The Weinstein Company is not pulling any punches.
The last time we saw Jake with Rachel was presenting at the 2010 Oscars, having fun and kidding to a "friend" saying, “This is Rachel McAdams, she's the mother of my child!

While there is no word what McAdams' part would play in the story of the boxer “ 'who tries to overcome adversity to recapture glory' after a personal tragedy shatters his world and puts his young daughter at risk", the role mention for Lupito would be the social work assigned to Jake's daughter.
No word on if this is a done deal, but with production set to start next month in Pittsburgh it looks more than just dancing around in the ring. With the story and the powerhouse cast it looks like TWC is banking on Southpaw to take the title.
That is definitely a powerhouse cast. Jake must be thrilled at the prospect and potential of this role.
No wonder Jake and Austin are actively bearding.
Chloe Bennet (L) and Austin Nichols attend A Celebration of Barbara Walters Cocktail Reception Red Carpet at the Four Seasons Restaurant on May 14, 2014 in New York City
Jake Gyllenhaal eyes $3.75M townhouse
NY Post
Well if it's in The Post you know it's not going to happen. Chalk it up to all the other houses they've had him look at.
BTW - Why would a bachelor want a house - wouldn't he want a trendy loft in Tribeca or Brooklyn?
FauxChlo looks like she's have a bit of a strain in that picture.
Just like a director Austin knows where the camera is.
Not sure how those two got invited to that reception but what a place for a bearding couple to be seen. Hopefully Mrs Beard didn't wear the same outfit as that last outing. Who the heck picked that out ?????
We will see the traveling and fun soon come to end end for Austin when Jake goes Back to work. You can bet on that and the odds of it are even better than the odds for California Chrome in the Preakness on Saturday.
You gotta admit Southpaw is shaping up to be one heck of a movie. They're throwing everything behind this.
Jake will have no excuses this time if it doesn't happen for him. Sorry to be blunt about it, but that's pretty much it in a nutshell.
Jake and Austin are going all out, throwing all their eggs into this basket right now. It better happen for them or there's going to be some chins dragging the sidewalk. Who knows what else will lie in its wake 20 years from now when they decide to say hey, guess what.
This explains so much. Explains the entire GHaal family providing the kangaroo pouch for Jake. I fully expect nominations, awards, the whole nine yards for Jake. It's what he wants so desperately and apparently needs in order to feel fulfilled because he's sacrificing his kids for this and he & Austin are putting them second behind their own needs and wants.
But it's not just them. It's Bradley Cooper. It's Andrew Garfield. It's Jensen and Jared. It's KStew. It's Hugh Jackman.
Thank goodness for the ones like Ellen Page and Michael Sam and Matt Bomer who are fighting, fighting to turn this Model-T car around.
The movie sounds interesting. Can't wait to see the end results.
When is Jakes reporter movie supposed to be released?
I wish I was in NYC right now. Jared & Jensen are both there for the CW upfronts. Those lucky fans who were at the hotel when Jared arrived. He takes so many pictures with his fans and he's frequently just smiling to beat the band, that beautiful dimpled smile. Never seen dimples so deep as his.
Ok, well, still have a bit of time to go do some searching. Congratulations, Seaweed on your hockey win!!!
: )
LOL - a triple post. I haven't done that in ages. Reminds me of Sass. LOL. Shoutout to Sass if you're still lurking. Remember you used to do that all the time? Or am I thinking of Seaweed? lol. Somebody used to do that all the time.
Sorry about that!
This Chloe Bennet thing sure came out of nowhere. She is really not a gifted actress at all. But, she does remind me of Sophia Bush in that she may play for the same team. That could explain the pairing with Austin as well.
I agree that all this publicity push and bearding is about Southpaw. Jake is desperate for an Oscar.
Congrats Idaho :-) Woo Hoooooo!!!!
Breaking News
Arkansas judge strikes down all state laws banning same-sex marriage
Updated: 1:50 p.m. CDT
LITTLE ROCK, Ark. — An Arkansas judge has struck down all state laws preventing gay couples from marrying, expanding on his order finding such bans unconstitutional.
Pulaski County Circuit Judge Chris Piazza clarified his ruling on Thursday, a day after the state Supreme Court noted that a prohibition on county clerks issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples still stood. Piazza also denied the state’s motion to suspend his decision.
The high court ruling effectively halted gay marriages in the state, with the two counties that had been issuing licenses to same-sex couples saying they’d stop. Pulaski County, the state’s largest, said it planned to resume issuing the licenses after Piazza’s order.
Piazza had last week struck down a constitutional amendment and an earlier law banning same-sex marriage.
Developing ...
Good choice -- I have looked around and haven't found any release date for Nightcrawler. When I see it I'll post it.
Frosted Banana Bars are in the oven!
lol. I started this comment awhile ago. Let me try again.
Frosted Banana Bars are OUT of the oven!!!! lol
We're having a baking contest and I pledged to bring a baked item to the party of my choice - my irreplaceable buds in the Shipping lead office. I would be left high & drive without these guys - they haul my office/first aid supplies up to me and haul those heavy cases of copy paper whenever I ask. They all help me out so much.
I hope they've turned out okay - it's been a little while since I made them.
