No one knows what Austin, man of mystery has been up to lately, but it seems books might be involved in some way. Recently Austin gave a rave review of a friend and mentor's book . (Old news to some, new news to others.) The friend is Markus Flanagan and the book,"One Less Bitter Actor".
I have had three incredible teachers along the way; Jake Gyllenhaal, Paul Bettany, and Markus Flanagan. The book is brilliant. It is like a college for film and television actors. I spent 11 years learning all the things that he has written down in his book. Trial by fire for me. Now there is One Less Bitter Actor for everyone else. Austin Nichols-HBO’s John from Cincinatti

One Less Bitter Actor is a primer for any actor and actress, telling it like is really is in film and televsion. Flanagan shows how to balance the business of acting with the craft of it and still maintain the love for it. Giving a map to the seen and unforeseen. The issues, traps and pitfalls in the life of an actor. Auditioning, casting and what to do after getting the part, appreciating the work, ignoring the hype, focusing on the creativity, being prepared, persistent and positive.
The book gets rave reviews for it honesty, which in Hollywood is rare. And from the reviews it is not only for actors and but those who want a real glimpse of an actor's life.
I like how he manages to slip in a compilment for Jake...
I like how he makes Jake the first one. : )
Jake and Reese at the beach in Malibu with their dogs on IHJ.
First thought when I see the new pics.
"I would rather hold dog poo than hold hands with you."
Monday morning snark, it feels so good.
Dee, the movie club movie is Maurice, which we will discuss on 6/7.
He had the pick up the dog poo or he would be fined. Just wondering whose dog poo, his dog or hers since both dogs are on the beach.
He didn't seem to mind holding her hand while she was visiting him on set.
Of course she wouldn't dare pick up any dog poo. Wonder who the old guy was, her father?
No kids, i guess Ryan has them. He does look relaxed, I wonder if he has to report back today or has the mvie shut down again.
Did hey plan on Reese wearing a bikini and Jake covering up so more baby rumors can circulate?
Theyhave that smirk thing going again.
Think the sight of Reese in a bikini will finally convince the Babblers that she has 32 year old soccer mom belly and is not pregnant? Yeah, me neither.
Nice to see they took our criticism of her never being with her own dog to heart.
I know he is being a responsible pet parent. He always has been.
pic 2 - gross!
Don't leave home without the matching sunglasses. LOL!
Oh and make sure you grin for the cameras - don't want another lot like Fridays....
Great Reeke Tour Cali Style Day 3
Last weekend before Memorial Day and Disney's big announcement.
Wicked said - "In our Protected Information poll, there are 5 votes for "anything that can be found on the internet is acceptable." I would love to hear more from some of you who voted this way."
Wicked, sorry I didn't answer in the previous post.
In a nutshell anything on the net that can be accessed by the public, I don't consider private. If information is private, then it should be protected.
oh yea now that i see reeses body i totally think jakes hittin it. *smirk*
call me cynical but im really wondering if the 3 photo ops were taken all on friday. the beach pics show them there for a short time, jake didnt even lay out or get undressed and reese probably had the bikini under her blue dress on friday. what does everyone else say? easy enough, brentwood/venice/malibu.
Those three teachers deserve a lot of credit, Austin has really come a long way as an actor when you compare his earlier stuff to his recent work. And I do have the sense he really enjoys the work; I don't feel that way so much about Jake.
"Think the sight of Reese in a bikini will finally convince the Babblers that she has 32 year old soccer mom belly and is not pregnant? Yeah, me neither."
it aslo convinces me that she runs and bikes. ha. and jake is doing her any chance he can get. double ha ha. wonder if tthats why jake is laughing in the pics, cos he knows once people see them theyll know hes not doing her at all.
The book looks a really interesting read even for non actors. One thing that Markus touches upon is that casting directors are looking to impress the director's too, which I never really thought about.
Just the few things I read over at the book's site, I can see the influence in Austin's career.Jake not only is great teacher but a great supporter of Austin's and the direction he wants to take the roles he plays.
Remember his comment about Milch saying I talk a lot about the character and get feedback and develop it. Jake plays a role in this, and you could see them talking out their scene in the behind the scenes in TDAT.
I think that Austin has improved so much because he has had those around him give him the confidence to be fearless in his performance and step out there and just go for it.
CNN panel discusses the Ellen and Portia's engagement and the difference a decade makes
And congratulations PR man Howard Bragman on his upcoming wedding with his partner.
