Dastan - Persian meaning 'trickster'
The question is did Jordan Merchner pick it as the name of the Prince because of the who the Prince is or because who is playing the Prince? Logically, it is about the story that leads to Prince given the name, but when you think about it Dastan could describe Jake as well.
Tricky: Deceitfully clever: Requiring great tact or skill
Jake can be tricky, playing clever with what he says and what he does. Saying one thing that could mean different things to different people. You hear what you hear from whatever side of the table you sit. Slipping in little bits and pieces of things in if you are aware of the game.
But in another way its tricky being Jake. The reputation that proceeds him, the gossip that surrounds him, the future that's before him.
Is still the indie boy? Will he be the action star? Hollywood is all about packaging, yet Jake is hard to nail down as one thing or another, and that seems to be not just in front of the camera.
Anointed by Hollywood to be made into a leading man he came in the next wave after Leo. Dashing, handsome and charming with just a dash of mischief, he has all of it to fulfill that part. Is that still the plan? Is that what he wants? Or that what is wanted for him?
From his choices on and off the screen he looks like labels are the last things he wants.
So is the trick to get the treat, to have it all? And is it by being the ultimate trickster and not just with his fans?
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Trick and Treat?
Posted by
Special K
8:05 AM
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Hot Stuff
Could it be really be true? There have been rumors and rumblings, casual mentions in interviews, and then those two infamous minutes on Ellen. Is it true that Jake is a.... a .... a Gastrosexual?
'Gastrosexuals' is the new buzz for a new generation of men consider cooking more a hobby than a household chore and use their kitchen prowess to impress friends and prospective partners. They can be male or female but the common denominator is their love of food. And that cooking for this new generation isn't simply a matter of refuelling. For them it's an enjoyable experience and something to be relished - they cook for pleasure, praise and potential seduction.
The average Gastrosexual male is aged between 25-44 and is upwardly mobile, well travelled and cooks for their own pleasure and the praise of others.
Jake loves food, he appreciates a good meal, and one that is shared with good friends. He has patroned some of the greatest restaurants in the world. His friends - chefs, both of the celeb and non celeb variety. It's known that he has gone and prepped in Mario's restaurants kitchens, improving those knife skills? or just a way to unwind anonymously in the back of house? Maggie proudly talks about his culinary prowess, and his fanboy for chef Jamie Oliver. His cooking adventures with Austin in the kitchen during filming TDAT. And his enthusiasm over Iron Chef when sitting down with Jay Leno. The rumors of restaurants ventures. And any man that can tackle Starbursts fruit candies for his secret ingredient while trying to cook with Ellen in two minutes, earns that glass of wine.
Between 25-44
Upwardly mobile
Well travelled
Love Food
Loves to Cooks for family and friends
Dined at some of the best restaurants in the world
Hangs with chefs
Slips into restaurant kitchens to work for fun
Sounds like there's no doubt ...
For pleasure - check.
For praise - check.
For seduction -- what do you think? well who do you think?
And who is Jake's favorite sous chef?
Posted by
Special K
8:05 AM
Labels: Gastrosexual, Jake
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Finders Keepers
He's definitely one in a million to one certain someone. True Texas Treasure.
There is something different about this picture, and its on Austin's face. When acting he loses himself in the part, but usually photos it seems he gets a little self conscious of his good looks and tightens up. But here, you don't see anything like that. What makes this one so different?
Posted by
Special K
8:42 AM
Labels: Austin, One in a Million
Monday, July 28, 2008
Power Towers
In an interview last year Austin talked about places around LA he likes to go, some of the restaurants and other just places around LA. One such place is Watts Towers in the Watts section of the city. Austin talks about going to The Watts Towers to lay in the grass and reading.
Watts began as ethnically diverse working neighborhood many of them who worked on the railroad, it named after the first railroad station, Watts Station, that was built in the town.
It was during that time that a gentleman Simon Rodia took something very ordinary and made it extraordinary. The Watts Towers have become a the most famous landmark in Watts..
The towers, consist of nine major sculptures, intricate towers and surrounding wall were built on a small triangular site at 1765 107th Street East in Watts, on one-tenth of an acre (400 square meters) edging the Pacific Electric Railway Red Car tracks where Rodia settled sometime between 1921 and 1925.
