For the squeamish, those who don't want to be spoiled, or who just don't want Jake to lose those great assets he showed off in LaOD read no further.
"The door opens and there to greet visitors is the actor Jake Gyllenhaal. Half of him, anyway. He has been severed below the waist. Rather crudely at that, if his bloodied entrails are any indication. He's also missing his hands. But his face is perfectly intact and his beard is nicely trimmed. He even seems at peace with the world.
It takes a few seconds to realize that this is not what's left of the Brokeback Mountain star, but is actually a near flawless, though partial, Gyllenhaal facsimile, made of clay, acetone, silicone, putty, resins -and one dreads to know what else." - Ottawa Citizen
Looks like Jake got do something he's never had a chance before in a movie, extensive special effects make up. He's put his body through some pretty amazing things to get into his roles, and has been squibbed before (squibs are the blood packets that explode to look like gunshots, explosions) but losing limbs to a train in a battle of man vs. ticking time bomb, is a first.
This is a Sci-Fi Action movie, action with a capital A. And that's what the audience is going to get.
While Duncan is the man who is creating the vision for SC, the man who is creating Jake is Montreal native and Oscar nominee Adrien Morot.
No doubt Jake had to spend some time in the chair being molded so the master could sculpt his mutilated masterpiece. Somewhere in a Montreal workshop there are casts to make a life size Jake, well half a Jake, and in need of a hand out.
Last time in Montreal

Need a hand with that?
Jake was out yesterday at the Four Season in LA. While some are reporting it was a social call, it looks like it was more of a press thing getting ready for Source Code's opening.
UPDATE: New - 2nd trailer for Source Code
it looks like it was more of a press thing getting ready for Source Code's opening.
Where did you read that?
Great news. The federal Govt has just announced it will no longer defend Tje defense to marriage Act. Meaning it no longer see marriage as something just between a man and a woman. Obama is keeping his promises. Good for him.
Unbelievable, and great news. It only took him two years.
Logic will tell you that Jake has to do press for Source Code which opens in less than six weeks. The push will really start after SXSW.
The studios set up junkets for the interviews at hotels. With Duncan in LA, it makes sense for them to do press in LA.When has Jake been around long enough to do press for Source Code? Also co-start Michelle Monaghan was on with Raw footage of her interview for Source Code yesterday. Does that say press junket or what.
And besides why would he go to a social event in the morning and bring his own reusable coffee cup with him into the hotel?
Good news about the Obama administration and the Government about no longer defending the defense of marriage act.
I dunno. The same reason he brought the reusable to a doctors appt? To be green?
Just put a new clip for Source Code in today's post, it is the 2nd trailer.
I am so hoping that Jake does nothing to embarrass himself again before this movie. I would like to see it.
Happened to be flipping channels and found LOGO showing Brokeback just when Cassie tells Ennis that girls don't fall in love with fun. I haven't watched BBM for quite awhile but I was still tearing up when Ennis went to visit the old Twist homestead. It's just so darn sad and tragic. And then just when Ennis breathes into the shirts and begins to exhale "I love you", a stupid commercial blares on!!
Oh, I could not believe that. I can't stand network television.
In a brutal and bloody battle, the surprise winner of Gay Spy's Fitty Fitster of 2010 contest was X Factor's shy and retiring Blackpudlian Aiden Grimshaw, who beat off the likes of Jake Gyllenhaal and the mighty Zefron on his way to victory. source
Dear Ted:
This Valentine's Day was abuzz with the very public love letter/song Owl City front man Adam Young dedicated to Taylor Swift. Now, we all know T. Swift had a crush on him, but do you think she would go for him know? She really seems into more high-profile romances these days. Have you heard if she has responded to him yet?
Dear Smitten By a Song:
Surprise, surprise, T. Swift writes a song about someone she is crushing on. She has yet to respond to his affectionate V Day note publicly. Plus, she had been spotted with Maroon 5's Adam Levine pre-Anne Vyalitsyna, and of course, there are rumors of her crushin' on him too. Personally, I think Levine's studlier and more Tay's type for sure. Too bad he's taken by a bombshell. Oh, and Taylor only does high-profile, hence John Mayer, Taylor Lautner and Jake Gyllenhaal. No coincidence there.
