L'Shanah Tovah!
Shana Tova Umetukah For a good and sweet year!
As Jake and others around the world celebrate Year 5769, we wish Jake, Austin and their families and their friends a good and sweet year ahead.
The past year has brought some bitter with the sweet, may the coming year bring more sweetness than sadness.
While we all don't celebrate this holiday we can benefit from its reflection and it's hope for the future year. What is it that you want for 5769? Are there things that you want cast off from the past year?
The Jewish Holiday of Rosh Hashanah is widely known and celebrated as the New Years Day of the Jewish calendar, but actually Rosh Hashanah has a fourfold meaning - It is the Jewish New Year, the Day of Judgment, the Day of Remembrance, and the Day of Shofar Blowing.
* It is the Day of Judgment
As Jews worldwide examine their past deeds and asks for forgiveness for their sins
* It is the Day of Shofar Blowing
As the Shofar (the rams horn) is blown in temple to herald the beginning of the 10 day period known as the High Holy Days
* It is the Day of Remembrance
As Jews review the history of their people and pray for Israel
* And of course it is New Year's Day
Celebrated with it's holiday greeting cards, special prayers, and festive and sweet foods (to ensure sweetness in the New Year)
On the first day of Rosh Hashanah, after the afternoon services, Jews visit a body of water or pond, containing live fish*, to symbolically "cast away" their sins into the river.
*The fish's dependence on water symbolizes the Jews dependence on G-d, as a fish's eyes never close, G-d's watchful eyes never cease.
On Rosh Hashanah it is customary for families to gather together for the holiday meal. Traditional foods sweetened with honey, apples and carrots are served, symbolizing sweetness, blessings, abundance and the hope for a sweet year ahead.
The first night's meal begins with apple dipped in honey. Challah, the bread usually eaten on the Sabbath (not braided as at regular meals but instead baked in a circle - a wish that the coming year will roll around smoothly without unhappiness or sorrow) is also dipped in honey before eating.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Happy 5769!
Posted by
Special K
8:14 AM
Labels: Austin, Happy New Year, Jake, L'Shannah Tovah
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What is it that you want for 5769?
A Democratic president.
Jake - a year filled with less loss, more time and less obligations for others. More time with Austin, family and friends. Movies that don't shut down, and success not just at the box office but artistically too.
Austin -a year with great returns on all of his work, getting more time with Jake, family and friends. More movies to watch, more parts to play, more chances to show his gifts.
Me - a new year with less stress, and more stability, more opportunities to cherish the friends I have, more friends to make. More time to reflect on the things I did well and those things I didn't do well at all, and the opportunity to not only learn from those but put it in action.
OMG - another year of coming together and getting to know each other more, to share in the good times and bad, may there be more good. More laughs, more fun, more Jake, less Reese, and more! Austin, and maybe this year another moment of Jake and Austin together.
One more thing:
To all of you who read OMG. If I have said something in haste, emotion or jest in this past year that has offended you or made you feel uncomfortable in participating here, I am truly sorry. We all have moments when we let it fly and even at our best we sometimes slip. So the wish is for 5769 that we can wipe away any hard feelings felt and start anew in a new year.
L'Shana Tova and much sweetness in the coming year to all who celebrate Rosh Hashana as well - some of the most beautiful and warmest religious traditions are in the Jewish faith.
Spesh, I can't imagine what you or OMG could have done to offend anyone, ever, OMG is a treasure, and you and Wicked and most of our posters are very sensitive to and considerate of the feelings of others. All the "waiting" is hard work sometimes! All the best to Jake, Austin and their families, and to OMG! :*
Best wishes to all who are celebrating this holiday. I wish that Jake, Austin and BabyTile can enjoy their life together, in public. For myself, I am comfortable and reasonably content. More of the same is fine with me.
I watched One Tree Hill last night, to get a flavor for the show before Austin shows up. I don't want to offend anyone here who is a fan, but the nicest thing I can say about it is - uh, nevermind, I cant find anything nice to say about it afterall. I will be watching it solely to see Austin.
