While Jake is taking meetings in CA, Austin's in charge in NC.
Check him out out in action. Here he is previewing a scene with stand ins through his director's viewfinder. Not to be confused with a Viewmaster. (although OTH on Viewmaster might be more enjoyable)
Hospital, excitement and babies? But who's? Would it be Nathan and Haley's? Or will it be a baby for Julian and BrookeDavis(TM) via the new guest star?
Whoever's baby is on the screen it, it looks like they put the HDIC (Head Dad in Charge) in to take on this episode. Direct what you know .... ?
You know one of these markers is going home with him even "accidentally"

Happy Year of the Rabbit!

Old video of Jake and Austin biking at Griffith Park, April 2007
original source
Old video of Jake and Austin biking at Griffith Park, April 2007
(blogger is deleting comments with clickable links)
Special, love the images from the VF Photo shoot as well as the video.
Fell in love with the foursome on the left. Took note of Jake's foot positioning with he and Ryan facing each other so nicely. I could almost imagine James Franco tugging on Annie's shoulder to get a better look over at Jake.
Yeah, I know, I'm projecting! But, tell you what... as I watched that video, when Ryan started talking..... my gaydar was going into max overload. :oP
Happy to see Austin taking charge, and of a baby episode no less !
ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping... damn thing is still goin off! lol
Thanks video. Sadly Jake and Austin bike riding can't be seen in the US. : (
Can you see it from this link?:
another link here. I hope you can see it now.
I was able to see it, video! Cool - thanks for the second effort! The boys in their natural habitat - on their bikes!
lol. They are looking good!
Yes, I saw the exact post. If you honestly believe that someone would use the term "swirling love juices" with sincerity I don't know what to tell you. The sarcasm couldn't be clearer, but if you don't want to see it, and choose to let someone further ridicule you and this board because you guys can't spot sarcasm, fine.
Actually, if you were to go back to Monday the 31st and re-look at the entire thread that morning, I think one would say that this comment as well as several others similar to it were not dripping with sarcasm.
Someone knew what they were talking about.
Not only that but this particular comment was the first time anyone on either blog had ever said anything about 3 babies. In fact, just looking at the following comments, it might be a close assumption to say that the "3" bypassed most people's attention because absolutely nobody said "3? I thought it was supposed to be 1 or 2".
Thanks! I can see it from the last two links you gave.
I made hotlinks for both.
Austin looks like he has no problem with Two Wheeled Tuesdays even back then.
Nice to see them riding together. Thanks again for the clip.
That comment was followed up later by this one:
Not speculation. They are married and have children. Threatened much?
January 31, 2011 11:17 AM
That one doesn't drip of sarcasm either.
Anyway, it is a crazy day today here in the Old Salt Mines! How to make up 2 days of work and get 4 days of work total into 2. LOL. Uh, probably not happening.
Passed a poor person stuck trying to turn into his work location and some guys were trying to push his car out of the snow. I just prayed it didn't happen to me!!
Great to be back and everyone is all stressed out.
I'm very excited about Austin's directing stint. I bet he'll do an excellent job - nice post today, Special.
Today is one of those eat at your desk kind of days, order in pizza. I had a Lean Cuisine Steak Tips Portobello thingy with broccoli. Very good. Supplemented by my Big Buddy (yes, he is my Big Buddy once again! lol) and his leftover popcorn in the HUGE white plastic bowl. Very good.
Good news on the STD front - approved and thank goodness for their sake because otherwise somebody was going to get a real earful. Don't know who but somebody was. But I'll be quiet about it and just be thankful.
And no that's not std for disease but short term disability.
Well, short lunch. Everyone has their nose to the grindstone so I better get back to it.
Another great find--thanks Video.
I do like the VF spread, I always enjoy it when they do photo shoots as a period piece, and everyone does look beautiful.
Just received: hot scoop! Jake Gyllenhaal spotted chatting up Carey Mulligan at opening night of "Three Sisters" at CSC tonight. HOT couple! about 1 hour ago via Echofon Retweeted by 1 person
ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping... damn thing is still goin off! lol
LOL Seaweed, that still cracks me up after a whole day of seeing it.
And hey, how can you have a year of the rabbit without Frank.
Covering for 21:16
Oooh--Jake talked to Carey Mulligan, who has worked with Peter S twice--on Broadway in The Seagull and in the movies in The Education. They MUST be a couple.
Please. Carey is friends with Peter and Maggie. Of course, if she's in town, she'll go to the opening of Three Sisters. Give me a break.
Personally, I think Carey is too below the radar and too intelligent for Jake. But she is a blonde.
February 3, 2011 9:16 PM
Someone else who was seen chatting with Jake and is going the rounds being mention with other guys is Mila Kunis. The latest is her and Justin Timberlake.
Yeah Carey is friends with Peter and Maggie, but she was also in Brothers too.
