The first few kernels pop, then is starts to swell getting bigger and bigger and soon it will mushroom into a full blown explosion of PoP.
Jake will be west coast bound after filming wraps for this week, heading to WonderCon in San Francisco. Jake is joining Bruck, Mike Newell and Jordan Mechner on Saturday for a panel discussion about PoP and for an exclusive sneak peak of the movie.
What's WonderCon? I'ts an annual comic book, science fiction, and motion picture convention in Bay Area since 1987.
And it might not be just the movie or the game that might gets the attention at WonderCon but the graphic novel as well with the WonderCon crowd.
While we've seen Todd McFarland's name pop up and the action figures, his also the name most seen with the PoP graphic novel, he's not alone. There's a whole list of some heavy hitting artists in the graphic novel universe that are interpreting the Prince and the story including Tom Fowler, David Lopez, Bernard Chang, Tommy Lee Edwards, Cameron Stewart, Nico Henrichon, Pete Pantazis and Dave Stewart.
We've talked about the sights but what about the sound?
Now what's a movie without a score and theme music. While OMG's Prince on Prince was passed over they did go with something maybe as good. Maybe.
Some of the songs include The Prince of Persia, Tamina Unveiled, The King and His Sons, No Ordinary Dagger, The Sands of Time, and Destiny. But it's the Ostrich Race theme makes me wonder what that sounds like, and if the son Journey Through the Desert sounds like the theme to Lawrence of Arabia. And with the Sands of Time sound like "likes sand in an hour glass, these are the Days of our Lives", and what kind of song could it be with a title "So, You're Going to Help Me?" I say polka but I might be wrong. : )
One thing if for sure is who is singing the theme song for Prince of Persia. Mike Newell had hinted about a female singer to sing the theme song, but no one was sure he was talking about. We know it is Alanis Morisette, while you might thing she would remake Jagged Little Pill into Jagged Big Dagger, you'd be wrong, she is singing the title song I Remain.
Now if you want to put on you Tamina or Dastan outfit, grab your toy dagger, get the Legos, and grab a truckload of sand to make your own PoP epic, you can buy the sound track on You're on your own to find your own ostriches. Just don't ask Jake.
From the Comingsoon video we find out the three things Jake feared the most making PoP, ostriches, the accent and swordfighting. He is more confident about his accent, sounds like he held his own with swords, but the ostriches...
Which is surprising since he handles a goose and a wild turkey so well.
Wonder if he is going to ditch the ostriches out of his Lego sets.
Check out the rest of Jake's interview here:
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Jiffy PoP
Posted by
Special K
4:53 PM
Labels: Jake, Jiffy PoP, PoP, Prince of Persia, WonderCon
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Blown' up real good.
With Duncan blowing up things in Canada it made me thing of this:
Howdy Farmers I'm Big Jim McBob
And I'm Billy Sol Hurok
And welcome to Farm Film Celebrity Blow up. Welll..we got good show for you today.
Yeah real good.
Real good show with a real good guest too.Yeah he's real good. He's an actor and he was a cowboy and now a prince.
Cowboy and a Prince? That's good. Real Good.
And he's a handsome one.
Yeah real handsome. Today's real good guest is Jake Gyl -len-haal
Gyl-len-haal Good Real Good.
Jake's over there in Montreal working on a movie with that Jones guy. Blown' up stuff
Blown' up stuff real good
He's fit real fit. He just got one some list you'd never be on Billy. Men's Fitness makes a list of them real fit guys. Jak'e made list.
Biking.Running lifting fighting.
Real Fit.Yeah Real Fit. Bet he be good on the farm.
Yeah. Real good.
Back to Jake and that real good movie he's makin'. He's blown' up a train over and over.
"Blow'd up good, blow'd up real good!"
Sounds like a good movie.
Real good.
Now comes the part of the show we blown' up stuff real good!
Blow'd up good, blow'd up real good!"
We done exploded a lot of 'em celebrities.
There was funny little Dustin Hoffman, that David Steinberg fella,
Bernadette Peters,
Neil Sedaka, and ewwww weeee Oscar winning actress Meryl Streep.
She blowed up... blowed up REAL good.
Now Jake get on that choo choo and go go.
Choo Choo Boom!He blow'd up good.
Yeah Blow'd up good, blow'd up real good!"
That's all for our show today.
Join us next week our guests will be the cast of that show the Crazy Tree something.
They're going make all this drama about a huskie eating a heart and drinking a Molsen and then blow'n up real good.
Blow'n up good. Blow'n up real good.
May the good Lord take a likin' to you and blow'd you up real soon.
