I would love to see that body language assessment. For the lols of course; it'll just be same photos, "in love" spin.
I want to add my ongoing appreciation to wicked and special for their tireless work and clever ideas and humor. Wonderful posts as of late, it really is so much fun coming here every day.
Well. Jake definately got it right because this whole situation is truly hilarious at this point. It's like a bad soap opera.
You know why we didnt see Jake and reese pics on her birthday because hurting Ryan was more important to her. The B*t*h is pissed.
"I want to add my ongoing appreciation to wicked and special for their tireless work and clever ideas and humor. Wonderful posts as of late, it really is so much fun coming here every day."
I couldn't have said it better. You guys really make things fun and I get so much new info too about current events.
Thanks for all you do : )
OT: gawker article on PR firms, bloggers and compensation:
It really is turning into a three-ring circus, with the clowns taking charge. I've never been a big clown fan, but this could get pretty funny before it is over.
maybe Jake is afraid of clowns? no wonder he hasn't been seen!
Aren't Reeke supposed to be a 'private' couple?
Now, I'm not an expert in the publishing field mind you, but if you're picture is on the cover and inside the copy is talking about lovenests and such, but isn't that the opposite of private?
Please excuse all the grammatical errors in the above post - sleep deprivation is rearing its ugly head.
I humbly apologize.
I wonder if Ryan told Reese that if it is alright for you and Jake to hang out together with the kids it is OK for him and Abby. Reese didn't want happy kids with Ryan and Abby so she agreed to no more Jake with the kids. Since she had the kids for her birthday then birthday pictures with the whole fake family wasn't in the cards.
Just a thought.
I have to say I am not so sure I understand why Reese is still angry with Ryan? Why else would this come out now? Is she still that spiteful? Does she realize that she won't get any straight actor of note to date her?
So this doesn't seem that popular over on IHJ. Haven't spent too much time looking but there doesn't seem to be a lot of love for Reese and Jake. Am I wrong? I haven't looked at any Reese sites do they like this match up?
Press now,
It seems the rumored Abbie pregnancy has taken away a lot of the "interest" (whatever that exists and it seems very low) of the Jake/Reese US Weekly cover story.
the Jake/Reese US Weekly cover story.
Gossip girl, its not a Jake/Reese love story, it's only Reese. They don't even have Jake's name on the cover, its all about Reese. It coulda been any guys pic on the cover with her. Isnt that pathetic?
the cover:
His family wants a wedding, her kids love him, a secret sexy hideaway. How Reese let go of the pain to love again.
She is that spiteful.
The Ryan and Abbie pregnancy story wasn't engineered to counteract anything Reese is doing since Ryan and Abbie are obviously behaving as requested by the Stop Loss producers and keeping things on the utmost of downlows.
I told you the week of the movie would be interesting. I am pretty hard to shock but even I was taken aback by the US Weekly cover.
TR, but isn't it great how the Ryan/Abbie pregnancy story stole a lot of thunder from the idiotic US Weekly cover? (Oh give it up already--unless they're getting married, having a baby, breaking up or whatever, there is no story here) Reese must be gnashing her teeth. Because you know People and US and the other rags are investigating this one (which I'm sure Abbie would deny even if it proves to be true).
But seriously, if Reese is still so fixated on Abbie/Ryan, then clearly the relationship with Jake isn't the big, soul-saving, heart-healing love story it's being portrayed by US Weekly, no? I mean, why still be spiteful if you have happily moved on with a hot Hollywood stud (LOL)?
