Does it feel like a hangover over from yesterday. The only way to fix that, hair of the dog, or well Goose . Everyone has their favorite was to indulge. Sure that many wouldn't mind the hangover of too much of this good thing.
So how do you like your Gray Goose?
On the rocks?
With a splash?
Or with a Twist?
Besides Gray Goose is so much better than the Koolaid.
Pictures: IHJ and Picture This! An Austin Nichols Journal
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Drink Up!
Posted by
Special K
5:01 AM
Labels: Gray Goose
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Jake and Reese Starbucks encounter
A couple of nights ago I got to serve coffee to one of my favorite actors. It was kinda strange... seeing someone for the first time, but feeling like you already know him because you've seen so many of his movies numerous times. It shouldn't be a big deal - they're just movie stars, but it was still kinda exciting. Here's how it went down...
I'm at the register at "the King" (Starbucks on King street in downtown Charleston), ringing people's orders as usual. I look up and think "man, that guy sure looks a lot like Jake Gyllenhaal. I bet he gets it all the time though. I won't say anything."
Then I look next to him and see a girl that looks a lot like Reese Witherspoon. Hmmm...
Me: "What can I get for you?"
Jake: "We'll both take an iced tall non-fat no-whip mocha."
Me: "Great! How are ya'll doing tonight?"
Reese: "We're doing just fine."
Jake: gives me a smirk that shows that he knows that I know who they are.
In my head: "play it cool. play it cool. why are my hands slightly shaking?"
Jake to Reese: "You got it baby?"
Reese: "sure do." (because she is the highest paid actress in hollywood. yes, i looked up how much she makes. she makes 20 million a movie, more than angelina jolie at second, and more than my friend renee zellweger who makes the 5th most. jake... not even close)
At some point Jake leans in real close to Cassie to ask if they could get extra ice. Cassie almost faints.
They looked more like this than the other picture.
So apparently, Reese lives in Charleston with her two kids from previous marriage to Ryan Phillippe. Jake and her are together and he's conveniently filming in Columbia. They were just enjoying my awesome town that i live in.
I've seen almost all of Jake's movies - Donnie Darko (a million times), Jarhead (twice), October Sky (twice), Day After Tomorrow (not so good), Brokeback Mountain... even his smaller movies - The Good Girl, Proof, Moonlight Mile (a bunch of times). And I feel like we could be buddies. He studied Eastern Religions and Philosophy at Colombia University, which i'm interested in. He's very political, and I can converse about that stuff a little bit. He dated singer Jenny Lewis and I'm a big Rilo Kiley fan. He was nominated for an Oscar for playing a gay cowboy, and... well, nevermind. But we could totally hang out.
Reese can come too, so Beth has someone to talk to. Which, by the way, Beth and I's first date was to see Walk the Line, which she won an Oscar for. So we're all meant to be friends.
It will happen.
ake to Reese: "You got it baby?"
Reese: "sure do."
Wow, Jake, could you be any more emasculated?
So how do you like your Gray Goose?
Is there the option of: Everything below? ;)
But in all seriousness, with a Twist definitely is the best one. And I think it's Austins favorite too...
While seriously suffering from Reeke fatigue I absolutely choose GG with a Twist.
With a twist please!
*to self* "You got it, baby? Sure do!"
*is refreshed*
I always have and always will like my Grey Goose with a Twist! ;)
That first picture of Austin carrying the surfboard has got to be one of the best ever. :)
OK picks up the Reekage
I will have to take mine with a splash, I love him in that wetsuit.
Rule Breaker me.
I'll just say it GG naked with a Twist. ; )
Good morning Evelyn.
Good morning PR.
We're still here.
We're all a little "queer"
Get used to it.
Wow, thanks for today's post. Needed to see some lovely Austin to put me in a better mood.
Odd that the starbucks blogger mentions so many PR points, salaries, bios, who he dated. She forgot to mention reese was beautiful.
It does make me sad that Jake can't walk hand in hand with Austin in public.
I reserve judgement on the movie. No one can predict how it will fare. Sometimes quirky works, sometimes it's just weird. They are going to have to hurry to get filming done before a possible strike though.
I'm with destiny on this, can I please have one with a splash ;)
GG with a splash looks and sounds tasty.
