What is the old adage? A bird in the hand is better than two in the bush?
Seem like our twosome have the ability to confuse those who are known as Bush or playing them.
First up, Sophia Bush who was linked to Jake at one point, and now the stories are popping up again about her linked with Austin, especially amongst the One Tree Hill fans who are asking how many of her co-stars has she been with.
Of course Sophia put those rumors to rest a long while ago in February 2006 saying "We all met up on a hike and, apparently, I'm with both of them," she says of the tabloid buzz. "If I have to be in the company of men, I'm glad it's those two." Now if they all met up on a hike when was that? Why are there pictures on a beach? Have the twosome's charisma that much that she doesn't know where she's at? Or were the pictures just another day at the beach? ; )
Of course hanging out at the Beatrice Inn during Fashion Week last February doesn't quell the rumors among OTH fans that she an Austin were once an item. What is it about February and Sophia? One thing a lot of the OTH fans don't know is that Sophia and Austin both attended USC around the same time.
And the second?Well that would be the former first lady of Texas, well actually the actress who is playing her. Elizabeth Banks, plays Laura Bush in Oliver Stone's new movie "W" You might know her from 40 yr Old Virgin or the Spiderman triology , she is also starring in Kevin Smith's Zack and Miri Make a Porno.
And this time its Jake's turn.
On her most mortifying moment in Hollywood:
“Oh God, there are a few. But Jake Gyllenhaal once approached me in a valet line, and I thought he thought I was someone else. I was confused and frosty and I’m sure I was very off-putting, and he had to remind me that we had met, that we had done a partial reading of Romeo and Juliet, I don’t have a good memory for names and faces, so my husband now calls it ‘The Gyllenhaal.’ Like if we go to some luncheon and meet new people, he tells me, ‘Don’t Gyllenhaal these people.’”
Somehow ‘The Gyllenhaal’ means something totally different to Jake and Austin.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Bush Wacked
Posted by
Special K
9:19 AM
Labels: "The Gyllenhaal", Austin, Jake
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Good morning, everyone! You know how you get up in the am, perhaps too early (wink) and then can't go back to sleep or something, but when you do finally go back to sleep, you grab some of the best sleep you ever had. Stretttttcch, that's what I just had. Felt darn good, too.
Very nice post today, Special. Another rockin white T pic. And amusing story about Elizabeth Banks, whom I have never heard of. Good ol persistant Jake, sounds like he couldn't take a hint that she wasn't receptive to being talked to. Everyone has days/moments like that. And Jake just persisting on talking to her, lol! Buddy, don't you know sometimes when to leave people alone? ;)
HopefulTB, I did google your country and read some very interesting things. You are right up there with Nrwg Girl! You 2 ought to hook up sometime and meet each other. Or is it a bigger distance than it looks on Wikipedia, lol? You're also 8 hours ahead of my time, so it's about dinnertime there now. And do you really have 2 times a year when you have 1 1/2 months of solid daylight and then a period with no daylight? That sounds fascinating. Imagine what you could get done with all that daylight.
And I also read an online article about the school shooting you were referring to; 10 lives lost. That's tragic. And how hunting is a very big pasttime in Finland and so gun control is a big topic right now. That's a very delicate issue, like religion & politics, and so I can sympathize you wanting to tune all that garbo out. Anyway, my thoughts are with you today, Hopeful.
And Zoomout, I hear what you're saying, but I've got to agree with the last comment on the previous thread. I think Clay Aiken is a more recognized name than Jake's. Now if someone screwed up their face when you mention Jake, like Huh? And then you said, "You know, one of the guys in Brokeback Mountain, the one who played Jack Twist", then they'd probably say "Ohhhhh, yeah, okay." But Clay won American Idol and he's got Jake beat on worldwide recognition.
Sorry for the long comment!
I agree that Clay Aiken is better known than Jake, and he's known for having an older, conservative fan base, which makes it all the more astounding that he has come out.
However I do think the movie business has not caught up with music and television in terms of leading men being able to come out. But I still think that if you're going to have a child, your child should come first, not your career.
