........ middle of an international phone call
A: Here's the description of Julian.
J: Anything interesting?
A: Just listen.Julian Beckett
20 something indie producer, never appears clean-shaven, a tight button up shirt, untucked, tight ball crushing jeans with a white belt, 80s throwback sunglasses, messy hair, white shoes or sneakers, smoker, talks about "needing to go to yoga", is "green", flirts with vegetarianism and waify girls, adores musicians, secretly wants to be one; suggestion of not always that "low"; makes demands on set to exert his power, not for any creative purpose; committed to being hip for the sake of being hip, emulates other indie directors; "gets" the business and the " kids"
J: Damn, kinda a Brett Rattner and Paul Thomas Anderson mash up? (laughing)
A: (laughing too) Yeah you got it.
J: That describes 80% of the indie guys out there. Think CW going let them get away with the smoking and not low part ?
A: Just smoke mirrors and the power of suggestion. Remember I'm an actor.
J: Oh that's right. I think I've seen in you in a few things.
A: You have have you?
J: (changing the subject) Ahem, what does Sophia think?
A: She thinks is pretty damn funny, especially that I have to lay down to get the damn jeans zipped. They're debating these Asics sneakers which make my feet look like boats and this funky white vintage albino crocodile shoes. I'm wearing my own watch. Gotta give the Nichols signature look.
J: Nichols signature huh? Thought you'd try for a hat or suspenders or a funky coat. The watch, and not the ring?
A: You know I would if I could.
J: I know, and I know you you're pushing for those god awful white shoes. You're gonna tell them that Sam Fuller wore them around town back in the day or something aren't you?
A: (busting) Well yeah..
J: You are so full of bullshit, you already did, didn't you?
A: So whaddya think?
J: Think you're full of bullshit, and you're gonna walk like Frankenstein.
A: Hey now, this isn't about my forehead.
J: Didn't say it was, was talking about those damn tight jeans and those shoes. Tell Sophia to take a picture worthy of the hipster indie producer and send it.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
too hip to hop or to PoP?
Posted by
Special K
9:18 AM
Labels: Austin, Indie Producer, Jake, Reach out and Touch someone
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never appears clean-shaven
Do I need to get the Anti-Beardy-Beard Brigade out again?
indie movie producers/directors - look like Special joked about or they do the thrift shop tee shirt tight jeans craptastic footwear they paid to much for with this bag they all carry around and look like they've lived in the whole thing for 15 days straight
God did you nailed it. Hope Austin looks and plays it like a hipster dbag too.
Ted has something to say about Ryan and Abbie (and Reese).
Why can't Reese get top billing?
Vaughn simply has more hits behind him than Reese, period. No vast sexist conspiracy.
Defamer readers are smarter and better informed than Defamer.
The profile on Michelle Williams in the NY Times that got posted here a few days ago, mentioned how she used to split her time between Wilmington NC and NYC while on Dawson's. Austin has called NY his town, wonder if he will take advantage of the same thing and spend time there?
And Ted. Well he's not saving his commentary just for print is he?
If Wicked is going to get out the anti-bearding brigade, I'm going to start a "no white shoes" brigade. I don't even like white sneakers on guys.
Jake only celeb mentioned in the blurb on Mario Batali in EW.com's Sauciest Chefs.
Molto Mario!
"I'm going to start a "no white shoes" brigade. I don't even like white sneakers on guys."
Could be worse, he might wear Jake's camo crocs.
I love Mario. :)
Here's more from The Movie Fanatic about the Top 10 Young Actors with most anticipated roles
And first on the list? Yes it is Jake.
Both for his role in Brothers and for Prince of Persia.
Check out the whole article and see who else made the list.
The Movie Fanatic
Reese's conversation with Atticus
Austin looks totally bombed in that second picture when was that?
Another Toothy comment
Talking about Stephen Soderbergh doing a movie about Liberace with Michael Douglass as Liberace and Matt Damon playing Scott Thorson who sued for palimony.
"Thorson claimed he was the dandy dude’s companion for five years, tho Lib-hon vehemently denied being a homosexual throughout his 67 years. So Toothy Tile of him, doncha think? Guess being cramped in the interior of a closet never goes out of style for some celebs, so sad. So predictable. So pathetic.
Awful Truth
Ted's not afraid, he keeps raggin on the Reeke is fake. Not as often as he's been mentioning Toothy lately, but he is persistent in his position. His videos are truly entertaining.
Cute dialogue today. Can't get the song to play for some reason. I'll try it out later on one of the other computers in the house.
The fact that Jake seems to be headed for a lifetime of lying like Liberace is indeed pathetic. And sad.
I totally understand why people take the closet route but it still doesn't change how heartbreaking this situation has become. Maybe because of the direction things seemed to be going for so long with him and Austin seemingly getting closer and closer and then to the extremeness of Reeke. I still hope that things will change and that maybe with some of the pressure off he'll start to reclaim some of the fearlessness and authenticity that always made Jake so admirable.
What I'd give for another pic of our guys together. That would be sweet heaven indeed.
The picture of Austin is from Mexico. He did Luz del Mundo there. Oh yeah he's drunk.
Ted's readers don't seem to like Sophia Bush. Does everybody think she's not so nice?
A dog needs to be walked every day. A dog of Atticus' size at least twice a day, a strenuous walk, or jog for several hours to work off a large dog's pent up stuck inside energy
When was the last time we saw Reese with Atticus? Two weeks? Three? Are we to believe those are the only times Atticus is taken out? Really? A German Shephard, twice, on concrete and a short leash only twice in three weeks?
Or is she really walking him daily as a responsible pet owner should, only the other times it's on a pap free route. If so, why is it necessary for her to walk Atticus where there are paps to catch her at all? Is the pap free zone only good for three weeks at a time?
And what about her dog, what about Coco Chanel? Doesn't she deserve a walk-about as much as Atticus? Why no pics of her and the french bulldog on the streets of Santa Monica, or BH?
Of course, she could walk them separately - Coco in her gated community, away from traffic, and then Atticus out in the city away from nature, but would the ulter important, uber powerful, incredibly in demand and busy Reese really have to time to walk dogs at least three hours DAILY? Take all that time away from her children?
Or could it be that someone else, a professional, is actually caring for Atticus while Jake is away, a someone that does indeed walk and run and play with the dog on a daily basis and Reese only comes around when a photo op is needed?
How the mighty have fallen! From Oscar winner to a whore pimping out her children for the PR to schlepping her gay fake bf's dog for publicity.
Chad Michael Murray's fans hate Sophia. They try to criticize her as a way of defending him for being such a creep.
Oh, PETA, don't even get me started on this. Think everyone knows, too, how in total agreement I am about this. Indeed, seen walking Jake's dog, but not her own? Do they think we're stupid or what?
I'm at work, gotta get off. I'm dogsitting & I couldn't piggyback off anyone's wireless last night. Looks like Mickey D's tomorrow morning for breakfast. I could prob'ly spew out a load regarding Reese & Atticus but I haven't even looked at the picture yet. So I will refrain myself.
Glorious morning here today - some good ol' Ike rain. At least it's Friday. Happy Austin Friday to everyone!!!! And then it's the weekend, glorious weekend. Geez, I can't wait. Everyone have a Great day : )
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