The exact date of Rodia's initiation of his monumental endeavor is unknown. What is clear is that starting in his early forties, he worked on them for the next thirty-plus years, every day, creating a masterpiece that has become the poster image for the environmental art genre.
The tallest of the towers stands 99.5 feet high and contains the longest slender reinforced concrete column in the world. The main vertical legs of the sculptures are slender columns containing internal steel reinforcements, tied with wire and wrapped with wire mesh.
Embedded in the mortar of the towers are the remnants of all sorts of popular household items of the times - from ceramic tiles to mirrors to the brilliant blue and green broken glass of old 7-Up and Milk of Magnesia bottles.
There is no strict school of art to describe, the Towers are more about a individuality, expression, innovation and vision. The celebrate the perseverance and steadfast determination of achieving what you dream.
To many it is just ordinary things even junk, but together makes something greater. It is seeing things in new ways. Everything can be art, art is everywhere.
This describes Austin doesn't? Do you think he is more artist or actor?
The Watts Towers Virtual Tour
The Watts Towers Pictures
Posted by
Special K
8:00 AM
Labels: Austin, The Watts Towers
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Out Spotlight XXXV
On November 2, 2004 Lupe Valdez, won the job as Dallas Count
y (TX) sheriff with 51% of the vote. She became Texas's only elected female sheriff, as well as being the only openly lesbian sheriff in TX.
One of eight children born to migrant farm worker parents, she grew up in San Antonio, TX. She started working in the fields, paid her way through college, earning a Bachelor's degree in Business Administration going on to earn a Master's degree in Criminology and Criminal Justice from the University of Texas at Arlington.
She served in the United States Army rising to the rank of Captain. She then pursued her civilian career in law enforcement beginning as a corrections officer, first in a county jail and then federal prison. She stayed in the federal system becoming an agent for the General Services Administration, the U.S. Department of Agriculture and, finally, the U.S. Customs Service where she was a leader in the federal Counter Smuggling Initiative. With the creation of the Department of Homeland Security in 2002, she was made a Senior Agent, serving in that role until her retirement in January 2004. Her retirement was for her pursue the office of Dallas County Sheriff.
On January 2, 2004, Lupe Valdez announced her candidacy for the Democratic nomination for Dallas County Sheriff. During the primary election, she faced three opponents, and finished as the highest vote-getter with 13,867 votes. She subsequently won a run-off election against future Dallas County Judge Jim Foster. Valdez won 73% of the vote in the run-off.
Going into the general election, Valdez was considered the underdog against Republican Danny Chandler. Chandler, a 30-year veteran of the Sheriff's Department, had defeated incumbent Sheriff Jim Bowles in the Republican primary. Bowles, who was tainted by corruption allegations, had held the office for 20 years.
During her first four years in office Sheriff Valdez has fought for the people of Dallas County by aggressively reforming her Department and working to restore the Dallas County Jail.
Sheriff Valdez was reelected in March 2008 although her tenure is not without its own controversies about her job performance. The criticism includes poor communication within and outside the department; Dallas County jails still failing state inspections, like her during her predecessor; declining arrest rates for driving while intoxicated and alleged disproportionate DWI arrests of Hispanics; taking 2 years to successfully pass her Texas Peace Officer Certification examination after being elected; engaging in campaign activities while in uniform and violating "long-standing policy" in Dallas County; authorizing the Discovery Channel to film a documentary without gaining required Commissioner Court permission.
This prompted the Commissioners Court to unanimously seek(and ultimately get) a restraining order against the Sheriff. The Dallas Morning News editorial board criticized the Sheriff's handling of the matter: "the positive publicity from finally meeting state standards would have been superior to that of a cable documentary and an unnecessary fight with those who hold her purse strings. The legal costs to the county could be as high as $11,000.
This month it came from the behind the thin blue line, a news conference where the National Latino Peace Officers Association, Dallas County Peace Officers Association, Dallas County Sheriff's Association and Fraternal Order of Police, frustrated because Sheriff Valdez "repeatedly refused to meet" with them over labor issues, "blasted [Sheriff Valdez] for lack of leadership and inaction during [Dallas County's fiscal year 2009] budget crisis," further alleging that Valdez's leadership has "led to a historic low in morale and an 'overwhelming view of no confidence within our ranks.'
The 28-year law enforcement veteran said her sexuality was not much of an issue during her campaign. Valdez, who received an endorsement by the Gay and Lesbian Victory Fund, said her election is proof of progress in the law enforcement profession. "As more of us are upfront about our sexuality, the attitudes change," she said, adding that her election also proves that Dallas is an accepting place.