By the way, Ted keeps on alluding that Jake really doesn't like this (being tabloid fodder) so why is he still party to this? I wonder if he knew about this crap.
me too TR. when I first saw the totally staged Farmers market pics of J&R I wondered about Jake's white shirt, Reese's blue sweatshirt, dunno why. after seeing the US weekly pics inside I think I know, the pics are color coordinated to go with Rome & Napa pics. Everything is red, white & blue. All American, All American couple, blah blah. doubt it was an accident.
also read on a blahhg [lol] the secret hideaway is a $7-something mill ranchhouse in Ojai in Ventura County that Reese bought {Reese, not Jake} in January. but the person also says the house is featured in this months Mar 08 House Beautiful mag. I saw the mag, it says the house is owned by a designer, Kathryn Ireland [not the model, another person]. Huh? What a circus like Destiny said. And like how TR aid, its all to take away from RP and Stop Loss. Reesse is pathetic.
I am going to see "Stop Lost" this weekend". I actually hopes it does really weel. It would be great for Ryan. He seems like a good guy.
I didn't think anything shocked you TR!
Me, you obviously didn't get your copy of "Everything You Need to Know to be the Best Fangirl Ever" guidebook, it is quite illuminating. A few excerpts:
You'll know that dream couple of yours is keeping their relationship private if:
They have 100s of pictures taken while in a foreign country to promote their film (foreign country being key; if this happens during U.S. promotion it is not "private");
you see pictures of them out in an obscure place with his or her kids from a previous marriage (really, that pap was just hanging out in that park by chance, it's not the Ivy, now that would be public);
a story about their private getaways and possible marriage is on the cover of a tabloid and quotes nameless friends (if they were actually talking about the relationship themselves, as opposed to letting pr, I mean their friends, talk about it, then it would be public).
Conversely, true fans know that if their favorite starlet's ex talks about her and the alleged boyfriend when asked a direct question in an interview, then he is just blatantly using that relationship to sell his new movie.
Oh, and one more pointer, if people are talking about your heartthrob's apparent preference for members of his own sex, this is a gross invasion of privacy and is not to be tolerated, especially if they keep suggesting he should just lead his life rather than bearding. The only acceptable speculation is "when is the wedding" and "is she pregnant".
heh. did a little looking. get this, the Reeke 'secret hideaway' in US is same exact home someone else owns in House Beautiful. same exact pics. how's that??
when I have more time [or if anyone else can] I'll look in public home sale transaction records. should be real easy to figure out.
A very sweet story about two men celebrating their 50th anniversary together.
btw I don't think Jake is near Reese. Methinks he is just laying low.
You won't see Reese's name on any real estate transactions. She owns property under the name of a trust. The trust was named the Woodmont Booth Trust when she was married but she may have changed it.
Thanks, Destiny!
My Fangirl guidebook is on back order from Amazon. Waiting on that and my 2008-9 Gay Agenda.
I feel SO lost without them! I do try to stay on the how-to cutting edge of society corrupting. I mean, how else am I supposed to know exactly what perversion The Gays and Assoc. are pushing this year?
Countdown. Three.
I give you: Tarkan.
Oynama Sikidim Sikidim, Baby.
Reese's new address
Of course it's in Ojai. Tolja!
Thanks Me, I didn't know the 2008-9 Gay Agenda was out yet. I can't wait to see what they have to say about HW this year; I'm also betting they've had to had a chapter about Ted. ;)
That whole US story is so much crap. All those photos are pap photos, all the sources unnamed. I dont buy for a second that Jake's family wants a wedding. They may admire Reese as a succesful hollywood business person, but not as wife material for their son. I love the Karma on this one. First,someone's error floated the story that Abbie was pregnant (the story was later corrected to read romanced) but it completely overshadowed Reeke. Second, a magazine runs an article about the house and it's owner at the same time. This story is all Reese, as usual. Jake is a bit player. Right now I feel no sympathy for Jake. He made his bed and is going to have to lie in it.
Am I missing something? It looks to me like the house is still on the market.
Rattler, if you are going to post in languages other than English, please provide the translation so we all can enjoy.
I love those wedding news so much! So sweet! So romantic!
What's the name of Reese's BF again? Jacob something, right?
