Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery but apparently not for Annie Proulx. In article in the UK's Independent, despite the success of Brokeback Mountain, it has according to Proulx become "the source of constant irritation in my private life".
How so? It appears that Proulx is being sent "pornish" (her words) mail by fans offering their interpretations of the story, yes that's right Fan Fiction. While the fans see the story of Jack and Ennis a spring board of inspiration, Proulx sees the fan fiction differently.
"There are countless people out there who think the story is open range to explore their fantasies and to correct what they see as an unbearably disappointing story. They constantly send ghastly manuscripts and pornish rewrites of the story to me, expecting me to reply with praise and applause for 'fixing' the story. They certainly don't get the message that if you can't fix it, you've got to stand it."In a way you can understand, say you've won a Pulitzer prize, a National Book Award, and a PEN/Faulkner award and have 7 books under your belt and you're getting daily rewrites of probably now the famous story you've written. The people who sent it mean no harm they are just excited and inspired by your work, but they expect you to be as excited as they are or maybe say oh this so much better than mine, I wish I could have thought of it. Annie Proulx is not that. She is a nonsense kind of person , that's not saying she's simplistic, oh the contrary, Proulx is as complex or even more so than the characters she creates.
She doesn't really like to do interviews, she's not is an entertainer, she's not a star. If she wanted to be and if the publisher got what they wanted she would be. But that's not Annie. She's writer who just wants to write. A storyteller who needs to tell the story, just like many of the fans of her work are. She's happier on her ranch writing than talking about what she wrote. She is more about the stories she writes speaking for themselves.
You'd think after all this she would move away from the Wyoming setting to give a break from the comparisons and comments but she is going back for one more time for her new collection of nine stories, Fine Just the Way It Is, based on the lives of the women on the ranches. "In a real sense, women on ranches are secondary citizens. But many, if not most, would be furious if you said that out straight, They see themselves as mythic Western women." She did say this is the last time she would visit Wyoming as a setting for her stories, saying she didn't want to be known too closely associated with only one region.
But does Annie's comments mean that writers shouldn't write fan fiction anymore? Any great work inspires many and that's what this does. There will always be fan fiction writers, writing and exploring the answers and solutions that they would like to see. Writing is a exercise of the mind and soul and that is what is for many Brokeback writers.
A little BBM and Annie moment from an interview on
Annie gave Heath public praise for his performance as Ennis. It always made you wonder if she singled him out.
"You said earlier that you were pleased with Heath Ledger's performance. Did you feel that way about the whole cast?
The whole cast was magnificent. There wasn't anything not to be thrilled with, in anyone's performance. They were all extraordinary. And by singling out Heath Ledger, I didn't mean to slight Jake Gyllenhaal in the least, because he's an extraordinarily versatile, quicksilver, accomplished actor. Really, quite marvelous. And I think he went from Brokeback to Jarhead, and that is the kind of jump that is, like, "Oh, really?" And he did both with ease. Very expert ease.
All of the actors were just superb."

Oh, boy, I wish I had alot more time to comment, but I have got to get to work. Wow, Special, you are up & at em early!
I will definitely be back tonight with a few thoughts. I can understand her being upset, because I can imagine some of the stuff that might be coming at her. But she has inspired some brilliant writing and no, she doesn't need to even read it. It's called a shredder.
She ought to be flattered by the writing that she's inspired that is good. I'll leave it at that for now.
You know, I wasn't even going to comment on that post yesterday that was some desperate attempt at digging at this blog. If that's the best you can do, I'm sorry for you. This blog is even more than about Jake & Austin. It's become about the people who come here and have formed a community regardless of what is going on in J & A's life at the moment.
It was a small comment coming from a small mind. You're going to have to do a heckuva lot better than that.
I couldn't go on with my day til I apologized for my last comment. Talk about a small mind, lol, that's what I just exhibited myself by resorting to the same type of verbal nonsense. It wasn't a nice comment that I made and I do apologize for it. That's what happens when I spew off like that without "Previewing" and thinking about what I'm putting out there. A car ride to work & I've had time to think over what in the heck I'm doing. Hence, the need to right myself.
Everyone have a great day.
There's nothing wrong with fanfiction but I would never expect the original author to be happy about revisions to their work. Fan fic is for the fans to create and enjoy. Has JK Rowling ever expressed an opinion about all the HP fansites? I worked with someone who wrote volumes of Harry Potter fiction and ran a website for it. She seemed like such a normal person but she was over the edge. Anyway, great post. Have a good day everyone.