I think the latest photo op was to put the baby rumors to rest. She does not look the least bit pregnant, just a bit chubby. Baby rumors might affect her marketability. Didn't Jake used to say he loved taking his clothes off. Another part of his personality that disappeared.
It does seem that Jake is an important part of Austin's life. :) The book looks interesting.
The insecurity of the early days that creates that competition doesn't actually go away when you get famous. You don't automatically get a deep sense of fulfillment and calm and treat people better. When someone else works it has no bearing on your talent. When someone else gets a job you were up for it doesn't mean they're better than you are and you should hang your head around them. And most importantly; Another person's success isn't your failure.
Let them be who they are and be happy for them when they work. Learn all you can from their journey if they are willing to share. Austin Nichols sites Jake Gyllenhaal as one of his best teachers, and they're the same age.
Great find, Special K. This excerpt from Flanagan's blog was also nice to read.
Oh I love all of this wedded bliss - George Takei is getting married to his long-time partner too! Congrats and much happiness! I'm just so happy that this is possible now for so many people, hopefully for many more as well. :'*
Takei's statement about his upcoming marriage
Didn't know he was imprisoned in the Japanese internment camps during WWII.
Casting directors have been a big part of the problem for gay actors, particularly gay casting directors.
I've heard of this book! I may have even seen it, but I wasn't aware of Austin's review. It made me smile; it's so honest and pure - it says it all despite everything. They've made an important impact on one another's lives.
Re: Reeke On The Beach. The hands-full thing is just so funny; I doubt Reese would have considered taking one of Jake's wrists given what he's holding in each hand, lol. I'm not sure we needed to see 20+ pictures of this tableau either, but it was worth it for what looks like the anomaly at the end: Prop guy? Director? key grip? "Harold, you can get out of the shot now, the kids will be leaving." ;)
They don't look like they settled there for much time at all. And is Reese carrying some of the magazines Jake bought at the store? It really does look like they did all these photos in one day.
A boy and his mother?
That grandma outfit - there are no words.
IHJ Media is not working at the moment, I guess the Reeke just got too bad.
And I guess we now have confirmation of what Jake sees in Reese--Naomi.
A touch of chivalry is always good, but sometimes:
LOL :)
Eonline! had the same picture with the caption that said they were on their way to try and find a yoga class together.
Bikes, yoga, beach, dogs, cocktail party, lunch. Just reading the overscheduled overkill is exhausting.
They sure are desparate to make it seem like Jake didn't have one free minute for anything else this weekend. And funny how so much of it is geared to showing that Reese is in shape. You'd think after the Avon fiasco she'd want to limp around on some crutches; guess it's too late for that.
ONTD: "Justin Timberlake is on the verge of proposing to Jessica Biel."
Timberlake was shoping for the ring months ago.
Must be that time of year - notice how everything is "almost", "on the verge" and "any day now". ;)
More Ma and Pa Kettle arm in arm
Reeke PR is working overtime.
My mother would love that photo, for all the right reasons, but dear god! lol! It's like they're subverting their lives to look like a movie and then passing it off as their reals lives. It's just act after act, scene after scene.
And yeah, the moment Jake's off from work, it's Driving Miss Reese. The best thing about that picture is that he looks very, very cute, so I got something out of it. :)
wait- when did the driving miss reesy pic 'supposed' to happen? kneepads said sat, after lunch? what happened to the lunch after biking on saturday in spandex? the driving miss reesy pics are different but similar clothes than friday- on reese the dress is like the other blue one with a belt and it looks like same sweater [and remember, it was 100 in la, why a sweater set??] and jake is wearing the same shorts.
^^ i say this shows theyre doing photo shoots to show different days but theyre on the same day.
yea theyre hilarious allright. LOL
Reeke PR is working overtime.
Just like Jakey wants.
Friday: He arrives back in L.A. on Friday and she is seen walking Atticus. Later on they are having lunch, and according to People they went to a concert.
Saturday they biked to Venice had lunch(changed out of bike gear) and then strolled in Santa Monica.
Sunday they went to the beach. That seems a lot to do in one day and what would be the point? It's not like we haven't seen/heard them do 101 things over the weekend. Remember their weekend in NY, weekend in Napa, weekend, in SF, the weekend before NYE,etc.
The last time he was in L.A. for a weekend he was in and out w/o notice except for the pics at LAX on Monday, this time they want to make sure IMO that everyone knows where he spent time. I assume he is headed back if filming has resumed, look for Memorial day pics/sightings from SC.
