You know without your wig and a shirt on you kind of look like Bob Hope.
Well with that outfit and the hat in this light you might pass for Bing Crosby.
Damn Disney's make up department does good.
Hey stop. You know you shouldn't. And you need a shave.
I know they're good disguises and you know I love PDA , but .....
I'm not doing anything.
If you're not, then who needs a shave?
Why are we messing with pictures like this when more old pictures of Jake and Austin appeared over the weekend. And some of Austin on his own too. Picture finds of them are like when you pull a jacket out that you haven't worn in a while, put your hand in the pocket and find money. A surprise find that makes your day. (Thanks Spooky and IHJ)
Now it sounds like Jake's gone gone gone and ready to go green. Green screen that is, in Pinewood Studios in England. And PoP is using over six square mile of Pinewood soundstages to recreate 6th century Persia.
The last time Jake did major green screen work it was with a tall Texan in that "small budget/small box office" movie some of you may have heard called The Day After Tomorrow. Jake's imaginination seems to have no bounds, and bet he's tapping that little boy in him as he's saying 'The mystical dagger of time is going to save us all!'.
Now here's a question for you. Will Jake hold Gemma in a clench to save her from swirling sand that compares with the one he used to save Austin from fast moving ice?
PS: All the music this week will be from artists who will be playing at Austin City Limits this weekend. Check it out!
Monday, September 22, 2008
Shifted Sand?
Posted by
Special K
7:28 AM
Labels: Austin, Jake, PoP, Prince of Persia
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Wow, love that first pic of Austin. Robert Plant and Allison Krauss - now there's a musical combination. Love it! Happy Monday, all. :)
Austin's one handsome man. Jake's not only one who can work the white tee. ; )
The other picture of him, I said over at Spooky's when I saw it - he's sitting like a second grader listening the best story ever. And howdy - those are some long legs folded up there. : )
Oh yeah, you are right. Those are some mile long legs. I like the first one, too. What is it about a white T??
On my walk, I was thinking on alot of things. Towards the last 1/3, I was wondering how far west OMG reaches. I'm not very familiar with everyone here, but I know the East Coast is wellllll covered, the north, and the southeast. And I thought, heck, even Norwegian Girl & LondonTB are eastward. ag, are you to the west of homebase? I mean, no one needs to give up their origin as I know privacy is sometimes an issue, but I was just curious if, at least in N America, if the Sunflower State is as far west as we hear from people.
Any bets on if we soon see a dropbomb of Reeke? Aaaack! Sorry, Tom! You know, there's just been a poverty level of Reeke deficiency for far too long as far as their people are concerned.
Love this song, the whole cd is great. Too bad I can't sneak off to Austin for the music festival.
Love this song, the whole cd is great. Too bad I can't sneak off to Austin for the music festival.
For the music or the off chance Austin shows up like last year? ; )
Well, I did really want to see Plant and Krauss, but unfortunately they came through town while I was out of the country. Unfortunately I think with episodes of ONT coming up in October that he is probably at work and will miss out this year.
The ACL is utterly fantastic this year. It would be so nice to Austin there.
I swear this photo shoot of Austin has some of the best pics of him EVER!
Is that supposed to be a camel in that Bob Hope picture? Whatever it is, it looks strange.
I agree Wicked about this photo shoot. It's a shame they haven't popped up in any magazines.
Been away all weekend, so just catching up with the new Jake/Austin goodies.
It's great to finally see a quote from Jake regarding Austin on TDAT, "I loved messing about with Austin."
The smiting (ie being smitten)was mutual, then. Well, duh. But nice to hear it all the same.
PG, ag might be our most distant poster - she's in Australia :) So east it's west :D
Love the new pics of Austin *
Yes that is a camel nuzzling Jake, I mean Bob Hope!
It's great to finally see a quote from Jake regarding Austin on TDAT, "I loved messing about with Austin."
The smiting (ie being smitten)was mutual, then. Well, duh. But nice to hear it all the same.
Sounds like there was a whole lot of flirting going on from both of them.
London! That's what I thought. I had to google wikipedia to see where on the globe Australia was. Not to sound stupid, but I saw that their map was like the globe all flattened out. And Australia was way over in the far right bottom corner, meaning it would be to the US's west. HA! Doesn't that sound elementry of me. Geez, I think I need to go back to Geography, learn the whole world again. I think my niece & nephew could outdo me.
It's early evening over your way. Are you a TV watcher at all, London? Watch Dancing With the Stars? I think I'm the only one around here that does, lol. That is one glittery, no substance, reality TV that I watch.
Sorry PG :) I have to say I can't stick it :) We call it Strictly Come Dancing here, after a cheezy 1960s programme called Come Dancing, and riffing on Strictly Ballroom. I have tried to like it :) Watching the news right now, always a downer.