I'd have to say I agree with Annie P. Her short story is a masterpiece, every word carefully chosen to build up a picture in the mind of the reader.
I've read maybe half a dozen BBM fan-fic stories and didn't like any of them. Some because of the really awful writing, and some because it just sucked all the complexity out of the story of two people whose lives were not simple.
Her short story is a masterpiece, every word carefully chosen to build up a picture in the mind of the reader.
But TR has a point: Fan fic is for the fans to create and enjoy - and some of it is excellent.
I'm afraid I've never read any excellent BBM fan-fic, but then I haven't even looked at any for a couple of years.
It just seems that some people want everything spelled out - which doesn't make for great art. The few (and it is only a few) I read seemed to be written by people who were either very young and inexperienced in life, or had mainly been influenced by bad romantic lit.
I'm not talking about the "pornish" element here (nothing wrong with erotica) but the emotional elements of the story turned on their heads by fan-fic writers who make the characters say and do things which do not make sense for that fictional person.
The BBM story is intended to be full of regret and heartbreak because that's real. That's life for a lot of people.
... or had mainly been influenced by bad romantic lit.
Now I understand why you didn't like it.
I love and appreciate all BBM slash because I'm grateful for sharing and can find something good and interesting in every story.
Ms. Proulx is absolutely right, of course. While all of the writing must be (somewhat) flattering, it is rather insulting for people to suggest edits and changes, plus (over)indulging their fantasies. Great post - and as usual, perfect song. :)
Giving you a long look....
WSJ: What effect did the success of "Brokeback Mountain" have on your writing life, if any?
Ms. Proulx: "Brokeback Mountain" has had little effect on my writing life, but is the source of constant irritation in my private life. There are countless people out there who think the story is open range to explore their fantasies and to correct what they see as an unbearably disappointing story. They constantly send ghastly manuscripts and pornish rewrites of the story to me, expecting me to reply with praise and applause for "fixing" the story. They certainly don't get the message that if you can't fix it you've got to stand it. Most of these "fix-it" tales have the character Ennis finding a husky boyfriend and living happily ever after, or discovering the character Jack is not really dead after all, or having the two men's children meet and marry, etc., etc. Nearly all of these remedial writers are men, and most of them begin, "I'm not gay but…." They do not understand the original story, they know nothing of copyright infringement—i.e., that the characters Jack Twist and Ennis Del Mar are my intellectual property—and, beneath every mangled rewrite is the unspoken assumption that because they are men they can write this story better than a woman can. They have not a clue that the original "Brokeback Mountain" was part of a collection of stories about Wyoming exploring mores and myths. The general impression I get is that they are bouncing off the film, not the story. There's more, but that is enough, ok?
Wall Street Journal
I think as long as the stories stay on the slash sites and there's no real copyright infringement, there's not too much wrong with it. Nothing wrong with being inspired or erotica, or taking different views, and I think most people hold the story and film in the highest regard and wouldn't really presume to change a thing. The works are referred to as canon for a reason. On the one hand, I would think that so much interest and love for her work would be flattering, but on the other hand, I can see where she'd be annoyed.
I basically agree with what TR said about slash. I happen to like slash, although I prefer Heath/Jake slash to BBM slash because I do have a hard time reading BBM stories because they are so different from the movie, and I do think the movie is perfect.
I do think it is great that people are inspired to write their own stories and share it with others, and there are some writers who are very good. But I can't imagine sending stuff like that to Annie, and I do wonder what would be the reason for doing so. Maybe some people don't realize that writing is different than music, and that authors don't want to read reinterpretations of their work. Slash is for the fans, and only for those fans who enjoy and seek out that kind of story.
However, as someone pointed out she could just throw it out rather than reading it or making a big deal about it. She's always struck me as being a bit cranky in her interviews.
I happen to like slash, although I prefer Heath/Jake slash to BBM slash....
This kinda concerns me. Not your personal tastes, Destiny, but the fact that trolls seem to think there's a big correlation between being a slash fan and being a TB. Mybe the trolls aren't wrong in that particular perception though I hate to say that.
I'm a tb, I dislike slash, and I was reading about Toothy/Jake before BBM. So for me, the two things aren't linked. Jake is closeted no matter what the fan-fic swirling around him - it just confuses the whole issue, I guess.