I will be watching it solely to see Austin.
That is my plan also.
Happy New Year to all!
I'll give it a shot, just to see Austin! :)
Happy New Year to everyone who celebrates Rosh Hashanah.
I'm with Wicked, the thing I most want for the coming year is for Obama to win. Followed closely by Prop. 8 losing. And if we're going for pie in the sky, to see a male movie star come out.
Ace Showbiz has a preview of OTH 6.06 (October 13th) and makes mention of Austin in the write up. It's unclear if they mean Austin will show up in 6.06 or setting him for a future episode.His character was mentioned to show up in 6.08 from previous reports.
Looks like might have to keep our eyes peeled for him a little earlier.
And I throw my vote in there for watching OTH just for the Austy.
Oh me too! Obama for Prez, and Prop 8 to be defeated soundly, never to rear its ugly head again! And to please, please end the brutal aerial wolf hunting in Alaska. These are my wishes for the coming year, and I love Ted C. for mentioning this and caring about animals in his column. :)
Dear Reese
Jake asked me to pass along to you.
Hi all, popping in for just a minute. What a crazy time - don't you just go crazy when you return to work after a week off? I was so glad to see everybody - I love catching up on things & finding out what I missed out on. But everything else that goes with it -
well, it can be a pill.
Special, what on this green earth could you have possibly thought to say that was offsetting? You're silly & I just thumped you on the head, did you feel it? Take it from someone here who has spouted off & you are like Jessica Fletcher compared to me, LOL!
Anyways, if anyone gets a minute, CNN.com has a story today about people coming out in Hollywood and how things are starting to change just a bit. At least, we're not where we were even 10 years ago. I don't have my instructions on how to do a link, so I can't help out that way. Besides, it takes me forever & I need to skedaddle.
I've got class tonight, my "Pre-planning Your Funeral" class on Thurs night, and then dogsitting this weekend; going to be a hectic week. Had to get on here & visit my favorite cyberplace. My favorite cyber people. Hope everyone has a good week if I don't get to visit again.
Kacieeee! It's been forever! Hope you're doing okay :)
Pre-planning your funeral? Oh my dog, PG! :D
Well, happy 5769 folks, even if like me you are neither Jewish nor otherwise religious - it's gotta be a better year than 2008.
Wishing health and prosperity to all in 5769.
Happy 5769!
And ditto on OTH and Austin.
Here's the CNN article Prairie Girl was talking about.
CNN : Gay in Hollywood
Dear Ted:
I called in sick today and said I was deficient in my Vitamin T—OK, that was cheesy, but I think I deserve for this question to be printed since I risked my livelihood over it! Have you and Mr. Tile ever done the nasty (prehubby, of course!)? I reread some entries and you two sure seemed a little flirty a couple of years ago. And, who is hotter, Toothy or his BF? Is Mario Lopez his lover?
Dear Bedroom Boinked:
In order: No. Yes. Neither, I like men, not little beautiful boys who still retain a tad of privileged baby fat. No.
Dear Ted:
The mags have been pushing the Reese-Jake romance for over a year now, but neither will confirm or deny the rumors. What’s the big secret?
—Mallory, Conn.
Dear Cladestine Couple:
Those two are just friends with benefits. The benefits, of course, meaning publicity.
Dear Ted:
Recently you said 1 in 10 people in Hollywood were straight. You must be including behind-the-scenes creative folks, agents, producers, etc. In terms of actors/actresses, what is the percentage that is straight?
—Cupcake in Cincinnati
Dear Left Brain:
One in 25. Make that 100.
Dear Ted:
OK, so Clay is gay. Big whoop...file that reveal under No Merde. Quick question, though…Has Clay ever been a subject of one of your Blind Vices? If yes, which one? And yes, I know he's not Toothy Tile.
Dear Aching for Aiken:
Clay is far too dull for our sexy Vice archives.
Have you and Mr. Tile ever done the nasty (prehubby, of course!)?
I reread some entries and you two sure seemed a little flirty a couple of years ago.
