Monday, March 31, 2008

Queer News Corner

This is the first in a new series of Queer News Corners. From time to time, we will post a story of interest to the queer community. The following story is one I originally saw in The Advocate, but when I went to find it there, the website was down. This version is from the UK Times Online, and quotes most of The Advocate story. This is a fascinating account of a transgendered man who is pregnant, baby due July 3rd. It raises so many questions for both the gay and straight communities. Be sure to read at least some of the comments. They are really interesting. I had to wonder if they would have been different on an American website.

Thomas Beatie, a married man who used to be a woman, is pregnant with a baby girl

A married man who used to be a woman says that he is pregnant and will give birth to a baby girl in July.

“How does it feel to be a pregnant man? Incredible,” wrote Thomas Beatie, 34, from the Pacific North West of the United States, in the latest issue of the gay magazine The Advocate.

“Despite the fact that my belly is growing with a new life inside me, I am stable and confident being the man that I am.”

Mr Beatie was born female, named Tracy Lagondino, but had gender reassignment surgery and is now legally male and married to a woman.

He decided to carry a baby for his wife, Nancy, because she had a hysterectomy years ago. He was able to get pregnant because he kept his female organs when he switched genders.

“Sterilisation is not a requirement for sex reassignment, so I decided to have chest reconstruction and testosterone therapy but kept my reproductive rights,” he writes. “Wanting to have a biological child is neither a male nor female desire but a human desire.” The couple, who have been together for ten years, run a custom screenprinting business in Bend, Oregon, where neighbours do not know that Mr Beatie was once a woman.

“Our desire to work hard, buy our first home and start a family was nothing out of the ordinary. That is, until we decided that I would carry our child,” he wrote.

Before becoming pregnant, Mr Beatie stopped the testosterone injections he was receiving as part of his gender reassignment. “It had been roughly eight years since I had my last menstrual cycle so this wasn’t a decision that I took lightly. My body regulated itself after about four months and I didn’t have to take any exogenous oestrogen, progesterone or fertility drugs to aid my pregnancy,” he wrote.

The couple bought donor vials from a cryogenic sperm bank and, facing resistance and prejudice from doctors, resorted to home insemination. “Doctors have discriminated against us, turning us away due to their religious beliefs. Healthcare professionals have refused to call me by a male pronoun or recognise Nancy as my wife. Receptionists have laughed at us. Friends and family have been unsupportive; most of Nancy’s family doesn’t even know I’m transgender,” he said.

Mr Beatie’s first successful insemination ended in a life-threatening ectopic pregnancy with triplets that required surgery, resulting in the loss of all his embryos and his right Fallopian tube. “When my brother found out about my loss, he said, ‘It’s a good thing that happened. Who knows what kind of monster it would have been?’,” he wrote.

The second pregnancy resulted in a baby girl who is due to be born on July 3. “I will be my daughter’s father, and Nancy will be her mother. We will be a family,” he wrote.

Mr Beatie would not be the first transgender man to give birth, according to Lisa Masterson, an obstetrician at Cedars-Sinai Medical Centre in Los Angeles.

“A transgender man can be pregnant because he has the same organs as a woman,” Dr Masterson said on the ABC Good Morning America show.

Dr Masterson said, however, that transgendered men face special health risks resulting from their sex change. “It’s really important that he doesn’t take any testosterone early on in the pregnancy and later on,” she said. “That can cause male-type characteristics in the female baby.”

Some of the Beaties’ neighbours in Bend voiced scepticism about the pregnancy claim. One resident, Josh Love, told ABC: “I couldn’t say that he looks pregnant. I can stick my stomach out and almost make it look like that. I think it’s kind of bizarre. I don’t know if I believe it or not.”

The Advocate said it had confirmed the story with Mr Beatie’s doctor.

Source: UK Times Online

Movie club poll is still open. Vote if you haven't already!


Wicked said...

Kacie, we are all thinking of you. Please come back when you can and let us know you are okay. ((((Kacie))))

Anonymous said...


frenchy said...

Many thoughts and prayers for you (((Kacie))).

Anonymous said...