There is a also big difference between not coming out, and actively bearding. I can understand Jake not coming out at this point in his career. However the active, full blown bearding is wrong, and it is doubly wrong when you have a child. To add insult to injury, Jake is trying to make people think he views Reese's kids as somehow his own.
I followed a link from Datalounge, Wicked, and the Claymate fans are wildly supportive of Clay, it must be said.
I am so glad to hear this, Daff. It gives me hope and maybe it will give hope to some of the other closeted celebs. If they can come out and not lose their fans, maybe they actually will! It took balls for Clay to do this and I'm so glad he did.
So sorry to hear about that school shooting in Finland, Hopeful. PG is right, things like that can help to make us pay more attention to each other and that can be a good thing.
Clay Aiken is an absolutely unknown figure in Europe, I can vouch for that. Maybe they know him in GB (I'll have to ask my British friends) but not outside Anglo-American culture. If you say George Clooney, Brad Pitt or Nicole Kidman, people in France, Sweden, Spain, Holland, Poland, Portugal,Germany,Hungary, etc. would immediately know who you were talking about. You don't feel it, because you ARE in America but not all American stars have achieved this level of popularity. Jake is on his way to global stardom and people do recognize him here. Many younger people know him from DD and TDAT, but also his latest movies like BBM,Zodiac and Rendition were released here on a big scale.
People in France, Sweden, Spain, Holland, Poland, Portugal,Germany,Hungary, etc. know who's Orlando Bloom but don't give a damn about him.
Jake is on his way to global stardom ...
Yeah, that's what I thought so too.
Well, zoomout, you give me cause to think. Us Americans do tend to get a little (a little?) narrowminded & self-absorbed on ourselves. A little hard to admit, but know it's true. Perhaps American television doesn't reach as far as I would think. Okay, I'll speak for N America, anyway. Clay is much better known than Jake. Peace, Zoomout.
Destiny, you said it just right how I feel. To me, it is one thing to live discreetly, mind your own business. It's another to carry on a whole charade and deceptively hide who you are. Using someone else's children is inexcusable. Heck, the other half is even using his dog, for goshsakes. It's getting me riled up now. Looks like the rain has let up; I better go pound some steps & let off my steam.
And well said, Wicked, as well. As the dominoes fall, and hopefully not much fallout, everyone won't be so afraid anymore.
Ted on Clay
...UK tv doesn't show American Idol. There are UK versions Pop Idol and X Factor.
So nobody has even heard of Clay over here.
There's some entertaining little snickering & bickering going on over in Ted's comments under the Clay Aiken story regarding Jake.
What that boy can stir up. His non-selfconfirmed sexuality is about on the brink of that of "Pat" from Saturday Night Live. Not based on looks, but on just the sheer battling back & forth of TBers and non TBers. There's just that hint of non-100% sureness that just seems to raise the ire of fans. It's really something when you sit back & look at it.
Their mutts don't get along
Didn't Star have this story also?
Even though Clay Aiken isn't known in the UK (or the rest of Europe as far as I know) I don't think it was the non-American market Jake's people were worried about when they decided on the bearding route. Let's be honest, Jake's hardly a household name in the UK and I can't really see Brothers or Nailed (if they get released here) changing that. PoP maybe, but who knows who will become popular in the next two years.
If they were interested in the European market I'm pretty sure they'd have chosen someone more in-tune to European sensibilities than old Reesy. Nothing plays worse in London, Edinburgh, Berlin or Madrid than the dreaded American A-type woman (apologies to all American A-types except RW).
Didn't Star have this story also?
Yes, it sure did. I like how the article says that they are "thought to have " called in a dog therapist.
Great post by the way Special. I didn't have a chance to read it until now. Funny how you tied all that bush and Bush business together. And I'll enjoy the music when I get home; I like Vampire Weekend.
A difference ib Clay is a singer and Jake is a movie actor and the reactions from coming out in the 2 professions might be different.
Also what really kills a big part of a male movie star fanbase (besides child molestation, beastiality, wifebeating) I think more than being gay is marriage and children. I don't know if its because the "I might have a chance" fantasy is gone or if because they now seem to be boorrring and traditional like dear old Dad or what. But I think a whole lot of Jake's fans would lose interest fast if they knew he had a baby and was in a comitted relationship. Look how many left in droves when they all assumed he was dating RW.