Somebody on WFT2 even said Baby Tile was fan-fic. That phrase annoyed me, carrying with it the implication of wishful thinking as it does. I don't know if BT is true or not, but fan-fic from Ted the gay, male gossip columnist is not likely - he didn't even like BBM. I think Ted really believes his sources, right or wrong.
I'm not saying this to offend those who read/write slash. Just my personal opinion.
Well, I think everyone here knows I am a big fan of fan-fic/slash. It's a huge world, something for every taste. It actually got me reading again after having lost my concentration. Most of the stories are written by women and lean heavily on the romantic rather than the graphic. A side benefit is that some authors explore sexual fantasies I would not have pursued, but once there found extremely erotic. All that said, I find it unbelievable that someone would be so bold as to send their "better" story to the original author. Most authors are very sensitive about their work. I am thinking maybe it's readers who read and like someones work who are sending the stories on to Annie.
Just popping in briefly. I've read fanfic (mostly of the non-slash variety) for over 20 years, since back in the days of fanzines that got mailed to your house. Some of the best writing I have ever read in my life has been fanfic. I think as long as fans don't try to make any money from it it's okay. But I do understand why Annie feels the way she does. After all, those are her characters and she really did write the perfect story. I just hope that Annie appreciates the fact that the story she wrote is so inspiring to people that it makes them want to be creative and write too. I think that's a good thing and totally flattering. And I think that is the spirit in which fanfic is meant. It's not a criticism of the original. It's done to honor the original.
Interesting post today. It brings up some great points. I like to read slash/fanfic as well and at first I thought it was ok to change things around a little to show a different point of view. But I noticed some authors started to completely change the original story and add in things that weren’t necessary and/or realistic. While I think that’s ok too I’m starting to think maybe they should just change the names from J/E. What I find really fascinating is that some of the authors get ticked when a reader comments negatively about their story using J/E. How can you be angry when you’re changing the original story yourself?
I personally think sending Ms. Proulx rewrites of her own story is pretty rude regardless of the intention.
I am on Annie's team, certainly, in wondering why on earth these writers would send pornish riffs on her story to herself. Since she is apparently not acquainted with the genre nor the history of slash and also porn altogether, she might well assume these stories were written by men.
On the other hand - there hasnt been much attention paid to the point that in terms of Western Cowboy lit, BBMt itself qualifies as slash.
What's the difference between slash and fanfic? I thought they were the same thing.
Having just a horribly hectic day but I'm taking a few min. to eat my Healthy Choice soup (oh yeah, yum) and refresh my eyes by looking at something fun for a change, lol!
Everyone making just some excellent points. Wicked, you about put it in a nutshell for me, Oh Lady of Leisure.
You know, I wondered if Annie P. was even aware of all the fanfiction that was out there. Ha! Guess she is. On one hand, I would equate part of her feeling to that old Saturday Night Live sketch where William Shatner tells a bunch of Trekkie fans to "Get a life". Sometimes, I'm sure an actor or writer tires of being typecast or having their writing turned around into something that barely resembles what they originally wrote. And I, too, am surprised that anyone would mail her copies of their writing. Her story stands on its own.
But I think it's highly complimentary when Joe/Jane Q Public is so taken, so impressed, with something that you've created that they're inspired to create a fan club, write fanfiction, travel to meet with other people who feel the same way, etc etc. Like I said, she doesn't need to read it or even open it. Trash it, shred it, and be done with it. But don't belittle what other people are doing because they love what you did. After all, it's constantly making her money and I'm sure that money is not being refused.
This is something that athletes,celebrities, singers, actors, and now I guess even writers seem to forget once they've hit the bigtime or they just never do get it. You can appreciate your fans for what they do; they choose to spend some of their hardearned income to go see your movie or buy your cd. They help to contribute to the income that cushions your style of living for the rest of your life. No, you don't have to spend an hour in a room talking with them. But just a kind word of thanks in a show of appreciation would be sufficient for most fans. And be done with it.
Oh, and m? Thanks so much for the tip on Oliphant. I had no idea he was in that Deadwood show. I've never watched it, but I could put it on my Netflix queue. He has certainly caught my eye.
I wish I could stay & chat a little more. Thanks, Special, for this post today.