And I hope you aren't serious about the same shorts, Jake where the same clothes for the most part day in and day out, i'm surprised he wasn't wearing those jeans with the bleach stain.
aka London TB.
I think the last time was a mistake. Jake wasn't meant to be caught at the airport.
All those locations are handy for Austin, shame they didn't invite him. Oh unless he's the one in SC?
This is getting like those toothaches you get, you know when you slightly *enjoy* the sensation of mild toothache?
And so predictable. Nothing organic about this relationship, apart from what's in Jake's bag.
Thanks Spesh for this lovely post. & I really like it that Paul and Austin got on so well :)
BLTB, smokin' posts.
And yeah, the moment Jake's off from work, it's Driving Miss Reese.
HAHAHA! I love this. She has the accent down pat. All that's missing is the wrinkly face and the droopy Southern Baptist Sunday morning Say Halleluijah if you love J-ay-sus hat!
Great perpormance by reeke inc. jake and reese to me right now are nothing but a couple of media wh*res. Plain and simple. They are no better than trash like hilton, spears and lohan.
They are a company not a couple. Jake now sees that Ev and 360 where correct. reeke is working big time and he is digging in. I also now believe that reese will share in any profits that jake gets from Pop.
Congrats jake your gonna be rich. Congrats jake your gonna be a star. Its a shame the one star I loved in him his soul has burned out. Actually it may have never been lite.
Give Gyllenhaal's soul a break, JerseyTB/Tom.
youre right tom- reeke is a company not a couple.
sorry for my fuxzy posts..allergy meds. **big fuzz*i dunno whats worse the allergy or the meds..i cant even see right.
what i mean by same clothes is also like the same descriptions- people mag said walk and lunch at 3 square cafe in santa monica on sat [drive miss reesey pics] and the ihj descrip that came w/bike pics said they stopped and had lunch at 3 square cafe in venice on sat then rode off. wtf?? too many/too little pics-places-lunches. even the clothes- im in la- no one wore sweaters/buttondown shirts/belts/lycra bike pants over the w'e, it was 100 fu*king degrees all over even at the beach.
even the rags cant keep the stories right. my guess is that the driving miss reesy pic was supposed to be for today [monday], showing reese taking 1 last loving stroll with her devoted bf before he left for work in sc but someone screwed up.
my respect for jake is fading fast. hes becoming joke gyllenhaal.
"Reeke PR is working overtime."
Unfortunately, Jake himself is not.
Let's ignore his screwed up personal life or the fact that he doesn't have any films firmly lined up now. Instead, let's focus on his beach physique, non-existent marriage rumors and Gen. Witherspoon's semi-Freudian machinations.
Yes, PR is working overtime alright to distract us from his personal and professional embarassments.
It seems like Reeke is like the flu, a general sense of malaise then it hits full force for 24- 48 hours, letting the white blood cells battle it off.
Ridiculous. Do you believe jake and reese are lovers? If the answer is yes and they are I will give Jakes soul a break. If you believe that they are not as I do no break is deserved.
That is all I have to say.
Oats is Coffee/Tea/CSP.
That's how I'm beginning to feel, bad seed. Still, doesn't matter what we think: remember that. We aren't the majority.
I know he is being a responsible pet parent.
who says its a pets poop in that bag? maybe its driving miss reesys depends. can hardly wait to see caps on those pics.
also i guess we know why pr always pushes the 'reese is so tiny' angle. and wicked..i guess we can also dismiss it after seeing the bikini pics. yea shes short but she aint tiny. what did m say, reese is chubby? reese is way outta shape, sorry..i know 50 yr old ladies whove had 4 kids who look better and are in great shape. other things those pics did besides settle the preg rumour was put to rest that she worksout [methinks the running pics of her are just pr] and they put a lid on her ever being a sex symbol in hw or being a leading attractive lady after 4 christmases. god she shoulda hung on to ryan and stayed covered up.
Please hold a mirror to your own soul, JerseyTB/Tom. What do you see? White lilies?
Still, doesn't matter what we think: remember that. We aren't the majority
thx london. but whos the majority anymore?? jake/jokes fanbase is going down fast..ihj,dcf,omg,wft even babble isnt active as they used to be. arent fans the ones who pay for the movie tickets?? another thing if i least 2 dcf members have paid like $20 thousand each to have lunch with jake at the aclu auctions. he and his pr are dismissing the 'unique' fans- i guess they forget the 'unique' fans are the one minority that has the most money.