I know it doesn't seem fair and real fans should admire them for their work but really that's the way it is.
Btw Idol was a world hit but it was made into country specific shows so don;t be surprised if a European hasn't heard of the American winner and vice versa. Plus its been how many years since Clay won AI? Quite a few
Dog therapist LOL. Yea Atti who was papped all the time at dog parks and dog beaches socializing with other dogs and who had Boo as a little brother can't get along with RW's dog. And the Reeke park pics of the 2 dogs walking together all friendly-like was a mirage. Wasn't there also a vid early on in the bearding with Reeke on the beach and Atti and RWs dog running around? Methinks the dog therapist story is a beard method of spreading the assumption Reeke live together and to keep them visible or another independant work of fiction from a ragmag.
Aw I like Sophia Bush.
And yea I agree with Destiny great post, Special. The way you did the Austin bird shirt then bird in hand/bush then Sophia Bush then Luara Bush then Elizabeth Banks! Really great post! Thanks!
Good for Clay - I have to admire him for putting his child ahead of his career and fears.
I don't see why Austin and Baby Tile is any different than Reese and her kids in terms of killing fan interest. Straight men seem to have no problem fantasizing that they'll charm lesbians into sleeping with them, can't see why straight women can't fantasize the same thing about gay men. And just to emphasize, we're talking people's fantasies, not how they'd treat someone in real life.
Prairie girl, I didn't want to argue, I just wanted to show a different perspective:)
Meg, you're absolutely right about Reese being a typical American girl. I actually don't think she's ugly (please, put your guns down:) but her face, the way she carries herself, the way she dresses, everything about her is very American.
And doesn't anyone give a damn about Orlando? That's interesting, I have never thought about it. Who is he dating right now?
I also agree with the male movie star mystique about losing fans but there are also some actors who have been married for a long time, have children and are still popular, e.g. Tom Hanks, Johnny Depp. But, unfortunately, I think age plays an important part too. You get older, you eventually settle down with whomever, you have children, you are not as attractive as you used to be, you've been around for too long. People just lose interest in your personal life, no rumours, no fun.
People have always been interested in Tom Hanks and Johnny Depp for their roles or their acting. Unfortunately, the main interest in Jake seems to center around his personal life.
Oh, no worries, Zoomout. No arguing here. I forgot about Britain having their own version of American Idol, heck, I think they were the first to have Dancing With the Stars, although theirs isn't called that.
I agree with some here in that nothing'll kill a young guy's female fanbase more than getting married. Although, I'm having a little bit of second thought there. Because Tom Cruise & Mel Gibson certainly remained popular. Tom Cruise's popularity wained after that couch jumping fiasco and his increased promotion of Scientology. But look what happened to Donny Osmond. He got married and his career careened down the hill so fast, it was like a snowball. And if I remember right, his marriage was hidden for awhile.
Also, are you admired as a serious actor or just as a sex symbol? If you're fortunate to be admired for both, like Mel Gibson, then you've got it made in the shade. I believe men can survive on their looks alone alot longer than women. When actresses hit 40, although Diane Lane seems to be an exception, their choices as a romantic lead role decrease like a divebomb.
Destiny, if Jake was gay, straight women wouldn't have a problem with that. You don't compare yourself to a man. Reese and her kids drive women insane because if it's all true, she's snatched herself a hot, beautiful, talented,younger(!)sex god and what about them? There are millions of women like Reese all over the world, who might identify with her, at least in some aspects, esp because she keeps repeating she is just this regular Southern girl and a mum. 30-35 years old, two kids, play dates, lunch boxes, PTA meetings, homework, Halloween costumes, Barbie stuff, which slowly takes over the house, toys everywhere, "fell from the swing" bumpes, the never ending "Muuuuum, he's hitting me!" and a husband who is often a little bit too fat, overworked, too tired,lost interest in sex, drinks a little bit too much sometimes, expects them to run a house, puts his feet on the coffee table, yells at kids, never knows where his clothes are, can't dress,can't cook, stares at other women breasts in public places,tells stupid jokes, etc. You name it. But women get used to all these things, they love their families, they do not expect their husbands to have a body of Adonis and cook them romantic dinners. But, somehow,(that's what they think)that woman Reese gets herself a dream boy,she, who isn't the most beautiful woman in the universe, who has a typical 32-year old "after two pregnancies" body, and what's waiting for her every night in her bed doesn't resemble their husbands in the slightest. I totally understand their reaction.
