Can't have a Groundhog Day without a mention about Source Code. For the fact that relieving the same time over and over until you get it right, is right out of Bill Murray's hand book.
Now that Jake has time traveled three times, it is time to move on to changing characters. The word is that talk has resume over the remake of the movie Fletch with one of Murray's fellow Not Ready for Prime Time Players, Chevy Chase, and the article in The Hollywood Reporter mentions they are reimagining it. A Fletch remake has attracted interest in the past from Ben Affleck, Jason Lee, and Joshua Jackson. Jake has talked comedy and is one smooth talker... and Fletch is all that.
Harvey (Weinstein) tell Jake he gets to do the dream sequence playing for the Lakers, and you could get him for scale, or better he'd even pay you.
But Fletch was never so handsome as this:

Devastating handsome. Smoldering. Does anyone any other man in the shot come close to Jake? Ryan Reynolds might have nabbed People's Sexiest this year, but he got schooled standing next to Jake.

Anyone else notice Jake's fancy footwork?

For a little peek behind the scenes at the photoshoot check this out.
The photoshoot was probably done in Decemeber, but it must have been late December, after his birthday and the holidays, because Jake is sporting that new watch he has proudly shown off since getting it.
Sunday night at the SAG awards, Natalie called Jake “...he’s the Cary Grant of our generation. He’s so charismatic, and so dapper and smart. He’s wonderful.”
So if Jake is Cary, then Austin must be Randy. Well... he does love westerns.
(Cary Grant Randolph Scott: A Love Story)