Listed as sold. :(
but on the bright side theres nothin more valuable than having your best gay friend along with you to help pick out a house and help decorate it.
and yea, you can bet greesy reesey had this allll planned out, the mag cover, 'finding love again' the new ranch house secret getaway featured in House Beautiful. even the 'accidental' pregnancy, if there is one, will all be planned.
Me, you obviously didn't get your copy of "Everything You Need to Know to be the Best Fangirl Ever" guidebook (...)
Please have mercy on me and don't laugh! Is this a real book? If so, I want a copy! If not, please ignore and don't ridicule me... I had a long and hard day at work. :D
Thanks Can't Stand Her.
No, it is not real Frenchy, but maybe we need to write it.
Wicked, I am unable to provide translations, so feel free to delete the post. I enjoy music as it is: languages do not pose barriers for me.
The most vomit inducing part of the US story is the repetition of the "Jake is everything Ryan wasn't. He is kind, supportive and sensitive". This is the third time they have used that same sentence in an article about these two jackasses.
Does Ryan impress anyone as being mean or insensitive? He is overly sensitive. He stayed home with the kids while she worked, went with her on location and when he asked the same in return she said no. How does that make him NOT supportive? He also stuck around longer then he planned to so that her award season would not be ruined. He didn't have to do that he wanted to because he truly felt like she deserved the recognition and didn't want to do anything to take away from that.
TR, they also ran an article last year in response to the rumor leaked by Reese's people that she and Ryan were secretly dating and reconciling in which one of Reese's friends called Ryan an "asshole" and they gleefully printed it. (People can be many things but they would never do that.)
Jake looks pussywhipped and stupid. His next project looks pretty bad and I doubt Brothers is going to be a huge critical or commercial success. Not only that, but if so many of his fans online were pissed at his silence regarding Heath's death (while he openly cavorted with Reese everywhere on photo ops only days after his death and then had the nerve to party and shop only a month after his passing in Soho where Heath died) then I have a feeling that Hollywood people also took notice and got disgusted. Heath was very well respected and liked, druggie or not. I'm not sure Jake is held to the same standard Heath was. I think he's seen as a well-connected stooge and Reese's bitch (as well as a closeted mo) at this point.
Ryan should be proud he's not married to Reese anymore and that he's not lowering himself to fight Reese in the tabloids or get the last word.
Wicked, last time I heard Luciano Pavarotti sing Funiculì Funiculà, no one from the audience asked for a translation. Give it a shot at Carnegie Hall. Good luck.
Letting Ryan being maligned like this is not good image-wise IMO.
I think Jake should intervene and correct any misconception. But will he? Or rather, is he allowed to?
When Jake is no longer the popular, comes with his own built in fandom, career on the rise, young studmuffin he was at the beginning, tapped to help her dispell the cheated, hausfrau image, what happens then?
When he no longer fits the part scripted for him, when he can no longer enhance and sex up Miss Witherspoon, what happens then?
When he becomes a liability to Reese - no more A list cusp, fandom has turned away, uninteresting and unable to draw new ones - what will happen when Reese is ready to move on?
Picturing hot potatoes plummeting quickly to the ground here.
He'll always be welcome to my ever-loving arms!
In case you haven't noticed, this ain't the Met.
If we here are so provincal, low brow, and dense to even try to understand your obviously oh, so witty, erudite, and clever comments, wouldn't your pearls of wisdom be better suited elsewhere?
I'm sure there's a blog out there filled to the brim with others just as pretentious as you.
Hey I'm not a doormat! I'm Austi Spumanti!
You don't here much from me, cause I'm busy with my man and that "Jake Leg" ; ).
Austi Spumanti, so are you or Chris going to be the best man when Jake marries Reese this summer? Will you even be invited? What will you buy them? Monogrammed towels?
...wouldn't your pearls of wisdom be better suited elsewhere?
Trying to rattle the Rattler?
Good job! Keep trying.