Plenty of actors are big stars after they settle down and/or marry, even if they lose a few of the young fan girls. A lot of it comes down to whether you got where you are on your talent and charisma, or got there solely on your appeal to the fan girls. Another reason why Reeke is so wrong is that Jake seems to think being on the cover of US with Reese is what will make him a star, meanwhile Reeke is killing all his charisma and charm. It also gives off the impression that he can't make it on his talent.
I'm not sure I entirely get your point tramtararam.
Personally I think most Jake fans have problems with Reese, even if they think he is straight, because they can all see that Reese is a phoney bitch who uses her children. The Jake most fans fell for was someone who would have never sold his relationship, real or faux, on the cover of US. And no, it was not something he had to do. Plenty of other actors have become big stars without doing that, especially someone with Jake's talent and solid movie career.
Hey guys -- yes I am here and no I haven't run down the street to Fenway to celebrate. (Although I'll be going to see the Sox tomorrow night. woo hoo!) Just a one helluva day at work.
Whether or not Jeese is the real thing, Jake is really, really hot -but his sexiness goes down about 50degrees every time he's pictured with Reese. Her having kids isn't something that should be romanticized either, it's hard work raising kids, and definitely cuts into a couple's romance and spontaneity, let's not kid ourselves. A lot of people wouldn't envy it. There's certainly enough room for doubt about whether or not this is real, but if it is good for them.
. . . can't see why straight women can't fantasize the same thing about gay men.
Hi Destiny, I would say that I have no control over it - it's biological. While I never fantasize about thinking I'd actually ever change a man, if I see a drop-dead sexy guy (who is a romantic leading man), I respond to that, no matter is sexual orientation in real life.
Hey, Special, wondered where you were today. That's what I am R & R'ing from this week. Some of what you had today. Crazy day, huh?
Getting ready to jump in the shower & get ready to leave for the visitation. I don't anticipate knowing anyone there, unless I see anyone from work. I'm sure I'll see someone from work. I don't even think I'll have a whole lot to say to the family but I just want to tell them I worked with their daughter and she always had a great smile for me. And I miss it already. This one'll be hard because she was so young.
There's certainly enough room for doubt about whether or not this is real,
Its real allright. People are just jealous of Reese because she got herself a hot young guy instead of of some ugly old guy to beard with.
^^ what I mean to say and prolly didn't do very well LOL is I have no doubt the bearding is real..heh
Well I dunno - women who are married to fat boring husbands who think that Reese "has it all" - ahem! - stop watching TV - what is "all"? - greed, money, houses, revenge, some nutty idea that happiness is a "cute" guy and a fifties version of a family -
I don't think so!
My worst dream is that Jake thinks so. (damn those retro sit coms! hey Jake go back to college!)
Sorry, Im pretty sad about Jake's idea of "maturity". Who is his therapist? I want his/her e-mail!
assuming they are bearding, over the past couple of months it really has been Reese that's been putting in the work (earning her fee perhaps?).
If I was multi-millionaire oscar winning actress I'm pretty sure I'd rather to relaxing at home with a glass or two of wine (we know she likes a drink), hanging out with my children, than schleping around europe and north africa after some high maintenance manchild like Jake. He hardly seems to be making much effort does he.
Now me, I'd rather be out schlepping around Europe, North Africa, South Africa, Kenya, South America, Australia, and the Far East doting on my high maintenance manchild and NO real children. ;)
Jake is working.
Reese has months and months of free time.
Whatever she's doing, she's doing it for her own benefit.
TO if honest & likes to schlepp: yeah if you were honest you'd schlepp yourself back to Babble.
