The Bone
All this talk about fighting it's ridiculous. Come on. Look at me I'm laid back, easy going, rolling with it. I know how to work Hollywood, it's not New York.
Who's gonna pick a fight with Frank Sinatra? I mean who messes with a bulldog name after a guy who says "I've got chunks of guys like you in my stool." No disrespect he's old he's 12 - that's 84 to you guys. Who fights with guys as old as Ed McMahon And he's Ryan's dog. He wanted a bulldog name Frank Sinatra. Ryan's cool, Frank's cool. Everyone's cool
Now Coco Chanel - the French bulldog - wearing pearls? Who does she think she is, and pearls for walks? Who does that?
And damn where's Chi Chi? Cause I haven't seen that Chihuahua around at all.
....Wag the dog
The Pick
Has to be Austin City Limits. It brings rock, indie, blues, world/ethnic contemporary and traditional, reggae, eclectic, fusion, electronic, soul, folk/Americana and almost all other music fans for three days, three stages and over a hundred bands. With Dallas, San Antonio and Houston are each within a 3 hour drive of Austin and having no similar events Austin is the place to be. And where else than the "world capital of live music".
Last's year ACL was all kinds of hot. With temps way above the average 88F for late September for Austin, an ignited propane tank that caused an explosion, and of course a shirtless Austin Nichols sighting with ring around his neck and shorts so low they can only be described as limbo (As is in how low do they go?) Do you really need to see that picture again today?
Don't know if this years can compete with that but if you want to check it out, go here for the live webcasts, sounds, pics and blogs from this year's ACL.Pictures: WDW, Just Jared, Flicker
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Bone to Pick
Posted by
Special K
9:19 AM
Labels: Atticus, Austin, Austin City Limits
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Much enjoying the goss, the news, the abs. Love to all xx
The Actor Paul Newman Has Died at 83.
As we know that Paul Newman was one of Jake's godfathers.
Newman was a gentleman, a wonderful actor, and even more, one of the greatest philanthropists. His Newman's Own products, where 100% of the profits raised when to charity, equaled hundred of millions of dollars for charities.
Thoughts and prayers to his wife Joanne, his family and friends.
I feel sad because of Paul Newman. He was classy and no one elsse is/was like him. Loved all his work.
Newmans son died of accidental overdose of prescription med. [with alchohol.] Shades of Heath. Hope Paul has a good reunion with Scott in heaven.
Jake has been compared to having PN's charisma. What a growing up year for Jake with the deaths of Heath, his grandmother and godfather Newman.
Yea the jealous dog fighting stories are ridiculous. BS. Must be why we never see her walking them together, ha. More like proof she/her PR reads this blog cos we brought up why she's papped walking Atticus never her dog or them together. Hi Reese!
Where in the world is Austin. (the person!) Maybe he'll get some time off and show up in ACL. Look for dried spitup on his shirt. (if he has one on LOL)
Again the music and blog today are great. Bone to Pick, the Bone and the Pick. LOL! How do you do it? You 2 need to write a book.
So sad about Paul Newman. He lived a wonderful, charitable and fun filled life. I wonder if Steven and Naomi will attend his funeral. I think they were all close friends.
I had never heard the term for that area on the hip. I am sure I will forget the iliac part, but never the gutter one. That is burned into my brain forever now.
I did not mean to imply Austin would give up his career entirely, just that he has made it a lower priority with babytile coming first. For all we know he's been in Morocco or London with Jake all along - he's rarely seen anywhere.
Check out Jakeseyelashes, DC forum. Another ACLU winner who recently had lunch with Jake posted a summary report. Brief because it was an unpleasant experience. I am not going to copy it here since it's on the open part of the forum and can be accessed by all.
PG, Sass is a very well known Babbler.
I hate people who are holier-than-thou. Reese is not lending her name to breast cancer awareness for free. She is being paid extravagantly for the use of her name. I don't care for Reese and I don't admire her in any way. Not sure what that has to do with what I do myself for breast cancer or for any other cause for that matter. I volunteer and contribute handsomely to several causes. My like or dislike of Reese has nothing to do with any of that.
So based on that Lashers account of meeting Jake does that mean he is in NYC now? If the lunch was pushed up a day to allow him to go to NYC?