Jake is back out and about - Meeting in LA yesterday

Don't know if any of you have seen this.
Zach Wahls, a 19-year-old University of Iowa student spoke about the strength of his family during a public forum on House Joint Resolution 6 in the Iowa House of Representatives. Wahls has two mothers, and came to oppose House Joint Resolution 6 which would end civil unions in Iowa.
Zach Wahls Speaks about Family
Okay, so I take it that the weather must just be freezing in LA. An unprecedented, unsurpassed Arctic front has descended upon LA and settled there.
Because otherwise why else does Jake seem to have his hand/fist just about permanently fixed on top of his nose these days?
What is with him? It's gotten beyond puzzling - now it's an irritant. A classified, FDA-approved irritant.
Jake - just stop it.
Think he was coughing, because another picture looked like he was trying to stop a sneeze.
lol - sorry, had to get that off of my chest. Oh, LOL I just saw your speculation, SK - is that crap I feel on my face, Special? LOLLLL! The guy might be sick with bronchitis and I'm slamming him. OOOPS! Awww, poor Jake.
Okay, I have several things to rattle off here.
I have a comment that I'm putting up. I've swiped it from OTH Forum, a site that I make no secret about lurking on. I don't comment there because 1) they are very moderating over there - there is absolutely zero tolerance for abrasive questioning, 2) Uh, it would be considered 100%, Grade A Trolling and 3), I just have no business on there nor do I want to even pretend to be an ally over there.
But this comment just absolutely drove me nuts. It followed a discussion about a question put to Ted about Austin being a real hunk, etc. - oh! it was OwlGirl's question. Someone put up OwlGirl's question and so thus started the slamming of Ted.
WoW !
I just watched the youtube video of young Zach Wahls speaking in the Iowa House of Representatives, and what a fine young man he is, who spoke from the heart and would make any parent so very proud.
In the face of such truth, so eloquently spoken, I am humbled and near brought to tears. I can only pray that his words touch the hearts and minds of all those who hear him, especially those law makers in Iowa.
Thanks for that link Special.
This comment comes from a ringleader on the Forum and I am sorry but I about blew a gasket this morning as I was reading it aloud today.
How anyone could think Austin is gay is beyond me. He's been in a committed relationship with Sophia for over a year and a half, he and his ex were together for 7 years. Yeah, screams gay to me. Just because Jake played gay in a movie and because he and Austin are friends, they're together. That's just dumb and foolish. There is not a single proof out there that they are anything but friends. But according to Ted, 90% of the guys in Hollywood like boys. And as for them having a secret love child? Yeah right. An invisible one I'm guessing? Had that been true, they would be the crappiest parents out there since they never see the kid, or even admit that there is a kid. Ted's a nut! Austin and Jake are not lovers, Sophia's not a beard, there is no love child. End of.
As for Sophia loving gay what? Do you honestly think she would be with Austin for years if she knew that he and Jake were "True Love" and that he was just using her as a beard? That's just laughable in my opinion.
Would not surprise me at all if some of these girls commented anonymously on T2. This girl's arguments sound so familiar, don't they?
I hate to break it to this one. No, I take that back. I don't hate to. I would love to, actually. But there's no being able to just "tell" someone that they're just so wrong it isn't funny.
They're going to just have to find out for themselves. There are going to be some young girls who are going to be extremely disappointed when Sophin just doesn't pan out like they think it is. They're totally convinced that Austin & Sophia are going to get married after the season is over and it's going to be happily after ever in L.A. And while Sophin may carry on via gas fumes for awhile after OTH is over, that thing is basically toast.
And there are those who think that some of us here live in a fantasy world? Ha! You haven't seen nothing until you've seen this fantasy world of Austin and Sophia that these OTH fans have whipped up about those 2.
Do you honestly think she would be with Austin for years if she knew that he and Jake were "True Love" and that he was just using her as a beard?
Uh, yeah. She is and she knows.
Okay, now I'll need to watch this Iowa clip that I've so ungraciously splatted on, lol.
Wow, that's just awe-inspiring.
Somebody sign that young man up for future politics!!
You tell 'em, Zach Wahls!
Times are changing. People are speaking up. People are coming out. And people are discovering that there is no difference, no shame, no need to hide.
Thank goodness for our new generation like Zach Wahls.
How did you find that, Special? That's incredible.
A friend from college who's out sent it to me. He was/is quite involved in Prop 8 in CA and is great about involving and educating people about the need for change.
Well, thank him for sharing the clip. That was great.
Can I say that Jake's new hair cut is great? That hair cut is a really flattering look. It rocks.
LOL - notice the green-friendly reusable coffee cup. He didn't used to use those before.
So if Jake is Cary, then Austin must be Randy. Well... he does love westerns.
LOL, and very cute post.
I've been wondering about the OTH fangirls, especially after the big wedding last night. Never have time to check it out. I'm guessing you saw all that talk on WFT2 from DL about a Quinto fan girl?
And don't even get me started on the poster over at DL that insists Bomer is secretly married to a woman and yes, has 3 kids, but two boys and a girl. ROFLMAO.
Wahls has two mothers, and came to oppose House Joint Resolution 6 which would end civil unions in Iowa.
Hey, Special. Mr. Wahls (because he deserves that kind of respect) actually testified to prevent a ban on gay marriage from going through.
Unfortunately, no matter how eloquent and accurate Mr. Wahls presentation was, three Democrats and 59 Republicans voted in favor of the resolution to ban gay marriage yesterday. Essentially, like with Prop 8, the Iowa legislature (House) voted in favor of taking away a constitutionally protected right. The Iowa Marriage Amendment (IMA) as it's laughably called seeks to define marriage as a heterosexual union only. Fortunately, the Senate is Democrat-controlled and the majority Leader--Michael Gronstal has sworn that he will block the measure from reaching the floor.
On the bright side, there is Mr. Wahl's heartfelt testimony which has already gone viral.
Destiny, that some people think bearding does not go on and that the rags are nothing but truth spoken is just crazy.
It is to this audience that these guys' PR's play to. The ones who don't think and take the pablum by the soup spoon-sized spoonful.