And, who is hotter, Toothy or his BF?
Neither, I like men, not little beautiful boys who still retain a tad of privileged baby fat.
Is Mario Lopez his lover?
Austin was spotted yesterday filming in Wilmington, North Carolina a scene from episode 9
Austin Nichols Journal
Great news that Austin is back down in Wilmington working on the next episode.
Tonight I'm gonna party like it's 5769!
The interesting thing to me about that CNN article is that it is not full of the usual cautionary tales--usually very old examples--about how most stars will be hurt if they come out. Sometimes when I read articles like that I almost feel like they're as much about warning stars not to come out as to report on the progress made. I didn't feel that way reading the CNN story.
Interesting letter from Ted about J&A. Seems that he is saying that he finds neither one of them "hot" because of what is going on--probably why he had that comment about Austin's abs in the last round of letters, to make it clear it's not about the looks.
I don't understand this 5769. Wondering if that's like a julian type year date? Or 5769 days from some certain point. Or well, I guess it's not important enough for me to stew about; just puzzled by it & I feel left out cause I'm like the only one who doesn't know what it is.
Man, I just got home. Everyone in class just kept talking & talking & talking and the clock just kept ticking & ticking & ticking. I just had time to find out who got kicked off DWTS, eat my dessert, my Kozy Shak no sugar added tapioca pudding with 2 HUGE DOLLOPS of whipped cream (a lil' pudding with my whipped cream, actually), jump on here & I've got to go to bed. What in the heck kind of deal is that?
London!!! Sorry I missed ya. Yes, I am taking a "Preplanning Your Funeral" class through my church. I'll try to pass along some of the tips I learn. Last week, I passed along that embalming fluid is toxic to the soil and Lawrence KS is going to be home to the first Green Cemetary in the U.S. And not this week, but next week, we're going to take a field trip to a crematorium. Anyway, we're going to talk about things to know when consulting with the funeral parlor, who all you need to contact within 24 hours of the person passing, what to watch out for so you don't get ripped off, organ donation, all kinds of things. Kind of strange, I know, but you know, if there's some things I can do ahead of time to help ease the stress on those left behind, then I'd sure like to do it. The assoc. pastor made a good point. He said, in so many words, "You know, we prepare for the coming of a baby; we get the nursery ready, save money for the baby, purchase furniture, some diapers, etc.etc. But we don't prepare at all for another inevitable stage of our life, which is death." (That's paraphrased.) Because it's something nobody likes to think about; shove it away under the rug. When, really, it's a very natural part of life. Anyway, I don't anticipate anything happening, lol, but you never know. And it is costing only $5, so who could pass that up? You know me, ol' skinflint here!
Good night & sweet dreams to everyone. Geez, hate to end on a note like that; hope I didn't depress or creep anybody out! Sorry if I did. Nite, Destiny, where are you today???
LOL, it took me so stinkin long to write my comment that in the meantime, Destiny, you had already made an appearance and I missed it.
Hey, tomorrow is an ALF mini-marathon on WGN. I liked that show; it sure made me laugh.
I love that second picture. Love that "lean". To me, that lean says it all.
Okay, now I'm hittin the hay.
Wishes for 5769 :
McCain/Palin win
Hillary is the new Senate Majority Leader and front-runner for 2012
Dean, Pelosi and Reid lose their jobs
Prop. 8 fails
Jake ... well, who knows? I'm sure he thinks that bearding is the best he can hope for until PoP is released in 2010. It's isn't, of course, this could have been so much worse. Thank god for small favors. Think Tab Hunter, Rock Hudson, Heath Ledger....
Oh, well.
PG, I had the day off so I wasn't around my computer too much today. I think it is great that you are taking the class on dying, discussions about things like that do not get me down or bother me.
The Jewish calendar is based on a lunar calendar; I don't know that there is a definitive answer as to why it is now the year 5769, but probably the best explanation is that it is supposed to be the amount of time that has passed since Adam and Eve. As with Christianity, some believe that Adam and Even only lived 5800 years ago, but most don't believe that literally.
