You don't normal think of Donnie Darko as a Halloween movie, but it is with the date of the world ending on Halloween. But do you know who Donnie went as to Halloween party?
Jake has told about his previous costumes for Halloween including a house complete with lighting, and of course the famous tube of toothpaste.
But what about Austin? In a couple of these pictures he looks llke he is channel, Shaggy next to The Mystery Machine and is it Pebbles or is it Braveheart?
So what will it be this year? Will Jake embrace Pittsburgh and do Andy Warhol? Or maybe since he's got the haircut at the moment channel his JFK?
Will Austin do the man in black, Johnny Cash? Or go as spahgetti western with real spaghetti? A wild turkey would be too expected, but about Johnny Walker Red?
Any ideas?
If they are together somewhere in NYC celebrating the high holiday maybe:
Buzz and Woody - yeah right think Disney, well maybe not.
Starsky and Hutch - Austin would be all about the slacks.
Austin as Knightrider and Jake as Mitch from Bay Watch - cause you know Two Hoffs don't make it right.
of maybe they should just go as Cucumber and Tomatoes
Yeah we know, we are always behind Europe. So for those in the US, remember tonight we turn the clocks back an hour.
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Happy Halloween
Posted by
Special K
10:03 AM
Labels: Happy Halloween
Friday, October 30, 2009
On the Job Training
Got this sent to me about Austin on OTH, from Stubborn TB, and thought it was interesting. I am so not a numbers person, so this is one thing I would not have calculated.

"Austin had a little over 3 minutes screentime in the latest episode. That's 7% of the whole episode. (Now the percentage of that 7% spent in some state undress is what ...60-75%?) "
"He had more screentime when he was still a guest star instead of a regular. He had less than 2 1/2 hours worth of screentime in 21 episodes, which makes up roughly 10%. "
OTH is an ensemble show with 6 main charaters and 4 major storylines with 4 B-storylines so that is a lot to balance and fit in everyweek. So maybe that's why we don't see Austin as much as we like.

This isn't Austin's first esemble show. But with Milch, it was dialog heavy and lots of last minute rewrites. He worked in FNL, Surface, and Pasadena. All ensembles Working in an esemble cast does have it's advantages. You have time to work on other things when you are waiting for others to film, or on the days you have off. And your days on the set you can learn as much as you can about production.
We know that Austin has behind the scene interests. He reads, he writes everyday, and we've seen him talking with the directors and in video village on several projects he's done. He takes advantage of the on the job training. You think we will see him get a chance to director a episode if OTH is renewed for another season?

Austin Trivia for Austin Friday: Austin seems to find himself cast in dramas on TV. But can you name the one comedy he was cast in ?
Posted by
Special K
11:09 AM
Labels: Austin, Comedy, Drama, On the Job Training, One Tree Hill
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Tickle Tinkle Litle Star
Hello Mr Jake Gyllenhaal I Elmo.
Hi Elmo, my friends call me Jake.
Elmo like Jakey better
(Giggling) Ohhhh Kay
Mr. Jake Gyllenhaal, I mean Jakey...hee hee hee hee... have ever been to Sesame Street?
No Elmo, but my mom used work there
Work on Sesame Street? Like Maria? hee hee hee hee, Elmo no know her.
You could be on Sesame Street.
I'm going to be on Sesame Street.
No ..hee hee hee... you look like us.
I look like you?
Elmo mean that you are very hairy. Like Elmo.
Well I don't have hair on my back like you.
Elmo says you will Mr. Jake Gyllenhaal, You will. hee hee hee hee
Then you and I will be alike.
No, Because Elmo's cuter and handsomer
Elmo I hear you like to cook.
Elmo loves to cook. Elmo a good cook.
I like to cook Elmo.
Nooo you don't cook Elmo, you cook food.
(Giggling) I mean I cook too.
You might but you no Mr. Batalli.
I know Mr. Batalli
That 's right you no Mr. Batalli.
Right I know Mr. Batalli
Mr. Jake Gyllenhaal Elmo confused.
So is Mr. Jake Gyllenhaal.
Elmo you're very funny.
