The first official pictures from the set of Nightcrawler and ironically in daylight.
While it looks like Jake Lite, the movie is not, it is a look at the competitive world of after hours journalism in LA.
The movie also used KTLA yesterday as a set for several scenes.
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Just call him a bunhead. Wait - can't do that unless you can belt it out like Sutton Foster Jakey. ; )
But Jakey if you get any thinner, while those Hollywood Mean Girls will love your cheek, collar and wrist bones they'll gang up and cut you on your next juice run. You are getting too close to the lollipop their signature look.
Thankfully Nightcrawler is a short shoot, so Jake can get back to his regular fighting weight. He's a good middleweight and not meant to be a lightweight.
By November he can put down the juice and pick up nice big meal like turkey and all the trimmings.
Speaking of Turkey and Trimmings - OMG wants to say Happy Thanksgiving to our friends in the North.
We hope you had a wonderful day gathering with family and friends and reflecting on what is to be thankful.
Happy Thanksgiving Canada!!!!
Happy Birthday Destiny!!!!
Have a wonderful day today, Destiny.
Happy Birthday Destiny. Have a great time celebrating your day :-)
Horrible look for Jake. Looks like a nerdy serial killer or something :-)
Thanks for the birthday wishes. I celebrated a bit early by going to see Nine Inch Nails last night, and then later today I'm going to go see Prisoners with Roma.
Happy Thanksgiving Seaweed and to any of our lurkers who are in Canada.
Happy Birthday, Destiny! Sounds like you already got the ball rollin' last night.
And Happy Thanksgiving celebration to Seaweed.
Lots of happy, happy going around, that's great!
I have enjoyed seeing the filming pictures - it's a glut, that's for sure. Love the Subtle Salmon/Coral smock top he's rockin'. Like the light brown shoes. Like the white T.
Love the Parker roll knot he's got on top of his head. I liked the whole hair regime he was doing there at the tree.
This tweet has got to be one of my All Time Favor-ite tweets of all time. I haven't kept a PG Top Ten Favorite Tweets list or anything, but if I did, this one would be #2, if it wouldn't be #1. It'd be a #2 breathing down the neck of #1. I love this tweet to death.
*itch pudding, you rock.
☯bitch pudding☯ (@olossondro)
10/15/13, 2:22
i just want to put my tiny baby jake gyllenhaal into my pocket and feed him leftovers so he can grow big and strong love you little guy
lol. That tweet just kills me. It's going on Repeat. Retweet. Reheat.
That being said, I don't want to give off the idea that I am admiring the whole weight loss thing. I think it's ridiculous and most of all, it's just very unwise.
I don't think Matthew McConaghey (sp) has looked right ever since his huge weight loss. He's not regained any normalcy in his face.
It's foolish to intentionally jack with your weight like this. It's got to be a strain on your body and your organs. The old classic actors didn't do this.
Look at the old movie and television sets of yesteryear, of Errol Flynn, Meet Me in St Louis, The Honeymooners. When I watch the Honeymooners, I forget that they're in a one-room set with bare minimum props. Because they were good. They were that good.
I don't need someone starving him or herself just so that I can drown in the movie role. It's like these guys feel they need to do this in order to be nominated for an Oscar in order to prove they're so into their craft.
What a terrible example being set for future actors because it's setting a standard that will likely become only more popular.
So few jobs and I am sure actors are desperate to get them.
Happy Thanksgiving Seaweed :-)
Go Sox!!!!!
Is Methodical Muser around? I just wondered what you have to say about Ace's latest Blind on Harry and Louis. I was really upset at first, but after texting and discussing with several Tumblr friends, I realize this has Modest written all over. Revenge perhaps for 1D's contract ending soon? Or, because Eleanor will be existing the scene soon?
Hey, Larry Shipper. Welcome!
I’m with you 100%. For my fellow OMGers, I want to point out that there is some interesting stuff going on right now regarding Harry and Louis of One Direction. I am bringing it up because the similarities with Ted are truly remarkable, particularly when it came to his last Blind Item about Toothy and Goose. In short, it’s almost like these PR firms cluster around the same contaminated watering hole when trying to hide the sexual orientation of their clients and/or retaliate against gay performers who dare to be true to themselves.
To set the stage, there has been a rumor going around for some time that One Direction’s contract with Modest Management, which is the Marketing/PR group that shoved Harry and Louis deep into the closet in July, 2012, is expiring soon and that the boys will be moving on to another PR firm that will be more gay friendly.
As part of this transition, Louis is also supposed to be breaking up with his beard before the end of the year and the boyfriends were supposed to be planning a winter vacation together to celebrate. There is no definitive evidence of this, but since there’s been some high profile articles about the boys resigning with Sony Records, but no word about a renewal with Modest Management, it is believed that the MM contract will be expiring sometime in December as well.
In any event, as some here may already know, Ace over at Blind Gossip has fitted into the role of a Ted Casablanca since 1D’s breakout success in America last year. Just like Ted specialized in Toothy and Goose blinds, Ace has written many blinds that have obviously been about Harry and Louis, starting off with one that was very similar to the original March 10, 2005 One Adorable Blind Vice.
For review, Ace’s kickoff closeted column was published on April 5, 2012 and called, Boy Banders Are Hiding A Secret. That’s the infamous Blind where Ace writes:
There is a Boy Band consisting of beautiful young men that currently has young girls across the country screaming with admiration and desire. Their public image is wholesome. However, there’s a lot going on behind the scenes that belies that image.
For example, there’s one member of the group whose moniker could be The Gay One. That’s right. Your teen daughter may be swooning right now over someone who isn’t even interested in her gender.
Oh, and there’s another member of the group who wouldn’t be interested in your daughter. His moniker could be… The Other Gay One.