Nice that Jake is there for the opening of Maggie and Peter's play.
Thought about using Frank, but thought it was a little dark for happy new year wishes.
Frank who? Who's Frank, Special?
Isn't this song White Rabbit creepy? And yes, I've heard about what this song might be about. It's still creepy. Ol' Grace Slick did have a great voice, didn't she?
Stephen King is talking about the remake of The Stand for the big screen.
Stephen King has come forward to talk about the upcoming project, which follows the survivors of a man-made plague that has wiped out most of mankind. The author offered the ten things he knows for a fact about this new version of The Stand.
Here is what he had to say:
"1. No one will be able to top Gary Sinise, who played Stu Redman in the original ABC miniseries The Stand. He was perfect. When he says "You don't know nothing" to the soldiers who are putting him under mandatory quarantine, you believe his contempt completely. My runner-up pick would be Jake Gyllenhaal.
Sox fans stick together.
Check out what else Mr. King said about the remake. Enterprise Post
Frank who? Who's Frank, Special?
Frank, the Rabbit, from Donnie Darko. You're going to have to break down and see that movie one of these days, PG. ;-)
Stepping out for a night of theatre fun, Carey Mulligan was among the stars turning up at the Classic Stage Company Theatre in New York City on Thursday night (February 3).
The "Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps" actress was on-hand to check out the production of "Three Sisters" along with fellow attendees such as Jake Gyllenhaal, Nina Arianda and Denis O'Hare.
Gossip Girls
Thanks so much for the “sporting” video from 2007. The boys seemed to always have a special place in their heart for the month of April, don’t you think? In fact, the first couple of weeks of 2007 was pretty active for Jake and Austin, in general. Like they almost couldn't get enough of each other. Cycling through the hills of Griffith Park together. Jake spotted in San Diego, visiting the HBO set of John from Cincinnati where he arrived and spent most of the day inside Austin’s trailer. Sharing a quiet dinner at JAR. In fact, now that we know Jake admitted to being a married man in December 2009, we have a pretty good idea that they might have tied the knot in the latter part of June, 2008, given Jake's schedule and the timeline of same sex marriages in California. The one remaining question is when did these two soul mates become engaged? Quite possible the magical time might have been in late April, 2005. One reason to support this theory is Jake suddenly appeared on May 1st (Royale Theatre) and May 2nd (Chanel Costume Institute Gala at MoMA) of that year, (prior to the release of Brokeback Mountain) wearing a black diamond engagement ring on both days. And, why refer to that particular ring as an engagement ring. Well, probably because Jake announced in early October that he had bought an engagement ring for himself. Awwww. How nice of Jake to be so kind… to himself. After Jake’s Inuit Earth Day Event on April 22 2005, he disappears for a week and when he returns, he’s proudly wearing a black diamond ring. Since we know that Jake visited the romantic resort of Tortuga Bay sometime before 2006 it’s quite possible that the last week of April may have been the momentous time frame where they both agreed to build a life together. Giving Jake and Austin’s public appearances, which started to take place around November, 2005, it’s quite possible that April holds a special place in their hearts because it coincides with a very important anniversary for them both.
Another thing about April, it was when Jake (and pretty much would mean Austin) was going to come out back in 2006.
Blogs were reporting on April 10, that Jake was going to come out. And on April 11 there was that carefully worded comment via the NY Daily News (with that odd error, they've known each other since high school.)
Dlisted: Jake Not Coming Out Anytime Soon!
Don't think it was a coincidence that he was looking at April to come for many of the same reasons that something special happened to make April a special month for them.
I just finished my first Directing gig. I gotta say, I have not felt so engaged in something so new and so challenging in a long time.
about 1 hour ago via Twitter for BlackBerry®
^^ I have not felt so engaged in something?
Great wording - so topical, isn't it?!!
I'm extremely happy for Austin to read of his excitement. That's awesome. Can't wait to see the episode, buddy! Hopefully, you had better control over the state of your hair in this one. lol
Since we know that Jake visited the romantic resort of Tortuga Bay sometime before 2006
And what a romantic looking place that Tortuga Bay was. WOW!! I'll never forget looking up that place on the web and it was exclusive. Obnoxiously private. Sexy.
Not at all the kind of place one would go alone, sorry.
It looks and sounds to me like these 2 guys have had some of the most luxurious, romantic trips together. It sounds like a relationship that is being worked at and rejuvenated time after time again. No, they're not together round the clock but actually talk about something that can stale a marriage and that is 24/7 togetherness. There are cellphones and Skype now to help tide the days apart.
And when you need to re-bond, well, there's places like Tortuga, the Arctic, and heck, could even be a treehouse in there somewhere!
lol. You just never know, crazy as these guys are.
Great accounts up there, M&M and Special.