I stopped by my corner newsstand on my way home to buy a People and they only had two copies left--and stacks of the other rags. And I know they usually start out the week with a huge stack of People. So much for no one caring about Clay AIken.
And like everyone else who has come out, he's never looked better.
Doesn't hollywood has a history of protecting their closeted stars. Jake has the potential to be a superstar. He'll make a lot of people rich. He's following the road map of Rock Hudson & John Travolta.
Sorry i'm anon 8:39
queerty said...
Aiken's Coming Out Matters
Clay Aiken's coming out really doesn't come as much of a surprise. We've all known for many years that the crooner goes for the guys. Nor is Aiken's lavender revelation the most revolutionary. Scores of celebs have come out before him - Ellen DeGeneres, George Michael, Lance Bass and Martina Navratilova, a tennis player who came out far before it was fashionable - or advisable.
None of these outings were that surprising, but they have all slowly changed gay acceptance of Hollywood and, in fact, the world. Aiken's outing differs, however, in two notable, intrinsically entwined ways. And the aftershocks could help change the State of gay play.
First, as a Southern Baptist, Aiken's long been a friend of the Jesus lovers. The singer even performed a few Christian tracks while on tour, and recorded a Christmas album. He wasn't proselytizing, but his right-of-center background helped build Aiken's fan base in middle America. In 2004 and 2005, at the height of his post-American Idol fame, Christian Music Planet ran two stories on Aiken. As for Aiken's own public beliefs, just consider the opening flap of his inspirational memoir, Learning To Sing, which reads:
"My mother prophesied years ago that my voice would take me places. She was certain there was a reason I was able to sing. I am still discovering what that reason is, what it is that God wants to have happen."
Though he may have lost some hardcore Christians following gay sex allegations in 2006, Aiken still found fans throughout the nation's heartland. How else does one account for the millions of naive "Claymates" who voraciously defended charges of Gayken?
Yes, some of those Claymates still refuse to believe Aiken's words - one even decried it a "conspiracy," whatever that means - a quick look at fan site Clay Board shows that the majority of Aiken's fans support their leader. One follower writes, "I'm really proud of him for having the courage to do this. It can't have been an easy decision." Another offers this God-loving good will: "May God always be with you and may you forever and always feel the never ending love of your fans and their unending prayers and support for you, Jaymes & Parker!" Parker, of course, is Aiken's new son, whom he had with the aforementioned Jaymes, his platonic lady friend. And it's that son who makes Aiken's outing even more groundbreaking.
It's not unusual for gay celebrities to have children - Melissa Etheridge had a very public pregnancy, a tabloid bonanza fueled in part by the fact that a. she's a lesbian and b. the singer refused to name the child's father. [It would later be revealed that the legendary David Crosby donated his seed.] Another public lesbian, Rosie O'Donnell, makes no secret of her domestic ways - she and wife Kelli Carpenter have four children. They also appear regularly on the entertainer's eponymous family cruises. B.D. Wong, a gay actor, also has children, although he's not nearly as well known. Regardless, same-sex partners have children has become old hat in media land - and, we hope, among the general population.
Aiken's story adds a new angle to the discussion because his outing is intrinsically tied to his son's birth. Little Parker's even featured on the People cover, on which Aiken declares: "I cannot raise a child to lie or to hide things." The implication, then, is that Aiken had the baby because he wanted it. He is, like millions of others, a man looking to raise a child. And now he's a gay man looking to raise a child - a relatively radical concept for many Americans.
The reproductive context in which Aiken has come out will no doubt resonate with those Americans still hesitant to embrace the homos, the people who fight for "family rights." Aiken's a talented - yes, he's talented - young gay man who has declared his equality, however rhetorically. This Christian gay father's coming out may change the way people look at queer celebrities - and, in fact, their fellow Americans.
When John McCain invited Alaska Governor Sarah Palin to join his ticket this year, the Republican presidential candidate successfully reignited the culture wars. Palin's family life and fundamentalist Christianity turned the election on its head and brought the conservative masses back into the spotlight. Those masses, we imagine, are the same people in Clay Aiken's fan base.