Advocate article on Openly Gay Anchors
The Insider is Out
NYMagazine's take on the article.
"The article is a good read; you should click on over. But we'll tell you our favorite part already. Kennedy reached out to America's anchor emeritus, Tom Brokaw, and asked whether there was any reason there can't be an openly gay newscaster. His answer? "No." "
Grey Goose with a Twist.
My vote is for Splash Austin.
We still need suggestions for the next Movie Club. Already have some good ones, but would like more. What would you all like to watch?
Everytime you mention movies my mind goes blank Wicked! I promise to go home and think about it tonight with the help of Leonard Maltin to jar my memory.
I think that blogger is a man and I think he's being sarcastic.
Movie Club
Maurice. Merchant Ivory that has a happy ending.
I know a lot of people have suggested My Beautiful Laundrette too.
After the Out Spotlight on Heather Matarazzo, Saved! came to mind. Something kind of similar; it's been a while but has anyone seen "But I'm a Cheerleader"?
iced tall non-fat no-whip mocha = no fun
People picks up Reekage in DC
That top photo of Austin in his wetsuit made the decision for me - I'll take my grey goose with a splash.
Ramona with parents
Ramona is so cute!
I think she is looking more like Peter.
I think it's a good thing. Nobody will call her fugly, like they often call Maggie.
Ramona is a carbon copy of Peter. No way will that kid's paternity be questioned!
Suggestion for Movie Club. "Bound" Gina Gershon Jennifer Tilly
Bound is a guilty pleasure of mine; it is a lot sexier than the more politically correct movies made by and for women.
More Ramona
avon walk volunteer insider
integrity & reese? -like oil & water.
I'll have my Gray Goose neat, and as soon as possible, please :)
I'd love an excuse to buy Maurice -and follow it with But I'm a Cheerleader, why not?
Holy shit More Proof Things Aren't What They Seem! Everybody, you MUST read that link!
Read it. My comment - why am I not surprised.
And that pisses me off, as a daughter who lost their mom to breast cancer and someone who has friends who do the Avon walk and work so hard training and raising money for it.
Blimey. How difficult is walking a mile?
And I thought I was cold! I wish stuff like this would get out into the mainstream press.
Re: More Proof Things Aren't What They Seem!
Is anyone really surprised at this??? I know I'm not. My best friend had breast cancer - beat it thank goodness but they had to take her breast. This is why I now refuse to endorse Jake/Reeke in any way.
Re movie club: Bound was really good I thought so that would be fine with me.
Reese Witherspoon wants to spend every second with Jake Gyllenhaal
Wednesday, 7 May 2008
Reese Witherspoon hates being apart from Jake Gyllenhaal.
Reese surprised Jake on his latest film set. He was busy filming but they still managed to spend some time together.
A Source revealed all to OK magazine: "They were giggling, teasing each other and holding hands the whole time."
Later, Jake had to film a scene in a church so Reese waited for him in his trailer.
The shoot took ages and an assistant had to help Reese.
The insider added: "Around 11.30pm she (Reese) was getting pretty impatient.
"Finally, a makeup woman escorted Reese up the far left aisle of the church to watch Jake finish his scene. She looked really anxious for Jake to wrap up."
As soon as Jake finished he disappeared with Reese.
Her visit was brief as she had to fly back to Washington to lend her support to the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer.
And now we see how important that support is to her! I just bet Jake was so "surprised" by her visit! And an assistant had to help Reese do what?
I told you so.
Seriously, I'm just chiming in to say she is a stone cold bitch. Anyone who has worked for or with her knows it's all business all the time. If any time is wasted especially hers there is hell to pay. I was hysterical reading about her impatience waiting for Jake. She hadn't been to a movie set to see Ryan film since....ever really. I don't think she is used to waiting around for someone.
Maybe she is trying to change ;-)
Interesting how she can run in LA but can't walk in DC.
Dang. Kids WITH cancer from Dana Farber/Jimmy Fund here in Boston walk the last part of the way with the runners who running for them in the Boston Marathon.
Let me ask you all this, and maybe you can shed some light on this TR-
I am shocked by this because Avon is paying her, aren't they? Isn't she Avon's PAID ambassador or some shit? If you're being paid, don't you have to honor your contract or do what you're committed to? This is not a volunteer thing for her. How can she just blow it off like that?
