"The time is the early eighties. The characters go to the same schools and eat at the same restaurants. Their voices enfold us as seamlessly as those of DJ's heard over a car radio. They have sex with the same boys and girls and buy from the same dealers. In short, they are connected in the only way people can be in that city." - description of The Informers

But it looks like paint and words and books and trailers may have to be the stand in for a little while longer before we get to see it.
"I have just been to the first screening of THE INFORMERS (see previous post).
It's going to be distributed in February in the US but I don't know yet the European dates.
It's good!!! It's dark and portraits the 80's as many of us remember them. Well, I was in Trieste, quite far from cruel Beverly Hills... " Daniel's Blog
Daniel Auber was the a part of the art department for The Informers working on conceptual design and storyboards. (see above) You can see more of his concept designs on his blog.
What does a February release mean all of you savy movie go'ers?
Do you think it's tied into the Mickey Rourke's Oscar buzz?
Or is it going to get that limited release label and find us searching for the DVD late spring and summer?
One more Informers mention, this one on MTV's movie blog, and talking about Billy Bob Thorton and his "sort of" retirement from acting. It mentions that he has a small cameo in The Informers. Now what we know from the book is that he's a A movie producer, he divorces his wife Laura (Kim Bassinger) for TV newsreader Cheryl Laine,(Winona Ryder) only to later become estranged from her as well. As for Austin's connection - well we can see from the trailer he seems to know Laura, a bit. (ahem)
Although Billy Bob and Mickey don't cross paths in Informers, can you imagine Mickey in a scene with Billy Bob and Kim - oh can't go there because it is spiraling into a back water Ozark Sling Blade meets 9 1/2 weeks with some dark Angel Heart - woo that's getting close to crossing into Bret Easton Ellis' mind.
Homosexuality in Hollywood still taboo?
February. :-( February is a mixed bag. January is defintely a dumping ground for movies. February is often seen as the period for releasing romcoms or other date movies for Valentine's Day. I think February is not ideal for a movie like this, but given how many movies are slated to open in the next few months, I think The Informers would have been absolutely lost. The amount of movies released anymore is just mind-boggling, even my movie fanatic friends (including one who has a movie blog and write regularly about movies) can't keep and I would say are almost numb. There have been Fridays when I've counted 25 movie reviews in the NYT!
PG, totally agree with your comments in the previous post. Jake and Reese have taken it too far to blame it on the paps. They started out that way, and I think that may've been the initial strategy, but that all went out the window with the Reeke-fest that started in Rome.
And AG, totally agree with what you say about Baby Tile (disagree with you about the bearding). And to add to the injury, Baby Tile can also look back and see what Clay Aiken did for his own child. How much is that going to mess up Baby Tile? Things like this matter deeply to children, especially when they hit their teens. I think if he'd just stayed in the closet it wouldn't be so bad, but the bearding takes it to a completely different level.
Dear Ted:
Toothy Tile is Jennifer Garner. Enjoy your column...can't agree with you on your politics. God bless America and God bless you!
Dear Kinda Kindred:
Glad we can agree to disagree—par-tick on the testy J.G. being Toothy. She wishes she were that interesting!
The Informers looks like such an edgy movie, I don't think the Feb date is a negative in this case. Not every movie thinks its an oscar contender. I can't wait to see Austin in it.
I can see Reese hanging around almost exclusively with a gay pal for a while. It allows time to pass until she is ready to move onto someone else when he comes along. In the meantime, it looks on the surface like she has a man interested in her. They have been pretty quick to issue denials when the rumors get too explicit, like an engagement. It has damaged my opinion of Jake though, that's for sure. I even changed one of my screensavers from Jake to Heath.
Hmmmm. J.G. being Toothy. Maybe after Clay's coming out and Ted's comments on hiding the obvious, he will go the distance.
Did Ted basically just say he disagrees with KK as to which JG is Toothy? Everytime I think Ted can't possibly get any closer to saying Jake without saying Jake's name he surprises me.
Dear Ted:
Toothy Tile is Jennifer Garner. Enjoy your column...can't agree with you on your politics. God bless America and God bless you!
Dear Kinda Kindred:
Glad we can agree to disagree—par-tick on the testy J.G. being Toothy. She wishes she were that interesting!
on the testy J.G. being Toothy.