If the people end up accepting his gay ways - and his queer family - Aiken could in some small way counter Palin and her peers' efforts to exploit gay fears. Now, he probably won't decide the election, but Aiken's a well-known with common familial goals - and seeing oneself in the "other" can be quite persuasive. And a little persuasion goes a long way.
Anon, you're gonna get the bug zapper if you don't right yourself real quick!
Destiny, IA. He looks great on the cover.
Very insightful article on Queerty. These really are some groundbreaking times we're seeing.
You know, I don't want to see anybody forced out if they don't want to be. That's not the way to do it. It's a very personal decision. Clay took alot of heat on the internet with insinuations and whatall, but he seemed to take the high road. And he didn't carry on a false identity either, trying to appear anything that he wasn't. He just did what he wanted to do and to heck with what anyone said. I will stand corrected if wrong because, I admit, I'm not a well-school Clay Aiken fan or historian. This is just how it appeared to me.
I also found the Queerty article very well-written and insightful. I do think this a coming out that will have far larger ripples than say NPH.
I just spent some time reading the Aiken fan board linked to on Dlisted. I found it very interesting to read the variety of responses--I didn't read anywhere near all of them, there are over a thousand comments on the topic! It seems like people are mostly supportive, but there are some who are some who strongly disaprove and/or are clearly homophobic.
There are also a fair number of people who are unhappy about the fact they've been lied to over the years. And this is with someone who didn't "lie" by bearding.
It was also kind of funny to read some of the early posts by people who were insisting the article had to be wrong.
The number one thing that a closeted gay celebrity can do to make it difficult if not impossible to come out and be accepted, especially by fangirls, is beard. Clay, very wisely, never did this. At least not that I've ever heard of. I too read some of the comments at the Claymate board that was linked on dlisted. There was one comment that had a quote from Clay where he said something about people having an expectation about famous men either going out with lots of women or being gay, and because he was neither, it was cause for concern. But that quote seems to be as explicit as he ever got in denying it.
What I thought was interesting is how many of the Claymates said they were not surprised and that they thought this day would eventually come. They said their feelings were based not only on what Clay said, but also on what he didn't say. Many cited an interview he did with Diane Sawyer where she flat out asked him if he was gay and he failed to deny it. Could you imagine the reaction of the Claymates if he'd gone the bearding route?
It's been a crazy day and even crazier night. Woke up this morning after dreaming about the boy from college who stole my heart and found an email from another friend from college that I haven't seen since college in my work email, wondering if I was the person she knew. I get home tonight and find an message another guy from college who used to live me in one of my crazy apts and said "I ran into a mutual friend who asked if I was going to Boston and wonder if I would bring you something not knowing that I knew you. I can't wait to see you again"
Why am I writing all of this? The guy I lived with was and still is in the closet. He would only let glimpses of the true him to a few around him. He has struggled with his religious upbringing and his orientation, his family's reaction to the truth, and his desire to continue being a minister. It just seem like synergy today, the events happening, the discussion here, the coincidences of all the college memories and finally his call. It seems like there is a reason he is coming up to Boston, I hope that I am in the right place in my life and the right place in his to help him on his journey.
I've always suspected that one of the reasons Jake bearded was to reassure the powers that be that he wouldn't come out, because doing so would indeed be all that more difficult after the bearding. In other words, I've thought the bearding was as much about not coming out as trying to prove he's straight.
There are always going to be a few people who only see what they want to see, as some of the Aiken fans show. But most people are not stupid, and they don't like being lied to. Jake's bearding has mostly been a source of ridicule, or, in the case of people who didn't know who he was, caused them to recognize him as the person who is dating Reese. Maybe it got him a few movie roles from homophobic HW, but I can't see it doing anything for his career. IMO the tide is going to change in the next 5-10 years, and he's really going to pay for what he has done.
That should be, doing anything for his career in the long run. Yes it may have done something for his career short-term. But because of Reeke, any stumbles are going to be really ugly.
Sorry for the triple post--I deleted two of them.
LOL, Destiny, I figured that was what had happened! how funny. Glad I'm not the only one.