Posted by
Special K
7:42 AM
Labels: Lupe Valdez, Out Spotlight
Saturday, July 26, 2008
The OMG Movie Club
This month's selection is Priscilla Queen of the Desert. Three drag queens, one big bus, whole lotta ABBA and a road trip across Australia.
Tick (Hugo Weaving) receives a phone call from his estranged wife. She needs some help with the entertainment in her hotel in Alice Springs, Australia. While it's been years since they last talked, he agrees to pack up and leave Sydney. He asks two of his friends to come along: Ralph (Terence Stamp) and Adam (Guy Pearce).
Tick, Ralph, and Adam are also known as Mitzi, Bernadette, and Felicia. Bernadette is a transsexual; Adam is flamboyantly gay, and Tick is seemingly confused about which team he is on.
The three find a bus, christen it Priscilla, Queen of the Desert, and begin the long drive across Australia.
Outrageous, exaggerated, and over the top, Priscilla is a feast for the eyes and the ears. The contrast of the rugged and rough Australian outback to the flamboyancy of Tick, Felicia and Bernadette is set against the tender story of a father's journey to see his son and the fear of his rejection.
Posted by
Special K
7:56 AM
Labels: Movie Club, Priscilla Queen of the Desert
Friday, July 25, 2008
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Point Break
After all this talk about sand, you need a some surf.
While Austin gets his stick wet in the Southern California and maybe in the Gulf of Mexico. His doppleganger seems to like the Costa Rican coast for some surfing. But Tom from Costa Rico doesn't have the same cache does it?
There was no category for Best drama or comedy about Sports at the ESPY Awards or JFC would have been nominated. But as what a drama? A comedy? Best show about surf that never got a chance?Best riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma on a surfboard? Or as Milch's best acid flashback on TV?
Austin or Tom?
There is so much to still figure out about JFC even after the DVD's have come out, before the summer's over, OMG's needs to get a set in.
So once a month OMG tries to tackle Milch's mysto beach moments and work through each episode? Four weeks to recover, analyze and form your own theories on what the heck Milch was doing? Looking at influences to the story, the characters and actors. Looking at the minutia that made up the layered and sometimes muddled story? Favorite lines. Favorite scenes. or just damn, Austin just look good is a fair game in this discussion.
When JFC was on it was always Monday that everyone had the what was that hangover. And it was only the hair of the dog to make it better. So a monthly Monday discussion about our favorite visitor starting in August? What do you think?
Where in the world is this point break?

Posted by
Special K
8:39 AM
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Letters from Camp PoP
Dear Maggie
This is the best summer camp ever! We get archery, fencing, sword fights, horseback riding and drama club. Mickey and Jerry B put on the best camp. And craft services isn't crafts its the canteen and you can use Mickey money to get anything you want. But I can't cause I have to eat from food list that got sent ahead, bummer.
I have my own horse and Gemma does too, and they told me I'm gonna get to take off my riding helmet when I get really really good. I get some really awesome riding clothes too. I have a bunch of scimitars or but I guess I should call them shamshirs if I want to be correct.
It's really hot here, but we have air conditioning in our bunks, how cool is that? My bunk buddy is great too.
I haven't cut my hair at all this summer and it's getting so long, it will be longer than yours soon. It's just a pain in the butt to keep out of my eyes. Gemma says I need some clips or just pull it up in a many-tail.
The staff says we're gonna get to leave base camp and do some camping out, maybe in tents! And we get to bring our horses. I think that is in a few weeks, we have a lot to do here before we can do that.
Yeah, there's gonna be camels beside the horses and that they smell and spit. Yeah that sucks.
My day? - Get up really early and exercise, then its off for breakfast and then riding lessons, then stunt class, drama club, swords or archery, combat and fight training then we get lunch, I have diction for my accent or Farsi class after lunch when I'm alway kind of sleepy, then more riding and drama club, yoga or Pakour workouts, some free time which I usually work out more, or practice my English accent or go over my Farsi. Dinner is good and I'm gonna get to cook sometime too. I have tons to do before lights out, usually studying for drama club or reading, working on what its like to be a prince. Then lights out campers.
We might get to put on a talent show at the end too, could you send my outfit from SNL. I won't need the wig.