Watching the news right now, always a downer.
chuckle, then why're you watching it, london?
I'm kidding. Hey, and that's okay about DWTS. I know it's not most people's cup of tea. You're still alright in my book, lol. Hey, but did you see Strictly Ballroom? I liked that movie. That guy, Paul Mercurio (or something like that) was pretty hot. But I don't think his career went on to be too much.
I just had a phone call from my supervisor here @ home. A co-worker of ours was shot & killed this past weekend. She was only 24 yrs old - shot in her car over gas money. She was fairly new at our plant, started out as an intern or temporary, then became salaried. She seemed really, really nice. I didn't see her as much lately because she worked 2nd shift. I didn't know that - I'd wondered why I hadn't seen her for awhile.
I am feeling really stunned & shocked. I won't see her anymore, at least not here on this earth. We've lost 3 employees this year, but due to natural causes. This one is awful. We never know. We never know what is around the corner. This is the second person I've known who was a victim of a violent crime. It just seems so unreal. And it makes me think how television & movies desensitize us sometimes. When it happens in real life, it's nothing like it appears on tv. It's not followed by a commercial. It's followed by years of grief & hurt. Sorry for the rant. I think I'll have to go to my blog & spill some more out.
PR that is awful. I am sorry to hear that news. I can certainly understand that you are in shock. It is a horrible world sometimes.
Got to catch up from yesterday.
Oh, how glad i am for the "out spotlight", on NPH:) I have been waiting for this, but very good timing:) Very sad he lost because i think he`s hilarious on HIMYM.
BUT, afterall, i was once again very pleased to see him walk the red carpet with David and introducing him as:"My better half, David" to Ryan Secreast.
Greg from "out in Hollywood" had a good conversation with David yesterday. As it wasn`t an interview, he wanted to keep their conversation stay private. Though he wanted his readers to know he really liked David and that David was really proud of Neil.
Thank you so much for this "out spotlight", girls:D
Thanks so much, Tom. I just called a close friend & co worker at home because I just had to talk to somebody. Felt better to talk to someone and not feel so alone & isolated here. Time like this, I wish I had been at work today to be close to everyone. But oh well. Hopefully be able to go to the visitation and express my condolences to her family.
And it makes me think how television & movies desensitize us sometimes. When it happens in real life, it's nothing like it appears on tv. It's not followed by a commercial. It's followed by years of grief & hurt.
I am so sorry this happened. I am glad you shared it with us here and that we continue to benefit from your lovely writing and viewpoints. PG, if you are not a writer, you should be.
NPH and DB together at the Emmys last night
It is adorable! Thanks they do make a cute couple. Are they dating or married? Omg what if they're having premarital sex or living together in sin..LOL
Thanks, Wicked. That means alot. Don't mean to bring a sad mood. I just had to share something that had just happened.
And not to draw away from today's post, another excellent one. I don't know how you all do it, every day coming up with a new idea, new idea to batter about, new spin on an old picture or event. And with a fresh song to go with it. I saw this one all spring (I think it was spring, I lose track of time) on VH-1. I have VH-1 on usually while I'm getting ready for work so I get a reeeeeal good repetition of their top 10. I read a good interview on these 2 in Rolling Stone magazine (another free subscription!!) and was fascinated by Robert Plant's interest in singing with Allison Krauss and the bluegrass style of music. I mean, he was a real hardcore rock n roller. I used to want beautiful permed hair just like his, lol, I'm serious.
Anyway, he sounds like a true music lover, liking all kinds of music. I thought that was great.
NPH are DB are adorable - they look so happy, and the closeness between them is beautiful. Nice pic! :)
I thought Robert Plant was a sex god back in the day, and I love Allison Krauss' voice. :)
(((Prairie Girl))) My thoughts and prayers are with you and your co-workers. It is so awful to think that a life was lost over something over so small. But you and you coworkers know her life was not.
PrairieGirl, I know how you feel. back in the 70's someone I worked with and was friends with was killed during a crime. Not intended to be violent, but something went wrong. He had a very promising life ahead of him. Such a shame.
The photo spread I'd like to see more of is the one with those legs around Austin's neck. To even track down a date would be a real coup. We know the guys, Matt, Austin and Jake were all friends, so there has to be some meat behind that photoshoot. Double entendre intended.
Thanks so much, Special & m. It was numbing, that's for sure. Life can be so fragile. And in one second, it can be changed forever. One hasty decision, one jump off the deep end, one fly off the handle.
Okay, now for something a little lighter. This is kinda interesting, courtesy of the ol' Star Magazine (the free subscription that just keeps on giving). I keep waiting for each issue to be my last.