I wonder how much the ACLU donation was?
PG, to use the chat just put a name in and click log in. If someone else is there you can talk to them.
Have to comment about the point that Sass brought up about Avon and breast cancer. Sass, what you seemed to be saying is that if we supported the fight against breast cancer we would support Avon. Sorry, but that doesn't follow. There are many organizations that I can think of that I feel do a much better job in the fight against breast cancer than Avon, and I do and will support those. Avon is not the only game in town in the fight against this disease, and they are not, in my opinion, one of the better organizations to support. While it's great that Avon is willing to put some effort and dollars into fighting this disease that affects so many women, please don't lose sight of the fact that Avon's main purpose is to sell products and make money. I feel they support the fight against breast cancer because they feel that support will help them with their main purpose. And, I'm sorry, that just sticks in my craw. I'd rather support and do support organizations whose main purpose is specifically the fight against breast cancer. Based on reading the comments here, I think I'm not alone in feeling this way and I'm glad.
2:53, Did that lunch just happen? Maybe Jake wanted to go to NY because he knew Newman was dying and wanted to see him before he passed (or he knew that his was going to die any minute) and wanted to go to the funeral. Connecticut is a half-hour/hour (depending on where you are in Connecticut) from NYC.
Would you stop deleting the comments you don't like? It happens very often that people who come later to the site do not know what the others are referring to.
it's ok to like reese
No, it isn't, she doesn’t deserve it.
Would you stop deleting the comments you don't like?
You're on the wrong blog. Our policy here is one of non-deletion. We only delete stuff that is particularly vicious and nasty. If you are referring to people talking about Sass's comment, it's in the previous thread.
Would you stop deleting the comments you don't like? It happens very often that people who come later to the site do not know what the others are referring to.
There has been nothing deleted. If something is deleted it is noted that is been delete by the blog administrator for everyone to see that action on the blog.
We try to avoid to delete comments as much as possible, wanting everyone have a place to speak their opinion. IF we we must delete we do so very judiciously.
BUT : Anonymous comment will be delete because we have a policy of no anonymous posting.
Brothers Spy on Babble is reporting from his anonymous source that Reese spent another weekend in Morocco with Jake at a "secret hideaway."
^^ LOL *snort*
Best laugh i've had all day!
Yes, Jake and Reese are very "secret" about their romance. lol!
I think that brother spy info is old news,not current.
It's not clear what date the lunch with rayandronnie took place other than it's obviously on the POP shoot. Maybe they will add the date later as comments come in. It does occur to me that the last time we saw Austin anywhere, on his own time and not on a movie shoot, it was in New York. Could he and babytile be living there now? Easier to get to from London. 6hrs, I think.
it's ok to like reese
OK.. then I'd like her gone!
Isn't One Tree Hill filmed in SC?
If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?
last time we saw Austin anywhere, on his own time and not on a movie shoot, it was in New York. Could he and babytile be living there now? Easier to get to from London. 6hrs, I think.
Less than 2 hour flight to Wilmington NC for OTH too.
I've seen at what Brothers spy says on Babble & its BS. All it is is backtracking dates & naming places/people & alot of speculation trying to make it sound like he knows something. This last shit was like all the other shit.
If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?
who cares about the death and destruction, as long as the deaf pap gets the pictures!
Was the Lunch With Jake on London set? Can't imagine why he does these.
Reading the report it is clear that the lunch was in Morocco. After that he spent a weekend in New York- people here will say with Austin, people over at GB will say with Reese...:-))
From what I understand the shootings in Morocco were really hard work - 10 hours, no breaks, the Moroccon heat and Jake and "Royandronnie" had obviously no chemistry at all. I feel sorry for her - having high expectations, the excitement - and then everything goes wrong....
Some "Brothers" news on a Natalie Portman side
Very sad about Paul Newman. I saw him and Joanne W. outside a Broadway theater maybe 5 years ago; he was as stunning in person as he is in pictures/movies.
Reading the report it is clear that the lunch was in Morocco. After that he spent a weekend in New York-
Read it again. Its clear the lunch was in London on September 24th making the weekend in NY now.