And remember that article from earlier this week, I think it was, where she talked about doing the Walk and stressed the importance of encouraging her children to give back, remember? You have GOT to be kidding me!
Count me among those who are not surprised by that write-up about Reese.I can definitely see her as the type of celebrity who thinks having her name and face attached to a charity is wonderful enough, walking the walk (literally) ought to be optional at a moment's notice for a busy gal like her. Her fans and fellow mothers would surely understand.
There really are no words for that level of unprofessionalism and nerve. And there's definitely no words for how disgusted I am by Reeke Inc. right now. And how many more times are we going to have to hear about Reese being impatient? Her impatient behaviour comes across as immature and bratty, not devoted to Jake or needing to see him. Grow up, for goodness sake, you're what? 31, 32? As for Jake, all I can do is wish him luck by the end of all this, he's going to need it.
I think everyone who is offended by this should write a letter to Avon. As a user of Avon products--purchase through a friend of my mom's who recently died of ovarian cancer--I plan to write one.
I am shocked by this because Avon is paying her, aren't they? Isn't she Avon's PAID ambassador or some shit?
Reese and Avon are after the same things - money and good PR.
"Other diseases--notably heart disease and lung cancer--kill far more women than breast cancer, but they aren't linked to one of society's prime symbols of womanhood. What's more, breast cancer is free of sin, not clearly tied to overeating, sex, or smoking, and can strike the young and beautiful. And no woman is untouched: Everyone either has had the disease, fears she'll get it, or knows someone who has. "If you can translate that emotional response to a feeling about your business, that's powerful," says Joanne Mazurki, who helped develop Avon's campaign."
The Selling of Breast Cancer
I'm really shocked - if that report is true. It's like being on the set with Jake was more important than the Breast Cancer walk. Even just walking at the end, unless there were security reasons, why couldn't she do that? Why didn't she prepare something to say that at least sounded the least bit sincere? If we are to believe all of the latest reports, she spend more time on the set with Jake and gallavanting around with him than she did on an issue that is important to her! Believe me, he'll still be there when you get back! Is is me or is there just something wrong with being that jaded and self-involved at 32? Between this, and the lack of any kind of acknowledgement about Heath's death, I just don't know what to say. Very disappointed.:(
Don't forget that Reese was a child actor on her first set at 13.
Prior to that she was a kid model and did pagents and commercials. She did six movies before college.
Actors are all pretty self involved but this is the second girl Jake has dated who was a child actor and they are the worst of the lot. It makes me wonder what attracts him to this type of personality. Is he so lost that he he needs a bossy, self absorbed, dictator to run the show so he can relax?
Kid actors especially never learn what it is like to be "normal" for lack of a better word. The world has catered to their needs and that is how they assume it is supposed to be.
Look at Reese's quote about how the kids handle her fame:
Despite that obvious drawback of fame, she still sees some pluses — and so do her kids. They have "always kind of known me to be who I was, and if people know Mom at the grocery store, I think they kind of like it," says Witherspoon, 32. "Obviously, if you're not having the greatest day, it's not always easy, but for the most part, (fame) brings a lot of positive things into our life."
WTF? They like it? It has brought positive things into their lives? How so Reese?
It makes you wonder if she even connects with those kids on a truly personal level or if they are required to reflect what she wants them to be/feel/say.
Ugh end of rant I'm going to get myself shooed away again.
Is he so lost that he he needs a bossy, self absorbed, dictator to run the show so he can relax?
LOL! Jake seldom looks relaxed around Reese.
New from FITSNews
Gotta read the comments from the Babblers. Monica is someone who posts on Babble and I think the what are you 12? guy is familiar to most of us.
this is the second girl Jake has dated who was a child actor
She's not a girl.
He's not dating her.
Hei everybody, hoping you`re all doing just fine:)
Hey Norwegian girl -- good to see you again!
Okay, to be fair to Reese, I bet other celebs have done similar things at charity events. Or have they? Maybe someone can shed some light on this. Do they usually meet their commitments around charity stuff or try to weasel out of it, like Reese did? I am curious.