Bond said ...
His family and best friend aren't around, and I don't think that he trusts anyone in HW as far as he can spit.

Jake's mother, godmother, father, sister and brother-in-law are Hollywood and in the business.

Anonymous said...

Kacie, I hope all goes well for you and you get well soon.

Anonymous said...


Spring is here,
and the flowers -
just for you.


Anonymous said...

Hi {{{{{Kacie}}}}}}

Good luck at the dr's and take care honey! :*

destiny said...

(((Kacie))). I have you in my thoughts and wishes.

Anonymous said...

Splash video of Reeke and kids at LAX

Reese gets to use her classic line, "You're scaring my children!"

Anonymous said...

Jake to be the Lone Ranger?

Anonymous said...

Look like Mark and TR are getting serious!

Anonymous said...

Kacie, my thoughts and prayers are with you.

Special K said...

Hi-yo, Silver!
Jake as The Lone Ranger. He is the closest mentioned to resembling Clayton Moore.

Yeah, Jake back in the saddle on Silver with Tonto by his side. He would do a really great job. You have to have someone with a large sense of presence to become the Lone Ranger. He could handle the job hands down.

Everyone would be saying.
"Who was that masked man?"

I just had a flashback to the Woody Allen's movie Radio Days. Seth Greene, playing a young Woody, gets caught stealing money from the collection cans for the new Jewish homeland and gets call in by the Rabbi. Who finds out he stole the money to get a Lone Ranger scout thing. Seth delivers one of my favorite lines that I use a lot, he looks straight at the Rabbi and says in all seriousness.."You speak the truth my faithful Indian", just like the Lone Ranger did with Tonto. The Rabbi loses it,"My faithful Indian, what is this faithful Indian?" And Seth proceeds to get hit by the Rabbi, his mother and his father who all claim to be easy on the boy. Somehow I can see Woody Allen in the Rabbi's office for such an event.

Wicked said...

I don't know about that Lone Ranger thing for Jake. Those movies have tended to TANK!

Nobody wants to talk about our pregnant guy? I was talking about this with a lesbian that I know and she said that the gay community will not and should not embrace this. She said we have worked so hard to seem "normal" and just like everyone else, and things like this just blow it for us. An interesting perspective. And what would the straight community say?

Anonymous said...

Despite its early popularity, recent attempts to revive the character have failed dismally. In 1981, The Legend of the Lone Ranger failed so badly that the film's star, Klinton Spilsbury, never worked in Hollywood again. And in 2003, a TV movie that served as a backdoor pilot also bit the dust.

Special K said...

The pregnant guy thing -- is like whoa!

One it challenges the concept of what is male and female. He wanted to become a man because he felt his natural existence is a man, but he was trapped as in the body of a woman. But then he maintain the reproductive biological parts of a woman. Why? is my question first question.

Of course Female to Male transition is so much rarer than Male to Female. How do other F to M's see this? How does the GLTB community see this? Who is harder critics, the GLTB community or the straight community?

And how does his wife view him. Does she still see him as male after all this? Or after going through the whole process of transitioning see still see him as inheritantly female because he is doing the one thing that is distinctively the most female aspect of existence, bring forth life.

Anonymous said...

Alias NETB!

Hi-yo, Silver!
Jake as The Lone Ranger.

I personally would love it, but, it historically hasn't done well, as Wicked said. You just never know - if they modern it up, it might do well. I doubt he'll do it tho, because management may put the kibosh on it, unfortunately. And I'd want him to take his mask off sometimes. :)

Wicked, as far as today's topic goes - my feeling is and always has been, if someone really wants a child and a family for all the right reasons, they should be able to have one.

Anonymous said...

Maybe I am being obtuse, or maybe I watch too much science fiction :) but I don't get what is the big deal with the pregnant guy. I really don't. If he physically can do it and wants to, more power to him.

Anonymous said...

And don't forget that gender identity is not any more cut and dried than sexuality, but is fluid and exists on a continuum.

destiny said...