I'd like to thank Reese for those bikini pix. They made me feel great about my body!
5:11 my thoughts exactly, suddenly I rather pleased about the toning on my upper thighs.
^^LOL yea lets hope roseanne barr or jack nicholson dont see those pics ..they might think they have big chances at jake too.
that should of course say, I'm rather pleased.
the big fat bulge where the bikini botttom tied at the side was esp good for my self image. **meow** whos ready for a saucer of nonfat milk??
can I also add that Austin's comments on the acting book are so cute. He is really the most gorgeous man that ever lived (most gorgeous in the Friday Night Light pics). Simply divine (and definately someone who has fantastic upper thigh toning).
can I also add that Austin's comments on the acting book are so cute. He is really the most gorgeous man that ever lived (most gorgeous in the Friday Night Light pics). Simply divine (and definately someone who has fantastic upper thigh toning).
Thanks for making us discover what looks like a fascinating book Special. I will check the site you linked in a minute.
Wicked, you asked about Beyond Brokeback in a previous thread. Well, I loved it and I already know this is a book that I will keep handy and will continue to pick up from time to time even after I've finished reading it. People talk about what they expected before seeing the movie and how they reacted after. Personal testimonies are heartbreaking, uplifting and/or inspiring. There are some very good poems and a section with posts from the "Christians who loved BBM" thread and another where people say how the movie made them perceive gay people differently. Given BBM's strong impact, I think it's probably the ideal companion book to the movie given the raw, real-life material it's made of.
And now before I forget, let me shout some belated but very enthusiastic YEAHs!!! and WAY TO GO CALIFORNIA!!! regarding that state's latest decision about gay marriage. :) :) :)
have to sexual chemistry in the beach kissing, no nothin. looks like buddies. who was that other man, her dad? nice little outing. **yawn**
have to say, when i read the posts here and saw the 'jake with his mom' one i thought you were talking about the beach one, the 1st one where pops is getting the sand cover, reese is gathering up the beach stuff and jake is just sitting there like a bump on a log waiting for directions. just like a little boy and his mom..or joke and the general. follower and leader.
but yea i laughed when i saw sweater set granny hobbling along with her grand
is it wrong to ask what's with the camera bag (?) Jake seems to be constantly carrying (Nailed set, LAX, beach photos). Any thoughts anyone?
Hey Reese - 'tiny' wants his money back!!
They are not a company they are a BRAND. When you here Jake & Reese it MEANS SOMETHING.
Ugh I can hear the pitch now. I'm sure the words on the white board were:
Family, integrity, service, community, fidelity, temperance, and honor (or some such bullshit).
I hope you know I'm not kidding. This is vile. She found someone just like her. Sorry Jake fans but that is how this is looking.
I haven't looked at the bag closely, but maybe it's an insulated bag containing some gourmet delight from somewhere?
She found someone just like her.
No need to insult Jake. At least not yet.
here = hear
I know what an insult ;-) But he isn't doing this unwillingly. It seems like he thinks it's a fabulous idea.
That's what I find weird, it's like he's had a taste-ectomy.
But he isn't doing this unwillingly.
The question is - why is he doing it?
maybe everyone shoul give jake the benefit of the doubt..
maybe by reeking, it allows him and austin to have a private life without scruntiny. yes, it would be great for a famous actor to some out, but would any of us hae the guts to do that. maybe jake and austin have decided that this is the life they will live for the time being and then later things might changed. also, maybe austin got sick of the whole reeke thing, has dumped jake and more jakey have nothingleft but reese.
we don't know what's going on, let's not be too judgemental.
So what's the big deal? He joins a long list of coseted actors in hollywood. He's no different than Cruise, Travoltra. It's easier for a actress to come out as a lesbian. Look at Lindsay Lohan.
Ramey has more pix of Reeke strolling
You have to register to see them and I can't be bothered.
I was just checking gossip sites here and there. PopSugar has the beach pics but what's quite revealing - as if we didn't already know - is that almost all of the 52 comments are about Reese...
Isn't she ever with her kids? Are they with the father all the time?
In one of the Ramey pictures they are hiding their faces. Funny...not!
Dear Ted:
Your One Karma-Killin' Blind Vice about Butch Spit-Spat and his underage son "dating" the older woman came out in TMZ. Butch is Billy Bob Thornton; poor kid is his son. Awesome reporting—you beat the authorities by a month. Hopefully, the LAPD will subscribe to your site!