Guess what - Friday night is movie night and they're showing Glory Road!
When you send the stuff could you throw in some magazines and sneak a couple bags of M&M peanuts, tell mom don't worry I'm using sunscreen, they are spraying my tan on after they wax. OUCH!!
Gotta go!
Posted by
Special K
7:52 AM
Labels: Letters from Camp PoP. Jake, PoP
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Missing out
While Jake is away riding and roping (oops wrong movie) riding and regaling (better) there are somethings he's missing out on back on the Vineyard.
You can have London or Paris, but how about sunset over Gay Head Cliffs of in Aquinnah. Yeah there's sand in Morocco, but do they have the cool Atlantic Ocean. Bastille Day vs. The Fourth of July Parade in Edgartown. Can they compare? A chance to win the lobster at the Chilmark Road Race? Shark sightings in Menemsha? And he's missing out on some definite entertainment on the Rock.
Seems likes the booker at Outerland, the club on The Rock, had a little Gyllen' tonic when booking for this summer's line up. Of course Disco nights are still around, but Naughty by Nature and Jennifer Holiday? Come on now, now that's just teasing him. Naughty by Nature takes the stage this weekend, and without a doubt have the whole club singing -- "You down with OPP." But there will be no Christmas in July. Jake won't be there to don his Santa Cap and dance it out.
Then there's Ms. Holiday in August - the women, the legend who made Dreamgirls. Jennifer Hud hoo? some might say. Because Ms. Holiday came first, sang through it all and is still around, and "I am telling you I'm not going" and she means it.
Maybe just maybe it is a good thing Jake's in Morocco, cause really, jumping on stage with Naughty by Naughty in shorts and Santa hat you can pull off, but what do you wear going up against a diva? Even with the hot new bod and luscious locks still think Ms. Holiday would be taking him to school and teaching him a lesson. Although it might have been a good match up.
This is so not the song I wanted. I apologize. Serious technical difficulties this morning.
Posted by
Special K
10:08 AM
Monday, July 21, 2008
Happy Birthday Spesh!
Today is Spesh's birthday! We begin the festivities with an artistic photo created by Spooky, done specifically for this occasion-
Then we embark on a trip down memory lane- a list of the top 10 Spesh posts @ OMG. To compile this list, I sent e-mails out to a bunch of people that OMG had e-mails for. Didn't want to ask for feedback on the blog because I wanted this to be a surprise for Spesh. However, it would be great if people want to include a mention of their favorite post in the comments today. The problem I ran into with compiling this list was that so many people said different posts! There wasn't a lot of consensus. This clearly reflects the many talents of Special K and how people appreciate all of them. The top two posts were pretty clear but the rest of the list I just put in an order that made sense to me. Feel free to say how you would have ordered it. Without further ado, here's the list-
10. Out Spotlight XXXIII
9. Bird Watching
8. This Charming Man
7. It's Hard Out There for a Straight Man
6. Growing Grins
5. Drink Up!
4. Not So Fast, Guys...
3. Texas Size Birthday
2. When JFC Saw US Weekly
1. The Great Unicorn Hunter
It would be hard to overstate how much the talents of Special K are appreciated by this community, and especially by me. Her dedication and positivism at all times have allowed this blog to become a real online home for many. Happy birthday to the Rose of OMG.

Posted by
6:09 AM
Labels: Happy Birthday, Spesh
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Out Spotlight XXXIV
Truly distinctive, original and even idiosyncratic talents in British film Derek Jarman was not only a pioneer in queer cinema, he is considered the founding father of what came to be known as the New Queer Cinema, a loose grouping of filmmakers — among them Todd Hayne “Poison", Tom Kalin "Swoon”, and Isacc Julien, “Looking for Langston” — who emerged in the late ’80s. A new documentary by Julien screened this past Sundance Film Festival is a tribute the life and work of Jarman.
Derek Jarman born in England in 1960, Jarman trained as a painter before turning to movie making, amassing a reputation as one of Britain's most controversial filmmakers. He appreciated the communal approach to filmaking. Tilda Swinton, who worked with Jarman, and is executive producer of the documentary said, “I think he made films primarily for the company,” “Working with him was to work alongside him.”
Jarman saw himself as a queer artist following in the footsteps of Jean Cocteau and Pier Paolo Pasolini, and like his forebears, was an inveterate polymath - a notable painter, set-designer, writer, gardener and political activist - who nevertheless remains best remembered for his films.