Whether or not other celebs do or not, it looks as though she said one thing and actually did another - presented that she was going to take part in the walk, in however limited way, and what actually may have happened was she put in the least amount of effort possible, and took the paycheck, unless that's what was agreed upon to begin with. Most people would probably never know the difference, assuming that since her name is attached to the cause, she probably did what she said. It's not very honest, if this is what happened.
I have to say i admire you, special k and wicked, though i can`t say i understand you. I want to meet you in New york to discuss what we have in common... and what we don`t.
I understand you`re still a Jake-fan when it comes to his career. (He`s a very good actor, i think) But i don`t understand this interest in his personal life anymore when it comes to him and Austin.
Ok, they seemed VERY close at some point, but what is now?
They have not been photografed together since may 2007. That is a fact! We have absolutely about nothing since then! Only REEKE, REEKE and REEKE goes on.
Jake knows what`s going on. He knows what he`s doing, if you try to explain that away, you also take away his judgement to know what`s best for him. He`s 27 years old, and i hope and think he`s into all of this, just because of the reasons i just mentioned.
I don`t think you`re blind or stupid, but i think ,(sorry if i seem rude, just saying out loud, as i use to do)you have to know more than you give away. I believe you sit on some information you believe is right and that is the reason you can`t let go of this very fucked-up fandom, or at least i hope so. Love you guys, but i just can`t see the point in trying anymore, though i will always share you`re point of view when it comes to jake and Austin, at least at some point.
I'm glad you'll soon be deleted, 7:46.
Sorry OMG is not the place for anon posting.
^^I think it's a bit more than "something negative" or a sighting that may or may not have occurred - it's more akin to complete phoniness in this case. I don't know why suddenly Jake has been eclipsed by her - even on the G-Babble site.
Whoops, I clicked the wrong box and my name didn't show up. Should work this time.
Someone posts a sighting of Jake and Reese together = Fake until proven otherwise.
Someone posts an overheard snippet of a conversation between Jake and Reese = Fake until it's proven that they were together, then it becomes a PR plant.
Someone says something negative about Reese on a journal that hasn't been posted on for 6 months, and that person provides no evidence to show they were even there = Totally believable and immediately leapt upon as a means of bashing Reese.
And eclipse (since you are replying to this post) my point is that it is still a report from someone on a dormant livejournal account with no evidence to back it up, yet it is being leapt upon as truth when other unverified comments from people are treated as false until proven.
Yes, you should know the drill by now, Evelyn.
Hi NG! Nice to see you. I'm still here because I like talking to the people here. Simple as that. I have friends here. I've said numerous times that I'm not waiting for or expecting anything, just watching. It's especially nice to have a place to talk about Austin in any capacity, because there really aren't many places on the internet where conversation about him is encouraged. I like sharing music and I really enjoyed our recent Movie Club, which we will be repeating.
And re us "sitting on information that we believe is right"- I'm very glad you said that. It will make PR and the trolls wonder. ;)
I only see what I saw and know when I see a connect that Jake & Austin have always had. If that isn't the real deal I don't know what is. That is what I see when I see J&A in pictures.
I think it is more that they have chosen to take their personal life very private. I also think that if the Goose was loose (of Toothy) Ted would have made sure to mention.
Call me crazy or call me stupid but I still believe in the idea of the real deal and the Big Love and that they have it. That's what keeps me going forward in this.
And through all of this I have met some really cool people and made great friends, talk about a getting a huge bonus in life.
And I finally learned enough html code to use a Music Player on blog, thanks to Wicked. : )
hi uv/fl/babbler..'bash' is your fav word aint it?you musta been the one who left the comment on lj saying its cos people dislike reese..and if a vid was done of her walkin people would say it was didnt say its because she knows jake but we all know thats whay ya mean..people like you think any critiscism of reese is cos of jake/jake/jake. time to get over yourself/reese/jake.
Wow! I will take my Austin on the rocks today. I love that pic.
Not much to say about Jake today. Nothing good anyway. I just hope he is happy and has made the right decision. What I am curious to find out now is if Jake can act. I have serious doubts and I think he does too. Therefore we have reeke. I wonder if someday he will look back and say "Man I really blew that one". Maybe that is why Jake is going into the restaurant business..