I wanted to wait until I had read some of the comments before talking about today's post. I had read about this couple before today, and I have to admit my first reaction was kind of mixed. Rationally I have no problem with it, especially from the prospective of the child having two loving parents. But on a gut level it did give me pause, and for no good reason I might add. One of the commentators on the story asked if it was really any different than a butch woman having a baby, and in some ways I think not. Although I do wonder about how something like this would affect someone's identify, and whether it would cause problems in the long run.

Special, regarding why Beatie kept his reproductive organs, from what I've read many women who transition to male do not take that final step because the surgery is still kind of crude, doesn't always work well, and adversely affects the ability to enjoy sex. Some women who have taken that final step have been unhappy with the results, same with men. Some it is also a matter of economics. And then as Linda said, gender is also fluid abd exists on a continuum.

On a lighter note, I hope the talk about the Lone Ranger remains talk, as far as Jake is concerned. I thought Pirates I was okay because of Depp and his campy performance, II was horrible, and III I didn't see, and I am generally not a fan of Bruckheimer. People I think went to those films because of Depp, something I can't see happening with Jake. Plus, very few films of this ilk are passable, let alone good.

Anonymous said...

I saw Stop-Loss this weekend and enjoyed it although it is not Oscar material or anything.

Ryan held his own as leading man. He had a great supporting cast in the guys who played his fellow soldiers. The actor that played Tommy has an eerie resemblance to Heath.

The war scenes - (not sure how accurate they were) but they made me realize how difficult it must be to make progress through military might in a situation like Iraq.

The music was good, will have to get that soundtrack too, if they have the acoustic stuff on it.

Two problems I had with the movie
********** SPOILER ALERT **********

The scene where Abby bandages Ryan's head, he was wincing when she had not yet touched him, they needed more takes of that scene!!

And the ending made me go WTF! It kind of invalidated the whole rest of the movie. Other than that I liked it. :)

Anonymous said...

“Jake a Fake?

Returning home from a Mexican vacation, tantastic Jake Gyllenhaal hobbles after a charred Reese Witherspoon and her kids - then doesn't.

Looks like Jack Twist is about to get all Jack Nasty by finding a new use for those crutches - swinging them at a paparazzi's lens.

Reese's boytoy has been gimping around since getting hurt playing in a game of pick-up basketball.”


Anonymous said...

Reese's boytoy

'Nuff said.

Wicked said...

I've read many women who transition to male do not take that final step because the surgery is still kind of crude

There was a transgendered man in one of the psychiatric housing programs I worked in. He had his surgery in Argentina. What they did to him was utter butchery. He was incredibly unhappy with it. The client was from Argentina, and had the surgery before moving to the States.

My take on a transgendered man having a baby is that I hate kids. I won't be having any, so someone who loves them better do it, because if it was left to me, the human race would die out! The decision for a transgendered man to have a child is not one he can make lightly. It takes so much work and planning to for him to get pregnant. Anybody who wants a kid that bad and is willing to go through that, should have one.

Special K said...

Thanks for all the responses to questions. It's great to get a range of perspectives.

I do think that this case is will have bioethicists and those in the field of gender studies discussing and writing over the next few years.

I do think if you want to have a child then you take the steps you feel comfortable with having a child. For some it is adoption, for others IVF, some surrogates and now transgendered fathers.

Anonymous said...

From previous post.

March 31, 2008 2:37 AM

"8:50, you don't know Jake, stop posting as though you do. We are as unconvinced by this theory as by your previous one (gay but celibate)."

No one here knows JG. Does that mean that we should all keep quiet? Of course not, so grow up.

And look at the situation now. Which would you prefer, Jake as gay, celibate and single surrounded by loving family and friends, or Jake bearding, cut off from most of his family and friends? Reeke, Inc. is as much the product of the fan's desire to see Jake paired up with anyone (gay, straight or bisexual) as it is the product of Hollywood homophobia and his disastrous personal life.

March 31, 2008 3:43 AM

"Really? What happened?

His family, friends and colleagues don't like him any more? Since when?"