Fast forward to today, and in response to our Larry shipper’s question, many in the 1D Larry fandom have thought something has been up for a while. Especially, since some odd stories suddenly started circulating/unfolding over the past few weeks, using the high jacked twitter accounts of Louis and his family, (yes, just like with Austin’s twitter account, Modest Management posts under the boys and family’s accounts too) to show that the Tomlinson’s have been unhappy with the Larry fandom supposedly sending one of Louis’ younger sister’s pornographic materials about Louis and Harry, and that Louis was having some fight with a BBC Radio 1 host (Nick Grimshaw) who is known to be a friend of Harry’s.
At this point, I won’t get into any more of the minutia of it all, but out of nowhere (just like that March 23, 2012 BV from Ted about Blind Vice: Toothy Gets Slutty With Room Service!, where Toothy is said to have recently fooled around on Goose and the impression is left that they may not go the distance), Blind Gossip publishes a post this afternoon, implying that one of the boys (inference, Harry) has cheated on Louis and things are not going so well in the relationship.
So whether the boys still have a contract with MM beyond 2013 or not, it is so obvious that the impression is suddenly being left that these two lovebirds may not go the distance. A rumor that literally comes out of nowhere. Perhaps, an impression, a vindictive Modest Management would like everyone to think is true, especially when Louis’ contract with his beard is said to be ending soon too. Heaven forbid that Larry shippers would have been proven right all along.
Unlike with Jake and Austin, however, (although there are some recent signs that maybe they are fighting back a bit too) the insurmountable problem Modest has always had is Harry and Louis themselves. Modest may be able to separate them off stage with photo bans, Harry at PR events with everyone but Louis, private jets that suggest that Harry flies alone, et al., but when they are on stage, (which is practically every night) their fond for one another cannot be hidden away because it shines like a thousand moons.
Never mind that Harry has tweeted in just the past week alone, some very interesting lyrics that cannot be ignored. Like Joni Mitchell’s, “My Old Man”:
We don't need no piece of paper
From the city hall
Keeping us tied and true
My old man
Keeping away my blues
As well as the Shania Twain composition, “You’re Still The One”:
(When I first saw you, I saw love.
And the first time you touched me, I felt love.
And after
all this time, you're still the one I love.)
Looks like we made it
Look how far we've come my baby
We mighta took the long way
We knew we'd get there someday
Harry also made sure to refer to the song, “Tupelo Honey” on Sunday, which has the following lyrics:
You can't stop us on the road to freedom
You can't keep us 'cause our eyes can see
Men with insight, men in granites
Knights in armor bent on chivalry
I guess Modest Management doesn’t get that “The Times They Are A-Changin’”
I had completely forgotten about Harry's tweets and the lyrics to those songs. I bet he was sending out clues in anticipation of this charade. I remember the jet plane article too which tried to make it seem like Harry was getting on a separate plane, when he was obviously boarding the same one as the other boys.
But, those lyrics are really telling, aren't they? "Tried and true." That suggests monogamy to me.
And, "After all this time, you're still the one I love.. Looks like we made it."
Harry has always tweeted song lyrics to talk about his and Louis' relationship, dating back as far as September 2010. I think you're on to something that I missed completely. Thanks!
She's got the mind of a steel trap, Larry shipper, I ain't joking.
love you little guy
BWAH!!!! lol. That tweet just kills me. Even more than 12 hours later, it's killing me.
How sweet. I hope the guys thumb their noses at those that kept them closeted at the earliest opportunity.
Happy birthday, Destiny. Hope you are having a super day.
Jake looks pretty awful- effeminate actually. Glad to hear its a short shoot so he can get back to normal. Not sure the concept warrants an entire movie. Do we care about this type journalist? Hopefully he took the role because it has a great script.
So right PG. I have entered my pass code more times than I can remember. iPad. Personal cell phone work cell phone. All day long!
I don't care for how thin he is, but I actually like his look! I love that peach colored top he as on.
It reminds me of an old 60's bowling shirt or something. It reminds me of the kind of shirts you see Nat King Cole in, like a fine linen material.
And he's so white. And his arms are shaved. Just a really eerie, yet kind of intriguing look.
I don't know, I kind of like it. He looks like he's an apparition walking about 2 in. off the ground.
And the Parker house roll knot. Like that, too.
I have entered my pass code more times than I can remember.
Whew, I'm glad I don't have an IPhone. That would drive me even more nuts. It's bad enough I have to swipe constantly just to unlock the screen on my phone, let alone put in a passcode, too. That's just too much.
Love your avatar, PG. You've always got one at the ready to fit the occasion.
I agree he sure does look effeminate in those pics.
Happy Birthday Destiny... sorry I'm a bit late with the greetings, it's been a very busy time here over the Thanksgiving holiday weekend in the great white north.
Enjoyed a great deal of fine meals over the weekend with family and friends. Thanks so much for the special mentions and greetings for our holiday up here. Yours will be following in due course as you get much closer to the start of the lead up to Christmas. Yup... it will come that quickly once again.
Happy to hear of some encouraging news on the One Direction front, we'll have to see how it all plays out over the next few months.
Here in Nova Scotia we've been dealing with some shocking news out of New Glasgow. A young man was stabbed twice and had his throat cut late Friday night in a possible hate crime. I'll link the story for those of you who'd like to check it out. There has been a major outpouring of concern for the victim and for his recovery, although it does appear that his spine was damaged to the point where he may never walk again. News like this just makes you weak to the point of being heart-sick beyond belief.
Here's hoping that friends and family and those who help through the growing trust fund will see this young man's future is made somewhat easier in the challenges he will no doubt face.
Scott Jones story
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