Wow, Special, you've had a wild day. So these friends tracked you down from the internet then? And the dream about the ol' flame. Why can't I ever have any of those? Not that I have a big history, lol, but geez, once in awhile would be nice. Going by how compassionate you sound here, I imagine you will be a big blessing to your friend when he comes to visit. I don't believe in chance meetings. Course, this wouldn't be exactly a chance meeting. But it's a contact out of the blue, close enough! I think alot of chance meetings happen for a reason. It may not be evident at the time, sometimes not even until a later date.
On the subject of bearding, the length of this Reeke business is startling. And no, not because I think it's the real thing. Far from it. In fact, it seems to appear more of a sham than ever. They can't act their way out of a paper bag with their body language and their eyes. When a celebrity goes to the length that Jake is, how in the heck does it look if you were to then come out and reveal that it was all a lie? Man, it just doesn't look good. Best to do it the way Clay Aiken did and just not put up a store window to begin with.
Gonna hit the hay. I have got to definitely get the walk in early. Going on a 1/2 day bus trip with my mom & aunt to Ft Leavenworth (Yes, that Ft Leavenworth where Michael Vick is at) to tour the old fort and act like a tourist.
Time for the night owls to take on the next shift ;)
One of the night owls just checking in to say hello. I don't have much to add to what's already been said. Good points brought up. I do think Clay's action has a lot of influence in the US, more than Jake ever would, because of Clay's impact on middle america. Movie stars are seen on occassion, but almost everyone can afford to listen to music on the radio.
Friday Night Lights starts up again early Oct. Does anyone know if Austin's role will be back?
Funny how your dreams tied in to the rest of your day Special. And it's nice that your closeted friend has someone he can be open with.
If people can't even come out to family and friends, of course they wouldn't come out to the public. One thing that makes Jake different from a lot of other closeted people is that I get the impression the closet only applies to the general public and his fans, not to his family, friends and co-workers. IMO it makes the bearding even worse. And Ted said awhile back that Jake's friends have not been happy with the way he has turned his back on anything remotely gay.
Sorry I've been so negative today, but what Clay has done raised so man issues that always fester just below the surface for me when it comes to Jake.
man+many. I'm not deleting another post, I've done too much of that tonight!
By the way, M, I don't think Austin has any more episodes on FNL, especially with One Tree Hill.
how in the heck does it look if you were to then come out and reveal that it was all a lie?
But see the way Reeke is doing it is by letting the rags make up the stories, the paps ask the questions (that go unanswered) and the general public to assume their dating. Very very clever of Jake and Reese. What they did was plant the seed with a few pics that could have been interpreted either as friends or lovers. They knew the rags and the online gossip sites would run away with it. And they did: People, US OK and all the sites developed the fiction because they knew they could get traffic and sales from it and Reeke wouldn't sue because it got them free PR.
All Reeke has ever done in the pap pics is what friends do lijke hold hands, quick pecks on the lips to say goodbye, hold hands, hugs, affectionate backrubbing, go on trips together, get coffee, workout, shop, walks in a park, farmers market, concerts, new years eve when neither of you have a date, go to dinner, your basic spending a lot of time together.
Reeke let everyone imagine the romance: "its the public's fault" if they think what they saw was anything more than good friends. Why, they can claim, even their publicists flatly squashed the stories of them being engaged.
Like I said, its very VERY clever. Their ploy isn't exactly active bearding and their method is designed to save them from having to backpedal and deny anything later on down the road. It might not be blatant out and out lying but it's definately underhanded.
Never really got a chance to say it.
Good for Clay for finding the point in his life were he was ready to come out.
M - I agree with you the Clay has an impact on middle America. Will it tear down all the walls no, will take some down and lower others - yes.
Will this lead other celebrities to venture out? Guess that's a wait and see.
Each time a celebrity comes out those still in, watch the public's reaction and decide if they will take action, whether a baby step or giant leap.
were = where
Thank you everyone for the well wishes! It's gloomy enough this time of the year here without this sort of tragedies. Now at least something will really be done to help children and young people with psychological problems. Funding for their mental care was cut back in the 90s and nothing good has come out of that decision. This has been a sad wake-up call to many problems in our country that we have known about but have done to little to correct.