I AM his Best Man in more ways than one. ; )
ITA happy to hold the door, my thoughts exactly. not to be mean or anything but methinks rattler might be better off on another blog since s/he rarely talks about austin/jake/things-related and comes up with cryptic pretentious quotes, poems and youtube links that i [and most of us i think]really don't care about.
I'm sure Reese will have as many nice things to say about Jake after she dumps him as she does about Ryan.
Austi, you need to tell that man of yours to dump her already.
D listed certainly pulled no punches in their post about this episode.
This is off topic, but one of the more interesting slash writers wrote in the format of a graphic novel. "Rhomboideus" did a fairly lengthy RPS of Jake and Heath, but deleted it after Heath's death. Thank god I had printed out and saved some of the illustrations, which were extemely erotic. Both men nude. Beautifully nude. Anyway, she posted a new story about Heath and her drawings of him are breathtaking. Not x rated, just beautiful, and so the essence of the man. In case anyone is interested, access is on DC forum, slash link, but you do have to be a member to access that part of the site.
...s/he rarely talks about austin/jake/things-related and comes up with cryptic pretentious quotes...
If I can tolerate the discussions on things 90% of the time, you have to tolerate my cryptic pretentious quotes etc. When did anyone have a serious discussion on Jake and Austin here? Apart from the established TBs, does anyone care about Jaustin? I know, I do.
We are all here for the same thing J& A.
The Orzon video Rattler posted I think was his way of saying Austin is still with Jake. Hope I'm right?
Maybe we need help trying to understand each other.
Rattler can you explain your points sometimes? Sometimes it's hard. Can we try to see what points Rattler is trying to make?
from DListed about how Ryan thinks it's bizarre to see Jake with Reese: I'm sure Jakey Poo also thinks to himself what a "strange situation" he's in when Reese's labia is inches from his lips.
"That whole US story is so much crap."
Are there any *direct* quotes from Jake, Reese, Jake's family members (named), Chris or Reese's family members (named)? If not, then this is just more bullsh**.
Ignore it.
We have an election coming up, the economy is in the tubes and we're fighting a war. I don't have time for fabricated bullsh**.
And if this charade continues until December when Brothers comes out, ignore Jake too. I don't watch actors who insult my intelligence.
Rattler can you explain your points sometimes?
Please ask me, and I will.
My comments are mostly meant for some established TBs, who have a long history of hanging out with each other. We know each other very well because we have kept the same name for over a year or so: every single day. A newcomer entering a circle of friends may find it hard to engage in the beginning. Keep a constant name and I will recognize you and your characteristics. That will, in turn, help me respond. BTW, here is my primary characteristic: I don't like to discuss anything other than Jake and Austin.
Can I ask you one more thing Rattler?
It's hard to break into a circle, and I come here alot. Sometimes when you just send things to certain friends it makes somebody like me feel left out.
Guess that's not a question huh?
I expect that Ted C and maybe even ent lawyer will weigh in on this latest story. It begs for snarky comments. I do think reese will be pissed that news of her 'private love nest' leaked all over the web. It does not appear to be gated so I'm guessing paps are driving there even as we write.
I wish it were as easy to find out what Austin is up to as Reese's new address. I guess Jake's place would not work since Austin is there.
...happy to hold the door...
Had Enough:
The only ones holding the door for me are Special K and Wicked. If one of them asks me to leave, I will.
The passion that flows through OMG runs deep - way deeper than you can ever imagine. Let the perturbations on the surface not misguide you.
Can we all just get along:
It is a little hard for me to keep referring to you by your long name :) Care to rechristen yourself? FYI, I never chose Rattler, myself. I was too shy to have one. One of the TBs (it was orchid, if I remember correctly) actually gave me three options, and I chose one! Those were the golden days!!
So, let me know, and I will make sure you are not left out.
saw on a blog comment:
Ojai Reese today
Goodbye Jake tomorrow
aka Can we all just get along.