Elmo says Jakey funny too. But you're no Mr. Gervais.
Let's don't start this again.
What do you do Mr. Jake Gyllenhaal?
I'm an actor Elmo.
You mean like Mr. Robert DeNiro?
Yes Elmo. Just like that. Hmmm, let's see what movie might you know? Donnie.. no,, Brokeback..nooo I played aBubble Boy.
A Bubble Boy? Elmo knows now you no Mr. DeNiro.
Jakey. Hee hee hee hee. Elmo still cuter.
Do you have a Tickle Me Elmo at home?
No I have a Tickle Me Nichols
Elmo giggles when he's tickled. What does Tickle Me Nichols do.
Anything he likes.
And when you gotta go you gotta go. Story in the Pittsburgh paper about the reporter's family of Gladys Kravitzes ( Must say if I ever had a cat, I would name it Mrs. Kravitz, best cat name ever) who were getting there Gladys up when Jake and Anne were filming. The reporter explains that "anyone spreading gossip is Kravitzing and, if the dirt is good, can at least temporarily hold the title "Gladys of All Kravitzes." And this Kravitzing was about Jake and Anne.
"My wife tells me she and our two daughters are going to walk around the corner to Shannon's house because Shannon had called to say Jake Gyllenhaal and Anne Hathaway were talking in the vacant lot outside her bathroom window."....
"They never got inside Shannon's. There was no need. While they were still on the stoop, Gyllenhaal ran right past them for the corner coffee shop, Hoi Polloi, evidently to use the bathroom. (Pennsylvania's film tax credit buys a lot of coffee.)"
It was our daughter Clare, celebrating her 10th birthday that night, who provided the best reporting of the evening. When I asked what she thought of seeing a famous actor on her birthday, she said, "It looked like he really had to go because he ran into Hoi Polloi."
Think Clare wins the "Gladys of Kravitzes".
Read the whole story at the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
And this from Zechautograph:
So we leave and stumble onto the Jake Gyllenhaal/Anne Hathaway set. Yet another good set up and NO COPS around. It was fantastic. We got Anne leaving the set, but she did not do pics w/"
Jake says he can't, he has to run. We find the trailors and he is alrady inside, but after about 1/2 hour, comes out and, this is NO JOKE, APOLOGIZES TO US FOR MAKING US WAIT. After everything I had heard about this guy, he told us he was sorry for making us wait, took pictures with us, talked for a little while. And signed 1 per, personalized and thanked us for being fans. THIS IS NOT A JOKE.
Maybe had to just to go got go got go right now.
Posted by
Special K
10:10 AM
Labels: Elmo, Jake, Love and Other Drugs, Sesame Street, Tickle Me Nichols.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Give 'em the boot
Jake was sporting some hot kicks when he was out with PoP's Pop but trades them for something a little more subdued. The boot. More specifically the Delta Lace Up Work Boot.
The Delta Work Boot is made from smoked chocolate cordovan leather. Our most durable boot features antique brass eyelets and waxed cotton laces and a unique flex sole that simultaneously allows for comfort and durability. Detailed by heavy double stitching and back leather pull-tabs, the Delta boot measures 8” from top to bottom. Hand made in Italy.
Yes you read it right. Cordovan, Cordovan, Cord-o-van.
For you all the long timers you know my deal about the cordovan shoes. (no I am not doing a cordovan dance...I have a modicum of decorum left...ha!)
And where to get the new boots? Billy Reid's, "Men's and Women's southern-bred luxury clothing, shoes, and leather", as their description says. And peek through the door and the website you see plenty of plaids and some epaulettes... hmmm sounds like? As time goes by you see ..... with all the little things.
Did you just call me Jethro?
Posted by
Special K
8:28 AM
Labels: Jake, Jethro Boots
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Plaids and Pop Pop
Something looking a little similar?Funny how that happens over time. Spend your day in trailers somewhere warm. Start dressing alike. Soon it's regular early bird specials. ; )
Must the admit the thought of matching plaid suits is too too much. (shudder)
It was great to see Jake in the City and out with his dad doing a little shoe shopping and enjoying an espresso. But why didn't he save it for when he's out shopping and having coffee with the farmer/tiny dancer/perfumer? Take too long, I bet and not a tenth as fun. That's right's its all about soft furnishings now.
