The things you can find on MySpace, friends, friends of friends, blogs, rants, things you shouldn't know but glad you do, who's dating who, and Lindsay Lohan looking for dixie cups ice cream treats with Sam.
And you can find the 80's too. The 80's form found today was that of Informers who is a 26 year old male living in LA, who status is swinger (is there a better word? can't you just say all comers welcomed and cover all your bases) - is a Libra.
But what if you combine MySpace, The Dating Game, ( if the Governor of California can. Why not?) and 80's?
You get :
"He's a Libra, he's a swinger and he's from LA. Welcome Informers" (cue Dating Game music now - and for some of you it's already playing in your head)
.... Wait that covers a lot of guys in LA.
"So Informers what else can you tell us about yourself."
"I like living fast and being a world traveler."
Informers started filming the movie October 12th 2007, in LA, wrapping in December 6th, filming in Buenos Aires and Uruguay, and is premiering October 8th, at the Sitges Film Festival in Sitges Spain.
Where else would a morally corrupt twenty something play but LA, Buenos Aires, and Punta del Este, Uruguay, an upscale vacation spot, and Sitges, "the San Tropez of Spain".
From Informers profile of looks like he'll fit in at the very gay friendly small Spanish city.
"If you were a tree what kind of tree would you be?"
" I don't know, guess a willow, cause I go either way and have shallow roots. But this time I had cut out some of the deadwood out of my life."
Vampires and zombies are no longer a part of Informers back story, gone vanished, wiped clean, never happened. How Hollywood of him.
"But it sounds like you do have some friends."
" Yeah, good friends, Billy Bob, Kim, Amber, Mickey, Austin, Gregor and Winona. Winona woo! Sadly though, I've lost some friends along the way too."
Was the last one with Brad Renfro, before he passed away too soon and unfortunately because of an overdose.
"What about the ladies in your life?"
"Well I lost out hooking up with an Olsen but still came out aHead"
Ashley was to play Kim Bassinger's step daughter before dropping out with the part going to Amber Head. Of course it had nothing to do having a steamy scene with her former co-star from Holiday in the Sun.... who is that again?
Naughty Mr. Nichols. Seems his character is doing an 80's very special episode of All in the Family.
"What's your motto? What says Informers?"
"My Motto?" "Greed is good. Sex is easy. Youth is forever."
Welcome to Informers.
Sitges Film Festival
Informers MySpace
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Mister Informed
Posted by
Special K
8:54 AM
Labels: 80's, Dating Game, Informers, MySpace
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Yay new/old Austin pics. Really like the one on the swing.
Spesh, how did you know Ah-nuld was on The Dating Game? That is hilarious!
I hold a vast amount of useless quirky knowledge in addition to my crazy internal jukebox. Can you imagine the cocktail conversations? : )
McConaughey: Grab your Baby by the Horns Baby Tile getting an autographed copy?
What a nice treat to see a post on The Informers and new Austin pictures. He does look great in that one on the swing.
"Exclusive: Austin Nichols Relocates to 'One Tree Hill'
John from Cincinnati is moving to Tree Hill.
Ex-Cincinnati star Austin Nichols is joining the cast of One Tree Hill, sources confirm to me exclusively. He'll play an indie movie producer who expresses interest in turning Lucas' first novel into a film. And because OTH loves its triangles, he'll also share a past connection with Peyton!
My OTH mole describes Nichols' gig as "heavy recurring," which I'm pretty sure means we're going to be seeing a lot of him."
Great news!!
Austin will get to work with college pal Sophia Bush (who plays Brooke Davis) who is on One Tree Hill, as well her former husband Chad Michael Murray(Lucas Scott) who also went to USC with Austin.
One Tree Hill
About Peyton: via Wiki
Hilarie Burton portrays Peyton Sawyer, whose two greatest passions in life are music and art; she is an expert in the punk rock genre and uses her art to express the issues that play out in her life. Brooke Davis is her best friend while also having Haley to talk to. In season Two, she discovers that she is actually adopted. She has never met her biological father although she has met his son, her half-brother, Derek. After getting to know her birth mother, Ellie, she loses her to breast cancer. In Season Four, Peyton decides to act on her feelings for Lucas and they begin a relationship. This relationship has ended between seasons Four and Five and in Season Five, a lonely Peyton is working for a record company in LA. She and Brooke decide return to Tree Hill, where she starts her own record label, Red Bedroom Records, and battles her feelings for Lucas again. Lucas asks her to marry him and she agrees.
On the Fencewalker front.