Something like figuring out 3 kids and marriage isn't conjured up or batted about and then put up helter skelter in a post.
3 months went into it. 3 months.
That's a ton of Ted. Internet scoping, copying and pasting of articles. IHJ picture and dates researching.
Then it has to be put into a timeline so you can fit it all together like a puzzle.
Why? Because there are not going to be any pictures. There are not going to be any quotes from Jake saying, "Hey, I'm married and have 3 kids"
OOPS! He did say I'm married! LOL! That was an intentional slip, though, I bet considering the timing of that quote.
It's a s-e-c-r-e-t. He's in the closet. And he & Austin have family all over the States and they both have friends, i.e. Latrine, cast of OTH, Busy, Anne, etc. to help them cover. You can't beat that kind of network. Because that's what it is - a network.
But if you look and listen hard enough, things slip through.
Don't think it was a coincidence that he [Jake] was looking at April to come out for many of the same reasons that something special happened to make April a special month for them.
Oh, I agree, Special. That's part of the importance of April too. At first, I thought April might have been the month they first met, but I'm thinking that important day probably took place in May or June 2002, at the auditions for The Day After Tomorrow. According to an article in EW, Emmerich had roughed out a screenplay -- teaming up with rookie writer Jeffrey Nachmanoff --and a few months later CAA initiated a "bold" auction on May 1, 2002: "The terms: Any studio that bought the script bought it as is, and agreed to a budget, sources put at about $125 million."
Austin would have graduated from USC on 5/10/02, and we know the guys were already together the following month because of that cozy Jake & Austin photo of them shoulder to shoulder at the 2nd Anniversary Party for the Club Lotus June 26, 2002.
Then it has to be put into a timeline so you can fit it all together like a puzzle.
If this research includes a "ton of Ted" does the timeline include the London rentboy, the female cocaine-fueled hook-up, and hanging out in an alley near a WeHO gay bar looking for a bj? Because if it doesn't, then you're missing some pieces, even if they don't fit into the "Married Guys with Kids" Puzzle Picture.
No one ever said the guys have always been 150% faithful.
Specific sex acts can also be agreed upon to be off limits.
In fact, I found a blind item just two days ago that said Toothy saved a certain "deed" for his slightly snotty bf. Well, guess who that would be? Goose. I would dig it out but I am at work.
So don't even, Missing Pieces.
No one has ever said Jake was perfect or that Jake never hooked up with anyone else. Or Austin either for that matter. I don't need to know all of that, frankly, it just bothers me anyway.
What is of utmost importance, is that these 2 are still together. (see Leadville picture.)
But I'm not saying that Goose is slightly snotty!
LOLLLL!!! I'm just quoting Ted!!
Don't hang me!
Austin's Big Blue (ring) is not turquoise but Larimar, a stone that is only found in the Dominican Republic.
Larimar is a rare form of pectolite, which was discovered in the 1970's and is only found in the Dominican Republic. It has an extraordinary blue appearance similar to the color of the ocean in tropical areas. Hardness varies between 5-7 on the Mohs scale with the darker blue stones ranging closer to 7.
The name "Larimar" comes from a combination of Larissa and Mar and was given to the stone by a Dominican who named the stone after his daughter Larissa and Mar, the Spanish word for sea.
This unique Caribbean gemstone sometimes may be mistaken for turquoise.
Its powers are believed to helps us view events from different perspectives, to soften and enlighten, to heal the emotional, physical, mental and spiritual body.
Larimar stimulates the heart, throat, third eye and crown chakras promoting inner wisdom. It represents peace and clarity, healing and love. Bernadine.com
And where is Tortuga Bay? The Dominican Republic.
The way Austin flashed that ring with as much pride as a Superbowl ring you knew it was very very special. And that it came from someone special. And represented something special.
He also was very poignant about when the ring would appear. Many times after people were suspecting what the status of the relationship is, he would wear the ring as a statement as "Yes we are still together, and I'm off the market."
One more thing about Larimar is that the intensity of the color fades with prolonged exposure to sunlight, so it might be one reason it wasn't worn as much later on. Of course he might have taken it off because he got a replacement in the form of a wedding band. Don't think he minded the substitute for his engagement ring.
Many times after people were suspecting what the status of the relationship is, he would wear the ring as a statement as "Yes we are still together, and I'm off the market."
Prime example? After the Buckin interview on the Daily Top 10.
No, no, no!! I'm glad, of course.
Oh-oh, Jake is sick!! Looking at some new pictures on IHJ of him arriving in NYC on the 2nd and he is just hacking away. Poor guy.
Great. So he was spreading the spores to everyone at the theatre, lol. I hope his flight went all right. Sometimes when you have a cold and you fly, your ears can stop up.
Poor guy - he doesn't look up to snuff, does he? And here I've been giving him a hard time for hiding his face and he's probably been trying to shield everyone from his germs. LOL.
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