(a little fuzzy in the beginnning, but the interview is all there) -
Something for Austin F'in Friday, to help get ready to see him back on the small screen.
Because as everyone knows by now.
"Exclusive: Austin Nichols Relocates to 'One Tree Hill'
John from Cincinnati is moving to Tree Hill. Ex-Cincinnati star Austin Nichols is joining the cast of One Tree Hill, sources confirm to me exclusively. He'll play an indie movie producer who expresses interest in turning Lucas' first novel into a film. And because OTH loves its triangles, he'll also share a past connection with Peyton! My OTH mole describes Nichols' gig as "heavy recurring," which I'm pretty sure means we're going to be seeing a lot of him."
One Tree Hill airs in the U.S. Monday nights 9 pm EST on the CW Network. (check your local listings)
So the questions are this:
1) How many episodes before Austin loses his shirt in a scene?
2) How long before his character mentions directors Hal Ashby, John Ford, or Sam Fuller?
3) How much do you bet that will make him The CW's vision of Hipster cool, ironic misunderstood, but with a dream of doing it his way.
And the most importantly
4) What does an indie producers hair look like?
And looks like a some Austin Monday's will be in order . What a way to start the week. Don't think any will be any protesting to some Austin bookends for the work week.
Austin with long time friend and now co-star Sophia Bush.

One Tree Hill
"If all goes well for Hollywood, Shia LaBeouf and Zac Efron will be the new Reese Witherspoon."
"The link between Liev and Toothy is: In 1998 Liev appeared as Reese Witherspoon's boyfriend in Robert Benton's "Twilight" * Reese was Liev's pretend girlfriend in a film. Reese is Toothy's pretend girlfriend in real life."
"Tree Hill Welcomes John from Cincinnati
Look who's floating into Tree Hill, N.C.: Austin Nichols, who starred as John from Cincinnati in the quirky and short-lived HBO series, has landed a 10-episode gig on the CW's One Tree Hill.
Nichols is also familiar to TV fans from a short visit to Dillon, Texas, as a frisky teacher on Friday Night Lights.
The CW is not yet confirming details on Nichols' role, but by some online accounts he's playing a film producer who's eyeing Lucas' first novel — and who also perhaps once had his eye on Peyton. —"
tv guide
I just saw a test screening of this film and I must say... this is a very poor adaptation. It has none of the gritty feel of the original film, it never addresses the political issues at hand now that the Iraq war is in play, and basically comes off as a hollow imitation. All three of the lead actors give passable if not good performances (Tobey actually surprised me toward the end) but the film is just not hard hitting enough when it needs to be. Anyone interested in seeing this, just rent the original.
Review of Brothers
And check out the first comment to this post. Our friend Jack Bourassa, aka Brothers Spy on Gyllenbabble. I swear those people do not sleep!
Of course he immediately PM's the guy. There will be a report shortly on Babble that explains how this person's opinion is in no way credible due to (fill in the blank).
My guess is that he'll say people who are overly invested in the original can't and won't like the remake so just ignore them.
Anyone who worries that the movie will not do well will be scoffed at or deleted.
"Of course he immediately PM's the guy"
And? What is the big deal?
The users here are writing endless letters to Ted C....
As usual - interesting post with Austin news but people are more interested what the "babblers" are doing or not doing......
Call me crazy, but I like to see a movie and then decide for myself what I think about it. Yes I do read the reviews but that does not stop me from going and watching and then deciding what I liked or didn't about the it.
On the Austin front: 10 episodes is like a whole season of JFC. Can OMG handle 10 weeks of Austin Monday and Fridays? And a movie? and then Prayers for Bobby in February. And JFC discussion every month? This may be way way too much for some.
I can handle all the Austin-ing. I actually love OTH so it's not a new thing for me to watch it. I think he'll be great and it gets his face out there being seen.
OTH? :p I'll give it a try for Austin but for no other reason.
The users here are writing endless letters to Ted C....
No, most people here are not doing this and many question Ted right now. I think there are only a few people here who are doing this, just like at Gyllenbabble there are a few people who jump at every potentially negative mention of Reeke, particularly Jack Bourassa.
Great detective work Toothy Comments.
I wonder if my watching OTH will be grounds for "divorce". :-D
OTH is not my kinda show, but a paying job's a job. At least Austin isn't a resting actor/waiter.
Just had to respond to this posting yesterday:
Up until the whole baby Tile thing started, I always believed Jake was Toothy. But since Baby Toothy, I think that Ted has been fucking with everyone. Suddenly, TT is domesticated, has a baby and is in his mid 30's. Doesn't sound like Jake. I think Ted is trying to keep one of his best Blinds going because that's probably what 95% of his readers are interested in.
I just have to say the words "hysterical over-reaction". I'm sorry to the pster, but I do. Ted has never veered from saying Jake is Toothy. This week alone he used the initials JG in an answer.
But he's given what must amount to a hundred clues about Toothy, some of which are mildly contradictory. That's always been the case, but I don't think they've ever strayed that far from Jake IMO.