I'm sure Babblers are frothing at the mouth believeing the lunch was last week and Reeses LAX pics were returning from a NY weekend with Jake. *rolls eyes*
Interesting that Brothers Spy says he had this e-mail from his source for a week but just got around to posting it now.
btw movie shoots are messy and alot of work BUT its alot of hurry up and wait. ALOT of waiting around..Shitloads. Sure its not 8-5 with a 20 min break and 1 hour lunch but its not like being on a chain gang either.
Maybe Jake will bring The Chin with him to Paul Newman's memorial?
Brother's Spy hasn't had any "news" in quite a while, so maybe he had to make up something to keep the babblers happy. Either that or his "source" now knows what he does with the information and is feeding him a load of bs from pr. And maybe he just now got it to counter some of the bad publicity from that set visit story, but had to say he's had it for awhile to counter why he's just now writing about it.
Brother's Spy is Jack/Jeff troll?
Forgot to say I agree with Wicked's post about Avon. Also, at least in my case I was really attacking Reese. Among other things, it still bugs me that she is basically using her so-called charity work just for another photo opp.
I don't know what to make of that story about the set visit with Jake. Sounds both like a combination of expecting too much, bad timing, and Jake not being at his best.
I think so :)
Through all the losses Jake has had this year, is good to know that he has Austin for him there through all of them.
Know Your Trolls said:
PG, Sass is a very well known Babbler.
Oh, that rang loud & clear to me as soon as I checked out the website, albeit an absolutely well laid out one with excellent placement of photos. Heck, I had no idea, though. I have a ton of admiration for anyone going through what she's been through. I'm a consumer of Avon products, anyway; have been for I would say, 28 years? I can remember buying it when I was going to school in Miami. So if some of my money goes towards the fight against breast cancer, that's terrific. But I don't need to do it just because a celebrity is pitching it. I'm my own person; I don't buy anything because someone tells me to. And, anyway, like I said, I was speaking tongue in cheek. I was jacking around. Of course, I'm going to go back to my Avon store.
Man, I have been on a non-stop marathon of craft show/shopping since 8 this morning. Got some Christmas presents/birthday presents bought, though. You guys should see these cool photographs I bought. A photographer took alot of pictures of outdoor scenery, windmills, cattle, etc.
I bought 3. One is of a real closeup of this cowboy's boot in a stirrup, his spur sticking way out of the heel, against a gorgeous chestnut brown horse. He said he took it at a rodeo in Emporia KS. Then I bought one, a zoom shot of a cowboy's hand holding onto a lasso. The 3rd is of a sunset, taken in the Flint Hills of KS, with a cowboy on a horse silhouetted against the blueish/white looking clouds, standing on high ground. They are incredible looking. I am going to frame them all up; they look awesome. I'm going to call it my Brokeback montage. I had more fun looking at several photographer's work. Real closeups of flowers & gross insects.
I did not know about Paul Newman until I got onto my computer just now. He was a legend, plain & simple, and not too many around of his caliber. I feel so bad for his wife. They must have been married forever. Can you imagine being married to someone for as long as they have; it's like they are a part of you. And when one goes, it's like part of you is gone. How awfully lonely that must be. May he rest in peace.
Well, headed back out again. Hope everyone's having a great Saturday evening.
Remember there was talk a bit ago about Jake playing the Lone Ranger? Well it looks like Jake won't be saddling up Silver. According to The Sun George Clooney will be the Lone Ranger with Johnny Depp (who is part Native American)playing Tonto.
George Clooney to play the Lone Ranger
Congrats Philadelphia Phillies. 2008 National League East Champions. Go Fightins!
Back to Back NL East Champions. 2007 and 2008
Congrats Phillies.
Go Sox!
George Clooney is the most charismatic actor of the current crop (although that's been waning of late) but even at his height, he never touched the charisma of Paul Newman.
Sigh. They broke the mold when they made that man.
RIP to a true Hollywood legend
Now about the whole charity stuff? You are too obsessed with an actor/actress/sports star or whatever when you give to charities because they give to those charities and don't follow what's in your heart.
Years ago, when I was teaching in CT, I volunteered for a summer at the original "Hole-in the-Wall Gang" camp in Ashford. I was teaching spec. ed. at the time, and the camp was in its founding year. 1983, I remember. Cutting to the chase, I had the distinct honor & privilege of meeting and shaking hands with Paul Newman. Truly a gentleman with most honorable intentions, and his legacy will live on.
