Today's like ice cream, you take a bunch of random good things (Jake and Austin projects) and mix them in together to get a sweet treat.
So get the base ice cream and add some:
Some Pop Rocks
While The Informers has release dates in Europe, it has nothing definite in the US. The assumption is some time in October and November.
Will Mickey Rourke getting an Oscar buzz for The Wrestler get a solid release date and add more screens for The Informers? What's going to get people to see it beside for OMG'ers going to see Austin? Bret Easton Ellis' story? Billy Bob? Winona? Bassinger? Amber Head? Or that it's Brad Renfro's last film?
Then some Gummies
"Jessica Biel, Catherine Keener Praise Director David O. Russell, Decide Not To Punch Him" is the title of the article on MTV's Movie Blog. Seems like despite his past reputation of bad behavior the ladies of Nailed praised Russell as a director. Despite the not knowing the fate of Nailed for distribution and all the difficulties in making the movie Jessica Beil said “He pulled such a bizarre cool interesting performance out of everyone. It was quite an interesting experience. David was amazing.” Catherine Keener called the political satire a screwball comedy and said
"if there’s a silver lining, it’s that the stoppages have inspired an attitude of perseverance in the cast." “This felt like it was happening despite all of the obstacles,” she said. “It felt like us against the man. We were like — you cannot shut us down!” Tracy Morgan seemed up beat about the film too even with all the obstacles. You think Jake feels the same?
And of course ChocolateThe old go to that you think you know everything about. Brothers. It's just on how the blend of ingredients works to see how rich
it can be. We knew Mare Winningham was in it, but didn't Sam Shepard is as well. And casting Nat, Tobey and Jake? Sheridan said he wanted "the trio to be younger than they were in Bier's film. The only problem is that the 5 foot, 8-inch tall Maguire is 4 inches shorter than Gyllenhaal, who stands six feet. This violates the general biological rule that brothers are either roughly the same height or no more than two inches apart." Will there be some interesting camera angles or will Tobey have get "lift" or two? Will Sheridan ever film them side by side?
Blend until mixed. But then you have to go for the unexpected.
How to top it all off? How about something fresh, like the Fresh Prince of Persia.Courtesy of Funny Junk
Now that's a mix -in.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Super Movie Mix In
Posted by
Special K
10:25 AM
Labels: Austin, Ice Cream, Jake, movie mixin
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LOL! Great post...I'm getting sugar high and brain freeze but in a good way!
According to someone on IHJ, there's a pic of Jake in the UK Heat mag eating ice cream in Morocco. I hope someone will scan it.
^WDW has the pic.
No fair making me crave ice cream in the middle of the day. I'm having trouble thinking of anything else after this post.
I wonder about Rourke and the buzz for The Wrestler too. Part of me is afraid they may decide to delay the release if they were counting on Rourke to be a big draw and have concerns that people will not flock to two movies with so many things out at the end of the year.
Buzzfoto blind item
We hear about fake celeb relationships all the time so it should be no surprise to any reader that this blind item is about a fake celeb couple. This couple is well known, they have lots of folk rooting for them, and they spend a lot of time together. However, it might surprise you that rumor has it that only one of the pair is in on the gig. That’s right, one is there because of their publicist, and the other thinks the affair is the real deal. It’s funny how far some stars will go for the fame because this star is willing to do whatever it takes to make the world, and their partner, think that it’s love. And let’s just say it isn’t just our couple who will suffer from the hoax.
Hint: It’s not this couple…or Hayden and Milo!
Grabbing lunch and stop by. Gotta admit, I knew absolutely nothing about the ice cream picture in Morocco. Just a really weird coincidence. If you had any idea how hard and crazy the morning and this post began there was no way that it was planned.
Spesh the Morrocco pic was Austin's add-in to your post today!
NO Reeses pieces offered here!
Ted' s name to letter writer is Det. Debauched ..DD..Donnie Darko ? Wow he's getting ballsey-er.
Dear Ted:
I think you are lovely and amazing. But why must you tease us so with the ongoing saga of Toothy Tile? Must we guess every actor in Hollywood until you have eliminated all but one? Since the answer is probably yes, I'll contribute a guess: Milo Ventimiglia. He went out with Alexis Bledel, and who better fits the description of "superannoyingly perfect" than the younger Gilmore? And Tile could be a contraction of "Twenty Miles," which his surname translates to. Alexis, Hayden P....With his tastes in beards, one could say Toothy has led astray the good girl, no?
—Jane, Australia
Dear S&M Wannabe:
Because torture is so delicious. And no on Milo, think even more famous a player.
Dear Ted:
Has Toothy curbed the public nooky sessions? Also, do his parents know he's gay?
