Remember way back when OTH was just starting and Austin tweets out these little ditties?
My breasts are shrinking. Should I get implants?
thanks for all your support about my boobs. i feel better. i no longer feel i need implants. jeez, it's hard to be a man!!
I saw a woman at the gym yesterday with abs bigger than my tits

I for one hopes that doesn't happen. Jake will never come out and if he does get Damon's part then the poor kiddies will be kept in their cages forever.
If it indeed does happen will not believe there are BTs. As bad as all this has been if he takes a series it will go on for years.
A parent would have to be a monster to continue hiding children much longer and I would hate to believe J and A are monsters. Pretending to have gfs maybe homophobic but it is nothing compared to hiding having children.
Seriously if all the BT stuff is true how much longer can it go on. I do see Jake as a good candidate for the Bourne series. It might depend on Source Code or maybe it is already a done deal and that is the reason Jake is taking time off.
I think if Jake takes the Bourne part he will marry.
Got to be honest with everybody. I accepted a long time ago that Jake and Austin would never come out. BT or no BT. Neither have the balls and Mrs G. would never allow that to happen.
My dream now to to see an Out Gay man win a Best Actor Oscar. Who knows who it will be. It won't be Jake that is for sure. I see that NPH is up for several movie parts. Not sure what type of roles they are but how sweet it would be to see someome brave and proud of who he is as a person and a father finally pull off that achievement. It sure would also take the sting away that m said she feels and I sure still feel about Brokeback. But yes i accepted it will not be Jake..
Got to be honest with everybody. I accepted a long time ago that Jake and Austin would never come out. BT or no BT. Neither have the balls and Mrs G. would never allow that to happen.
My dream now to to see an Out Gay man win a Best Actor Oscar. Who knows who it will be. It won't be Jake that is for sure. I see that NPH is up for several movie parts. Not sure what type of roles they are but how sweet it would be to see someome brave and proud of who he is as a person and a father finally pull off that achievement. It sure would also take the sting away that m said she feels and I sure still feel about Brokeback. But yes i accepted it will not be Jake..
I don't know. I have to say that if Jake were to get a part that could turn into a series, that I would tend to agree. Jake would not come out and he & Austin would remain in the closet.
Looks like American Idol is destroying the other shows. They should put my show up against idol. Our numbers are always strong. CHALLENGE
^^ is he serious? I think those lil' gals on the tour must have given Austin some jooped up Skittles or Sweet Tarts, that's what I think after a tweet like that.
With Austin suddenly in love again with "his show" and cuddling up to his honey Soapy, I am pretty pessimistic at the moment about the two guys being out in the open with their family even within the next several years.
Sounds like someone is rooting for another season of OTH.
Nice to see Jake's name being thrown out there for a movie, but doubt he'll get it. Plus, seems like a risky move to follow in the shoes of someone like Damon.
Poor BT, who probably exists and probably won't get out of that closet until he or she is 18 years old and no longer kept under lock and key.
But that being said, I don't even know what's going on in my life for the next 24 hours so how do I know what is in Jake's plans? lol
I'm still waiting to see.
But I don't get the lying. I don't get it at all. I'm sick & tired of it and honestly I don't know how either one gets a good night's sleep. I know I sure wouldn't. And my stomach would be a mess.
I don't appreciate being treated like I'm stupid and can't think or see for myself. And that's what Austin's latest behavior has been. The disrespect to those OTH girls - and yeah, some of them are irritating & nonthinking but that's beside the point - is maddening to someone like myself who grew up on Tiger Beat and had the posters on the wall of Donny Osmond, etc. This is how I totally identify with these girls.
These OTH girls, most of them anyway, they're only in high school and early college. I know when I was in high school, I didn't have a clue about bearding and smoke & mirrors.
And if I were the winner of a Meet Your Fave Star contest, if I had any inkling that the said Star was putting on a phony exhibition, well, that would be the last time I was a fan of that person.
I don't view it as light behavior. It's lying and it's disrespectful. It's a slap in the face to these young girls who I read their stuff on the Forum. They are spending their money going to visit this Wilmy and they are elated to just meet these soap opera stars.
And no, no one is asking them to. But the city of Wilmy benefits from these girls & their families coming down. And you better believe that those Over the Hill soap opera actors eat it up because they certainly don't get that kind of attention in Hollywood nor on the gossip sites. And when they are "selling" their show and their "coupledoms", they're creating fans. And with fans, comes $$$. $$$ on tickets, $$ on merchandise, $$ on dvd's, $$ on travel, and Nielsen ratings. All of that is what keeps giving people like Austin & Soapy a paycheck.
So those girls deserve a lot better treatment and more bang for their buck than a phony sideshow.
But I don't get the lying. I don't get it at all. I'm sick & tired of it
LOL. Only loons would get "sick & tired" of something fictional.
I wonder if Jake's military cut earlier this month had anything to do with the meeting about Bourne. Kind of hoping he will do the hair he had for the Vanity Fair cover for the Oscars.
And with Austin - it is a total wait and see with his tweets. Talk about a fella who can write one thing and make everyone think one thing and then come to find out later it's something completely different - he's been a clever sneaky fella time and time agai
IMDB mentions the list of actors up for the Bourne deal but make it sound like its the studio pushing the bigger names. The director is looking for a little less known actors.
