From People
"Guess they have similar taste!" Jake "and Zac Efron bumped into each other outside the Solstice Sunglass Boutique in New York. According to a source, the guys both tried on the same shades while shopping separately. Gyllenhaal was there first and was soft-spoken and friendly while browsing the frames, the source says."Similar haircuts?
Similar tastes in frames ?
Or just similar taste?
What a coincidence, first Zac was seen in NC and twitpic'd with Austin and then bumping into Jake shopping. Hmmmm what's the Sasquatch missing link (Insert your own Hairspray joke here) that's connected?
Wonder if a little friendly reminder of "My Man, My Texas" slipped out in those soft spoken tones.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
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I am about 3 episodes behind on OTH. Not high on my list of priorities to get to since it is so painful to watch. I see that the CW is lining up a string of new projects. They need new material.
Here's my problem with the show as was glaringingly obvious last night.
I mean, didn't BrookeDavis(TM) just get married? So wouldn't you think she has a new household to be getting settled? Checking accounts to switch names on. Drivers license to update. Utility accounts to get names updated on. Dinner to prepare. Laundry. Cleaning house. Yards to mow, driveways to shovel. Gardens/yardwork to do. Who handles the checkbook? Who is the one who handles the car care? Who is the one who calls the repairperson/cable person/utility company/roofer and has to be at the house when they come to do work? Who grocery shops?
I mean, since BD isn't working right now, I would think some of these things could be put on her daily task list.
Instead, she's out sewing costumes and playing in the streets.
This is my problem with the show.
My screen looks funny today so I'm not using my official avatar.
But it's obviously me! lol
Well, I am signed in to blogger but for some weird reason I can't comment using my blogger ID. So you will just have to take my word for it that I am me. Let's see. Hold a lightbulb to my head and interrogate me.
The secret password is....CHEEZ IT's!!!!!
I have a secret liking for Buckin.
I have only seen 1/2 of Bubble Boy.
Jake barefoot in flip flops drives me INSANE!!!
LOLLLLLL!!!! There. Coughed up all I know and have held in the vault. Some will now be able to verify that it is really me.
How sad - no sexy cupcake today.
Where is everybody?!!!!
Why is Jake trying to look like Zac Efron - that's what I would like to know.
Uh oh, looks like time is up.
One more -
Love this song. I love it. Wish I could hear it! LOL
I have had horrible problems trying to post the past two days, between Blogger and my comments being lost while comment moderation was on.
Keep trying to say congrats on losing the boot PG, and hope you're surviving the latest storm.
Anything more will have to wait until I'm sure I'm not going to lose my post.
# RemindandRefine @AUS10NICHOLS Our collaboration with @mtcateam has arrived: LOVE IS LOVE!
RT about 2 hours ago via web Retweeted by AUS10NICHOLS
Thanks, Destiny!
Oh now it seems to be fixed! Log On is back.
That was weird.
Don't know if anyone clicked on the link from Austin's tweet.
It is a shirt that is a collaboration between Make the Change and Remind & Refine. "This shirt speaks a simple message with a deep meaning. Love has no color, age, gender or condition.. Love is Love, and that is what it will always be."
The T-shirt says:
If Amy & Barbara [or] Mike & Steve love each other. it doesn't mean that John & Mary can't.
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