Dear Det. Debauched:
Yes and yes.
Sounds a lot like us, today's song. Champagne Supernova? Love it. ;)
Wow - gorgeous song, although I never needed drugs, I'm that way naturally! Thanks OMG. :O
That's too easy. The Good Girl? Lovely & Amazing?
What a day. I've got to go to a class in about 10 minutes. But I'm checking emails and, of course, getting my RDA of OMG.
Wicked, I hope you're having a great V. Wherever you are, since it involves water, it's got to be relaxing.
Something kind of troubling in that I've seen a few papers, publications, etc. on all the new movies coming out this fall. Of course, the big buzz on Keira Knightley, Milk, Nicole K & Hugh Jackman (can't wait to see that one), etc. Even Rolling Stone had quite a lengthy article on all the movies coming out. No one mentions Brothers at all. When is that thing supposed to be coming out?
Rats, I've got to go. Have a good evening.
13 posts. If you think you are coming up with great ideas for posts, this should make you re-think.
That's too easy. The Good Girl? Lovely & Amazing?
And the torture reference..Rendition.
It;s a stretch but 'Milo Ventimiglia' the inits MV is also used for Marthas Vineyard. But def the Rendition mention is notable.
who cares, go back to your babble. opps its not babble anymore is it, its reese worship
I have wondered about the Mickey Rourke thing for since he won at Venice. I can't believe that the studio wouldn't want to capitalize on the good press from The Wrestler for The Informers, but then again maybe they don't want to dilute his chance for an Oscar.
Read that they are going to bring The Dark Knight back to theaters in January to boost the chances for an Oscar, especially for Heath's performance.
Read something that Sheridan has some religious overtones to Brothers. And the other rumbling are how another movie deal with the war is going to be received. You wonder how he is going to contrast Natalie and Jake at home vs. Tobey at war. He is definitely taking the original and making his own variation.
And Nailed. You wonder if it will ever get distributed. Seems a shame if they send it straight to video. Says it will be released in 2009. Any bets on when? Think it's toss up between spring and late fall. I think it would get lost in the summer surge of movies.
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Nice that imdb is offereing but a few years ago some friends were hey we can watch a movie on a computer now, lets do it! So the 6 of us huddled around a little laptop computer peering at the tiny dark screen and it was like 15 minutes before we said what the fuck are we doing, we can see it better on a big tv screen and have some space and be comfortable. LOL
I hope we hear something about Brothers very soon.
Btw Jim Sheridan is/is rumored to be making a movie of I Claudius. The first person I thought o was Austin in a white toga with his curly locks in the pic you had. He would make a perfect Roman emperor!
Curly haired Austin wearing the golden laurel wreath.
Having flashbacks of Latin class. Too much Cicero make it stop!
Notice that one of the names for Ted's mailbag this week was Rebel Yell. No I'm not going to make a Billy Idol moment.
Just pointing out that Rebel Yell is a whiskey, just like Austin Nichols Wild Turkey is.
And the other rumbling are how another movie deal with the war is going to be received.
See, that's where my reaction is at. I don't want to go sit in the theatre and be depressed watching a movie about war. I know there's an audience for it, but I don't know just how big. Especially right now. I never went to go see Rendition, haven't even rented it because I sure don't want to see someone being tortured. I get enough of it seeing the headlines on With the economy the way it is right now & my limited budget, if I'm going to go pay money to go to the movies, I want to escape for 1 1/2 to 2 hrs. And to me, war is not an escape.
BTW, where did Ted mention Rendition? I re-read those 3 letters to Ted and I'm not seeing it. Lol, I know my eyes are bad, but uh, help me out.
This is kind of funny. I enrolled in some classes at my church and one of them started tonight. We did the ol' go round the table, introduce yourselves, what intrigued you about this class, and what's something that you like to do. Well, I would say it's just about practically a 40's-70's age group. Most people said reading. A few said yardwork, flowers, yada, yada.. And then 3/4 round the table, this 70'ish senior lady said she liked to get on the political blogs. In fact, she said she could hardly stay off of them, to the point where she stayed up late, said goodnight to these people, then got up to these people. She bowed her head in kind of embarrassment, but we were all laughing. Then, this younger girl said that she liked to blog, too, but she had been too embarrassed to say anything. More laughing. Then I chimed in "me, too!"
Then, the last person was our pastor, a lady pastor just about my age. She said she had a weakness, which was some computer game, darn, can't think of the name now. Anyway, she was addicted to it. A few people knew what game she was talking about. Then when a girl sitting 2 chairs down from her said that she had that game on her phone, her eyes lit up and she said "ooooh, you do??"
