Today's Out Spotlight is Annie Leibovitz. Leibovitz has become on the most famous portrait photographers in the world. Her unique style vision and approach has put her in a class of her own.
Born in 1949 the third child of six to a dance instructor and a U.S. Air Force Lt. Colonel, Annie Leibovitz became interested in photography after taking pictures during her time in the Philippines as an Air Force brat where her father was assigned at the time of the Vietnam War. For several years, she continued to develop her photography skills while she worked various jobs, including a stint on a kibbutz in Israel for several months in 1969.
In 1967, there was small magazine beginning in the San Francisco area, called Rolling Stone. After Annie returned to the U.S. in 1970 she began taking pictures for Rolling Stone, and in 1973 was named by publisher Jann Wenner as chief photographer of Rolling Stone. Leibovitz worked for the magazine until 1983, and her intimate photographs of celebrities helped define the Rolling Stone look.
Strongly influence by her mother's background in dance she tried to capture movement in her photographs. Later she reinvented portrait photography by collaborating between her and subjects creating inventive personal person portraits.
Since 1983, Leibovitz has worked as a featured portrait photographer for Vanity Fair.
Leibovitz had relationship with writer Susan Sontag until Sontag's death. Although they never lived to together they had apartment that look into the other's. They never acknowledge what their relation ship was but when Leibovitz was interviewed for her 2006 book A Photographer's Life: 1990-2005, she said the book told a number of stories, and that "with Susan, it was a love story."
Leibovitz acknowledged that she and Sontag were romantically involved. When asked why she used terms like "companion" to describe Sontag, instead of more specific ones like "partner" or "lover," Leibovitz finally said that "lover" was fine with her. She later repeated the assertion in stating to the San Francisco Chronicle: "Call us 'lovers'. I like 'lovers.' You know, 'lovers' sounds romantic. I mean, I want to be perfectly clear. I love Susan.
Leibovitz has three children Sarah Cameron Leibovitz was born in 2001 when Leibovitz was 51 years old and her twins Susan and Samuelle were born to a surrogate mother in May 2005.
While Susan spoke with words, Annie speaks in pictures. Here are the tiniest glimpse of her work over the years.
Annie Leibovitz: American Masters
Annie Leibovitz : NPR article
Happy 1st Anniversary to Austin Nichols Journal and Spooky2th!
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Sunday, September 28, 2008
Out Spotlight XXXXII
Posted by
Special K
10:50 AM
Labels: Annie Leibovitz, Out Spotlight
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Oh My - thanks for today's Out Spotlight! I adore Annie's work, these are some of her most memorable, KD and Cindy, and Bruce are probably two of my favorites. I love the one of Jake. Thanks for The Cure too.
Ooops! Forgot to say Happy First Anniversary to Spooky and AustinNichols Journal. Bruce's butt and K.D. Lang (kinda always had a crush on her) are so excitingly sexy in those Annie Liebowitz photos that I went blotto for a moment! ;) Congrats!
Love her work too, although I think she did more interesting work when she was at Rolling Stone.
And what a blast from the past to see that David Cassidy photo; I had no idea she did that one. I remember that picture caused quite a stir in it's day because it was perceived by some as being too sexual for a teeny bopper idol. Thanks for picking that one for this post. Also a funny coincidence since I just bought a best of Partridge Family cd yesterday--something I've been meaning to get for years as I never replaced my old records, which I gave away stupidly thinking I'd never listen to music like that again.
I had no idea she did all these famous photos. She truly is a world-renowned photographer, having done all of these so well-known shots. I remember her name because she did those controversial photos of Miley Cyrus for Vanity Fair, I'm pretty sure. Her name leapt out at me and it strikes me that she is the one who did those.
I have a newfound appreciation for photography. Having been to a couple of outdoor shows where photographers have exhibited their works and studying them, what a fun thing to do. We were talking to a photographer yesterday at the show we were at. She was from Texas and did all these great photos of flowers, chickens, winter scenes. Lots of insects. Great closeups of insects & spiders. She liked spiders & I bought one of her photos of a blue heron because it reminded me of the herons out @ my park. The way you can get a closeup of a flower and capture the vibrant array of colors and all the details of an insect, then make the background all blurry. Really incredible.
Destiny, I bet that's the cd I have. Partridge Family, lol.
Fyi, I may have misread something or interpreted something wrong. You know, now that I think about it, this situation did happen very recently & he is back in London, so I most likely am wrong about this taking place in Morocco. In which case, alot less $$$ spent.
We were talking to a photographer yesterday at the show we were at. She was from Texas and did all these great photos of flowers, chickens, winter scenes. Lots of insects. Great closeups of insects & spiders.
PG, I read about your cowboy photos yesterday, they sound gorgeous. I love chickens, they have a beautiful silhouette, and insects get a bad rap. Butterflies, dragonflies, bees, and yes, spiders, are beautiful. All sound like beautiful photographic subjects.
I was puzzled reading about the latest ACLU luncheon too - but after I thought about it, you can't blame an actor for being a little wary and reserved, and it sounded like a lot of it had to do with the busy filming schedule of PoP.
Many memorable photos. Annie is a legend.
I am a little confused on who the heck Jakes Godparents are. Was Paul Newman his Godfather? I thought his Godparents were Gay. God knows he has brought them up when he has needed an excuse for his Gay ways.
I think Jake had several godparents including Paul Newman and Jamie Lee Curtis.
Jersey Tom, thanks; you asked a question I was confused about, too.
Moto photo, thanks for your comments. The pictures are beautiful. The deep rich brown of the horse with the cowboy boot against it and the "bigness" of the lasso'd rope, in its circles and circles, gripped in the cowboy's hand....all the images are fantastic. Blown up and focused solely on these things, like the rope & the boot. The 3rd one, the lone cowboy, all dark & silhouetted against the sunset.