And don't even get me started on the poster over at DL that insists Bomer is secretly married to a woman and yes, has 3 kids, but two boys and a girl. ROFLMAO.
Now, why would a male actor want to hide the fact that he's heterosexual from the public? ROFLMAO, indeed. I'm wondering if whoever is posting that kind of BS over there is trying to discredit what has been impressively presented about Jake and Austin recently? Wouldn't be surprised if one of the hostile trolls is involved with this.
M&M - sorry I did a copy and paste job from what was posted at YouTube when I posted it.
I did notice the reusable coffee mug - Austin must have rubbed off on him about coffee cups and not just water bottles.
Liking the new haircut. But the 'do that Jake is sporting for the VF cover. YES YES YES! Kudos to who ever cut and styled it for the shoot.
Anyone else notice Jake's feet in the VF picture? I laughed because it reminds me of a little kid.
You used a picture of Cary and Randolph playing backgammon Special.
I was looking more at how he was straddling the chair, Special.
But now that you mention the feet, you're right. Cute.
Regarding the point that Just a Thought brought up, I thought I would mention something too that maybe should be clarified.
I think it should be noted that there is at least one more person out there who believes Jake & Austin are married and have three kids.
What brought the post about two days ago was a comment from WFT2:
Believe what you want. Your negativity won't dissolve Jake and Austin's marriage. They also have three children born of swirling love juices to prove their love for each other.
January 31, 2011 10:45 AM
^^^ This wasn't me. And it wasn't M&M. And it wasn't Special.
And anyone who thinks the belief about 3 babies was just pulled out of the sky or pulled from a dream someone had one night would be misguided. As I confirmed with M&M this morning, she had been physically researching this now for about three months.
I just felt this needed to be said. It's of course good to know that we 3 are not alone in our belief.
Now, why would a male actor want to hide the fact that he's heterosexual from the public? ROFLMAO, indeed.
Why to keep and not disappoint his gay fans of course. I did you not.
I've also wondered if the troll over there isn't one of ours just trying to stir up trouble, pissed at Bomer doing all the things he thinks gay stars can't do.
That video in support of gay marriage is very touching.
One of the down sides of being an avid gardener is that I cant look at a tree, bush or flower without seeing the weeds or what needs to be pruned. The same can be said about following Hollywood, film making and some of its stars. You watch long enough and the process is revealed. It's business so I understand why they do it, but once seen it cant be unseen. The bearding and cover up process is obvious once seen. As we've discussed before, they use the same script over and over. It's too much trouble to even rewrite it.
PG those comments do have a familiar ring to them. I am not surprised if an OTH regular may be responsible for them. Right age group for the type of comments made too.
Once last comment before I get ready for bed. There is a nasty cold that has been working its way around CA. Pretty much everyone I know has had it, including me who got it from my husband. So Jake may be dealing with the lingering effects. Coughing and sneezing persist and it takes quite a while to get over it. I suspect he has allergies anyway. Lots of comments about his eyes being red and bothering him over the years.
I think it should be noted that there is at least one more person out there who believes Jake & Austin are married and have three kids.
What brought the post about two days ago was a comment from WFT2:
Um, that post at WFT2 was dripping with sarcasm - the part about "swirling love juices" is a dead give-away. I'm not telling you that you're wrong about your belief, but the poster at WFT2 was not being serious.
the part about "swirling love juices" is a dead give-away.
I don't think it as sarcasm. The "swirling love juices" is in reference to the expression Ted used when he first talked about BT.
I don't think it as sarcasm. The "swirling love juices" is in reference to the expression Ted used when he first talked about BT.
That's the point. That phrase from Ted has been ridiculed for a long time over and over. That's why it's a dead-giveaway of sarcasm. It's such obvious sarcasm I'm amazed anyone would take it seriously.
Believe what you want. Your negativity won't dissolve Jake and Austin's marriage. They also have three children born of swirling love juices to prove their love for each other.
Sorry, but here is the exact post from Waiting for Toothy. Doesn't have a note of sarcasm. Actually, sounds like this individual knows a lot about Jake and Austin. Probably, a little too much for the trolls who frequent this site. The context is also important being that it followed this post:
Jake has talked about getting behind the camera, and Austin has too. The soul mates are sure to have a project lined up. They were in Leadville for a reason.
Yes, I saw the exact post. If you honestly believe that someone would use the term "swirling love juices" with sincerity I don't know what to tell you. The sarcasm couldn't be clearer, but if you don't want to see it, and choose to let someone further ridicule you and this board because you guys can't spot sarcasm, fine.
I posted the entire statement because the folks here are not stupid and appear to me to have an open mind. Anyone can tell by reading the comment that it does not reeke of sarcasm. Quite the contrary. The person is just familiar with Ted's words, that's all. The fact you immediatelly pounced within nine minutes says something too. Also, the discussion about Jake and Austin continued for some time and no one jumped in and said, "Hey, I was just kidding, people." That's a tip off as well.
If you honestly believe that someone would use the term "swirling love juices" with sincerity I don't know what to tell you.
A couple of posts before that, someone had posted the latest Ted BB, which was about Jake and Austin:
Maybe they've both more been concentrating on what it takes to be a real-deal moneyed superstar?.
Hence the "juices" reference, and Leadville and "projects".
This is the kind of government leaders we don't need here in the U.S.
A Utah legislator introduced a bill Wednesday that would require all publicly funded programs, laws, and regulations, to ensure they exclude families headed by gay and lesbian couples.
The Advocate
Then you read a story that reminds you that things are changing.
Gay Marine’s husband surprised at respect shown by Naval Academy - Chicago Sun-Times
This is how it should be. Way to go USNA!
Old video of Jake and Austin biking at Griffith Park, April 2007
original source
Old video of Jake and Austin biking at Griffith Park, April 2007
original source
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