It was 1988,not '83.
RIP Paul Newman. Definitely a Hollywood legend. One of the great ones.
Spesh, I wear my Red Sox cap proudly here in AZ. I was practically weaned at Fenway Park. My dad graduated from Tufts, and my mother from B.U.
EVtb you know the glory of Fenway. It is unlike anywhere else in baseball. Once a Sox fan always a Sox fan. Red Sox Nation is everywhere.
Lovely story about Paul Newman too.
Was the Lunch With Jake on London set? Can't imagine why he does these.
I can't either, Jayna. When was that ACLU auction event, anyway? Why would you schedule the interview/luncheon during such a hectic time? And in Morocco? Wow, did this winner also pay the flight fare to attend her own luncheon/interview, which also cost a wad out of her pocket? Sorry, but no celebrity is worth all that. That's beside my point that I want to make, though.
I read the account which was posted over on WFT2 and the whole thing sounded pretty sad. It sounds like she just had too high of expectations. It is always a possibility to just catch someone on a bad or very busy day. (LoL, though; he should've recalled his desire to be attentioned to by Elizabeth Bush. That's just how this ACLU winner felt with him).
2 things about this
One. Celebrities & professional athletes? Very rarely are they who they may appear to be on television. And they're also not who they play in movies. They are a different breed & there's no getting around it. And if you put them up on a pedestal, you are just opening yourself up for disappointment. The reason I include pro athletes in this is I rank them up there with celebrities. I used to be quite the autograph hound and season ticket holder of our former NBA team, MISL soccer team, the Chiefs, and used to attend alot of Royals games. I would attend various banquets for all of these & you get to meet players that way. I had quite an eye opening this way. Anyway, that's just my feeling on that.
Two, I can fully understand if Jake had been distracted & probably tired, hot, etc., etc. And I'm not sure what all this person was expecting in return. It sounds like she was given quite a bit of time with him. I mean, what else could you want? But, if he really was standoffish in any way or giving her a drive-thru treatment, then he needs to stop volunteering this type of prize. It's not fair to the winner, who shells out alot of money for his cause. And I know that no one could possibly know what it was like to work in 100+ degree heat, with the hard work, 1000+ takes, sand & what all, but I watch our Big Boss, day after day, attend one meeting after another meeting, stay late all the time, fight for something in the department with the Plant Mgr, etc, etc. and besides having a hectic day, having to deal with salaried & union personnel problems, etc. and then a business contact arrives for a meeting (which she probably forgot all about, but whoops, there they are!) and I've got to hand it to her, you'd never know she had just been chewing somebody out or dealing with some frustration on the phone. She makes a turnaround, smiles, shakes the contact's hand, and for the next 1/2 hr, she turns her attention to that person. And that's part of why she gets paid the big bucks. She's a professional and that's what professionals learn to do. You learn to suck it up.
Just had to comment on that whole deal - it got stuck in my craw. Think everyone's gone to sleep. I feel alot better now. :)
12:08, well said. Jake needs lessons on being a professional. Do you think Clooney or DiCaprio, no matter how shitty they felt, would behave that way? I don't think so.
^^ I'm not for sure exactly who would react that way; you know there are pros out there. Probably someone like Angela Lansbury or, well, it sounds like Ben Kingsley was very gracious towards her that day.
This account sounds very viable & believable because she was very honest about her reaction, which was one of very grave but sad disappointment. And I know how she feels because I've been there. I rushed up to those ballplayers & NBA'ers many times, only to be lucky enough to get a scrabble of an autograph, barely a nod, a faintly mumbled "yeah, y'welcome" when I stupidly & gushingly thanked them for their autograph, and I don't wish to go back to that point ever again. There were exceptions. I was a huge fan of Scotty Wedman & he was so nice to us 3 girls every single time we waited after those games. He always stopped to speak to us. He was an exception. There's always gracious ones. But I'd say they're not near as plentiful.
And now that I look back on it, I was stupid back then. What a pain in the butt, LOL! I feel for those people, being hounded like that.
Now I know.