Anyway, remember when we all had a day not too long ago, discussing how Reese is never seen walking her dog? Or why not Atticus and her dog together? Well, here we are given an explanation, I think. Could someone be reading these blogs and have felt compelled to provide some kind of reasoning for this?
Star Magazine, Sept. 29, 2008:
Reese & Jake's Dog Fight!
Reese Witherspoon and Jake Gyllenhaal are dealing with some serious relationship problems--between their pets! Reese's bulldog, Frank Sinatra, and Jake's German Shepherd, Atticus, are not getting along. "The dogs are jealous of each other," says a source. "They start barking and snapping at each other whenever Reese takes them for a walk." She's hired a dog trainer to mediate and, hopefully, bring some peace back to her household.
Now, how on earth would someone know this?
(((PG))) Sorry to hear about your co-worker. My thoughts are with you, her family and your co-workers.
I'm sure you're right about the Star article. The funny thing about it though is it doesn't answer the question why she is always papped walking Atticus and not her dog. Not to mention why the photos comes every two weeks like clockwork whenever Jake is away from LA.
Thanks, Destiny.
I know; when has she been papped walking both dogs? That alone is quite telling. And, yes, exactly. They come when Jake's out of town filming.
The timing and the subject matter of the snippet kind of intrigued me.
I wouldn't be surprised to see her going out to London soon.
I guess we're supposed to believe that she's tried walking them together all this time, (perhaps in the privacy of her neighborhood?) and it's not working. So that's why we only see her with Atticus. Heck, that's the only thing I can think of. It's just very odd to write a snippet about the dogs "not getting along".
Lance Bass was on DWTS tonight. You know what, that guy has gotten pretty hot looking to me. He's much better looking in person on TV than he is in his publicity pictures. They do nothing for him. His eyes are his best feature - they are very expressionful (is that a word?) and very sexy. Him & his partner were hot together tonight.
For those of you who get The Independent Film Channel, they are showing Brothers tomorrow night. Check your TV guide for local time.
It's been so nice to have no Reeke news for a while. I guess Star has to drag out something to keep the story alive. The publicist is probably getting nervous. Reese has a movie that looks like shit coming out soon. Shes gonna need all the help she can get.
Reality shows are not my cup of tea. I recorded ONT to watch at a later time (figured it might be nice to have an idea what in the heck is going on before I watch Austin) and now I'm watching the Jets (almost as bad as the Pats yesterday).
What's ONT?
Right, m, that, too. With him out of town so long, it's kind of sad to see Atticus be the second string quarterback for Team Reese. I'm sure Atticus would've liked to have passed on this role.
Yeah, what is ONT?
Sorry, One Tree Hill.
"The dogs are jealous of each other," says a source. "They start barking and snapping at each other whenever Reese takes them for a walk."
yea the 2 dogs were sure fighting during the Reeke 1/26 dog walk in the LA park after Heath died (on 1/22) and Reeke at Malibu beach 5/18 pics. Seeing the snarls and the vicious biting with blood fur and guts spilled all over the parking lot in the park and on the sand was awful. The Hazmat team finished cleaning up both sites last week.
Gee Reese not only has men fighting over her she even has animals fighting for her attention.
Also isnt Reeses dog a female named Coco not a male named Frank? If anything, Atti's probably fighting because he wants to spend time with a nice bitch..poor Atti, always losing the good fight.
Another thing. There was pics of Reese walking her bulldog a couple months ago on the sidewalk after shopping. (hell what else?) Theye didn't look very comfortable, anyone remember that? What I remember is the dog looked afraid and didn't want to get in the car and Reese had to pick it up and put it in. One thing that says to me is the dog only gets into a car when its going to that dreaded place, the veterinarians. You might disagree but it was a dead give away that ol Reesy doesn't take her dog out or walk it too often and even if it was a new/different car the dog wasn't trusting/comfortable.
Be Prepared
My guess is its a working trip..maybe some NY/Paris shopping, London Reeke until Monday/Tuesday then to NY shopping and diddling around on the Avon expense account until she gifts them with her presence at the NY Avon Walk on Oct 4/5. her LAX smile must mean she got her latest payment and more shopping. Hope the 2 kids see how happy she looks.
You got it, passport. Babble are predicting pics, like there's any doubt at all ...
Nice try with the scarf. Too bad Jennifer Aniston's done it already.
That is so obvious of a set up picture at LAX, it's not even funny.
I think we're definitely headed for a Reeke explosion.
LAX - Photos by Flynet
Good ol' Flynet, official Team sponsors.
*doing my happy dance*
With baby tile out of the bag we'll probably see Reeke kissing, "caught" making out, Jake's hand on her ass maybe even a breast fondle and a diamond ring appear on her finger. Jake needs to wake up and smell the rotten shit stench called reeke.
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