I still believe Jake is gay. I always will. I believe Jake had an affair with Austin Nichols. I always will. reeke will not change my mind nor any other phony pr move created by people who create lies.
I am gonna wait for our Jake to come back.
btw my comment was to 'Not An Anon' -obv a babbler tryin to push thier point evrywhere they can. creepy..
Not an Anon,
If you bothered to look at the Journal, you would see the person often goes months without posting anything. It's not an unusual occurrence for that Journal. I think it's legit. I also think the LJ sighting of Reeke in the Starbucks (and also in character) is legit too.
Thank you both for being honest, wicked and special k.
What keep`s me coming back here, is the community.Today you made me feel that way more than ever. You know i don`t agree with you always and you know i don`t always understand you, but you`re always tolerant and know you`re friend`s ups and downs...that`s when i need you most:)
that was me, norwegian girl, at :32
go back to babble said
hi uv/fl/babbler..'bash' is your fav word aint it?
Wrong four times in one short sentence.
you musta been the one who etc etc etc
No, wrong again (and again...and again)
time to get over yourself/reese/jake.
Sorry, you seem to have misunderstood my point. I'll spell it out even more clearly:
I thought that people here prided themselves on being somewhat more...discerning than the typical US Weekly/People reader. This means that when a piece of information reaches this blog, it gets held to an objective standard.
Random reports from forums or live journal accounts of Reese and Jake together are routinely categorised as fake until shown to be true. Usually posters here will also look at the person posting the information to see if they have any evidence that backs up their story.
In this instance, a person who rarely uses their journal comes back after a six month absence to post something negative about Reese.
Curiously however, in this case the usual procedure flew out of the window. I was merely wondering why this was the case.
check it out said...
If you bothered to look at the Journal, you would see the person often goes months without posting anything.
If you bothered to read my post properly, you would see that I said that the person hadn't posted on their journal for 6 months. Something I only knew because I had, in fact, looked at their journal.
just looked at the lj avon walk link- author says nothing re jake or reese personal life/bf, only re avon walk. comments by people talk re reese's avon walk behavoir, how its pr and disgusting. -but then other comments 'defending' her say its becuase the others are jealous of her relationship with jake!! wtf?? [gotta be babblers!] any valid crit about reese is becuase people are jealous of her?? hilarious!!
Not an Anon- you need to take Go Back to Babble's advice. Or are you bored shitless by UV's sanctimony?
gotta say the babblers/jeesers are more into reese than jake.jake is just a accessory. sad. jake is much stronger a pr force on his own.
loved how the avon ljer compared reese to
forget who said it [sk?]but i still stand nailed will be a turkery. i like brolin too but its a romcom [yea those are doing good these days..rolls eyes] with alot of actors who havent done movies [or tv!] in a long time [theres reasons for that, duh] & a director whos a pariah and a joke in hw. maybe itll make $$ cos peeps sex will sell it [opening w/e but no repeat attendence.]. im hardly wrong about these things but i might be suprised. will be 1st to admit it.
methinks the romcom is why its so important for jake to be st8 & have reeke on set. romcoms w/gay-bi actors sink..expect to see this go on for a long time..
yea i stand by evrthing i say [evn under other]& yea im hardly evr wrong..been right so far on this blog.. ;)
What keep`s me coming back here, is the community.Today you made me feel that way more than ever.
NG, you cannot know how much I needed to hear that today. Thank you.
So, we are to trust only the veracity of those who update on a weekly/daily basis? Quanity over quality now? There are thousands that are updated even hourly and I wouldn't trust that cyber vomit to scrape gum from my Converse.
Since that LJer hadn't updated for six months, what she experienced at the Avon walk, the behavior of the entitled and bored of one Ms. Reese Witherspoon, obviously touched her in such a way that she felt it important enough to share.
As one who keeps a live journal account but has never posted anything ever - I need it just to be friended for locked slash- I can totally buy a once in a blue moon comment. The author appeared very upset by what she observed and was moved to post. Everyone is free to believe or not believe what they read, or hear at any time. Don't like something, scroll on by.
Interesting that Reese "surprised" Jake. Dropping in while someone is working is not a good idea. How can he give work his full attention when he knows a guest is stewing. He couldn't really blow her off either. The guy was trapped.