But for one day? When she paid probably a pretty good amount of $$$? Plus that ridiculously high priced airfare, hotel stay, not to mention the 14 hrs or whatever in the air??? I can't believe they did this over in Morocco. That part of it was insane.
The account sounds like she expected Jake to act like her date or - as she even said - a friend of hers.
If you go into a meeting like that with those expectations of course you're going to be disappointed.
It sounds like Jake was trying to be nice to her, even she says that he wasn't being rude, just different than how she expected him to be.
I can see why he would be a little distant if she tried to have him be her friend. He's been working really hard to keep his private life out of the spotlight so I understand why he gets wary when someone acts too familiar.
He should have thanked her for paying all that money though, I have to agree with that.
Right, Stubborn TB, I also agree with you. I don't know exactly what she was expecting. This was the first time she had ever met him. They don't know each other; they're not longlost friends. And, we don't know what all kind of day it had been.
And I'm not defending him to the death, either. Like I said, if he was giving the drive thru treatment, that's not cool. Then he should think twice before offering this type of prize next time.
I'm my own person; I don't buy anything because someone tells me to.
LOLLLL! Except when it came to trying out Netflix!! Wicked said jump & I said "How high and how many times?!"
One of the best sales jobs I've ever been privy to, tho, and I don't regret it!
The part of this I find really interesting is that originally the luncheon was supposed to happen on the Brothers set. But SHE put it off and kept putting it off. The ACLU, Jake and his people were kind enough to extend the invite at a later date; they didn't have to. It was her own decision to fly to England. By her own admission she states she was told they were filming long hours without breaks. Yet she had no problem wrangling and begging for more time with Jake, all the while the production is losing precious filming time.
It's sad that her account had less to do with Jake, the film, wardrobe, etc. etc. and more to do with how she felt slighted that he didn't want to be her BFF.
Hoping he'd notice her Heath-replica tattoo and BBM bracelets? Are you kidding me? He saw them. And knew from the git-go what he was dealing with: crazy obsessed delusional fangirl.
Really sad about Paul Newman. My heart gos out to his family.
I felt really bad for that poster that met with JG. They actually sounded crushed. It's sad when you realize people arent really who you thought they were.
Spooky is celebrating one year of Austin Nichols Journal!
Congratulations Spooky.
Hope everyone gets a chance to stop over and wish her the best.
Ahhh, Name, you do lend more insight into it that I did not know. Is this all mentioned in her journal? I admit, I did not read her journal, I just read her account which was re-copied on
WFT2. Helps to have all of the facts, doesn't it? Well, I don't know if it would have helped any more or not if the luncheon/interview would've been held in London than Morrocco. It certainly didn't help in Morrocco, I don't think, what with the climate and the length of time he's been over there. But who knows if the Brothers set would've been any different? Or London's? Maybe not, hmm? We'll never know. I'm still not going to let him off of the hook that easily.
We also don't know her age, either. That has a little bit to do with it sometimes. Sounds like me in my 20's, back when, like I said, I was glossy eyed over professional athletes. You mention the tattoo. I don't think one really should expect too much out of a hug, either. My gosh, how many people do you hug that you've never even met before, or rather I should say, expect a "quality-type" hug? Not sure exactly what kind of "hug" was expected there. That was too high of expectation as well. But I am just empathizing with her disappointment. I still feel for her.
Hey Clarity, you were up with the owls last night. Probably sawing logs now, huh?
Last day of the weekend. Feels like syrup is in my veins now, not blood. Like I'm dragging myself around, knowing that the big V is really about over. I miss all my co-workers, that's the thing. I stopped by on Thurs night to weed out all my emails. Supposed to be a 20 min. visit; it turned into over an hour visit, lol! Got to visiting with the night whse super & lead man, chatting up a storm, moaning & groaning over the "state of affairs" in our pathetic work lives, and having laughs. And somehow getting wazzled into buying a bag of popping corn for Nine dollars!! to help out the Cub Scouts (highway robbery, that is, I'm tellin you). But it was great. Just don't look forward to all the stress that 4th qtr brings. Ugh.
Forgot to mention, too, that 1st picture is a real keeper. It's a classic shot. Grrrrrrr. Excellent choice, Special.
PG I think they were in London. Am I missing something does she say it was Morocco? Either way if he agreed to do it he should have been more gracious.
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