So JG Jennifer Garner has more balls than JG Jake Gyllenhaal
Ted keeps going doesn't he. And how many times can he put the initial J.G. near the words Toothy Tile and people still not get it.
Back to the Informers. February might be a good fit for them and fingers crossed it is near the end of the month and closer to March, speaking weatherwise from this Northeast girl. I do wonder if it will do limited release though to major cities. But with the buzz around Mickey Rourke - New York magazine just did a comparison of him to Brando - they could start small and then add screens. And in these days of dismal economics you wonder if people won't want to look back money driving 80's with wistful nostalgia
Ted keeps going doesn't he. And how many times can he put the initial J.G. near the words Toothy Tile and people still not get it.
People get it, they just have no reason to believe Ted since he hasn't provided a single shred of evidence to back up any of his claims, as well as making predictions that have failed to happen pretty much 100 percent of the time.
And look at his latest story; Baby Tile. I wonder how he's going to explain that one away when no baby materialises. Will he say that something tragic happened to the kid? Oh, maybe the mother will decide she doesn't want to give the kid up and threaten to expose Toothy if they try to keep the child. SO dramatic and his fans sure love their soap opera drama. A lot like the babblers in fact.
Well, he doesn't have to worry, despite the utter lunacy of this story he can probably drag it out for a year at least before his hardcore followers start to doubt him. Keep the faith ;D
I admit I will have difficulty taking Mickey Rourke seriously as an actor because of what he's done to his face. He looks completely different now, and just plain weird.
Here is the article from New York Magazine
Shades of Brando
Mickey did some great work and The Wrestler is really getting the critic's praise. Must admit I had a picture of young gorgeous Mickey in the corner of the (boxing) ring up for a long time. Pope of Greenwich Village, Diner, and yes even Nine 1/2 Weeks great performances from him.
There is a little chatter over on imdb about who would play John & Elizabeth in a remake of Nine 1/2 weeks and someone suggested Scarlett and suggested Jake. Now Jake playing John. He's done dark before, but could he do John?
Then again, what do you think about Austin playing John? I think he could do it quite well, and surprise a lot of people.
Can't see either one in Nine 1/2 weeks. Too dark for Jake. And even though I've liked Scarlett in one or two movies, I really don't think she's a very good actress.
Disney had there big event of upcoming movies for 2009, 2010,
This is EW.com on PoP
"We got an early look at Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time, which featured a ripped Jake Gyllenhaal as the lead. It seems the movie will stick fairly close to the plot of the video games, and time travel will play a significant role."
I think February might be a good time for the Informers release. I have to agree that it would get lost in the year-end rush. The bad news is that we now have to wait even longer to see it.
So is The Informers still coming out in Europe this year? That would be pretty unusual, but maybe they think they can build some buzz there first.
I guess Austin fans will get Christmas in February--isn't that when Prayers for Bobby is supposed to run. And it's TV sweeps month, so I'm betting he'll be on episodes of OTH that month too.
I guess Austin fans will get Christmas in February--isn't that when Prayers for Bobby is supposed to run. And it's TV sweeps month, so I'm betting he'll be on episodes of OTH that month too.
si si si
I guess Austin fans will get Christmas in February--isn't that when Prayers for Bobby is supposed to run. And it's TV sweeps month, so I'm betting he'll be on episodes of OTH that month too.
Ooooohhh yeah, about that. February Sweeps in March 2009
I'm off to go to see my Sox play - my last regular season game for 08. Grab a Fenway Frank, sing Sweet Caroline - so good so good.
Nothing better than Soxtober
I'll catch up with everybody after the game.
Go Sox!
February sweeps in March?? What will those crazy tv people think of next.
Have a good time at the game Special.
Hi guys, too much to say and not enough space to say it!
First of all, the lustre has worn off my first proclamation of having seen a snail this morning on my walk! Yeah, a snail. Anyone ever seen one of those except in a book? They look just like they do in a book, with the long skinny body, the head that goes up, and then the 2 antennae with the 2 little balls on each end of the antennae. But the round shell thing on its back was flat on its back, not vertical! I had to turn around, break my stride, and go back to stare at it again. It was pretty cool.