You know what I would love to see? I would love to see Jared Padalecki standing next to Austin. Austin's listed at what, 6'3"? I think Jared is every inch what they say, which is 6'5" or 6'4". Jared is one big boy.
And you know what's the weirdest? Jared LIVES in Austin, Texas!!! He lives in Austin, right in Austin's stomping grounds. Now come on. Are you going to tell me those 2 guys haven't run into each other at some kind of favorite haunt?
Jared is 31. Austin is 34.
Both men are fathers of very young ones.
Both men are very athletic. Jared snow skis, too. He rides bicycles.
I'm not pairing them up at all - after all, I ship Jared with Jensen, ain't nothing touching that perfect ship.
Oh, and then there's that whole CW thing.
One Tree Hill. Supernatural.
And you're still going to tell me that Jared and Austin have never crossed paths?
hmmmm... Actually, on second thought, I don't want Austin anywhere near Jared. Nah, forget that. But isn't it odd?
I was not the one with this original thought. I cannot claim. M&M had this thought. I'm just taking it and running with it.
I'd just love to see them standing next to each other.
You know, it just dawned on me.....
Jake is showing a tendency to me with his lady co-stars and/or beards.
Kirsten Dunst? Rumors of being lesbian.
Anne Hathaway? Rumors. And I am starting to believe she very well may be closeted.
Tay? Rumors. And yeah, I'm believing them with her.
And now Lupita? Rumors. In fact, I believe she was the popular choice in a blind which came out after the Oscars.
Because my big question with ol' Tay and Sophia Bush (as someone else mentioned up above) is why are they always bearding?
Why is Michelle Williams making these May-September hook ups with Jason Segal and Ryan Gosling? I never would have thought her to stoop to bearding but I do believe that is what she is doing.
Their patterns of hook ups are making me take notice, let's put it that way.
You look at the guys these ladies hook up with.
In fact, Kirsten D. is "dating" Garrett Hedlund right now. Garrett? He had some "are they or aren't they" talk with Tay Swift. That right away sends out all kinds of red alerts. "red" alerts. Get it? BWAH!
And right after the Oscars, the media tried to create some "buzz" around Lupita and Jared Leto. You knew there wasn't anything to that. But why did it happen?
This is what I look for. Is who gets "paired up" with who. There are just ladies who are starting to develop a bearding air with me. And ladies like Minka, Olivia Munn, Renee Z, Sophia Bush, and Tay are only a few of them, with Michelle Williams starting to raise suspicions to myself.
And now I can add FauxChlo to the mix. After her & Austin are kaput, I'll be watching to see who she beards for next.
Don't forget Austin's first beard, Claire Oswalt. The one he was engaged to for about 15 years. And, with FauxChloe hooking up with Austin for soft serve ice cream dates and airplane rides, there very well may be a there, there as well when it comes to her orientation. Otherwise, why not date an actual straight guy?
"Soft Serve"
lol. **wink**
Check out Austin's latest rant on his twitter account. He goes silent for months on end now he can't shut up because it involves selling his fauxmance.
In fact, I'm surprise Austin hasn't posted FauxChlo's dental x-rays yet to prove he's seen her tonsils when they were sucking face over in China.
I will say that he makes it so obvious. He tweets nothing for months on end and now all of a sudden, like M&M said, he can't control himself on Twitter.
He's giving his flight number, where he flew out of, color of his garment bag, etc. all for the world wide web to see.
Riiiiiiiight. lol. Another dog & pony show.
And notice while Austin and FauxChlo ramp it up, where is Jake and his little porch step sitter? Looks like maybe Jake gets a bye week. They do make a good track team with the hand-off's down pat.
where is Jake and his little porch step sitter?
Maybe she went to look for another personally addressed envelope with Jake's handwriting on it so that she could post the card on her twitter account then take it down because you know Jake is a private kind of guy. So then Just Jared could repost and preserve the "lover's" exchange for all to see. I’m sure Jake, of course, was furious at the invasion of privacy, but Just Jared has its integrity, you know. *WINK*
Just Jared lending a hand
Not sure I believe the rumors about Anne, and don't think Michelle is gay either.
But Kirsten and Tay, I do think are bi or gay. I also wonder about Jennifer Lawrence and Emma Stone, and their relationships with co-stars. Haven't heard before there are rumors about Lupita, that's interesting.
I think some of the "bearding" that goes on isn't about being gay, but are just showmances because the actor doesn't have someone in their life at the moment, or someone that is going to generate publicity.
I also think there are just some people who may be difficult to get along with or have other issues that cause them to quickly rotate through partners.
But yeah, you sure can see patterns that seem to pop up in these relationships that really call into question whether they are real.
Cannes2014_badgeA bidding battle has erupted for Nightcrawler, the Jake Gyllenhaal-starrer written and directed by Dan Gilroy. The Weinstein Company, Focus Features and Open Road are all bidding, A24 is expected to come in with a bid, and Fox Searchlight is circling the pic, about a young man who stumbles upon the underground world of LA freelance crime journalism. Rene Russo, Bill Paxton and Riz Ahmed co-star. CAA, WME and Sierra/Affinity are repping. A deal is expected to close quickly. Stay tuned.
I didn't realize Nightcrawler was at Cannes or that it didn't already have a distributor. No wonder we've had a flurry of pictures and bearding.
can't wait to see Nightcrawler..
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