Thanks again
"Chris Carter, writer, producer, and director of The X-Files: I Want to Believe, was hospitalized on Tuesday due to "physical exhaustion and an acute sleeping disorder," a source close to Carter tells The source says the hospitalization stems from Carter "working on multiple films back to back over a two year period" -- the recently released X-Files sequel and Fencewalker, a covert project he is rumored to have begun shooting earlier this year. He is expected to recover quickly"
While it will be great to see more of Austin, I was hoping for something more offbeat. And this probably means he won't have a role in Milch's new series.
If I remember correctly, One Tree Hill is filmed down in Wilmington, NC where Austin did Surface.
Really? It's not filmed in LA?
Funny how we got new Austin pictures and Austin news in one day. Nice to see him getting a mention in EW like that.
Great to see new pics and news - thanks Spesh and hjulia :) *
Good day for Austin news, love the new pics, especially the swing photo. Austin is truly divine.
Also good to hear about the new recurring role, not the biggest fan of One Tree hill, but Sophia Bush does seem like a really good friend of Austin's (and a really nice person as well).
Here's a comment from ONTd (re; Austin and OTH) which seems to sum up the whole of Reeke,
"I miss him & Jakey Poo together. That was when Jake was interesting and not boring like now with Reese."
Couldn't have said it better myself.
Sorry, here's another which also says it all.
"He kind of disappeared when Toothy Tile started that fake relationship with Reese. I really liked him and Jake together."
For the last time tonight...
maybe Reese isn't as bad as we all think
please let it be obama
(and yes I did get the link from gyllenbabble)
maybe Reese isn't as bad as we all think
Yeah, right.
Michelle Obama spoke at an 'LGBT Reception' fundraiser at the home of CAA managing partner Bryan Lourd...
I bet that was the real reason why Reese was there.
Meg said...
For the last time tonight...
maybe Reese isn't as bad as we all think
Is the fact that she's an Obama fan/Democrat surprising? I remember her interviews during the Rendition promotions and she was pretty Anti-Bush, anti-rendition and pro-free speech. It was funny because Jake was surprisingly right wing in his views on the whole rendition question. Didn't expect that at all.
I don't give a damn about Reese's political or any other views.
I don't give a damn about Reese's political or any other views
Austin on OTH..lets wait and see if he requests a baby changing table in his traler!
or a diaper pail
I've never seen OTH, but I guess I need to set it up for automatic taping. I'm happy to see Austin, no matter the format. Maybe we will get some interviews out of it.
Austin on OTH thread
"Oh, I love Mrs. Gyllenhaal."
With Informers and now OTH - you're right M, we may get some more interviews out of it. It's been too long since we heard from Austin. Not that I'm complaining about getting just pictures of him. ; )
Comment on ontd
Ouch ... One Tree Hill. Where careers go to die.
While it will be great to see more of Austin, I was hoping for something more offbeat. And this probably means he won't have a role in Milch's new series.
If OTH films in Wilmington,NC - NY is not that long a flight. We still might see him in Milch's Ninth.
Milch loves to use the actors he uses in other series again. He might be not be a lead in it but I wouldn't rule him out for something in a supporting or small arc part.
that means reese is joining oth soon.
Great news about Austin - glad to hear we'll be seeing more of him soon :) Would to read a really candid interview but I suspect they'll be keeping him far away from any kind of expose.
^^^would love to read
Re: Reese a Dem. That's great but lets be honest she sells herself as this Republican family values type through her publicity and that has a lot more impact than her own private beliefs.
Comments from ontd:
From HBO to this shit? LOL, good lord.
From Deadwood and John From Cincinnati to this.
(that said, he sucks. And he's been in a bunch of shit as well. But he's hot.)
Also, I still haven't watched the last 4 OTH episodes of last season. idk. I will.
What the heck do Jake and Liev have in common? Ted is certianly mentioning older people here.
Liev is going to be a daddy again. And Ben Affleck is going to be a daddy again too.
Dear Ted:
I just had an Toothy Tile Liev Schreiber? Baby on the way, same age as Affleck. Come on, it's killing me not to know.
Dear Too Close for Toothy's Comfort:
Not exactly. Actually, not at all. But L and the real Tooth do have so much in common, true
So much in common?
And another Blind Item answered from Ted.
I had to comb through a lot of old Blind Vices (which was fun, actually!), but I think I finally figured out which Blind Vice is David Duchovny. Is he Sylvester Slimeball?
Dear B.V.-Files:
Liev is going to be in Ang's newest movie Taking Woodstock. He's Vilma, so no doubt he will be wearing a frock or two.