And I don't think alot of the authors are men, I really think most of them are women. I don't think they're trying to rewrite the original story. Seems most of them are just trying to take it in a different direction. It's the same thing as a remake of a song or the way rap music samples from another song. Someone's just trying to put a different spin on it. Now, some movies get redone and they really shouldn't. I mean, why would you redo Speed Racer, a cartoon? But I choose not to go see it. Simple as that.
There really are some good stories out there, max. A couple have even made me tear up. Some are just erotic as heck. I like it all.
Okay, now I'm done : D
Excellent points, PG. I forget that my contribution as a consumer and movie goer is simply to plunk down or hand over my hard earned cash for a book or film, and that's the extent of my contribution, no opinions wanted or required.
She is a nonsense kind of person
Special you're my type of woman, someone where "no" isn't in her vocabulary! :* Hey it's hot in here can I take off my shirt?
I actually thought it pretty rude of her to say that publicly and unnecessarily insulting to BBM fanfiction writers. I loved BBM and admire Annie's skills as a writer and insights as a human being but that doesn't negate that I have also read some deeply touching and excellently written BBM fanfiction stories. And despite Ennis and Jack being her creation I don't think she owns them. They are part of the collective imagination and imo people should be able to write stories inspired by these characters to their hearts content.
She is a nonsense kind of person
Hey it was 5 something in the morning and I had been up looking for drapery hardware for prior two hours, to take work for a portrait unveiling.
Special you're my type of woman, someone where "no" isn't in her vocabulary! :*
You got that damn right. And oh yeah Austin - just make yourself at home.
I don't understand why a writer needs give permission to have story and characters used in a film, or opera (Annie P has okayed BBMt the opera) and yet has no control over his/her material being used in parody, fanfic and slash stories. However, that's the way it is.
Good, or bad, I dont know. Ang lauded AP when he accepted the Academy Award for "giving the world two great characters. . ."
Perhaps her legal control is over the story as a whole.
As for this writer being rude, I like her gruff attitude, esp when she told the Academy to eff off.
Great topic today, I love Annie's attitude too, especially during the Academy Awards. I agree, it's very presumptuous and offensive to send "rewrites" of her story to her, to imply taking it one better. That said, it's also possible that the submissions are well-meaning, meant as a compliment to honor her work, and that I think would be flattering. I do agree that people are working off the film more so than the short story.
I've been a reader for a long time, mainly because of BBM. I understand completely the desire to take such wonderful characters and write about them, taking them in an entirely new direction, more so than trying to duplicate Annie's story and/or writing style, there's only one Annie Proulx, and btw her new book sounds extremely well-written, visceral almost, the excerpts I've read. I wanted to read fanfic because I wanted to work out in my mind why and how a society can be so oppressive that a life can be taken, and another life not realized fully, simply because of whom they choose to love, and I had a difficult time with that, because that is real, even today. The stories helped me get peace of mind, it helped to imagine that they were able to find that sweet life, make it work, and be happy and healthy in love and family, and living full lives in their communities. And of course, the love between Ennis and Jack is very beautiful and erotic.
As far as infringement, I only know it from an industrial standpoint, where protection in the form of patents and trademarks is only for a certain amount of time, to ensure fair trade practices, a temporary "monopoly" of sorts, and then the invention or idea becomes available to the world, for its benefit.
I think PG and Orchid make some very good points.
Regarding copyright laws, works are protected forever, I can't recall off the top of my head, but I think it is life of the author plus 70 years. There is something called the fair use doctrine, which gives people the right to use copyrighted works in certain limited circumstances, e.g., playing a cd, quoting a book in a review, etc. Most authors also don't go after people if they are not using them for commercial purposes. If a slash writer started selling advertising on their site and making real money, or tried to publish a book, then you'd see a lawsuit.
Orchid, I agree with you a hundred percent. I thought she was nasty and ungrateful (even though I think it's a bit nutty that fanfic writers are sending her their work--but she should be FLATTERED by their love for the characters and her story). I wonder how she'll respond when the opera is mounted at NYC Opera with an original libretto and score.
Also, there are some GREAT fanfics in the BBM fandom. My favorites: "If I Asked" and "Shades of Grey" by midway; "Human Interest" by MadLori and "Somebody New" by Jennast.
As to BBM fanfic, as with ALL fanfic out there - and if it's appeared on the screen, either TV or movie, there's a fandom out there - I've found that maybe 2 or 3 writers out of ten are worth the time. The others are just awkward words on the page.
