Toothy Talk may have started a year earlier but these were the pictures that made everyone sit up and take notice.It was five years ago today, courtside at the Lakers.
Might not sounded like a big deal.
But it was clear not only was it a big deal, but more importantly the real deal.
The smiles, grins, looks, and leans. Constantly in touch with one another.
It was the first glimpse of Austin, that big blue ring, and his fashion sense. (Oh where has that coat with the raggedy sleeves and those big rubba boots gone?)
Missing buttons, tricky zippersAnd in those five years since - rings, commitments, husbands, babies.... family
Friday, February 11, 2011
The faces that launched a thousand 'ships.
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Looks like I just missed the dealine on yesterday's anyhow here goes.
Jake's roles certainly are varied and can defy pinpoint definitions, it's pure conjecture as to whether or not this is fate, or if Jake has the quirky ability to make these choices consciously.
In any case, for this follower, the sight of Jake in his Bubble Boy role just brings on fits of spontaneous laughter and an immediate smile.
On the other hand, the sight of the Brokeback Mountain poster invokes a more visceral response in me, a bittersweet recollection of the collaboration of these two great actors, and all the other elements that came together so perfectly, the score, other actors and Director Ang Lee.
Five years--wow!
# Freedom in Egypt!! Shit, I wish I could party at the pyramids tonight. That is going to go off. #Egypt
44 minutes ago via Twitter for BlackBerry®
It is hard to believe it has been 5 years. And when you think of everything that they have done in their personal and private lives, they've been some busy fellas.
Looking at the pictures, it's hard to fathom the arguments over the years that they were just friends. It is so obvious they are completely taken with each other. Jake glows when he's around Austin. And Austin is a smitten kitten with his man.
My fave pic series of them evah -
I like to call it "the lovely lean-in look of love! series" :)
Love the song too.
Been super sick at our house for a week! Just catching up on the posts from this week.
The last one (picture) is just sweet. I love that lean-on. Is it Lakers 2, then, when Jake obviously has his elbow resting on Austin's leg in one of the shots?
Austin has a BlackBerry, but Jake has an iPhone. I think Austin needs to get an iPhone 4 so that they can video conference!
Did y'all send them an anniversary card? "HAPPY 5th ANNIVERSARY BEING PHOTOGRAPHED AT A LAKERS GAME!!"
I'm sure they have a card for that, yes?
Now, now - no need for snark.
Just what do you supposed happened for Austin to be missing a button on his shirt and his zipper a bit south of the Mason Dixon line? ; )
One thing I will always say about these pics. Straight guys do not sit that close together or lean into each other like J and A are doing. The third pic down is the one that gets me the most. That is the most flirtatious look a man can give.
Jake and Austin are so awesome together. Why can't we see more?
I love the one where Jake is gazing off into space - he looks so relaxed and content to be with Austin. The other pics they are sharing their own private jokes and comments. You can't get more couple-y than that! :)
Tom, you've been using that same argument since those pics first showed up years ago and it's just ridiculous. They have no more control over seat placement in an arena than you or me. I urge you to go to Gettyimages, plug in "celebrities at lakers" and look how close everyone is to each other on those courtside seats. And then feel bad for the people sitting on either side of Guillermo del Toro who probably wish they could adjust their seats.
Sorry if you notice in every picture they not just an arm or leg is touching, but every part of them is touching from shoulder to foot, and most pictures Jake is leaning into Austin. If the armrest could go up and Jake could have gotten away with he would have snuggle up under Austin's arm. Hmmm wait didn't he do that with someone tall in a booth with Maggie and Peter last year at the party for Crazy Heart, and it was in People?
I have been to many sporting events and no one has to lean into and touch each other as much as these two are. Never change my mind on that one. I will continue to say it forever. It is also about Jakes eyes and expressions. He is totally absorbed in Austin.
I loved when Austin said Jake taught him everything he knows about women. I don't think these two are dicussing women in these pics:-)
Of course, there are Hallmark greetings that celebrate Jake's and Austin's anniversary. They’re called Valentine’s Day Cards.
Real Love
Like a fine work of art, you may have never experienced love, but still you recognize the emotion when you see it. And, these pictures are bursting with that big kind of love that radiates from every pore, stolen glance, magnetic touch and I-can't-get-enough-of-you smile. Obviously, Jake’s people thought so too because this was the point when the PR scrambling really began. Suddenly, an innocent hike in late January was transformed into both men dating Ms. Soapy. Photos were altered and Jake was rumored to be with Kiera Knightly during the Oscars.
Then, of course, Ted was ahead of the curve, by almost a year, when he ushered in the story that dare not speak its name in 2005 and just five days later Sensitive, Cali-esque Jake was directly tied to the infamous Toothy Tile Superstar Vice. Given the wording of these two items, it should have been glaringly obvious that Jake Gyllenhaal was Toothy Tile, and the subsequent Lakers pics finally revealed who his daring man-amigo was:
March 5, 2005
Jake Gyllenhaal, grabbin' some Cali-esque grub at Basix Café. Boys Town. Gabbing fer days with a guy-pal, Jake-poo, decked out in a white sweatshirt hoodie and jeans, covered up his buzzed noggin with a red baseball cap.