Next up on SCTV
Posted by
Special K
12:08 PM
Labels: Farm Film Celebrity Blow Up, Fit, Good Real Good, Jake, Source Code
Monday, March 29, 2010
Writer's Block
Why Austin's fall plans are still a bit up in the air, we do know one thing for sure that he'll be seen in Beautiful Boy. Austin stars along with Maria Bello and Michael Sheen, along with Moon Bloodgood, Alan Tudyk, Kyle Gallner and Meat Loaf.
The story is a new perspective on sadly a story that has been in the news too many times but this time with a different focus. Bello and Sheen are an unhappily married couple on the verge of a divorce. Then they find out that their 18-year-old son committed a mass shooting at his college, just before taking his own life. The story is about what happens to those left behind to deal with his decisions. They struggle to find refuge from both the media and their mutual grief.
Austin plays Cooper Stearns who's writing the story about the killings.
Talking about the movie Maria Bello said, "It made me fall in love with acting again! It’s a beautiful script and such an emotional story about these parents whose son goes through a Columbine-type shooting. It’s about their relationship really, how it falls apart and coming together and what that means."
Beautiful Boy (Official Site) - just a peek now
Posted by
Special K
11:05 AM
Labels: Austin, Beautiful Boy
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Out Spotlight CVXXX
Today's Out Spotlight is the first recorded gay establishment in North America.
Must be be in New York? San Francicso? Chicago? No it's Montreal. And it was in 1869. Thirty years before the word homosexual was in the vernacular.
The first recorded gay establishment in North America was Montrealer Moise Tellier's "apples and cake shop" on Craig Street, which is now rue St-Antoine, in Old Montreal where men met and had sex. Today there is Le Village/The Village one of the largest gay communities in North America.
But back then anyone outside of the loop had to be extremely careful about where they would hook up. It was the summer of 1891 when Montreal police arrested of William Robinson and William Looney for having sex by the fort on Ile-Ste-Helene, according to police records.
"William Robinson was on his back with his pants down his legs and his shirt lifted above his chest," the arresting officer wrote in his deposition. "Looney also had his pants pulled down and shirt pushed up and was lying on top of Robinson. Their private parts were touching and they were making up-and-down movements. They continued to do this for 10 minutes."
Moise Tellier's was somewhere that was more discreet for men to meet other men, and less of a risk of being arrested by the police for "lewd acts". The Colonial Baths/Bain Colonial Baths, the city’s oldest bathhouse, opened in 1914, adding to the few other gay establishments in that area of Old Montreal.The fact that all gays and lesbians did not internalize the dominant culture's view of them as sick, perverted and immoral went a long way to helping establish a community in Montreal. Montreal had long been a gateway for people, much like New York for over 300 years, a place where from no matter you came from, you could find a place for you there. One reason that there was thriving nightlife in Montreal, both gay and straight was that Montreal was a major entertainment capital, second to only New York and ahead of Chicago on the vaudeville circuit, and the city was still wide open to gambling, boozing and carousing during American prohibition.
In the 1920s, gay people began to congregate in Montreal’s downtown establishments, centred around the corner of Stanley and St.-Catherine streets in the west. For decades, this area remained the epicentre of gay life—through the Second World War and into the late 1970s. “The Village was from Peel to Atwater ,” recounts George, a long-time bartender at Mystique (1424 Stanley), one of the last holdouts from times past. “Now people call that ‘the old Village.’” Lesbian venues could be found along St-Denis, and a few other gay spots were clustered on St.-Laurent, with one or two stragglers in the Centre-Sud area.
Popular myth has it that the mayor at the time, Jean Drapeau, instituted a mass purge of downtown gay establishments to “clean up” the city for the 1976 Olympics. But in fact, it wasn’t until 1984 that the gay bars moved east en masse to the Centre-Sud area, and then it was mainly for financial reasons, as business-minded bar owners realized that the downtown core was becoming too expensive.
But it wasn’t all economics that had the gay bars and clubs moving out of downtown. I It was a political history-making time for GLBT's in Montreal. In October 1977, Montreal ’s very own Stonewall took place in the form of a massive raid on Mystique and the now-defunct Truxx, during which 144 men were arrested. The next day over 2,000 people showed up to protest. Riding the energy of the demonstration, an anti-repression committee jumped into political action. By December 15, bill 88 was voted into law, making Quebec the second society in the world (after Denmark) to forbid discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation. This set the stage for a strong community to develop and support its own.