Funny how much has changed from one Columbus Day to the next. Last year's was lingerie in London and this year sofas in Soho. Guess the bloom is off, (yawn) Ironically it's now the name of her perfume. (Life is the best comedy)
Jake is looking great, and great to see that smile. Looks like he is making the most of being East Coast based. Here's another question - why look for a sofa in Soho for a place in Cali? I mean can you imagine the shipping on that? LOL
Someone posted the link earlier, gamers were giving a preview of PoP that will be a trailer for 2012 with Ben Kingsley getting his evil on, Jake and Gemma, and a glowing dagger. The words Indiana Jones is now added to the list of commonalities along with Lawrence of Arabia. If Mike Newell creates combination of the epic of Arabia and the comic wink of Indy with swagger and the adventure of both along with a great cast and stunning visuals, wow now that some kind of PoP.
Many have said the Roland Emmerich's 2012 is the Day after The Day After Tomorrow except without Jake. Now that the PoP is a trailer for 2012 its a little bit Jake AND Roland destroying the world again, sneak in a nip of Wild Turkey and you could have a trifecta of TDAT.
No doubt the trailer will find its way online before the second showing on 2012's opening day.
Posted by
Special K
12:46 PM
Monday, October 26, 2009
Sofa King Nuts ie One Tree Hill
Out of Brooke Davis' bed , next stop Sofa City. Is this Julian's new place of residence on the Brooke Davis' couch or will he find another couch that is a much better fit? And who's?
And why would be sent to the couch when she has a guestroom that Sam stayed in. Isn't that were his The Red Line Poster went to go live? It's not her home office because that's the kitchen for a fashion mogul like Brooke Davis. Too afraid he will make it into a mancave spend time reading, building houses of cards, and going over scripts? Playing backgammon?

Or is it that Mark and Company want a half naked Austin pop up on the couch with bed head? Since they know that people do like him with bed head.

Back at the Crazy Tree:
Nathan's dad brings Nathan's baby mama onto his television show, leaving Nathan and Haley and Maury Povich powerless to stop him from revealing the truth of her pregnancy to the world. DENIED POVICH DENIED. Quinn tries to figure what went wrong with the Hubs - David, while Feats of Clay and mystery girl Sara discuss their past. What past and where did this past happen? Wait did this happen in the magical 14 months of mystery that Mark Schwahn's hopped skipped and jumped over again or the other two times they did the Time Warp?
Meanwhile, Brooke comes clean with Julian about her true desires. "I love being the boss and not just in the office", "You're my future trophy
James Lafferty - Nathan directed tonight's episode.
Posted by
Special K
11:38 AM
Labels: Julian Baker, Mancave, One Tree Hill, OTH, SofaKing
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Out Spotlight CIII
Today's Out Spotlight is transgendered activist Demet Demir. Born in 1961 in Yalova, Turkey, she has been a transgendered activist since 1980 when she was jailed after the 1980 military coup of Turkey. She was jailed again in 1982, and again with torture in 1991.
Homosexuality is a crime in most Muslim nations, where penalties range from prison to death. But Turkey has no laws against it, and Istanbul, the largest city, attracts those whose sexual orientation would be considered aberrant elsewhere in the Muslim world. But to be a LGBT person in a country that is 99% Muslim is not easy.
Growing up , Demir preferred to play with girls instead of boys and around age 19 confirmed what the family suspected: "I said, 'You can send me away, but I'm not going to change.' " Although Demir's mother is a devout Muslim who has made the pilgrimage to Mecca, she accepted the news, and the two have remained close.
Like many Turkish transvestites beginning the transformation to woman, she initially wore heavy makeup and short skirts; tight-fitting pants revealing the outlines of her penis.
She worked for 15 years as a prostitute and was arrested more than 300 times, she says. She became active in the Radical Democratic Green Party, which championed sexual rights, and ran unsuccessfully for public office.
