Jake and Duncan talk about putting some jokes or lighter moments to cut the tension of Source Code. Why not with music. So for that here's today's Top 10 Train songs for a muzak moment.
10. "Railroad Song" - Lynyrd Skynyrd
9. “Train I Ride” - The Dead Milkmen
8. "A Passage To Bangkok" – Rush
7. "Engine Driver" – The Decemberists
6."Love Train" - The O'Jays
5."Midnight Train To Georgia" - Gladys Knight and the Pip
4.“Casey Jones” – Grateful Dead
3."Peace Train" - Cat Stevens
2.“Train in Vain” – The Clash
And the number one muzak version to play
"Crazy Train" - Ozzy Osbourne
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Posted by
Special K
12:20 PM
Labels: Jake, Muzak, Source Code
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Took the Last Train by David Gates!!
Last Train to Clarksville by the Monkees!
Atchison, Topeka & the Santa Fe by cast of The Harvey Girls!!!
I love popcorn but I don't like the smell of it on my hands after I eat it.
C'mon & Ride It (The Train) by Quad City DJ's!!!!!
Oh no. This is too much. And a big mistake.
A re-make of one of my all time favorites: The Bodyguard.
They want to put a more modern spin on it but still.
There's nobody who could sing those soundtrack songs like Whitney in her prime. Don't even try.
But since they're casting. How about Austin as Frank Farmer and Jake as Ra-, I mean Rich Marron?
Yeeeeaaaah, that's what I'm talking about.
Austin as Frank Farmer and Jake as Rich Marron.
LOL PG. Sadly that will never happen.
Happy about you finally getting to walk.
I always watch the Oscars even though they can sometimes be dull; I have a good friend who always throws a party for the telecast.
Jake is going to present at the Oscars.
The Hollywood Reporter has reported this morning that Jake will be a part of the Academy Awards.
Jake Gyllenhaal is joining the lists of presenters taking part in Sunday's 83rd annual Academy Awards.
The actor has become a familiar face on Oscar night, having previously appeared at the 82nd, 79th, 78th and 77th Awards.
He was nominated in 2006 as best supporting actor for Brokeback Mountain, and so this year's show marks a mini-reunion of Brokeback actors because his costar Michelle Williams is nominated for best actress for Blue Valentine and Anne Hathaway is serving as co-host with James Franco.
He most recently appeared on screen opposite Hathaway in Love and Other Drugs and will next be seen in the thriller Source Code, which Summit is releasing April 1.
Oh darn. Too far away no can see. Well good luck to Discovery and its crew on its last flight into space.
Saw first game today. Baseball season is underway.
I am so amazed that Jake has nothing going on as far as his career. Kinda baffled about it. I don't think his star has dimmed that much that he can't get a job. Maybe he is too busy to work and has to wait for Austin to pick up the responiblities at home when OTH is done filming. Although Jake hasn't had any great movie successes since BBM his overall reviews have not been that bad. Again kind of confusing and it will be interesting to see what happens.
Interesting comments here:
"The fact that Lainey states Jake is straight is absurd. Everyone here in Hollywood knows he's in the closet."
I'm seeing twitters that Jake is going to be presenting with Mila Kunis.
If that's true, that ought to make ol' Ted reeeeeeal happy. He can ship to his heart's content!
And speaking of Ted, thanks Owl Girl for that link. That was interesting.
Those people had some big time Ted gripes, didn't they? I notice one of the commenters also suspects that his interns are doing a lot of his writing for him. More than a couple are wondering what's going on in Ted's personal life.
He seems to be leaving Jake/Toothy pretty much alone, especially since the ol' Tay bit.
Glad to hear Jake will be presenting. That gets him out and about with the right crowd if nothing else. And Ted will be there too so we may get some juicy gossip out of it.
PG, I like your new Avatar. Leadville all the way.
I think Ted took his divorce pretty hard. He said he is smoking again and not happy about it. There are days when the writing just does not sound like him.
With a few weeks left of OTH filming, Austin and Co. were doing some fan stuff today. And onset tour for some fans and a videochat with the winner of the Crowdrise drawing.
In honor of the boys:
It Takes a Lot to Laugh, It Takes a Train to Cry - Bob Dylan
Downbound Train - Bruce Springsteen
The Gallopin' Goose - C.W. McCall
King of the Road - Roger Miller
...and just because: I Heard That Lonesome Whistle Blow - Hank Williams
Yes, Special, and I do think Sophin was counting on one or more of those hyped up young girls to tweet about their experience, unprofessionally putting on a bit of a show by the sounds of it and I have no reason to doubt any of the recounts the girl gave.
They were on the job. It would be like me giving a plant tour of my facility and I certainly wouldn't make a Viagra reference and I certainly wouldn't hold a co-worker from behind in a ridiculous attempt to show we were in a relationship, as false as it was.
How unprofessional. Not only unprofessional, but it continues to gall me how Austin goes so much further than Jake does.