From what I've seen, Jake is bearding for emotional and professional reasons. The emotional part is obvious given the wreckage of his personal life, which is apparent to everyone, and his decision to stay in a town that he no longer seems to enjoy - LA. The professional part is more difficult to fathom, not because bearding brings no professional advantages to the average actor in homophobic HW, but because I don't see a long list of possible future films for Jake on the horizon, his professional decision to beard has cut him off from the public, familial support he needs so desperately (by his own admission), bearding with Reese has pulled him into an emotional hornet's nest (the latest staged PR stunt is the clearest example of Reese's vicious streak and lingering resentment towards Ryan Phillippe), and because Reeke actually makes Jake look gayer than he has ever looked before.

Yes, you read it right. The massive irony of Reeke, Inc. is that for the first time in his career, Jake looks like a man with something to hide, a man harboring a secret so dangerous that he's had to literally remake his life, something that neither his collaborator (RW) nor other truly heterosexual male actors involved in romantic relationships have had to do in the past.

Unless you're dating your cousin, heterosexuals in Hollywood don't distance themselves from family or close friends, or refuse to confirm or deny the nature of their relationship in a *reputable* news source, for extended periods of time. Heterosexuality is an asset in HW; you don't hide it for long.

His collaboration with Reese makes him look gayer than ever, and that might be why the film roles are not appearing out of the sky right now. You can't fool all of the people all of the time.

March 31, 2008 4:04 AM

"Uh didn't we just see his best friend recently? If his parents and friends have truly left his side, maybe it's because they don't know who he is anymore."

Good point.

Anonymous said...

You're the constructive sublimation poster from WFT, aren't you, Bond?

Anonymous said...

We don't actually want you to stick around, bond, unless you can provide some pretty good evidence for your certainty. You are obviously the constructive sublimation poster and you're no wiser now than you were then, so stop cracking on like you know something. Telling your critics to grow up isn't any kind of justification of your posts.

destiny said...

Just to clarify, I do think that couple have every right to have children. I recognize that my own unease has no rational basis and is probably just a reflection of my own prejudices and the fact that I have never really had a desire to have children, so I've never had that desire to have children at all costs that so many people do have.

Anonymous said...

Looks like Stop-Loss did better on its opening weekend than Rendition or Penelope.

london tb said...

I don't think transgender is owned by either the straight or gay community - gender alignment is a continuum, like sexual orientation. And I agree that if people really want to have kids that is the main driver and they will go to almost any lengths. I read this story and was as OK with at as most of the UK posters seem to be.

Anonymous said...

Julie, I don't have kids and it's not because I hate them. I like them but I didn't want to be a single mother.

Clarity said...

I had to think about todays post as well before I responded.

I don't think there is anything wrong with Mr. Beatie physically having the child as long as he and his wife will provide a loving home. If his body can carry a child why not. I never really wanted to physically carry a baby myself although I wouldn't mind raising a child. So I guess it would just depend on the person.

I guess that my concern would be for the child and it's emotional well being. I wonder if they have thought anything about that yet. Are they going to tell the child that the father actually gave birth to him/her? Would that cause the child any emotional damage?
One other thing..if the couples family are already acting strange about it i'm sure that will impact the child as well. I wonder how they are going deal with these issues.

Anonymous said...

Looks like some of us here may have been on the mark ...

Jake a Fake?

No it's not about his Reeke romance but instead about his injury. I bet he's just still trying to get out of doing, "Nailed." Comedian Tracy Morgan confirmed on the Stern show that he's also joining the cast.

Besides his injury didn't seem that bad at first, and then it seemed to get worse ... so bad in fact that he needed crutches. Now he's able to walk without them it seems two seconds after he was using them, puh-lease!

Anonymous said...

These are the same considerations that have come up with interracial couples and same sex couples, or infertile couples wanting to have children, and those myths about why and why not and Mon Dieu! What about the chillllldren? have all gone by the wayside. It's the same thing with a transgendered parent. I don't see the problem with a couple who wants to have a child and love him or her?

Ultimately, if a child has a loving parent(s), that's what matters.

Anonymous said...

Jake can't keep up with Reese

I really do think this is a metaphor for their relationship.

Reese is always ahead. And something tells me it’s not just the crutches that are keeping Jake in the trailing position.