He is also in the blockbuster X-man franchise.
Both Jake and Liev are Jewish
The both have last names that get misspelled and mispronounced.
Both Jewish, Jake's mom is Naomi.
Up until the whole baby Tile thing started, I always believed Jake was Toothy. But since Baby Toothy, I think that Ted has been fucking with everyone. Suddenly, TT is domesticated, has a baby and is in his mid 30's. Doesn't sound like Jake. I think Ted is trying to keep one of his best Blinds going because that's probably what 95% of his readers are interested in.
Oops, Nosh beat me!
Well, Liev is with Naomi who was with Heath who was with...
Dont know that much about Liev, but he has one baby and a 2nd on the way. Didnt ted hint that there may be a 2nd baby coming - a reference to two-timer.
It does seem like Ted's hinting that another baby is on the way. Or maybe he's just being a tease on this one?
Or maybe its baby tile (1) that's on the way.
Dear Ted:
Is Baby Tile human or animal?
—C.L. in Pa.
Dear Little of Both:
As human as something can be in this town.
I've been reading through the toothy archives as I recall some mention of baby tile being able to play with naomi watt's baby. Might be my imagination, but I did find on 6/19/07 where Ted said yes, Jake G is the subject of a blind vice.
Will keep looking for the other. I know Ted said he was going to be playing with some woman's baby at least.
m, This is the old blind item you mentioned:
March 5, 2007
All in the Fagola Fam
See, I'm told one of my fave on-the-verge self-proclaimed gay actors is thisclose, after much papa-esque powwowing, to adopting a kid with his b-f. Congrats, you two! Will all this familial frolicking happen in time to share B-days with Naomi Watt's toddler-to-be? Too much fun in the crib-side sun!
"I don't give a damn about Reese's political or any other views."
You sound like a 5-year-old with your "I don't play with you" attitude.
You hate her no matter what she does. You hate her because she has everything you can only dream about: the money, the kids and Jake in her bed.
You don't know her personally and yet you keep judging this woman and calling her a Republican when she says her kids are important to her.
Now you can delete my comment.
Toothy is is his 30's. That we know now for sure.
I'm not a babbler
Sorry babbler, we just don't care about Reese so there is no need to post tidbits about her.
Toothy is is his 30's. That we know now for sure.
Huh? Based on what?
The last time TC mentioned age. Adam B is 28.
Dear Ted:
I think One Confused Blind Vice's Toothy Tile is Adam Brody from The O.C. He has Rachel Bilson, and he's up and coming.
Dear Canadian Fakin':
You got that right, sweet stuff, but from what I hear, A.B.'s just up and comin' with R.B., not a handsome young dude. Think more celebrated and certainly more photographed. Right age and looks though.
Last week Ben was the right age at 36. Why couldn't he juts say right acting resume, wrong age:
September 2, 2008
Dear Ted:
After delving deeper in your articles and in others on other websites, I've come to a horrible conclusion — sure hope I'm 100 percent wrong — but is Toothy Tile Ben Affleck?
Dear Spin Jen:
Oh, wouldn't that just give J.G. a kick in her softer spots, which, of course, don't exist, so what the ef are we talking about? Right age and acting oeuvre, wrong dude.
Why couldn't he juts say right acting resume, wrong age
Why don't you ask Ted?
I did, waiting for him to post my letter.
Looking forward to Ted's answer.
Right age as compared to Zac Efron/Shia LeBouf etc., the younger, up and coming actors.
Right age as compared to Keven Spacey, Tom Cruise, Brendan Fraser, the established actors who've spent years in the closet.
Jake and Ben, Tobey and Matt, and a boocoo of others are in the middle, all actively seeking and considered for the same roles. They are of a similiar generation.
And THAT'S what Ted is refering to.
With all of his verbal twists and turns of the phrase, suddenly we are to start taking Ted literaly?
You hate her no matter what she does. You hate her because she has everything you can only dream about: the money, the kids and Jake in her bed.
you're a babbler to the core. babblers: believe reese to have 'everything' in life and be the perfect woman, babblers envy reese, babblers assume that jake shares reese's house and bed, babblers use the word 'hate' for anyone who has a different opinion. instead of going to other sites spreading the glory of reese why don't you go on a diet, shop, pretend to be an animal lover, shop, look at a avon catalog, shop and do some hit and run fender benders. imitation is the best flattery.
With all of his verbal twists and turns of the phrase, suddenly we are to start taking Ted literaly?
Good point.
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