He made his debut in "overground" narrative filmmaking with the groundbreaking Sebastiane (1976), arguably the first British film to feature positive images of gay sexuality, and the first film entirely in Latin. The story of life the life of Saint Sebastian. He followed up with his second film, Jubilee (1978), like its predecessor, was a success de scandal. Commonly credited as “Britain's first official punk movie”, it was also Jarman's first “Renaissance” film. It begins with the mystic John Dee summoning an angel to show Queen Elizabeth I the England of her namesake, Elizabeth II, which has been reduced to a near apocalyptic state of anarchy. However, there is little actual interaction between the past and present in the film, and the Renaissance sequences provide a framing device which serves to juxtapose this “golden age” with the decaying state of modern Britain. Including The Tempest, Caravaggio, Waiting for Waiting for Godot, The Angelic Conversation, and Edward II. His film War Requiem was brought Sir Laurence Olivier out of retirement and it was the last film appearance by the film legend. In public and in films like “The Last of England”(1988), he railed against what he saw as the ruinous greed and soullessness of Britain in the ’80s. His last work was Blue At the time when he made the film Blue, he was blind and dying of AIDS-related complications. Blue consists of a single shot of saturated blue colour filling the screen, as background to a soundtrack composed by Simon Fisher Turner featuring original music by Coil and other artists, where Jarman describes his life and vision. When it was shown on British television, Channel 4 carried the image whilst the soundtrack was broadcast simultaneously on BBC Radio 3, a collaborative project unique for its time.
His final testament as a film-maker was the film Glitterbug made for the Arena slot on BBC Two, and broadcast shortly after Jarman's death. Compiled and edited from many hours of super 8 footage shot with friends and companions throughout his career it is a moving collage of memories, people and moments lost in time, accompanied by a specially commissioned soundtrack from Brian Eno.
On December 22, he was diagnosed HIV positive, and was notable for later discussing his condition in public. He passed away in 1994 from complications of AIDS.
While his work is as not as well known in the United State, much have his work has been seen by millions in the music videos he did for such performers as the Sex Pistols, Annie Lennox, Marianne Faithful, Pet Shop Boys, The Smiths, Brian Ferry and even Wang Chung.
These names: gay, queer, homosexual are limiting. I would love to finish with them. We're going to have to decide which terms to use and where we use them. For me to use the word ''queer'' is a liberation; it was a word that frightened me, but no longer.
“All men are homosexual, some turn straight. It must be very odd to be a straight man because your sexuality is hopelessly defensive. It's like an ideal of racial purity.”
Annie Lennox tribute to Jarman for the Red Hot & Blue, AIDS fundraising album. It includes home movies shot by Jarman's father. Lennox also sang this in his movie Edward II.
Posted by
Special K
10:51 AM
Labels: Derek Jarman, Movies, Out Spotlight
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Lions and tigers and bears! Oh, my!
This is from an interview in AV Club with Tracy Morgan, who co- stars in Nailed .
AVC: You're scheduled to play a major role in Nailed, David O. Russell's next film. What's your character like?
TM: Well, I play a guy that has an anal prolapse. And we're like a political version of The Wizard Of Oz. And I'm like the lion, and Jessica Biel is Dorothy, and Kurt Fuller is the Tin Man. And we just head off to the government to get health care for everybody. [Laughs.] All three of us have health problems, health issues, and we couldn't get health care. So we travel to the government to get health care. And things happen along the way.
AVC: What is an anal prolapse?
TH: It's where your asshole falls out. When you push too hard, it prolapses, it falls out. I'm lifting weights and I happen to catch a prolapse. Yeah. If you go online, you can see it. It's really crazy.
AVC: So are you trying to get a new asshole? Is that what your character is seeking?
TM: Yeah, I want 'em to fix it.
AVC: Did you do a lot of research into anal prolapses for the role?
TM: No, dude! No, my asshole's never really popped out. [Laughs.] It's a character, dude.
AVC: David O. Russell is known for having unconventional working methods. Did you find that to be the case when you were working on Nailed?
TM: Yeah, he can be. But we all had the same goal in common. We all want great stuff. It's a great movie at the end of the day, so we didn't mind. We went along with it, his methods. We went along with everything he's doing. We know he's a genius, and that was all that mattered.