You can't say "that's it, Toothy is in his 30's", when Toothy has already been said to be the same age as Adam Brody. The original poster should read through all the clues on the Toothy archive, and he/she will see that, on balance, it all points towards Jake. Some of it much more explicitly than other parts.
Also, I think Ted is just getting a lot of "Is Ben Affleck Toothy?" letters at the moment - he claims not to invent the letters. So, it's easy to answer them, as Jake is sorta Ben-ish.
Up until the whole baby Tile thing started, I always believed Jake was Toothy. But since Baby Toothy, I think that Ted has been fucking with everyone.
Oh, and Baby Tile has been going since Jan 07 now. In that time Ted has put Jake and Austin "In the Closet", and hand-in-hand in NY. Hardly backing down.
Just wanted to say this, because much as I doubt Baby Tile I'm still 100% that Jake=Toothy.
Is that a foot under Austin's bent leg in the first picture?
Special K, surely you need to put up the floating shoe in this post as well - it links in to Jake's shoes by the car!
You're wish is my command. Refresh and you will see the magical floating shoes.
Well, I've never watched OTH, so I don't know how quickly they move, relationship-wise. I'm going to say the shirt comes off in episode 3. And I'm thinking/hoping he has his own short hairstyle and stubble.
Funny how people want to think Jake is not TT now, as Max said it's pretty clear who it is. Seems like some of it is because people think you couldn't hide a baby, but at this stage that'd be no more difficult than hiding Austin.
^^You're should be Your
Before all the red marking pens come out. : )
The top picture of Sophia and Austin always cracks me up. I know Ted says Austin is well-equipped, but I don't think that fifth leg is his. ;)
I know Ted says Austin is well-equipped, but I don't think that fifth leg is his
You're wrong destiny. It popped out of his pants because he didn't have any socks to tuck it into
That's why there's 3 shoes. I got tired of being dragged on the ground. Started to get callouses!
LOL. Now we know why they really had to photoshop these pictures.
Austin forgetting his socks, next you'll tell me Jake forgot his underwear... Again. ; )
Story of Christian the lion from YouTube is in negotiations to be made into a movie.
'Hugging Lion video inspires movie'
Great news about Austin. I don't normally watch that show but I will definately tune in to support him. Those were cute pics of him the other day too - especially the one on the swing : )
Well, OTH never interested me. And CW is a step down from HBO, but I'm glad Austin will be working with a friend like Sophia, since his "other half" doesn't seem to be around much.
Totally OT, but feel compelled to share my frustration. Lifetime television has decided to sell out "The Golden Girls" to the Hallmark Channel. Many of the avid fans of this show are on fixed incomes and cannot afford the extra "tier" of cable service that allows the network. To many, judging by the comments left at their website, this is a travesty, an injustice. I never realized that there was such a serious "cult" following for the "Girls"! If you're a fan of the show, and wish to express an opinion of this decision, contact Lifetimetv.com.
Thanks, SPecial K.
I've always heard that the Golden Girls has a big gay following, so I'm not surprised at its cult status.
I'd forgotten just how obvious the photo cropping was with those walk on the beach pictures. The floating shoes,Sophia's clothes, the attention on someone just off camera, Jake standing there with the shoes on, etc. (Not to mention the sound bite later of Sophia talking about loving to spend time with the guys together)
If Jake's PR believed that fans were too stupid to match up those pics, too blinded by the straight scramble to draw Jaustin conclusions, it's no wonder they counted on the masses falling for the hoax that is Reeke. Should have learned their lesson, 'cause now Jake looks even more ridiculous.
Kinda' expecting, now that Austin is on OTH, for the Sophia hook-up rumors to start soon. Will be looking for more hovering shoes.
(Usually don't pay much attention to the quipping harpies over on ONTD, but gotta say, I just LOVE that folks aren't giving Austin or Jake any slack about anything. Mrs. Gyllenhaal. Hee!)
I find the Mrs. Gyllenhaal line to be a little homophobic myself. Ain't no missus about Austin. Also those "quipping harpies" over there now have a median age of about 15. It's become almost unbearable to read anything over there.
Tobey not a lock for Spidey 4
Tied up all day but could not go to bed before catching up. Re the photo shopped pics, we've also seen other photos with Jake wearing the same orange jacket that Austin has on. Taken in NYC.
The scary thing about the altered pics is that his PR was hiding the facts almost from day one.
I'm delighted for Austin that he has a mainstream gig, as long as he stays indie and keeps weird :)
totally agree london, don't think we need worry though, I think Austin almost defines indie and weird (in the best possible way of course).
"The scary thing about the altered pics is that his PR was hiding the facts almost from day one."
ITA m the pr propaganda is scary, but this isn't "day one".
This is Jan 06, J and A met in 02/03 (?), and if Jake is Toothy they'd already been through Jake breaking up with Kiki, Austin breaking up with his fiancee, getting caught by the cops, breaking up, reuniting....
So what is PR hiding here. When Jaustin got serious?
BTW I'd love to ask the Jaustin skeptics why Jake has been cut out of these pix, even if they don't believe the photoshopping. What do they think is been hidden?
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