The sensitive hunks lingered on fer over an hour, smiling, exchanging childhood stories--with a bit of misty-eyed emotion even? Hey, take it up with my WeHo Desk, 'kay?
March 10, 2005
One Adorable Blind Vice
Okay, sugar-muffins, the only reason this one's in the Vice section is because until quite recently, Toothy Tile was dating his superpopular, superannoyingly perfect girlfriend. Not boyfriend. Which, if you ask this old gossip whore, is the classification Tile would prefer his significant others be filed under in the very near future.
Mere days ago, while everyone was hooting and complaining about this gown and that host from the Oscars, Tile was right out in the open holding hands with his man in a West Hollywood restaurant--which shall remain nameless...because I love going there and they probably won't serve me anymore if I start outing their customers, ca-friggin'-peesh?
Not that I'd be outting anybody, anyway. Mr. Tile took care of that himself. Covertly, but he did it.
It was late in the afternoon; everybody had cleared out. Save Tile and his man-amigo, who extended his hands flat on the marble table (yes, that's a hint) until they were intertwined with Tile's. Massive smiles then appeared on both daring dudes.
Too sweet! And such a departure for this debauched department, doncha think? Don't worry, as sure as Tile's famous ex knew, deep down, way below her doable dimples, what Tile really wanted (hence, the breakup), next week, we'll be right back on salacious patrol, damn sure.
And it ain't: Tobey Maguire, Keanu Reeves, Jamie Foxx
"The last one (picture) is just sweet. I love that lean-on. Is it Lakers 2, then, when Jake obviously has his elbow resting on Austin's leg in one of the shots?"
You need glasses or a good dose of reality, in none of those pics is Jake's elbow resting on Austin's leg.
Which proves tell a lie long enough and people will see things not there.
I truly fear for Jake's life if one of you goes nuts when Toothy turns out not be Jake.
Work is super busy so I've been hard pressed to drop by. These pictures will always be my absolute favorite ever. I have one as the screen saver on my iphone, one on my laptop and one on my desktop computer. Two men madly in love with each other, no doubt about it. The expression "on cloud nine" is illustrated by these photos.
As for the idiot that is trying to convince us that they are not touching from shoulder to ankle,or that that posture is normal to straight men, you will make no sale here. Don't even try. What we have here is men who are used to being in each others personal space. Way in.
I truly fear for Jake's life if one of you goes nuts when Toothy turns out not be Jake.
I'd be more concern about your head exploding the day Jake admits he's been in the closet for years, raising a family.
To even try and deny the besotted looks and body touching in these pictures is not even funny. You know what it is?
It's ignorable.
Okay, blogger is at it again. What is this 'You will be asked to sign in after putting up your comment' thing?
Tom, your comment at 20:23 was so simple but said it the best.
testing 1, 2, 3
Oh, well now there it is! Now this makes no sense. I hit publish and never had to sign in but there's my avatar and everything. That's crazy!
I had to say good bye to Mr. Curley this morning and I miss my boy already.
I love my Curley.
Michael D in rare form today - or actually his typically excellent from is more like it - to speculation that Jake is dating Jennifer Anniston just because he went to her birthday party and left by the back door so as not to be seen. Michael said "We’re going to need a bigger “Bitch Please” for this one. First of all, Jake always prefers the back door so that doesn't mean shit. Second of all, yes, scientists have already discovered that the cicadas humming in the hills above Malibu aren't cicadas humming in the hills above Malibu. It's Jennifer Aniston chanting for a husband and children. But even she would not sign up to be Jakey's latest Taylor Swift. Bitch ain't that desperate. Besides, have you ever seen a beard with $800 highlights and a $200 blow out?"
For those of us who were at the Spotted Pig, where the Bday event took place, as I recall the back door was only about 20 ft from the front door so a pretty lame effort to hide at all. Destiny you may know more about the distance being a regular.
I don't think they have a back door M. I really don't recall ever seeing one. The only place there could be one would be by the the stairs, which would be maybe 15 feet from the main entrance.
Also, they don't have a private room.
Love the line about Jake preferring the back door.
Also, they don't have a private room.
Actually, Destiny, they do. It's upstairs.
Oh and they do have a back door - it's that same door Jen was coming out of.
Well, I just found a picture on Google images, guess it does have a back door, but boy, I don't ever recall seeing it from the inside. I wonder it if is even used. As you can see, and as I recall, they always come in the main front entrance with the food--the kitchen is down in the basement, where you see the opening in the sidewalk. Can't believe if they really have a back door that they keep open they wouldn't go in that way.
Spotted Pig
Either way, the whole thing is ridiculous. Why wouldn't Jake want to be photographed with Aniston? And why is she hiding her face.
I've been upstairs a million times. I've never seen a private room. There is an alcove, if that is what you mean. Otherwise I'd love to know where this private room is, layout wise.
I hadn't looked at all the pictures, you're right, Jen is going out the back door. Well that makes the story even funnier.
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