If Dorothy is a nymphomaniac, the lion has an anal prolapse, you shudder to think about the Tin Man.
If they are on the way to the Emerald City does this make Jake ? A member of the lollipop Guild? The mayor? The Captain of the Winkie Guard? Or the great and powerful Oz?
OMG Movie Club: One more week to get your drag on. We will discuss Priscilla, Queen of the Desert next Saturday.
Posted by
Special K
8:51 AM
Friday, July 18, 2008
Red Carpet Recluse?
It's not often when you see Austin on the red carpet, and then its because he is directly involved in the promotion or party. And even when attending its more likely you see pictures of him at the party not arriving via the red carpet. Could he be just a shy guy? Naaaah Maybe he just doesn't want to share where he gets his cool accessories. But money's on that he just wants to get inside and have a good time.
He does seems to have a stealth way of getting in and out of places. Maybe he is the true man of mystery.
Posted by
Special K
8:10 AM
Labels: Austin, Man of Mystery, Red Carpet
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Hola! the next Ciao?
It was announced yesterday that The Informers will be screened at The Sitges Film Fesitval, in Sitges, Spain October 2-12, 2008, which is a little earlier than the October 30th date in Germany. No official word on it US premiere. The Informers is included in the "out-of-competition Oficial Fantàstic Selection". No confirmed date on what day of the festival it will be presented.
Will Austin go Eurotripping again for The Informers and put some of his Spanish into practice? Could he pick up a little Catalan as well? You know there's always more swears to pick up and pass on.
The theme is year at Sitges is Science Fiction and Everyday Horror. It will be honoring the 40th Anniversary of 2001: A Space Odyssey.
"The Festival will offer a reflective retrospective on the role of science fiction in the history of contemporary cinema, with outstanding movies like Planet of the Apes, Forbidden Planet, Logan’s Run, Close Encounters of the 3rd Kind, among others. For many moviegoers it will be an excellent opportunity to see the best copies available of these films for the first time on the big screen. Sitges 08’s EUROPA IMAGINÀRIA will also revolve around the best European science fiction cinema with movies like Barbarella, Solaris and The Man Who Fell to Earth.
In addition, through a series of screenings and debates, the Festival will be paying tribute to the 75th anniversary of King Kong, the Festival’s image. We will be able to enjoy the remastered copy of King Kong from 1933 and also the documentary produced by Peter Jackson shooting of the original movie RKO Production 601: The Making of ‘Kong, the Eighth Wonder of the World’. "
Now that all vampire storyline has been cut from Informers not sure how it will fit the theme of the festival but 80's fashion and hair might be argued as everyday horror. One thing definitely buzzing about Informers is how good the soundtrack is, and looking back to Less than Zero, you have an idea where Ellis wanted to take it.
If Austin does do Europe this fall, wonder where's next on the itinerary? Let's see Spain is close to?
A little info on Sitges, Spain, 35 K down the coast from Barcelona. Sitges is a beautiful coastal village that is known for it beautiful beaches, scenery, good weather and
great nightlife, and is describe the by The Advocate as "Provincetown Plus".
Sitges Festival Info
Sitges Film Festival - MySpace
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
It's hard to look like a bad ass --oops! boy when you can't say shit --I mean sugar.
But you can help. Give you best non swear swears so Jakey can have something to say. Get Creative. Channel you inner Mrs. Livingston who would never swear in front of her Bubble Boy. Those Italian phrases he'll pick up from those sumbitch Texans will get found out and the only thing Jake will have left to say is "Jinkies".
Now a Southern Lady never swears, they swan, or swanee - but Angry Inch? What ever would a Southern lady mean when she says that? ; )
Posted by
Special K
9:27 AM
Labels: Jake, Profainity think of the children
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Tour de Force
Anarchy, chaos, terror - a transformation into darkness is what flickers across the screen when watching Heath in his lastest and maybe his greatest role. Talk has been his role is a Oscar contender, and the first time in 30 years that an Oscar could be presented posthumously.
Intense, twisted, maniacal. Demented, crazed, funny, unpredictable a powder keg in a turned out suit. The meltdown of morals and order dressed up for society. Creating more fear than any villian has ever on screen. Heath said he found inspiration in Sid Vicious and the clown-faced thugs of A Clockwork Orange; their roots based in anarchy. That disregard for everything and all things without any remorse is what creates the terror, that there is nothing holding them back or tying them down.