Demir established the first sexual minorities’ commission within the (Turkish) Human Rights Organization. She was responsible for printing up and distributing the first pink triangle badges in Turkey, and participated in the feminist movement and its organization, issuing a report for the first women’s congress in Turkey, and has also worked in organization fighting Aids-related illness. She took part in the successful campaigns against article 159, which prevented married women working without their husbands’ consent, and article 438, which decreases the punishment by one third in cases where the female victim is a prostitute.In 1989, Demir traveled to Ankara as a journalist to observe a court trial. There her ID, which depicted her as a male, differed from her female appearance. She was questioned four times, tortured and beaten. Her purpose was questioned even after she presented a press card and she was told that as she was a gay she had no reason for her presence there.
She was the first trans woman and the first person considered a prisoner of conscience by Amnesty International because of “sexual orientation”. She completed her transition in 1996. Demir received International Lesbian and Gay Human Rights Commission Felipa de Souza Award in 1997. On returning to Turkey after receiving the award, she was re-arrested within hours when she tried to help a young girl who was being beaten by police officers for selling handkerchiefs to help a transgender workshop.
Now the leading voice of Turkey's transvestite and transsexual community, thought to number around 3,000, Demir says the push for acceptance has been helped by the country's bid to join the European Union. The EU has been critical of Turkey's human rights record.
Demet Demir is known for her determination and activism. She continues to maintain a leadership role in her struggle against the harassment and intimidation against the transgender community in Istanbul.
I realized that I was different when I was five or six. I felt that I liked to be close to my own kind. Yes, I had a different sexual identity. But it was not important when I was a small child. They made me feel that it's important in my age of adolescence. Rules of morality, religion, and patriarchy. And the pressure of my family and the society was added to all these. It was only me who knew about my sexuality. I had to hide my emotions and it was very difficult. I was a prisoner everywhere.
Yes, it was hard to survive in a Muslim country and patriarchal, feudal society. I thought a lot about what I was guilty for but could not find an answer. It was impossible to match my life with religion because Islam rejects all gays, lesbians and transgendered people. Islam, with all institutions is one of the most important factors that darkens life for homosexuals.
I asked myself how I could overcome all these difficulties. I had to be a well-cultured person and next step would be to put pressure on people to learn about sexual culture. Because in Turkey the problem is not only with homosexuality, the problem is the whole sexuality! First I had to deal with my family. They knew I was like a girl and did not say anything when they saw me playing with girls all the time. But they could not accept that I was a homosexual. And even when I was still male I was sexually harassed by so-called "heterosexual" men around who wanted to sleep with me. It was my sexuality which was always emphasized about me.
Posted by
Special K
9:07 AM
Labels: Demet Demir, Out Spotlight, transgender
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Not a Brother's keeper
They've shared the screen together. They've co-starred with some of the same actresses. They've driven each other crazy in the desert. They're friends, co-stars and now brothers in law.
And these two together seems like they would up to nothing good . Good luck Maggie.

Get a BAFTA, Get a saucer.

I told the DJ to put on Candyshop for your entrance.
Excuse me for forgetting to put this on today's post.
Happy Birthday Spooky!
Thanks for Austin Nichols Journal.
Posted by
Special K
11:56 AM
Labels: Brothers in Law, Jake, Peter Sarsgaard
Friday, October 23, 2009
Student Teacher
You've seen Austin play high school English teacher, Noah Barnett on Friday Night Lights.
But he played a student too. A high school student in the TV drama Pasadena.
Pasadena was one of the best canceled shows that no one ever caught. the show follows the Greeleys of Pasadena, a completely f'd up power-family in California who not only owns the biggest newspaper in town seems to own the police as well. The show as cynical and dark, too dark for the timing (two weeks after 9/11/) with implied incest, the drug abuse, the murders, the suicides, the conspicuous consumption, an over-sexed minister, a corrupt therapist, a body buried in the bushes and general insanity (hmmm...sounds like some similarities to a show on HBO about a another Southern California family)
Pasadena is about Lily McAllister, shelter pampered 15 year old who witnesses the suicide of a stranger in the dining room of her family's luxe Pasadena home. She was unprepared for the blasé, unconcerned reactions of the her family to the appalling spectacle. So she sets out to find out why the man killed himself and why no one in the family seemed to care that he did. Doing so she began to methodically unearth a number of family secrets -- and in the process, put herself in jeopardy.