Rattler guess I mean I know you have friends here but just talking to them makes all of us feel left out not just me. Hope you understand what I'm saying. You seem cool.
i was thinkin, the friday pics of reese buying the pigs had her, the 2 kids and the nanny, the pigs in a carrier, them all in a SUV in Vincent, they were probly on their way to Ojai and stopped to get the pigs. why would you go up to Vincent, get some pigs, drive back down to Brentwood only to have to take them back up to Ojai? you wouldn't. jake wasn't in the pig farm pics. and with his injured foot you'd think he'd be staying around esp if he had physical therapy going on and since he must know by now Reese isn't exactly florence nightingale. shit, nurse ratchet is more compassionate. anyway chances are he wasn't and isn't in Ojai, no loving bday/easter party went on like the US story says. i get the feeling he's not too happy right now. the foot gives him a good excuse to be busy and ill and then he'll be gone for Nailed' filming.
RK: Nice to meet you! I understand your POV. However, I can not change myself to please strangers. I can be courteous and polite, yes, but I am weird and difficult by choice.
Look around you. You will always find a Donnie Darko.
Wherever did you hear that song, Rattler? It must be over 5 years old now.
I don't think I have ever heard the song for real. It brings up pretty funny memories of made up song parts, though, so despite what some feel, thank you for linking it.
Just for the record: That guy is from Germany, but he always sung turkish. And none of us understood what he was singing either, but that didn't stop us from having a little bit of fun with the song text.
Sometimes you don't need to understand songs to have fun while listening to them.
Can you believe that I listened to songs for ages and had no clue what they were about since I didn't speak English? And yet I can still remember them and say: Oh yeah, I really liked that one.
That guy is from Germany, but he always sung turkish.
Fantastic! You got the theme right.
There will be a few more similar posts from me. Be a little patient :)
(including RK and others)
And you will all know what I am trying to do here.
As funny as it is that the Abbie pregnancy story came along at the right time, I sincerley hope she doesn't get pregnant any time soon.
Otherwise Reese will have to get pregnant too and Jake will be tied to her forever. Gah.
The lovenest is just a place that Reese bought. If you can't buy something together (when you both have means) then it doesn't mean much.
The other interesting thing - Jake is thought of as supportive. Why does he have to be the only supportive one? Someone should send that picture up above to US Weekly mag and ask why Reese can treat Jake like crap.
If this relationship was any kind of real, it would be an equal partnership not some uptight shrew mummy figure and her little boy hopping behind
As mentioned above, Jake is right. This relationship is hilarious
re: Reeke's very expensive love nest.. all I can say is bring on the great Californian property crash of 2008.
also, I don't think Ryan is as dumb as he might sometimes seem. Using the word 'bizarre' to describe seeing Reeke photos is just perfect.
bizarre: Strikingly unconventional and far-fetched in style or appearance; odd.
bazaar: A fair or sale at which miscellaneous articles are sold, often for charitable purposes.
hmmm, both defs kinda suit Reeke.
I'm with Skeptic. I'm not going to believe any of this stuff until THEY actually say it or they get married...whichever comes first.
It's just sad that Jake comes off looking like a putz (but oh well).
Someone earlier spoke about low activity on IHJ. I noticed it too. I think this is because Jakes "HOT" meter has gone down lately. First the facial hair and then Reese (domestication). I don't think the young fans are interested anymore.
I think all in all everyone feels like theres something just not quite right with this "relationship". JMO.
I think you're right, clarity - I think that feeling pervades the fandom, with a few exceptions. It's not even anything to do with being a "tb".
Destiny, I wanted to stand up and applaud your long post at 9:15 - laptop wouldn't let me :)
If this was really colour-themed, then ick, how can anyone be so tacky?
Rattler! C'mere for a cuddle. I know you don't want one, too bad :)
I like ryan too, meg - he chooses his words very carefully. Sounds pretty sensitive to me.
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