A handful of gay establishments remain in the downtown core, but the center of queer life and nearly 100 gay and lesbian establishments, now mainly centered along Ste-Catherine Street between St-Hubert and Dorion streets. The Village is centered on Beaudry metro station, and on Amherst Street in the Ville-Marie borough. It runs approximately from Berri Street to De Lorimier Street on Saint Catherine Street, and between Sherbrooke Street and René-Lévesque Boulevard on Amherst Street, a distance of nearly two kilometres. The Village is now one of the largest gay neighborhoods in the world, the largest in North America and its principal metro station, Beaudry, proudly bears the colors of the gay community.The Village's lively nightlife is complemented by a high level of daytime energy, when the streets of The Village hustle and bustle with employees from nearby radio and TV production houses. It boast a wide variety restaurants, entertainment and bars, from upscale pubs to leather clubs, from women-only bar to the city’s renowned nude dancer bars. As well, hosts the Bad Boy Club’s seasonal circuit parties, including the mega-Black and Blue Party each October and the Hot & Dry in May.
But its not just bars, clubs and parties that make up The Village. It a vibrant community of shop owners, workers, residents, commuters, and artists, filled with culture, activities, sports and recreation geared to gays and lesbians throughout the year. Including every September, the Image & Nation, every September, is the oldest and largest queer film festival in Canada and Divers/Cité’s Queer Pride parade, with over 800,000 participants, which now outdraws the entire city’s historic St. Patrick’s and Saint-Jean Baptiste Day parades.
The Village remains the heart of, and service center for, Montreal's LGBT's community starting a hundred and 140 years ago with one shop.
We believe that differences should enrich instead of divide.
We believe in freedom, the real one, the one that must sometimes be obtained through the debate of ideas. We believe that freedom is what renews and allows people to grow. We want to be one of its mosaics.
The Village/Le Village
Posted by
Special K
2:48 PM
Labels: Montreal, Out Spotlight, The Village/Le Village
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Movie Mixology
Lego not doing it for you?
No on video games?
Ho hum on the action figures?
You don't even like sticker book?
What it going to take people?
Alrighty then.
Grab a shaker:
Now the rest.
There you go a Prince of Persia, ok so it's a Blood & Sand
But I do know about Sex on the Beach you first have to grab Grey Goose....

Posted by
Special K
5:08 PM
Friday, March 26, 2010
For full effect watch the video of Craig Ferguson from two days ago:Did Craig Ferguson say he named his dressing room after Jake?
Because he whaaaaat? He fantasizes about him.
Something must be done.Yeah I'm talking to you Ferguson.
I will defeat you.
These hands are trained deadly weapons.
I have my NicholMan Power Action Ring on, bouncing the sun off it's high polished surface to blind you.
And behind these stylish dark shades my steely stare will stop you in your tracks.
My white and stunning smile with these bow lips will have you giddy as a Scottish school girl.
You can't hide behind your mug of evil Ferguson
or behind your puppet gang.I am not afraid of your Robot Skeleton Army either.
But they are no match for us.Isn't that right Davola? My trusty sidekick monk.
For you and I can stop Ferguson and his robot skeleton puppet army from keeping Jake all to themselves.
For only I and several millions of people around the world should think of Jake that way. Not just one sad bastard late show host to have him for his own comedy.
Come Davola! We have work to do. We must infiltrate the audience.
Posted by
Special K
3:56 PM
Labels: Austin, Austin Fridays, Craig Ferguson, NicholMan
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Behind Blue Eyes
Source Code is speeding along Duncan tweeted yesterday that they are about half way through shooting and it already week 4. Really can't wait to see it. First read of the version of the script that is available online, it was the first 60 pages in one stop, it is just that good.
Seeing this teaser:reminded me of another movie of Jake's
Both are about seeings thing that others don't and peoples as vessels, of parallel realities and one who is destined to save many by changing one .
Right now it's all about not being seen at the moment, and there is one place in Montreal that might be perfect to do so.
O Noir
The restaurant is in complete pitch black darkness, where you use your other senses to experience dining in a new way. Many of the servers are blind or visually impaired and they help by sharing their experience with the diners to help them acclimate. "You choose your menu in the dimly lit lounge area, and then you are led to your table by your server. No one can see you kiss your husband or spill food down your chin. And the anonymity allows people to just break out into off-pitched singing whenever they feel like it." Now if Jake brought his favorite dining companion its not too hard to imagine what might happen sight unseen.
No need for slouching down in the booth. ; )
Pictures: Malusman, Kilroyishere
Posted by
Special K
3:16 PM
Labels: Donnie Darko, Eyes, Source Code