McCain and Palin?
Don't you DARE wish four more years of Republicans in the White House!
Would liefer Jake and Reese's wedding be splashed all over, from LA to Times Square, and her announce the immenint arrival of a new bundle of joy than to watch the continued raping of our Constitution.
Not just the lean, but in that birthday cake photo, Austin is behind Jake while everyone else is in front, apart from them. They are standing like a couple, even then.
Ted is getting bolder all the time, calling Reese and Jake a for publicity stunt. Nice to be reassured of this on occassion.
I wonder if the early flirting was in a West Hollywood bar. I've always thought that Ted himself has witnessed Toothy & Grey Goose out in public as a couple. Ted is too sure of himself to be relying on the words of others and we know that for a while anyway, toothy & goose were out among HW.
Ignore 12:57, PG - we love your comments.
Hi London. Waves madly.
Happy 5769 to all who celebrate it.
Special, not only have you managed to offend nobody, you and Wicked come up with the most amazing posts day after day.
Even when I don't always post, I visit pretty much every day.
Funny how Ted mentions about the baby fat cause Jake does tend to pork up slightly away from making movies but Austin? Ted, Have you seen him?
Still he presumably gets it right with the privileged part as both do seem to come from money.
Baby fat - Baby Tile? Ted doesn't mess with guy with kids? Just another clue pointing to Baby T?
Thanks, Destiny; wow, 5000+ days. That's too much time to fathom in this head. Hope you had a great day off.
Thanks, London. I really did immediately go hit the hay so I was not privy to ms/mr 12:57's comment. Best I didn't see, I suppose - Special saving me from myself as she knows how easily I fly off the handle. Heck, I probably would've posted the longest comment ever. Naw, I wouldn't. I have to get past that; afraid that part of maturity hasn't won over me yet, ashamed as I am to admit. But I admit it.
One thing before I leave for work; I know I get longwinded & I try to control it, but I sometimes I get pretty excited about something I just saw or something going on in my life & I want to share it, even tho not J&A related. Because alot of you are more than just blogger names to me. (uh oh, I feel a longwinded post coming) No, I know you're not like my friends or family in real life, but that's not to say that I wouldn't love to meet each & every one of you that I talk to on here. I want to know what you do at your job, where you like to go eat, what makes you laugh, your families, what you like to do for fun. HA! well, you know; maybe not everything.
And I'm going to worry if something bad is going on in your life, even if I don't have to know what it is. Because I care about you.
How can you talk to someone online as much as we sometimes do and not wonder those kinds of things? I dunno. I do. So I'm afraid that carries over into my comments.
Geez, the clock's gonging. Anyway, gotta brush my teeth & get the heck out of Dodge. I'm late!!!
Have a great day, everyone!
I know I get longwinded & I try to control it, but I sometimes I get pretty excited about something I just saw or something going on in my life & I want to share it, even tho not J&A related.
Prairie Girl,
Blogging and commenting should be fun, so please don't try to control it :)
Wishes for 5769 :
McCain/Palin win
Bad joke.
Palin: "Being Gay A Choice, But I Don't Judge."
The hits just keep coming from Sarah Palin!
Sitting down against with Katie Couris this week, the potential vice-president offers her decidedly asinine views on the gays, whom she says she won't judge for their "decision." And, yes, she trots out an anonymous gay friend:
As for homosexuality - I'm not going to judge Americans and the decisions that they make in their adult, personal relationships. I have - um - one of my absolute best friends for the last thirty years who happens to be gay - and I love her dearly. She is not my gay friend. She is one of my best friends, who happens to have made a choice that isn't a choice that I have made.
We can only imagine what kind of lesbian would subject herself to someone like Sarah Palin. Probably some submissive chick who likes the abuse. Or perhaps this "friend" simply doesn't exist. Show yourself, lesbian!
As for the no judging thing - one word: bullshit.
Didn't think about that Special with the baby fat (mentally slaps head). It being Ted, it probably has one more meaning we haven't figured out.
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