The chickens are fantastic. I bought one for my good friend & one of my co-workers; she's into chickens. One of the chickens is a black one with specks in it and the other chicken is white with other colors in it. What a great picture. I hope she likes it. Sort of a "back from Vacation" gift, a souvenir of my non-traveling trip, LOL!
See ya, everyone; have a very nice Sunday. Off to go pu the Vegas aunt and go antiquing.
I don't recall ever seeing Newman described as his godfather.
Oh I love antiquing. Have fun, PG, and let us know if you find anything interesting!
No mention of Newman as godfather in Jake's wikiped but "he has repeatedly referred to his godfathers being a gay couple." Jake has mentioned Robert Elswit, academy-award winnng cineamatographer as a godfather and acc'g to some other source I can't recall, Robert E was present to photograph Jake's birth.
So I guess I assume the Newman/g'father story is made up.
Who knows maybe Elswit photographing Jake erupting from Naomi's vaginal canal is also made up.
Trivia: Met Joanne Woodward in 1953 while both were understudies in the Broadway play "Picnic." Became fascinated with race-car driving after starring in the 1969 film "Winning" andbecame a professional race car driver in 1977. He turned down the role of Harry Callahan in "Dirty Harry" because he thought the screenplay was too right-wing and recommended Clint Eastwood for the role. Newman was actor Jake Gyllenhaal's godfather.
Sources: Associated Press,
Detroit News - Paul Newman
^ ^ ^
Don't you think Jake would have mentioned this himself somewhere down the line? He's mentioned "the gay godfathers" several times.
Jake himself has said that the story about Newman being his god father was a press exaggeration. He certainly was a close friend of Naomi and Stevens though, and often at their house.
Annie's pics are outstanding. Always an edge to them. The one of Jake is beautiful. It really captures the best of him and that underarm hair adds just a note of naughtiness. If Jake and Austin ever do come out, I'd like to see her take their photo together as a couple. How cool would that be.
Literal godfathers: The gay godfathers that are friends of his parents, the celebrity godfathers: Newman and R. Elswit. Jamie Lee: bothliteral and celebrity godmother:
"He's my celebrity godfather.' What's a celebrity godfather? 'That's the godfather that the media give you. He's a close friend of my family. He taught me to drive. I have literal godfathers and celebrity godfathers".
Jake Gyllenhaal, Telegraph, 10/21/07
M, I agree. I don't know how Annie does it, she just has a knack for capturing the essence of her subject's character with a photo and the scene she creates. Look how she captured Jake - his natural beauty, ungussied up, in a simple, basic t-shirt and jeans. Enbiggened, this picture is gorgeous - love the underarm hair, expressive mouth and his eyes are incredible, even in black and white.
Here's the video of Jake's shoot with Annie, with Tom Ford the artistic director and styling him.
Jake Photoshoot for Vanity Fair
Who knows maybe Elswit photographing Jake erupting from Naomi's vaginal canal is also made up.
LOL!! jayna with Jake's big head my god I hope it was a Cesarean!
Great Spotlight today! I met Annie L a while ago. She was extremely painfully shy. Head down when she spoke with a tiny shaking voice with little eye contact and very nervous. Even tho it was a work/social event she wasn't in back of camera so I guess she felt out of her comfort zone. Her lack of confidence must feed her ability to do great photos but at what point does it become not worth it? I really hope she has a fullfilling life.
Maybe she was shy because I turned her on. Damn I missed my chance. LOL!!
Srsly I didn't know she was gay. If I had I would have done something about it because I thought she was cute in a geeky Darryl Hannah school girl Sylvia Plath kinda way. So much for my female gaydar.
Matilda gets the lot.
Good on ya Daddy Ledger!,26278,24414154-7485,00.html
Now hopefully we never have to hear anything about this ever again. ::::yes we're looking at you Michelle's Dad and Heath's uncles:::
Been reading all the comments about Paul Newman's passing from people who knew him. He really was an incredible man. Nobody seems to have anything bad, or even mediocre, to say about him.
Is it me, or does Annie Leibovitz look like Meryl Streep?
LOL at the comment of Naomi having a Cesarian because baby Jake had a big head. Actually babies' heads are really big in comparison to the rest of the body. I fear to think what Jake's was like.
"Dear Ms Foner, I suggest you have a Cesarian because the baby's got an enormous head.":)
To all the doctors and midwives at L.A. hospital on the memorable evening on 19 Dec, 1980: big thank you for bringing Jacob safely into this world!
I think we also should thank the parents themselves for conceiving the perfect baby sometime somewhere around March 1980. They sure done good:)
Annie L. does look a bit like Streep.
I saw Wendy and Lucy at the NY Film Festival. Michelle Williams was very good in it. I'm not sure what I thought of the film itself, I find films that have dogs in them like this have an emotionally manipulative element to them even if that wasn't the intention, and I spent a great deal of the film feeling anxious.
But it was great to see Williams in a small film like this. Hope we still get to see Jake in films like this. I'm not o sure I like the way Depp is doing all these Disney films, like the Lone Ranger.
march 1980 huh. IMDB shows Naomi's birthday is march 15. I wonder if Jake is the result of a birthday celebration.
I'm suprised to hear Annie L is shy. Her pics are so audacious, I would expect a big personality. But I guess you never know.
She's heavily in debt right now and is a nightmare to work for. A very close family friend I know (who knows Annie) has seen her verbally pummel printers and assistants to the point of weeping over the years.
She's heavily in debt right now
I've heard the same, no doubt due to this dirty little business, which happens to be just across the road from the Spotted Pig.
Leibovitz looks like a really bad copy of Streep. Sorry but I find her quite ugly.
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