Where does Austin come in?
Lily goes to see a psychiatrist, Dr. Darwell, to talk about her issues with what has been happening. Spotted at his dad's office, Dr. Darwell's teenage son, Charlie, (Austin) makes friends with Lily. Friends first date later is Charlie's agenda. Soon Lily accepts a date with Charlie, and shares her problems with him. Later she convinces Charlie to let her look through his father's files for information about Philip Parker, the man who killed himself in her dining room. In the process they find a series of tapes of sessions Charlie's dad with her brother Robert, when he was a teenager, who confesses to a murder on tape. Lily wants to take the tapes to the police, but Charlie refuse knowing that his father could lose his practice or go to jail if his role in the cover-up is exposed. Lily goes to her other brother Henry, who assures Lily that they can go back and steal the tapes while Charlie is at school.
Charlie got played! Least he got a little taste of her Bonnie Bell lip smacker.
Pasadena really didn't get a chance to find its way. It debuted two weeks after 9/11 most of the US was not in a place for such a dark storyline. Only four episodes were originally aired in the U.S., although thirteen were filmed, before it was canceled. The last episode wraps the mystery of the suicide and how it fits in with the Greeleys. In 2003 and 2004, all thirteen episodes were aired in various countries such as Romania, Bulgaria, Colombia, New Zealand, Denmark, South Africa and China. In 2005, SoapNet in the US aired the entire series.
Austin was in some good acting company on the show including Dana Delany, Martin Donovan, Nathan Filion, Mark Valley, Balthazar Getty, Natasha Gregson Wagner, Philip Baker Hall and Barbara Babcock.
And what's Pasadena's connection to Jake? Mike White conceived and wrote Pasadena who wrote Good Girl and has been seen hang out with Jake this past spring.
And the OTH connection? Sophia grew up in Pasadena.
Posted by
Special K
12:30 PM
Labels: Austin, Austin Fridays, Charlie Darwell, Mike White, Pasadena
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Fox in Socks?
Now what do you think Mr. Nichols was wearing under the sheet in this scene?
Socks maybe? But one? two? or three?
Here's the real question, did he slip the boxers/towel/sarong off under the sheets, Mr. Modest like, or did he just do the drop and then dive under the cover so the crew could experience a New Moon teaser without Robert Pattinson?
Speaking of . Robbie came in #1 in Glamour's Sexiest under 30, and Jake made the list again, his last year eligibility. Coming at # 26. Hey for a fella who's only one of the two turning 29 on the list and the elder statesmen of the group,(Chris Pine was #22), not having a movie out since he was 26 , its not so shabby. Neither is the fact that his has been consistently on their list.
What did Glamour say made him sexy? " One of the few stars that can actually get away with facial hair, Jake’s never off our radar. Or Reese Witherspoon’s. Grrrrr."
Does that mean Reese had him shot and tagged with a tracking device? Well it would be easier to pull those pop up photo ops she likes. He's heading toward yogurt place. (Pulling a U-ie in the middle of Santa Monica Blvd) Hold on kids, mommy's taking you for a treat. Soft serve yogurt everybody. Yeah!
No more Mr. Softie - Could be a call to arms from Ted or just the tag for Love & Other Drugs.Opening sequence for LaOD. Picture a montage of funny cuts of less than "rising" star romantic moments over history, problem solving devices, Austin Powers and his pump, Jake trying to schmooze doctors, line production of little blue pills, flags rising, quick cuts of all kinds of couples finding things a little more exciting, balloons inflating, old men picking up old ladies in the nursing home mixers, bread rising, exasperated wives pushing husbands away, Sun rising, Jake coming back into Dr. office's not having any problems meeting with Drs now, party blowers, rich old men take a little blue and flashing cash at Anna Nichole look alikes in strip clubs, very satisfied couples, porn stars high five-ing, fluffers out of work, Pfizer stock rising, a very happy Hef and playmates in his big bed, and Jake walking slow mo through the hospital getting a standing ovation (well they are trying to stand up) from a group of old guys waiting at the urologist office.