Bitch Back
RT HuffPostGreen Monsanto's GM crops linked to animal miscarriages
about 5 hours ago via The Huffington Post Retweeted by AUS10NICHOLS and 37 others
RT globalgreenusa Wish you got to do this in high school? Civics students Environmental Charter High School w/ GGUSA in Hollywood to unveil City Carbon Index
about 5 hours ago via SocialOomph Retweeted by AUS10NICHOLS
RT AustinExtras @AUS10NICHOLS Would you help out a web series trying to get started in your home town with a RT? #ATX #Kickstarter
about 8 hours ago via web Retweeted by AUS10NICHOLS and 3 others
RT ashsaffell @AUS10NICHOLS #twowheeltuesday has taken over my school! Thought you might like that! :) it's pretty rad to see!
Tuesday, February 22, 2011 4:57:34 PM via Twitter for iPhone Retweeted by AUS10NICHOLS
Love this version of the song today, sounds like it has all the snap, crackle and pops of an album.
Slow news day for Jake. I am actually getting excited about the Oscars, and this from one who has not watched them since BBM lost. Not for the awards, but Franco and Hathaway look interesting so I will at least give it a shot and turn it off if it is a snooze-fest.
Does anyone watch Justified? Timothy Olyphant is so sexy in it I am left speechless.
lol. I "walked" for the first time since my accident which was a week before Christmas. 15 whole minutes. LOLLLLLL!!!
15 min. snicker> What a wuss!! And it felt like 40.
5 teeny, tiny squats. And 10 miniscule plie's. Could barely see them.
Back to the scene of the crime with the instrument of death - my walking stick!!! The scene of the crime which was totally dry but still rather traumatic. Can't get rid of this limp, though. Maybe I'll be Festus forever. *sigh*
There. Jimmy the Egg is gone. Hope somebody's happy.
lol. Jimmy the Egg will come back to haunt those who look upon him with disdain.
m, Timothy Olyphant is HOT. I didn't know he was on TV right now. He is so good looking.
Okay, well, can't linger this morning. Just had to share the ol' walking news.
Is somebody going to go watch the Launch today???????? Let us know if you do, buddy!!
That Jimmy the Egg has a wide-eyed grin that reminds me of a maniacal "cereal" killer!!!! I may be the exception, but I don't like my breakfast logos looking like a scene out of Psycho! Hmmmm. Do you think that was a spot of ketchup dripping from Jimmy's knife. LOL!
Congrats on the walk PG. Fifteen minutes sounds good after being layed up for so long. As Sergeant Esterhaus would say, "Be careful out there."
Personally, I think Levine's studlier and more Tay's type for sure. Too bad he's taken by a bombshell
Hmmmm. since we know what Tay Tay's "type" is this is another indication that Ted is definitely implying that the "front man" of Maroon 5 may be fronting something else. The guy, who works so hard to maintain a bad boy rep as a chick hound, just might be over compensating...a lot.
I will be out there trying to catch a glimpse of the last shuttle launch PG. It is so close I should be able to see it.
I agree m it s so hard watching the Oscars after BBM was blatantly robbed of Best Pic. Sorry to hear about what is going on at your job m. Corporate America is so out of control. They have nothing to fear so they just do what they want.
It should be so interesting to see what goes on in J and A's life after Source Code and OTH are over.
Good article on New about the recent decision about DOMA.
February 24, 2011
Obama’s Gay-Marriage Test
Posted by Jeffrey Toobin
Attorney General Eric Holder’s decision to cease defending the constitutionality of Section Two of the Defense of Marriage Act strikes me as very big news. It’s really all about President Obama’s self-proclaimed evolving position on same-sex marriage. But you’ll have to bear with me to explain why.
Read the rest here
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