As one who was a late bloomer myself, I feel the need to defend Jake a bit. He will grow up quite a bit between 27-30. That is why I am cutting him some slack and hanging in there.
Hmmm . . . I think if Not An Anon read some of the posts, they'd see that words such as "if true" "alleged", "looks as though" and words such as those were used in a lot of the posts,which would imply that some are not automatically taking the post as the truth. The account of the Avon Walk on the LJ is just up for consideration, like everything else. I wouldn't say just because someone doesn't post a lot that that means what they do post is automatically false. It's a more thoughtful post, which is something most of them we've seen lately are not.
Surprise (impatient) visit sounds clingy and needy to me, but that would be if there were really something to be clingy and needy about, which I don't believe there is.
I'm also cutting Jake some slack.
Hi NG! I have to echo you and Wicked on loving the community we have here. And as hard as it has been lately, I also have hopes that things will change, like Special and M say above. However, if you are not interested in talking about J&A, maybe you can pop by on Sundays when Wicked posts about other gay people of interest, and join us for the movie club.
I have to say I'm enjoying reading Fitnews. I love the way they have that fake walk analysis, not unlike the Reeke body analysis we got in US. And funny how it has the babblers' knickers in a twist; I guess when even a small, local blog in S.C. isn't drinking the Koolaid it makes it kind of hard to say it's just OMG, WFT2 and three Brokies that think Jake is gay.
tower of said...
Not an Anon- you need to take Go Back to Babble's advice. Or are you bored shitless by UV's sanctimony?
I'm not a babbler, I don't visit any "babblers" board and am not familiar with any UV either.
Any answer to the question I raised in my post?
LJ fiend said...
So, we are to trust only the veracity of those who update on a weekly/daily basis?
No. I merely pointed out that the standard applied by various people here to posts on journals/forums concerning Reese and Jake seems to differ depending on whether the post was positive or negative.
Since that LJer hadn't updated for six months, what she experienced at the Avon walk, the behavior of the entitled and bored of one Ms. Reese Witherspoon, obviously touched her in such a way that she felt it important enough to share.
Again, I find it interesting that a random post from a random LJer who has none of the usual evidence to back her up (pictures) is believed when usually such posts are dismissed.
M said...
As one who keeps a live journal account but has never posted anything ever - I need it just to be friended for locked slash- I can totally buy a once in a blue moon comment. The author appeared very upset by what she observed and was moved to post.
See my response to LJ fiend above.
scrutinize said...
Hmmm . . . I think if Not An Anon read some of the posts, they'd see that words such as "if true" "alleged", "looks as though" and words such as those were used in a lot of the posts
I have read the posts. The first twelve (yes TWELVE) posts criticise Reese's "behaviour" without anyone questioning the truth of the LJ post. Which is odd, because some of those people have most definitely applied the objective standard of "false until proven otherwise" to positive Reese/Reeke posts...
not an anon-you sure write & think & express exactly like uv/fl. heh sorry but i dont believe you dont 'know' abou uv. quit while you're ahead sweetie.
Perhaps, NAA, it's because, for the first time in a long time, the person didn't include the phrases 'she's so tiny!', 'She's so classy!', 'she's so cute!', she's such a good mother!', 'she's so nice!' etc, the same phrases that have appeared in some variety, if not verbatium, in every blog mention of The Spoon since...well I've been forced, as a Jake fan, to read about her.
Taken separately, accounts could be viewed as true. But, when you lie them end to end, and ALL of them match up, down to the punctuation, one must be completely devoid of the sense of smell not to notice the stench.
This LJer broke from that PR stamped mould, and that's why 1) folks are breathing the fresh air of truth, and 2) your knickers are in a twist.
dont believe you said...
not an anon-you sure write & think & express exactly like uv/fl.
Could you post a link to a post by this uv/fl person? I'm curious to see whether are writing styles really are "exactly" alike. Unless you're saying that s/he also knows when to use capital letters, commas etc, in which case I feel I should break it to you that many, many other people have that skill too.
heh sorry but i dont believe you dont 'know' abou uv.
I really don't. I mean, I've read mentions of them here, but I don't think I've ever read a post by them.
quit while you're ahead sweetie
There's nothing to quit. I'm just replying to queries, making observations and asking questions. You're more than welcome to ignore them if it makes you feel better.
ljfiend said...