What set BBM apart is that, for the first time really, the "slash" aspect wasn't some idea cooked up in fangirls fantasy heated brains. Jack and Ennis really were lovers, had a relationship, and the freedom of that was heady indeed. So liberating not to be hiding in the back allies of a fandom, lloked down upon by the more mainstream as weird, delusional, even perverted. For once, the fanfic writer had a canon relationship to play with.
Unfortunately for BBM, most writers, so accustomed to spinning out complete fantasies with characters and not having a solid source with which to compete for accuracy, weren't up to the challenge of writing within the established framework, weren't able to write men AS men, Ennis and Jack true to Ms. Proux's creation, instead of the women in men's clothing as before, (a common problem that permeates fanfic whether it be slash or not). Jack and Ennis became names only, paper dolls or Barbies for the writer's playtime, ceasing to be the characters the writers fell in love with to begin with.
There's only one I read now, and it's not even really a canon story. Read it for the superb skill of the writer and the characters, world and plot created.
I agree with you about a key problem that affects a lot of BBM fanfic--the writers are writing Jack and Ennis as women. Which is ANOTHER big reason why I loved the previous fanfics I mentioned--all of them clearly portray Jack and Ennis as men--not caricatures or females masquerading as men but men. (The worst part is when Jack is written as whiny, promiscuous and needy).
Lots of discussion all over the place today as a result of Annie's comments. Prairie Girl, slash is specifically sexual. I guess it's a sub-set of fan fic.
Female authors tend to focus on romance and a slow build to the sexual encounter, but it's refreshing to read the male authors as well. More graphic and realistic. There is one male BBM forum member who is gay and writes slash. I wont say the name to protect his privacy. Sometimes he's really thrown me for a loop. I've learned a lot about the practical aspects of gay sex reading his stories.
Back to Ted for a moment. He's been mentioning Toothy pretty regularly in the Tuesday question column. This actually works out well as Jake is Toothy always gets mentioned several times as a result in the comments, so it outs Jake in the long run, without Ted having to say a word.
Anything that inspires people to be creative is a good thing! Maybe it's a story, a movie, a tv show, a picture, a painting, a song. Creativity and imagination make the world a more interesting place. I can't imagine a day where I couldn't be creative. A world without creativity - I don't even want to think about it.
Part of creativity is sharing what you created. In some ways I On one hand I can understand how you would send something you created to the person who's worked inspired you. But on the other hand, I can't imagine trying to do what they did even better.
ITA special k ! ! !
Of course, I can't pretend to know what the intentions were of the people who sent in their works to Annie P. But I can't believe they were trying to re-do the story itself. Did they actually tell her that "hey, take a look at mine, it ends so much better!" or say that her story should've been done this way or that?
Some artists, whether it be a chef, a painter, sculptor, or whatever, take their work very, very seriously. I mean, you just don't mess around with it. Perhaps she is this type of person. Extremely sensitive, no flexibility, no nonsense, & perhaps a pretty goodsized ego. I love her story immensely, but I'm afraid I don't care for her criticism in this regard.
Love BBM, you mentioned some of my favorites, too. I loved Shades of Grey. I also liked Zero to the Bone.
I tend to agree, too, with some of the comments above about some of the writers leaning towards writing about Jack & Ennis as though they were women. Jack's character has been written as kind of whiny in some, but you know, actually he was pretty whiny in the movie, lol! Complaining about the beans and the tent. But that's okay. It's a minor point to me because again, I don't think the writers are trying to duplicate BBM. They're just taking her characters and letting their own imaginations run.
Vince Vaughn, workin’ on his fitness in Griffith Park. Double V was up bright ‘n’ early on a sunny Hell-Ay Tuesday, hiking through Bronson Canyon. An actor up before lunchtime? Unheard of. Vincy-kins donned shorts and a sweaty tee (you expected something crisp, tight and Toothy-esque?).
Jakey in his tight spandex in Griffith Park with Austin
PG: Jack's character has been written as kind of whiny in some, but you know, actually he was pretty whiny in the movie, lol!
Whiny Bitchy Twisty
Also, there are some GREAT fanfics in the BBM fandom. My favorites: "If I Asked" and "Shades of Grey" by Midwest Girl; "Human Interest" by MadLori and "Somebody New" by Jennast.
These were the fics that got me reading too. They are amazing. PG, loved your comment above. :) I can see where getting a bombardment of fan letters and comments, and stories would be upsetting, poor judgement and to send them, but hopefully complimentary in their own misguided way. Many, many writers have had their manuscripts rejected numerous times on ghastly grounds before becoming prizewinning.