Heath performance was that there was no holding back there was only all out and everything he had and more. He gave it all. He was a star on the rise, projecting higher and higher and his death and this last role as the Joker has taken him beyond that and into mythical proportions.
The irony is that Heath is feted for the most menacing and violent role of his career in contrast of the gentleness of the actor who portrayed him. But what greater compliment as an actor.
But the greatest irony is that some one so young and full of life is no longer here.
Posted by
Special K
7:27 AM
Labels: Heath, Joker, TDK, The Dark Knight
Monday, July 14, 2008
Stripes and Solid
Who says horizontal stripes are not flattering. Nothing like a side by side comparison. The consensus. Très Magnifique! And another shirt to share. Definitely not prison issue, but more Continental. They make stripes look very solid indeed. You do wonder if Jake is working the man-ny tail underneath his chapeau. Could we see a beret next? Now Austin in this shirt with a French naval beret, that could work.
Despite all the insanity of the EuroTrip it looks like Austin has the power of the man of mystery. Guess Jake is taken care of the International part? Austin has another credit to his resume, that now includes a Chris Carter movie.
Fencewalker. A small personal independent film unlike anything else from Carter. From the Hollywood Reporter is looks like Fencewalker is a semi autobiographical coming of age story, but the rumors from the cast and crew include a black comedy, a horror movie and a young politician being groomed for the Presidency. In reports on IMDB, even the actors and crew weren't sure what they were filming. Who knows if it is classic Carter confusion to keep things under wratps or not. What we do know is this Austin is playing a character named Tweedy. And looks like it will be another retro look for our funky fashion fellow. Xzibit is also cast, as well as Katie Cassidy, David Cassidy's daughter and granddaughter of legendary actor Jack Cassidy. One location has been in Bellflower, CA, Chris Carter's hometown and pictures from the set show a classic All American hometown setting. Have to keep watching for it.
The Truth is Out There ...
Posted by
Special K
8:42 AM
Labels: Austin, Fencewalker, Jake, Movie
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Out Spotlight XXXIII
Keith Boykin is the editor of The Daily Voice newspaper, daily news source for African American/Black Community in the U.S. He is also a host of the BET television show My Two Cents, a New York Times best-selling author of three books, and a frequent political commentator on CNN. Keith Boykin is a the story of success not only in the African American community, the powerful world of politics but the GLBT community as well.
Graduating Dartmouth College in 1987, Keith spent a year and a half working for Michael Dukakis' presidential campaign and before attending Harvard Law School, where he was a leader in the campus movement and general editor of the Harvard Civil Rights-Civil Liberties Law Review. One of his classmates at Harvard was current U.S. Presidential candidate Senator Barack Obama. Keith served in the White House as a special assistant to President Bill Clinton. After Clinton's election, Boykin became a Special Assistant to the President and Director of Specialty Media. Once the highest-ranking openly gay person in the Clinton White House, Boykin helped organize and participated in the nation's first meeting between gay and lesbian leaders and a U.S. President. He left his position in the White House to write his first book, One More River to Cross.
He has been actively involved in progressive causes since he worked on his first congressional campaign while still a student in high school. He is a veteran of six political campaigns, including two presidential campaigns, and he was named one of the top instructors when he taught political science at American University in Washington.
In 2004, Keith launched his media career as a star on the Showtime television series "American Candidate." Since then, he has appeared on Anderson Cooper 360, The O'Reilly Factor, The Tyra Banks Show, The Montel Williams Show, The Tom Joyner Morning Show, and on numerous other television and radio programs. He has been selected as one of The Advocate Magazine's 10 "people of the year" and as one of Instinct Magazine's 25 "leading men" of 2005. In 2004 and again in 2006, he was one of Out Magazine's 100 most intriguing people.
A founder and first board president of the National Black Justice Coalition, a Washington-based civil rights organization dedicated to fighting racism and homophobia. He has spoken to audiences, large and small, all across the world. He delivered a landmark speech to 200,000 people at the Millennium March on Washington and as well as one about the AIDS epidemic in front of 40,000 people in Chicago's Soldier Field in July 2006.