TGIF!! OK, now that I've gotten that out of the way...
I can't help but think that Baby Tile has his/her "Mom" in their life.
I haven't been around here long enough to know if this has been discussed, but I'm sure it has. I know a lot of hetero couples who use surrogates go through an agency, but I think it's more common for gay couples to conceive with someone they know, often a very close friend of family member.
(I was actually asked to be a surrogate by a gay couple who I'm very close to quite recently. I proceeded to tell them, over a bottle of wine, for three hours, how much I HATED being pregnant. They didn't bring it up again.)
The reason I think this is a good possibility? Because I'm with Florida Tom and Destiny. I just really don't approve of hiding a child. Jake and Austin are busy, busy guys, but I also think they're very good people. If they made the decision to have a child together and knew they weren't coming out of the closet and this child would not be able to be freely out and about with its parents out in the world every day (ANY day), it is inconceivable to me that they would make that decision. That's why I think they are likely co-raising their kid with the kid's bio Mom, so that BT has a "normal" life.
Nannies could come and go, and attachment would be too risky for that reason, but the Mom is forever.
The Social Network. Starring Twitter. #wewantaremake
about 2 hours ago via Twitter for BlackBerry®
The King's Speech. Starring Elvis Presley. #wewantaremake
about 2 hours ago via Twitter for BlackBerry®
Looks like American Idol is destroying the other shows. They should put my show up against idol. Our numbers are always strong. CHALLENGE about 9 hours ago via Twitter for BlackBerry®
I have got to say something and I have said this over on WFT2 very recently and have said it on T2 long before this.
I don't know where this misconception is coming from that some of us are oohing, aaahing and knitting pink & blue baby booties over the idea of Jake & Austin keeping their children a public secret.
I'm not going to deny that I love that Jake & Austin didn't go the John Travolta/Orlando Bloom route in having their relationship and family.
But I do not nor have I ever said I approve or like the idea of them hiding their family.
I have never said that. I don't like it. I don't approve of it.
I discuss it. I'll argue about it. But I do not approve of it; never have, never will.
I understand why Jake did Reeke. I don't get why they are still doing the bearding thing now. I'm hoping they come out in the next year or two.
But this idea that there are some of us who are approving of the family hiding needs to be addressed and stated as wrong.
I echo the TGIF, OwlGirl. I am with you on that.
Man, I love my weekends.
Totally did not mean to draw a line on this one. I was just agreeing with two posters on today's thread - FT and Destiny - who'd expressed similar sentiments today. Didn't mean to imply that other people thought differently.
Hey, OwlGirl. I think both Ted and Jake's behavior demonstrate that he is actively involved with child rearing and relishes the nurturing aspect of fatherhood. Not so concerned about his appearance, disappearing for weeks on end, no photos yet PR planted stories of his cavorting around Los Angeles, Nashville and New York with every woman known to mankind. It just seems that Jake's focus is less career minded and more personal. I have little doubt that he is a hands on Dad who loves the sacrifices and the joys of what it means to raise a family.
January 23, 2010
Dear Ted:
I hope all is well. My doggy sends a friendly "woof" to your kids! I have two questions. Not sure if this has already been asked, but first question is: Do Toothy and Grey Goose actively raise Baby Tile, or was this a "sire" situation? (As in Toothy, uh, provided elements to help make the baby for a friend or family member who is raising the baby). Second, of all the closeted Blind Vices you've reported over the years, which one is most likely to come out?
Dear Tough Questions:
(a) Active; (b) My guess? Crotch Uh-Lastic.
I appreciate that, OwlGirl.
I just have gotten this same feeling before that people assume because some of us freely talk about the kids or simply believe the guys have kids, that we approve and condone the hiding of their family. The two do not go hand in hand.
We have not seen Jake now much at all for the past 12 months or so, especially since June. I think he is very hands on with the kids and I bet he is having the time of his life. His constant tired look is most likely very reflective of the little ones in his life because we sure know it isn't from a hectic filming schedule.
Austin? Well, he always seems to look very rested.
I agree with what you've said PG. Acknowledging what is happening is world's apart from condoning it. Austin and Jake have made decisions that have consequences. These are not stupid or insensitive men. They had a plan dating back to 2006 and I believe they have been pursuing it with a vegeance ever since, although there definitely have been more than baby bumps to overcome along the way. Eventually, I think they will do right by their children and that would include the public acknowledgement and the open celebration of their life choices.
Boy, are Jake's fans slacking, lol. The guy gets on Just Jared and it's like him hitting the dollar theatre.
Hey, you guysssss! Jakey on Just Jared!! Looking scrumptious....
man, love the nice new buzz. He is going to be loooooooking goood tomorrow night.
What a hot dad.
A beard ages him 10 years, I swear.
Relax! Don't Do It! Man, what a great video that was.
Boy, that looks like a cashmere sweater he has on - it looks incredibly soft.
Love this buzzed on the sides, thicker hair on top cut. That really wasn't a good Fisher Price link I gave. Here's the better Fisher Price Lincoln Log link:
And it's 5, yes 5 Shamrock Shakes in a row for the PG!!!
Well, we should be seeing Jake early on the Oscars. He's awarding one of those boring Oscars.
^Hey now Short films and Documentaries are not boring!
lol. Well, now you have to's not as exciting as even Best Original Song!
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