Anonymous said...

People has pics of Reeke poolside in Cabo

Anonymous said...

ET/Insider has pictures of Reese in New Orleans teaching kids.

Was that before during or after Cabo on The Reese out PR's Ryan Tour?

Anonymous said...

PR must really want people to think Reese is pregnant. So far, it's working on the Babblers.

Wicked said...

Wicked, why do you hate kids? Are you part of the Child Free movement?

I don't know what the Child Free movement is. Although it sounds like something I would be interested in.

Kids are not for me. There are few things in this world that I gravitate toward less than kids. What makes it difficult is that there is an assumption that everyone both loves and wants kids. It's even worse if you're a woman. It used to be if you were a lesbian you got a pass, but no more.

Anonymous said...

ET/Insider has pictures of Reese in New Orleans teaching kids.

Was that before during or after Cabo on The Reese out PR's Ryan Tour?

Or the real estate closing on the lovenest in Ojai? ;)

The Bad Seed said...

Now he's able to walk without them it seems two seconds after he was using them, puh-lease!

I don't know Jake's medical situation but I've used crutches when it looked like to everyone else that I didn't need them [they don't put casts on broken hips]. Yes I could walk fine [to an outsiders eye] without them for short distances but the Dr wanted only 50% weight on the leg and to use crutches for about 85% of the day. [I didn't have to use them around the house]. For you, TMZ or anyone to make a snap judgement on Jake or ANYONE who may not *look* injured, ill or handicapped, who doesn't *fit in* with predefined images of disablement is not only ignorant but prejudicial.

Anonymous said...

For you, TMZ or anyone to make a snap judgement on Jake or ANYONE who may not *look* injured, ill or handicapped, who doesn't *fit in* with predefined images of disablement is not only ignorant but prejudicial.

First: I was a track runner and all star athlete (female). Beyond that I've broken both of my legs, had surgery which required one of my tendons to be slashed and had both knee caps realigned at different times. I don't know Jake and neither do you but don't assume my opinion is coming out of my keester.

Second: is it beyond you to even fathom for a second his injury isn't exactly what it seems or is he really that infallible?

Anonymous said...

And where were the kiddies for this poolside photo op? I guess they were inconvenient and had to be removed.

Anonymous said...

PR shill said...
PR must really want people to think Reese is pregnant.


The Bad Seed said...

NGG I've also broken both my legs and one of my feet and I ran cross country in HS. All injuries are different so please don't think that because someone can walk w/o crutches that they are faking anything. Just because they might not behave like you did with your injuries doesn't mean they aren't injured.

btw in the People pic it looks like Jake might have a light cast on his foot [he has wrapping on it too].

Anonymous said...

I don't know Jake and neither do you but don't assume my opinion is coming out of my keester.

This made my night, you guys are some of the funniest! :)

Anonymous said...

PR shill said...
PR must really want people to think Reese is pregnant.


People is a PR shill. All photos published in it are sanctioned by PR. No pic of Reese looking pregnant would be published in People without PR's consent.

Anonymous said...

When I first came across this news, to be honest, I was extremely curious about a rational biological explanation. Once that was taken care of, it was like, oh okay, fine. He wants a baby? Good for him! And I moved on.

But, now I realize (after reading about it again at OMG) Thomas is indeed a very courageous guy, in terms of putting himself through so many medical risks. Is he using his own semen for impregnation? If he is not, wouldn't it be much safer to adopt?

Anonymous said...

What?!!!! Rattler, I think you need to read the story again. lol [sorry!]

Anonymous said...

Sorry, laughing, I really don't understand clearly how the gender reassignment surgery technically works. Please somebody educate me.

Clarity said...

"And where were the kiddies for this poolside photo op? I guess they were inconvenient and had to be removed."

HAHAHAHA. I know. People has it as a romantic getaway!!???

Special K said...

New from Ted.

Dear Ted:
Does Toothy Tile's girlfriend know that he's Toothy Tile? I'm thinking Toothy might be working his way toward her ex.
Concord, N.C.