People can ram Jake for his photo ops all they want, but I tell you what. Jake has never done some of the crap and some of the outright, unconscionable lying that Austin has.
No problem. No problem at all doing it. And that's disturbing to me.
For whatever reason, Sophin seems to be re-kicking up the gears a bit and I'm trying to think about why. There can't be many reasons.
It was extremely obvious, even to the fangirls of OTH that Sophin had practically withered even under the weak power of a winter sun.
And now all of a sudden, we have Austin & Soap trying to sell themselves again. And I don't care if all Austin gives is the Saggy back of his pants or a shoe or an elbow or whatever other body part of piece of clothing he wants to give instead of his face.
If he thinks that's saving the kids from any pain 15-20 years down the road, he's unthinkingly mistaken.
Getting off track.
Could be two reasons for this ridiculous re-amping.
1. Because of the volatile Baby Tiles discussion on WFT2. When baby comments begin to creep on to Just Jared, you know the guys' public relation reps have got to be sweating bullets.
2. Campaigning for a Season 9. Because for all intents and purposes, Season 8 should be the last. But it's still up in the air and this lil' gal who was all aflutter on twitter yesterday seemed to get an impression that Sophin would be up for a Season 9.
If they're not, they're misleading their fans; again, another disturbing lack of conscience. If they are, then Austin is more selfish than I thought.
Okay, got to get ready for work and I had all of that to get off my chest. Don't think it was too ugly, was it?
Just because I'm rooting for the guys doesn't mean they get a free pass.
WOW some of you are completely loony
In the words of Judy Garland,
♪♫♪ I don't care, I don't care
What people may think of me ♫♪
Personally I don't think there's a difference between the kind of lying Austin does with his beard and the kind Jake has done with his. Jake may not talk about things directly, but those tabloid stories come straight out of the mouths of his publicists.
i think the difference in tactics is one of status--i.e., Jake is a big star, and big stars don't do that sort of thing.
Wow great songs OMG - I especially like your suggestions MM.
Oh I hear you, Destiny. And maybe I am splitting hairs a bit.
I'm not ignoring what Jake has obviously signed off on. And he signs off on all of it - he pays those people.
And I'm sorry but when you sign the paycheck, you have the control. Yes, you do. If you don't like what your employee is doing, it's called giving that person the ol' drop kick out the door.
But, but, but. lol
But I will say that since Reeke, Jake has really toned down his actual physical participation and the PDA. His people are doing most of the work with their ridiculous story floating. I'm not condoning the story floating by any means but I will take story flotation over Austin's recent shenanigans any day.
As lame and wussy as Jake's interview guidelines are, I think it does show some kind of remaining sense of conscience.
Or maybe it just shows that Jake knows he doesn't lie very well.
Whereas Austin with Soap is a different story. I remember those Halloween party pictures as Russell Brand & Katy Perry and those things were pretty gaggy.
Now that I look back at it, maybe it served Austin right that Jake went to seek solace in a dark alley by the dumpster.
And it kind of makes me simmer that Austin is doing some of this latest nonsense while Jake is holding down the fort and not working. Not working so that Austin can work on this thing the CW likes to call a TV show.
News Flash!
MEG !!! Prince William and Kate Middleton are in your country, lady!! Are you anywhere near there?
Are you still around? lol
Meg, we've not seen the likes of you for a looooooong time.
♪♪ la la la ♪♪ talking to myself
Is that like Talking In My Sleep by Roger Daultry?
I'm pretty gripey today, I will admit.
Looking forward to seeing Mr. Jakey at the Oscars, all duded up.
The last thing I need to say is what in the heck is going on with that Charlie Sheen? What an absolute mess. Is that guy for real? Did you guys see what he said about his bosses? While still under their employment? Unbelievable!!
And he is looking not good at all. Something's wrong with his mouth and/or teeth.
Talk about a trainwreck. I feel very bad for his dad, Martin Sheen. It sounds like he's tried everything within his power but I tell you what. Charlie Sheen doesn't seem to want any help. Very sad to watch.
Hey, it is Friday and I must be off. Let me try this.
Where is everybody???!!!!!
lol. I know that bugs somebody so I had to do it.
3 more hours until the slide down Dino's back!!!!
Sophin have been friends for a long time, and the photos give off a girl and her gay bestie vibe, so they don't bother me in of themselves, unlike the awkward photos Jake has done. But the reason they're doing it, yeah, that is distasteful.
Sometimes I wonder if Jake's bad acting in his showmances didn't hurt him career-wise.
Not working so that Austin can work on this thing the CW likes to call a TV show.
That makes no sense. If that were the case, then Jake wouldn't have been working at all while Austin has been filming OTH all these years and that's not the case. idk where you come up with this stuff :/
If you've been paying attention to the discussion here, the addition of another child to the Family Tile brood last year is one reason for Jake not working right now. Also, Reese unexpectedly dumping Jake and leaving him high and dry propably has contributed to Jake's more domesticated status. He has no beard to hide behind and help explain his actions.
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