Little blue pill, I guess I wasn't making one of my points clear. That is what I was saying, that yeah, a girl and a guy can be best of friends, but most likely one is going to be gay. Because besides the friendship itself, there is no pressure on either one to have a "relationship." A straight guy and a straight girl, both being single, can definitely have a friendship, but if that friendship took the siamese twin route that Jake & Reese's has taken, I'm sorry, but there's no way sex or romantical feelings isn't going to come into the picture at some point. If someone has an example of an exception to that, I'd like to hear it. At some point, either the guy or girl is going to want their friendship to take a turning point or else they're going to look for a relationship somewhere else. Either that or one of them is eventually going to find a boyfriend/girlfriend, in which case, then their friendship will not be what it used to be anyway. And I'm not talking about casual friends. There're guy/girl friendships all over the world. I'm talking about the apparent "close friendship" between J & R, where they're "living together" and spending time exclusively with each other 24/7, unless one is filming. Oh, and one of the parties flies halfway across the world twice to go visit. And I agree; such a friendship could take place in the example you give, where the girl is straight and the guy is gay.
Ding! Reese. And Jake.
Will and Grace. But see, I'm not thinking that's how they want to appear.
I'm not arguing with you and sorry to be longwinded; I'm having trouble expressing my point, I think.
Snicker, snicker, I'm probably going to get some psychology or therapy major hashing & bashing after that comment.
I went to Ft Leavenworth on a tour today; it was really interesting. At the museum, they had wagon trains and stagecoaches, and a sleigh that General Custer had commissioned and belonged to him. Those stagecoaches & wagon trains were huge. I had glimpses of being in Santa Fe Trail or They Died With Their Boots On. Or The Harvey Girls. They also had a Colt revolver and it was big. I'm not a lover of guns at all, but it reminded me of the movies. The officers all had wonderful looking old homes, many on the National Register, and some of them on a bluff, overlooking the Missouri River and the spot where the Lewis & Clark Trail started. The whole thing was just really cool. Oh, and they had a porcelain type pitcher that Abraham Lincoln had been served from. I guess it just goes to show we don't have to go much further than our own backyards sometimes to find history. It's right under our noses.
Someone on WFT2 posted that they think Reeke will appear at both his and her premieres this fall and if there actually is Oscar buzz for Brothers, it will be Reeke, Reeke, and more Reeke. Hate to say it, but it makes sense to me.
Prairie Girl, where do you live? My yard is littered with snails. I am generally a live and let live person. I let all bugs, except black widows, live outside. Well, the widows can live in the yard, but not the patio, which they seem to prefer. Inside, is another story. Death to any invaders.
The more I see of The Informers, the better it looks. Right now Milk is my high priority for December.
I agree m. I can't wait to see "Milk". The trailer was excellent. The acting and directing should be outstanding. The buzz about the movie is getting better and better everyday. It certainly at this point has a chance for an Oscar nom for best picture.
Brothers is going to be released partially in December and then fully next year because this fall is going to be all about Gen. Witherspoon. They don't want anything to get in the way of Reese's dogmeat rom-com with Vaughn.
m, I live in Kansas. I swear, I have never seen a snail before except in a book. LOL! I suppose I'm the only one. Do you do like I do sometimes? I'll try to save a worm. When it rains and they somehow end up in the middle of the sidewalk, then the sun comes out and the stupid things start to dry up. So I'll sometimes pick them up & toss them into the grass, trying to "save" them. But if I've got a good stride going on my walk, they're on their own.
I wouldn't be surprised if the General doesn't have a major war campaign planned to coincide with her movie. But I really find it hard to believe that a movie like Brothers would plan it's release around a stupid rom-com.
Woo Hoo Sox won and it was an awesome night at Fenway.
The studios have their plans for publicity and have planned it out months and months ahead.I agree Destiny - they will not plan around her movie.
the thrill is gone said:
Someone on WFT2 posted that they think Reeke will appear at both his and her premieres this fall and if there actually is Oscar buzz for Brothers, it will be Reeke, Reeke, and more Reeke. Hate to say it, but it makes sense to me.
Meaning she would want to ride on the coattails? Could very well be. But attending the premieres together would seem to me to be coming out as a couple. It's not like when he would attend with his sister. Unless they would attend as just very good friends like they want to keep appearing as.
I don't think that would fly at an event like a movie premiere, tho.
Actually, on second thought, I'd kind of like to see them try to pull that off.