Dear Tooth-Fake:
Yes, and quite possible. But only if he already had him. T2’s in lurve, doncha know.

Clarity said...

This might help you Rattler

Anonymous said...

Can you translate Ted's latest, Spesh? :)

Anonymous said...

Biologically, a transgendered male is still a woman. He must worry about so-called female diseases.

Anonymous said...

But look at this:
(Thanks, Clarity, actually Wikipedia had already confused me.)

In either case, the urethra can be rerouted through the phallus to allow urination through the reconstructed penis. The labia majora are united to form a scrotum, where prosthetic testicles can be inserted.

Can these prosthetic testicles be functional?

Wicked said...

Toothy is in love with someone who is not his girlfriend's ex. Toothy's GF knows he's gay. That's my take.

Anonymous said...

Can these prosthetic testicles be functional?


Anonymous said...

Yes, and quite possible. But only if he already had him. T2’s in lurve, doncha know.

Rattler's take:
TT does not "have" Ryan already.
TT does have Goose already.
So, TT is working his way toward Goose.
TT is in lurve, doncha know?

Special K said...

Wicked's on target with tonight's Ted.

And who is Toothy in love with? Well, I think there is only one man, his Goose. : )

Anonymous said...

Can these prosthetic testicles be functional?

Then, kudos to Thomas.
His decision is quite courageous.

Anonymous said...

A transgendered woman cannot bear a child because her body does not have female reproductive organs. She will not menstruate. A transgendered man cannot get a woman pregnant because his body does not produce semen. Doctors can surgically change the body's appearance, but they can't make the body do what is it's biology isn't designed to.

Florida Tom said...

No hard feelings Rattler.

Good luck Kacie.

Anonymous said...

I thought the Toothy's in "lurve" was Ted's joking riff on the Us Weekly cover story on the Reese/Jake love story. And Toothy working his way toward girlfriend's ex is Ryan.

That's how I read it. If I'm mistaken, please translate from Tedspeak. I'm a little rusty lately.

frenchy said...

Thanks for a great new feature and this fascinating article. I've also read some of the accompanying comments and picked a couple of items that struck a few chords.

From the article, you can deduct that the child will be loved and well cared for by a stable and solid couple, which is much more that can be said about quite a lot of traditional families. So from that perspective all is well in my book.

Will there be problems for the child as she grows up? Kids can end up being teased and bullied for a million different reasons and even for those who come from the most traditional family there's never any guarantee that their life as schoolchildren won't be miserable. In this case, the guy was known as a man by his neighbours so if he continues his life as a man after the pregnancy (and this is obviously what he intends to do), people might simple prefer to "reacquaint" themselves with "that guy they used to know" and things might go more smoothly than one would expect. Except that I don't know how things are in Oregon. And the couple decided to make their story public so they will attract more attention than their previously quiet life usually warranted. So if things become worst for their child – at school for example, they will have to step in firmly and maybe enroll other families and members of their community to spread tolerance. As for gender identity "problems" and so on as she gets older, I don't feel qualified enough to comment.

From a medical standpoint I hope there will be no problem for the child given all the hormones and stuff Mr. Beatie had to take. Apparently he's being extra careful and things seem to be ok.

I was actually less "shocked" by this article than by what I learned recently about the booming womb renting industry - i.e. surrogate mothers or should I say "gestational carriers" :( :( -that feeds itself on the abject poverty of Indian women. Mr. Beatie might be seen as someone who's going to extremes to get a blood-related child but at least he's not exploiting another human being in the process.

Other thoughts will most probably pop up in my mind after I hit that "Publish" button but these will have to wait for now. Sorry for any typos. :)

Anonymous said...

Anyone in chat?

Anonymous said...

Ted is just saying that a Jake/Ryan hookup might indeed be conceivable, it would have happened years ago, before J & A had settled down.

Anonymous said...

New Cabo pics at IHJ.

The Bad Seed said...

Aw Jakey's foot and ankel looks sore and swollen and red.