Perhaps, NAA, it's because, for the first time in a long time, the person didn't include the phrases 'she's so tiny!', 'She's so classy!', 'she's so cute!' etc etc
Yes, that's what I've already (repeatedly) pointed out; this LJ post was not a positive Reese/Reeke sighting and was treated as being true by a number of posters even though they usually apply an objective standard to posts that do not come with additional evidence.
Taken separately, accounts could be viewed as true. But, when you lie them end to end, and ALL of them match up, down to the punctuation, one must be completely devoid of the sense of smell not to notice the stench.
That's absurd. Positive Reese posts will obviously say the same positive things about her if they are true, because she will actually have those characteristics. If they are true.
I mean, think about it; dismissing them would be as stupid as some rabid pro-Reeser dismissing all the criticisms of Reese because they all say the same thing; "she's cold" "she's calculating" "she's a bitch" etc.
This LJer broke from that PR stamped mould, and that's why 1) folks are breathing the fresh air of truth,
That assumes that she is telling the truth and that all positive mentions of Reese are PR "moulded", an assumption that I've already enquired about above...
and 2) your knickers are in a twist.
Discussing the reasons why people form views doesn't upset me in the least. I find it very interesting, hence my knickers remain untwisted.
Hi Evelyn.
the commenter^^ protests too much!
[o & dont bother answering cos i aint gonna read it]
How about that long tall drink, gimme a 6'2" shooter..
I think everyone reading any blog has an obligation to do some work of their own. By that I mean taking in all information and storing it away in the brain cells for future consideration and analysis. Many Jake stories come out but are not confirmed until some other facts came along and voila! Remember the Jake with Austin on crutches sighting? That took about 6 months before we had firm evidence that it was true. And from Austin himself no less. For those of us who have invested some time, (like those of us following Jake since BBM) it's a little easier to do, but we all have to pay our dues. New fans wonder why we are so firm in our beliefs but there is a history.
Hi, ultraviolet!
And bye!
destiny said...
Hi Evelyn
My name isn't Evelyn, but I think your "Hi" was directed at me anyway, so...hi Destiny! Care to respond to the question I asked concerning your belief in that LJer's post? Obviously you don't have to, but as this is a place where people are encouraged to discuss things in an intelligent and polite manner I thought I'd at least attempt to pose the question.
The Bad Seed said...
the commenter^^ protests too much!
Still no protesting from me. I'll continue to politely ask questions; everyone is free to ignore my questions, sidestep them, or even answer them!
[o & dont bother answering cos i aint gonna read it]
It's no bother. But you won't know that because you won't read this.
And m, I agree with you. That's why I find the different approaches posters take so interesting.
M Ita. I've know Jake at least 10 years. Thats why I know what I know, heh.
Shoutout to Wicked/Special K. Great blog Can you keep the pace for another 2 years?
sorry was me at 11:53.
Breck, why do you think the timeframe is two years?
For long-winded poster - I'm happy to accept you're nothing to do with Babble or PR and I take your point about writing in good English. Anyone can be mistaken for anyone else; I've seen it over and over, and it's happened to me.
What's curious though is that you repeatedly argue phrases and parse sentences as though that will achieve an objectively "true" result. Sometimes subjectivity works better. The only proof you need for that LJ entry is to read it. It is patently and transparently true. If you can get a knack for discerning truth from lies, you don't need to apply science, you only need your heart, brain and gut.
(By true I mean REAL. I can't vouch for the truth of the content, I wasn't there, but I believe the poster was).
Whatever happens, I wish Jake the
very best. I sincerely hope that
he is happy with his choice in life. I also think that he and
Austin had something very special.
Sometimes I think the band type
ring was sort of a farewell present.I also have my doubts now
about Jake and Austin. Maybe they
have just decided to remain just
friends. I do think Jake and Reese
could have maybe handled the news
of their relationship better. But
life goes on. Good luck and take
care everybody. One good thing is
I have become a fan of Austin. I
think he is fabulous in all the
photos. Please keep the blog OMG
it is nice for people to voice
their own opinions.
Did J&R convince you, Kacie? :D The truth isn't always photographed, you know :) You take care too.
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