But who really knows something like that. That's still a ways away. You never know what can happen. Things can change at the drop of a hat.
Comments on the footage of Prince of Persia
"Prince of Persia: Sands of Time is the next franchise that Jerry “I have more money than god” Bruckheimer is launching.
The production is only in its first few weeks of shooting so there weren't any completed shots but they did show some of footage from dailies, on set and animatics/pre-viz.
I have never been the biggest fan of Jake Gyllenhaal, but I have to admit, he looks pretty bad ass as Prince Dastan.
The synopsis from IMDB is as follows: Set in medieval Persia, the story of an adventurous prince who teams up with a rival princess to stop an angry ruler from unleashing a sandstorm that could destroy the world. Which is why after the prince was tricked by a dying Vizier to unleash the Sands of Time that turns out to destroy a kingdom and transforms its populace into ferocious demons. In his effort to save his own kingdom and redeem his fatal mistake, it's up to the prince and the princess to return the sands to the hourglass by using the Dagger of Time, which also gives him a limited control over the flow of time.
Not much of the story was revealed, even though the script has been reviewed by multiple online outlets.
Prince of Persia is massive - the sets are huge, the action sequences are huge and the only thing that comes to mind is that this is another Pirates of the Caribbean in the making.
Can you say billion dollar franchise? I knew that you could."
IESB.net - Early Look at Prince of Persia
dogmeat rom-com, lol! I didn't catch that the first time, that was good.
You know, everytime I have this "Leave Your Comment" window up, I've got that picture from yesterday's post of Austin in that blue & black tie-dye T hanging in my lower right corner. What in the heck is on his wrist? Looks like a hospital band. Or is it one of those bands that shows he's over 21and is old enough to purchase booze? The green one looks like a glow in the dark. Just struck me as kind of funny.
Glad to hear you had a good time tonight Special.
Having gone to many a concert in small clubs, one of Austin's bands is probably to show he paid his admission, the other to show he can drink, as you said.
Sounds encouraging about PoP; thanks for that link & story, Special. I'm not into video games at all, but I wish the movie well if it will give his career a boost.
"General", lol. Destiny, you crack me up.
One last item before my head nods off on top of my keyboard. I started another class tonight. Guess what it's called: "Pre-Planning Your Funeral". I registered for it a couple weeks ago and, no I'm not morbid or have a death wish. But it sounds like it is really going to be educational. Things like what to watch out for when picking out the funeral package, 48 things you must do within 24 hours of passing, and then a "field trip" to a crematorium on our 3rd class. Did you know that embalming fluid is toxic to the soil? Just one tidbit I learned tonight.
My girlfriend is Jewish, and Jews don't embalm. I have to say I don't like the idea of it either, and now you've just given me another reason PG.
Look at the order of the questions! The question mentioning Austin is in the middle of two Toothy's boyfriend Gray Goose questions :)
Dear Ted:
Are Clay Aiken and his baby son Toothy's boyfriend Gray Goose and Baby Tile?
Dear Too Obvious:
Toothy's lover isn't coming out anytime soon.
Dear Ted:
Now that Sophia Bush is single and working on One Tree Hill with three of her ex-boyfriends, Chad Michael Murray, James Lafferty and Austin Nichols, do you think she will start dating one of them again? I hope she goes for Austin. I liked them together.
Dear Ex Factor:
CMM is out, fer sure. He can maybe hope for some hate sex, but that's it. I think Bush should even the scoreboard and go for Benji Madden. Thoughts?
Dear Ted:
Could you tell us more about Toothy's boyfriend? He is half of the most intriguing and beautiful Hollywood gay closeted couple and the other daddy of Baby Tile. Don't you think he deserves more attention from you?
Dear Man Hunt:
No, but his abs surely do.
the awful truth
Criminetley's, another couple of snaps of the bath towel. And there! And there! Man, Ted, that's great.
I am really getting to like that guy. ;)
Thinking out loud about abs: Abs [like abdominals] but also American Bovine Society, Antilock Brake System, Albino Blacksheep, American Baboo Society, also The Abbey a gay bar in LA. Ted prolly means abs like always having his shirt off but you never know what other meanings he might mean too!
opps Bamboo not Baboo. LOL
February sweeps in March? That will give us two months of Austin instead of one. :)
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