The guy who was helping him with his backpack leaving Cabo is also in the leaving Lax pics so maybe he was a physical therapist. Funny about the leaving Lax pics, the Nanny is with the kids and holding deacons hand the whole time. Reese looks like a spectator just watching. 'Good Mom' my ass.

Another thing about the leaving Lax, theyre both wearing the same clothes as they came back in. Hmm. And why are the pics out now and not last week?

I'm surprised at the Cabo place, would have expected something much much nicer. It looks budget. Jake really doesnt look like he's having a good time really. Seeing those pics make me feel sorry for him for some reason.

The Bad Seed said...

O and some people are going to be sooooooooooooooooo disappointed when they see a certain stomach. :D

Anonymous said...

hey do you have a direct link to the latest fauxmance pix?

Anonymous said...

this is 3 years old but funny:

if jake gyllenhaal really is toothy tile as everyone has been suspecting, then we think there are some boys out there who'll be mighty happy to see just how big he can open up his mouth. does anyone know what he's eating? it looks strange to us. whatever it is, it's on the menu at urth cafe (one of ex-girlfriend kirtsen dunst's favorite brunch stops).

destiny said...

Frenchy, to answer your question about Oregon, it is a fairly liberal state, at least in recent years. A lot of people from California escaped to Oregon. Bend in particular has a lot of refugees from other places and has tried to build itself up as a hip and artist friendly place. I've never been there, but my sister lived there for a bit (it was supposed to have mild winters, but the year she was there it was always buried under snow). I'm sure there is a conservative element, there usually is in most older, small towns in the west, but it is probably a better place than others for a non-traditional family.

Regarding Ted, I think he is making fun of the US cover, stating for the 100th time it is Jake, and that Jake is settled down with someone, hence if there was anything with Ryan, it would've had to be in the past. I also wonder if the reference to the "ex" isn't a way of saying someday Jake will just be another ex.

destiny said...

By the way, I really love the song you used today. I've only heard a few of his songs before, but I may have to check him out.

Special K said...

Looks like Jake did little a manscaping.

Don't think it was just for Cabo. ; )

The Bad Seed said...

OT Adam Sandler broke his ankle today in LA playing basketball. Must be an epidemic!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Elizabeth Taylor, president of Friends And Girls Harboring Affection for Gays, or F.A.G. H.A.G, urged cautious optimism. “Knight will be back,” Taylor said. “Cornelsen is a total twink. Does Heigl really think this is anything other than a gay mid-life crisis? Monty [Clift] went through this, Roddy [McDowell] went through this, Rock [Hudson] went through this.Jake Gyllenhaal is going through it right now. Wait, I didn’t just out Jake Gyllenhaal, did I?

“Anyway, get used to it. Gay men have a terrible time with commitment,” added the octuply-married Taylor.

After Elton – April fool

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Jake to take on Spiderman from Tobey

Anonymous said...

Some of you might've seen Gyllenhaal walking around with a bum leg last week, which was apparently from a couple of stunt sessions that he was going through with the trainers for the movie. It was just a mild sprain, but apparently the filmmakers said that he was "built like a champ" and could easily take over the role from Maguire, who almost relayed the role to Gyllenhaal back in 2003, after the former actor was apparently having back problems whilst renegotiating his contract.

Gyllenhaal is said to be thrilled with the news and when contacted him this past weekend, he even admitted that what he's really looking forward to is the "spidey groupie tail" that apparently comes with the gig. Gyllenhaal also gave our site a little shout-out and said, "If it wasn't for sites like that keep the movie geeks informed about the day-to-day minutiae of our lives, this wouldn't be possible, so if you or any of your staff wants to come on set for a handjob by a hot extra or even a half-hot grip...just drop me a line and I'll set you up."

Gyllenhaal is Spidey!

Anonymous said...

Again more pics of her not waiting for him

Who doesn't wait for a guy on crutches?

O and some people are going to be sooooooooooooooooo disappointed when they see a certain stomach. :D

Not at all. They've fixated on Jake gazing adoringly at her belly.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

When are there pix of celebs getting coffee and shopping in the airport? Talk about overkill. Funny the kids disappear again in some of them.

Anonymous said...

Coffee and shopping? They are bored.