To what? Julia Lee's My Man Stands Out, or since its 1997, Black Crowes cover of Hard to Handle. Or maybe today's song.
Glamour's 30 Sexiest under 30
Posted by
Special K
12:41 PM
Labels: Austin, Jake, Love and Other Drugs, One Tree Hill, OTH, Sexiest
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
" Love Drugs" sure looked like a doctor's office, from the names on the outer glass door to the men in white coats, stethoscopes slung around necks, filing cabinets, boxes of latex gloves and (unopened) urine sample cups, scale and weight chart.
Jamie fires stats at the doc -- "33 percent fewer phone calls at 4 a.m." -- while Knight weighs a request from his receptionist, Cindy (Judy Greer). A woman is on the phone asking for an antibiotic for her daughter, starring in a high school production of "Bye Bye Birdie."
The physician, with reading glasses low on his nose, says, "Sure, why not." Jamie cranks his charming smile to full tilt for Cindy, who pivots and hustles back down the hallway.
After some back and forth about Knight angling for a consultant's gig, the doctor plucks a chart from outside an exam room and the men step inside as the director calls cut.
Hey everybody!
Hi Dr. Nick!
It doesn't take Viagra to get Pittsburgh excited, Jake's movie has done just that. More love for the movie from the city of Pittsburgh. And from the looks of it, Ed Zwick's first project in the 3 Rivers has been going well. LaOD is track to film until late November, with Anne coming in last week to start to film her part. But someone who has been on set with Jake more has been Atticus. Sounds like Atti is spending his days on location, and getting his own attention with tweets saying people have gotten to play with him on set.
Great role for Jake who is gets to turn on his charm and that smile as he peddles his pills. But it is meeting Maggie (Anne) and artist that is key to the storyline. Zwick talks about their attraction and passion that is key to story. Sounds like their will be lots of sparks. Wonder if that passion will lead to some big fireworks. Kind of want to see Jake have a great big crazy couples squabble on screen with Annie. Saw some of it in BBM as Jack with Lureen and Ennis but it was really more one sided, something with a equally passionate person going toe to toe would be different angle of Jake on screen. But it does sound like Jamie and Maggie fall good and hard for each other.
"When you see what they have together, that is the heart and soul of the movie," - Ed Zwick.

You think Anne is going to have to tell Jake it's ok to touch the girls this time?
Before we forget. You've met the brother (Josh Gad) and the others (Oliver Platt, Hank Azaria, Judy Grear) now its time to meet the parents. Yup this is Jake and Josh's onscreen parents.
George Segal and Jill Clayburgh

Check out the newest article about the movie here: Pittsburgh Addicted to Gyllenhaal's Love & Drugs
Posted by
Special K
1:40 PM
Labels: Anne, Anne Hatthaway, Atticus, Dr. Nick, Hank Azaria, Jake, Love and Other Drugs, Pittsburgh
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Little Blue Pill(ow) Talk
Hellllo there mister.
Ummm, hey what time is it?
Don't want to talk to me?
No that's not it, just checking the time.
Read the article.
Saw the show.
Chickens huh? Left out that you choke your chicken.
Hey! Not with you I don't. Mr. Gratuitous Butt Shot.
It was not gratuitous, it was right for the storyline. I am supposed to be ogled. And you have no room to talk. Santa boy.
Not a fan of the ogling. You know your butt will be all over the internet by morning. Only person who should be ogling that Tex-asstic ass is me.
Wait time is it? Man I have to be up soon.
Gather those eggs, cook some breakfast. Pick those peppers. Someone is trying change the subject, jealous.
I'm not. And it wasn't peppers it was tomatoes and cucumbers.
You gotta laugh at that cause she didn't think about Bob & Larry.
.... wait you did that on purpose. Evil.
Hey I try.
Night Mr. Viagra, text me later.
Who needs Viagra when I have the screencaps from your show. Rob is hot.
Who loves ya baby.
Posted by
Special K
8:55 AM
Labels: Austin, Bob and Larry, Jake, Little Blue Pill, OTH, Tex-asstic