Hilarious! It was so funny to see her eyes light up and say "ooooh, you do?" It was cool to see other people had the same fondness for reading & participating in blogs that I did. And it was kind of funny because there was this kind of a "oooh, should I say this?" kind of admission.
That was a funny story above about 5 of 6 people huddled around a computer screen to watch a movie. lol. I can just picture it. Yeah, I mean, why would you unless you were traveling or you wanted to watch something while you were cooking or where you couldn't see the TV.
Austin really would be perfect in a toga. And can't you just see him lounging while someone feeds him grapes.
I just ate some ice cream in response to this entry. Great idea.
Bejeweled! I think that's the name of the game, does that sound right?
One thing I want to run by before I hit the sack. Can somebody tell me the difference here. I just returned a movie back to Netflix, it was called "Broken Hearts Club" about a group of friends who are gay and their daily troubles, laughs, and relationships. Dean Cain, Timothy Olyphant, Zach Braff, and the man who played Fraziers dad (J. Mahoney, I think?) are all in it. Zach Braff is in Scrubs. Timothy Olyphant (who is fantastic looking, where did this guy come from??) was in Catch & Release with Jennifer Garner, which I saw this past weekend on cable. This was a pretty open movie with Dean Cain making out with a younger guy & all. Why do these actors have these roles on their filmography and not catching any flack, but Jake does BBM and catches all kinds of homophobic remarks & wisecracks? Is this a dumb question? Or Heath doing the movie too, for that matter, not just Jake. I'm not understanding, really.
being fed grapes, lol!! I just saw your remark, Destiny. Is that something that really happened in Roman times, do you think? Or is it like a standard image thing? Either way, it is a funny image to have in one's head.
Austin as Crassus and Antonius would be? ; )
Marcus Licinius Crassus: Do you eat oysters?
Antoninus: When I have them, master.
Marcus Licinius Crassus: Do you eat snails?
Antoninus: No, master.
Marcus Licinius Crassus: Do you consider the eating of oysters to be moral and the eating of snails to be immoral?
Antoninus: No, master.
Marcus Licinius Crassus: Of course not. It is all a matter of taste, isn't it?
Antoninus: Yes, master.
Marcus Licinius Crassus: And taste is not the same as appetite, and therefore not a question of morals.
Antoninus: It could be argued so, master.
Marcus Licinius Crassus: My robe, Antoninus. My taste includes both snails and oysters.
Not sure the grape thing is authentic, but I that's not stopping me. ;)
The difference between BBM and Broken Hearts' Club--nobody saw the latter, and it wasn't a cultural phenomenon. Also, imo Jake became the focus of all the jokes and homophobia because he was the bottom in a fairly explicit sex scene.
If Austin played the lead of Claudius he's be an idiot, stutter, lisp, have tics, a skin problem, walk with a limp, have his face controrted..not his most sexiest role LOL. If he played Caligula he'd have more sex scenes altho they'd be wierd death orgies. Maybe he could be a tall big strong warrior role or Julius Ceasar. Less screen time but sexier than Claudius. Altho Claudius got part 2 out of it 'Claudius the God' so maybe if Austin is Claudius he can have a franchise! Can't you see McDonalds giving away little Caligulas in Happy Meals?! I can't remember the animal but when Claudius is a boy he catches a cub that 2 eagles are fighting over in the air and its a prophecy of his future as Emperor. If Austin's Claudus maybe they can change it to 2 owls and a beaver!
Prairie Girl I hope you have seen Deadwood, which features Timothy Oliphant in a major role. And Austin in a minor one in season 2. You do have to watch the episodes in order though, which takes a chunk of time. 3 seasons. Oliphant was also in "Go", a cute movie.
Ted still on a roll. I wish he would say more about baby tile and the boyfriend though.
Clairvoyant - that's what todays post is. Not Jake's best pic, the ice cream one. I still can't get past the hair, but it's nice to see him anyway.
Glad to hear I'm not alone in my internet obsession. I can't stay away more than 24 hrs or I come unglued. I do force myself to stay away once in a while just to create the illusion I could stop, if I had to. But it kills me.
Wolf cub!
The funniest thing about Babblers coming here and talking about "dwindling numbers" is that they do generally have more comments in a post - but only because that post has been up for days.
Unlike Special, who comes up with something every day.
It might be hard to calculate for you, but 50 posts in 4 days means a lot less than what we get here per day.
Days? you mean a week! LOL
opps its not babble anymore is it, its reese worship
Reese worship is their only option. Babblers think Jake's perfect and can't lie or pretend, therefore
a) Jake is straight
b) Reeke tabloid fiction is true
c) Reese is perfect too.
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