OH MY DOG!!!ROFL!!!! I'm about to fall out. of. my. chair. laughing, NO MORE BEANS!!!
Oh my gosh,that was absolutely the best, NMB!! I've got to add that to my favorites in my YouTube vids. LOLLLL@! Oh gosh, I'm still laughing. Man, I needed that today - I could just give you a huge hug. Did you feel it?? And the song as he's going on and on and on. Slamming the truck door. Griping at Lureen! Muttering "I was just thinkin' out loud". That was just classic. I absolutely love it.
I love this place. You people are so good. It's fun to share things in common, thoughts, laughs.
Well, what a short evening. Get home late, my new printer & external hard drive came in today but I don't even have time to play with them. Gotta go shell out $$$ for gas & go get Draino for my shower. Isn't that exciting.
Oh gosh, when I get back, I'm going to watch that video again.
Hey, seeing that picture of Jake eating ice cream in Morrocco was pretty satisfying, long hair & all. Been a long time, longer than I realized.
PG glad you liked it! So how mucch gas does a kidney or ovary buy these days? Or are you on the monthly blood transfusion debit payment plan?
I just wanted to address a point Max raised, which I forgot to do earlier today. While I understand the concern you raise about the trolls, if it wasn't slash it would just be something else the trolls would use to attacks TBers. Plus the trolls already use this line of attack at places like Data Lounge anyway.
And I'm sure you're right that there are plenty of TBers who don't read slash. For example, many of the posters at FCC, while they believe in TT and believe TT is Jake, are probably not diehard Jake/BBM fans and probably don't read such slash.
I suspect the troll hopes to "get" to those people by trying to tie them to things the trolls believe they may not like, like slash, tinhats, attacking Tbers looks and age, etc. etc.
Ultimately, in addition to making for a very interesting discussion, I think talking about slash here just shows the trolls that we're not afraid of them and pay no heed to what they think.
Good to see Ted continuing to be so bold. He really is doing everything short of using Jake's name to reveal who TT is.
You're right, Destiny. Downright brazen, if you ask me. I mean, lovely & amazing?
Oh, No More Beans, you killed me with that video. liked it? I loved it. That was the best. And gas? 3.49 here @ the ol' QT. Cough cough. I'd've (triple contraction!!) gladly traded in my old printer for a hamburger today, er, no , about 5 gallons of gas. Don't let my tank get below 1/2 while gas is so high. I refuse to pay more than $15 to fill my car; by gosh, even if I have to fill it up every 2-3 days, lol. I won't give them the satisfaction. Anal reasoning, huh?
Goodness, I forgot JFC is coming up. I am in big trouble; haven't been studying. What is it we're doing? The 1st episode? 1st disc? I've got to go back & try to find that day when we got the reminder.
Okay, looks like it's the first episode. Well, one more look at that Youtube vid and maybe a sneak peak at my new printer, and off to bed. To whoever's still up, sweet dreams to you.
I have a name to ad to the out famous people: Eric Millegan, an actor on Bones. He was Out Magazine's Hottest Up-and-Coming Openly Gay Actor of 2003.
I don't think Annie has a problem with people writing fan fic, I think she has a problem with them submitting it to her.
And I'd totally agree. I've written two novels that will never get to a publishing desk in their life but I was so proud of being able to think out a plot and subplots and keep them going for a whole book. I can't even imagine how proud authors who get published are.
Sending an author a revised edition of their own work is the height of arrogance.
ag, you make a good conclusion. Although, I hope they're not being arrogant in thinking she'd like a revision of her original story. I'd like to think that the writers just weren't thinking and were just overenthusiastic.
Hey, ramp, where were you yesterday???? Here was our subject to discuss. Or were you here, just under a different name?
I'm a tb who has never read slash or fanfic, and believe me I've tried :) It just isn't a genre I can get on with, and I regard BBM (story and film) as "finished" product. TT and Baby T are gossip, not fic, and gossip is something I am more comfortable with and feel insightful enough to judge the veracity of. What a very clumsy sentence :)
Have been away from the net for a couple of days so I wanted to add my piece to the Jim Sheridan I Claudius project - the first thing I thought was what a brilliant Caligula Austin would make (John Hurt did it in the English TV series). His looks are made for classical interpretations and he's already had a few runs at that kind of character. He'd be fab!
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