Each of his three books has been nominated for a Lambda Literary Award, including his most recent book, Beyond the Down Low: Sex, Lies and Denial in Black America. Keith won the Lambda Literary Award for his second book, Respecting The Soul: Daily Reflections for Black Lesbian and Gays, while his first book, One More River to Cross, is taught in colleges and universities throughout the country.Boykin won a Gold in wrestling at the 2006 Gay Games, where he competed in the 82 kilo division
Keith is an associate producer of the 2007 feature film Dirty Laundry, nominated for a GLAAD media award, and is working on his fourth book.
Born and raised in St. Louis, Missouri, Keith currently lives in New York City with his life partner Nathan Hale Williams, former model, actor,film and television producer, entertainment attorney and the founder of iN-HALE Entertainment.
Posted by
Special K
8:55 AM
Labels: African American, Civil Rights, Out Spotlight, Politics
Saturday, July 12, 2008
House Mouse
A little interactive post. Listen to the whole song for best effect.
What do you do when you find out you're living in the less fashionable part of Notting Hill after you thought you were had picked the perfect place from watching Notting Hill the movie over and over again while doing your victory dance after dethroning the last America's Sweetheart and Top Hollywood Earner? You call in the Mouse.
Does it remind people of the Grinch's heart - 2 sizes too small? Slap on a facade make it look like it grew 3 times too big. Make those less desirable neighbors into better ones, bright up the house with a fresh coat of paint, make those column bigger and make that hum drum look a little bit more posh. Pissed Brits after a evening out exchange them for happy sober bright and shiny neighbors. Tacky emergency call boxes, rip them out. Throw down that scaffolding. Make it look like you own the block.
Just schedule with Mouse Makeovers and jet off to the continent for a long weekend. When you return the whole neighborhood will look just like the Disney Notting Hill of your dreams complete with a modern day Mary Poppins waiting at the gate.
Gate? what gate?
Oh yes Mouse Makeovers can make those pesky London streets a complete gated community for you. Who wants pesky paps at your door, when you can have them clamoring at a gate at the end of your road. Talk about the Royal Treatment. Put on your best British accent and viola! Better than Britian at Epcot, you know that Americanize Britian that is much nicer.
And the Man of the House, just let him be to his own devices, he doesn't understand that this way is so much better. Your way is always better. If he wants real London vs. this sugar confection that's his problem. You don't have time in your schedule to stop and explain how this is so much better than the real thing. You tried you best to tell him to straighten up but he never seems to take your advice. All the lecturing you've done and he doesn't seem to listen that blondes know best, all the best Disney girls are blondes. If he wants to go out he will just have to sneak out the garden own his own. You can't be bothered. You're a mission girl to make it Sweet Notting Hill U S A.
Pink perfectness and tiny dog sold separately.
Posted by
Special K
8:53 AM
Labels: Irony, Makeovers, Neighborhoods
Friday, July 11, 2008
Phunk It
I'm in heaven
With my boyfriend,my laughing boyfriend
There's no beginning and there is no end
Time isn't present in that dimension
There's no doubt this smile and laugh brightens many of days for OMG'ers but more importantly, but one special man in even more. Seems like he is the key to the brightest smiles and happiest moments for his man.
Will he be the royal gesture to lightening the Pheeling of Phunk? If so call the palace and send out the royal decree.
With a boyfriend like that the only funk you have is the kind to get down with.
With all the London talk this week, well it may make you think of doubledeckers. Well, got you covered. Austin style.
Well this weekend for some it's your chance to get a little double vision of Austin tomorrow, Saturday, July 12th. The Movie Channel, a premium cable channel, is showing a double header of Austin, starting at 7:30pm with Full Count aka Lenexa, One Mile, and following with House of Usher of at 9:00 pm.
But don't despair the rest of you. Here's double treat of Austin from both.
What is it about this man and shirts?
Posted by
Special K
9:20 AM
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Not always so dreary deary
The Sun shines in London and Jake has too. Look over the pics from paparazzi over the years, Jake has had some fun. Interestingly that most of the snaps are from ages ago, and few over the past couple of years. Yeah they caught him outside of Nobu last year, looking quite nice in his cashmere and jeans definitely enjoying his evening out. And a couple of times at Heathrow, but even doing the red carpet at the BAFTA's two years in a row, assumption is that the paps haven't pursue him around town while he was here. Most pics came on his frequent visits with or to see Keirstan back in '03 and from the looks of it enjoying it. Now not so much. Could we call the phenomenon the R Factor?

Maybe all he needs is a little Vitamin A.
Posted by
Special K
8:25 AM