Greensboro, N.C.
Dear Goss Gal:
Now, if only TMZ could help all of you reveal that pesky Toothy Tile.
Man, OMG'ers are ON today! You all are killing me. No one knows if Jennifer Anniston & John Mayer are for real or not, but at least they are PDA'ing more convincingly than R & J. The beach pictures are about as tapioca pudding as they come. There is just no "hotness" between them.
Head on over to ent lawyer's site. He makes a comment about Reeke. It can't be read alone though. You have to start with the paragraph about Justin Timberlake and J Biel above it, then read the Jake/Reese paragraph. The most ineresting thing is that this is the first time ent lawyer has implied that Kirsten was a beard. At least that is how I read his implication. Would like to hear other's opinions on his meaning.
It's a 50/50 split unless one of them is working. It seems like the kids are not allowed to be left with a nanny if the other parent is available.
Ryan got the best father's rights custody attorney in California(Gary Fishbein). Since they never went to court it seems like they must have worked things out amicably.
I wasn't sure what ent. lawyer was getting at with Kiki, although I do think the second time around with her was for bearding purposes, and Aniston was never linked romantically to Jake. Love that he threw in Lance and Austin.
I agree with your comments Travis. For all of those who took some time to come out, humm, maybe in our 30's, (yes, some of us here are older than 27) don't be so hard on Jake. He'll find his way in (his time) or maybe not. I think he will but this site may be down by then. LOL For those who took time and years to come OUT or come to terms with your life, just look in the mirror. For those who knew who they were and OUT early on in life, good for you, but we know there were challenges. You have to walk in a persons shoes. Everyone is different and No experiences are alike. Think about it. celebrity's bleed also.
Peace to all.
For me it isn't an issue of not being out, but of actively bearding. None of my friends ever did that. I'm curious eastcoastfan, did you or any of your friends carry on like Jake & Reese?
are you friend of a well known actor? Why would your friends need to beard do they have paps following them and people writing blogs about their life? If not, why on earth would they need to beard.
No! I did have a ginuine girlfriend who I loved and wanted to marry. That was early 20's. I did not have a guy with a camera following me and my then girlfriend or male friend either. The issue with me is If I have NOT seen the contract or heard the agreement, I CANNOT say for sure that he is bearding, and you know what, absolutely no one here can either. We can only speculate.
I know that I am a minority here with my views so I don't come or post as often on this wonderful site anymore. I happen to think and (sense)Jake is bisexual, and maybe mostly into men but date and deal with women also. These are just my opinion and I have come to this conclusion after at least 3 years of watching the guy. I have had guy friends who were into both men and women. It's more common than most here think apparently, although secretly though (closet). Now, some are totally involved wtih men only and excepts themselves as homosexual, others won't be defined sexually! (to each his own). Some were married for years and have children.
Destiny during my early years of exceptance I did date women that I was not sexually involved with who were friends and it was for appearences. The difference now is, it's not for appearences when I do occasionally go out with a woman.
Thanks for answering ECF. There were certainly times in my life when I was young when I may not have been completely open about myself with people, but I never ever felt the need to beard, so I've never really understood why people do it.
And being followed by paps had nothing to do with my question. I think it has nothing to do with Reeke either as IMO Reeke has got the paps on speed-dial.
As someone who identifies as bi I'm the last person to say bisexuality doesn't exist, and I think Jake's relationship with Kiki, was real. But nothing will convince me Reeke is real.
ECF, if you're still around I'd be interested to know under what circumstance you "dated" a woman for appearance sake, and why.
I'm a little disappointed Ted did not have a bigger Toothy mention for Tuesdays column. He's been gone 2 weeks leaving us starved for news while he has a gay old time, literally. Glad he's back though. Maybe some mention next week.
Any word on Nailed? Defamer did a cute take on the on/off, on/off today. Even if they complete filming, there are a lot of additional costs to cover. Editing, musial score, advertising/promo etc. Film could still sit for a while.
Thanks for this great post, special k. At least it's some positive news to report. Thanks for finding it.
I won't comment on the other 'news' though ;)
You think that Jake and Reese waste their precious spare time plotting and scheming these pap photo ops??
What precious spare time? Reese is working? LOL
PR is and was the most important Reese's job. Her PR people created her persona and sold her like a product.
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