On to closeted stars. Clay Aiken is pretty much unknown here since American Idol has been on for only a couple of years. However, his coming out was big news yesterday so it is still a huge deal to come out publicly. It has to be a difficult time for celebrities still in the closet. Every time someone comes out it’s a reminder that you are still in and could have made a different choice. I am sure Aiken has caused some discussion in the Nichols-Gyllenhaal household but what I think will happen is that Reeke will go on as planned. I feel Reeke is Jake’s safety net: the bearding intensifies when he’s seemingly under attack or stressed. Still, how he rationalizes that the level of bearding he is involved in is ok and technically not lying, I will never understand.
The times are a changing slowly, as is apt to happen.
It's still going to take a couple of guys on the A list of HW to make more difference though. And I think we are still a number of years away from that.
Pre the confirmation of baby tile, I had never had a problem with Jake bearding. I completely understood it. I just had a problem with who he was bearding with for a myriad of reasons.
Now with the confirmation of baby tile, Jake would be smart to completely cut out any pictures of him doting on Reese's children. He's already done damage in that area.
The internet is going to still exist in 10 years time and Baby Tile can look back at photos of one of his/her dads in all his glory doting on children who aren't Baby Tile.
Forget the public. This could bite him on the ass with his own child.
Reese has to sell "good mother" and "family" PR image - it's her only option.
Ergo Jake can't beard with Reese with her kids completely out of picture.
Good morning!
The big D is starting to worm its way into the back of my subconscious mind, letting me know only 2 more days. heavy sigh.
Ah, little blue pill, well, well said. I see all you're saying and you are right. You reckon that is why there's never an acknowledgement? Don't ask me about him/her in interviews? No direct quotes in mag articles? It's maddening as heck because it's like highway robbery. But I tell you what, I don't know of any "good friends" who are a man & a woman, who constantly go on vacations together in a pure platonic fashion. I don't know "good friends" who are a man & a woman, who kiss in full papazzari view (Rome) or who embrace in the fashion they did at the Jack Johnson concert (even if it looks set up, which it did, and btw, where are you photo Retouch?). And I don't know of good friends, man & woman, who spend as much time together as they did in the States, sans all friends & family, shopping & carrying lattes unless it would be Will & Grace. And you know that they do not want to be seen as Will & Grace, because that would then make, ahem, Jake = Will. This would be where they have erred in their thinking. They carried it just a mite too far. Because even though their reps denied an engagement (thus far, anyway), they didn't deny the big front cover of "Jake Moves In". And the reps "speak for" their clients, correct? If that doesn't wave the flag of a "relationship", then to me that sounds like the title for the pilot episode of Will & Grace. I don't think even Suburban Soccer Mom is going to buy that one.
Regarding the presence of Reese's kids in the picture, pr, I see your point. That would look odd if they're always together as much as they are and the kids were never around. But this is another grey area where I think those 2 have made a really big mistake. If they are only "good friends", then how else do you explain the "family" photo ops? All I can think of is "Uncle Jake". And that label gives me all kinds of creeps. And what is it doing to the kids? That's a whole other ball of wax.
If they are only "good friends", then how else do you explain the "family" photo ops?
Reeke is selling a romance, no question about it. As Little Blue Pill said: Reeke let everyone imagine the romance.
And what is it doing to the kids?
Nothing. Jake is their mother's friend.
This blog lost all credibility to me when you guys decided that the legs wrapped around Austin's neck are Jake's. Have yoy EVER seen man's legs?
LOL!! coming from someone who has lots of gay friends who dress in drag....yes those are def a man's legs.
Prairie Girl "I don't know of any "good friends" who.... You might not but I do, plenty of straight female and gay guy friend duos who do all those thing together. I'm one of them so I come from experience of knowing what people see and assume isn't whats really happeneing.
This blog lost all credibility to me when you guys decided that the legs wrapped around Austin's neck are Jake's. Have yoy EVER seen man's legs?
Gee, over-reaction much.....
I think those legs are probably a woman's but it doesn't make everything else untrue - unless you never believed it in the first place.
Babbler's reaction.
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