I really don't know what to tell you. It's not a big deal.
(Yeah right every A-lister gets invited)
Everyone knew that you were going to be on the East Coast this weekend.
(How could they not I got like hourly emails) I don't how Anna Wintour would think you wouldn't want to go to the the Met Costume Gala. (Oh hell yes I do! Burn!)
It's really not a big deal. Just another Red Carpet thing, you're not missing much.(Just the biggest fashion event of the year) It's been couple of years since I've gone but I think it pretty much the same deal. Red carpet, smile smile, go in and mingle, look at the costumes for the theme, yada yada yada. (Starting to crack)
Maggie? Yeah she's going this year. Well it makes sense, the theme is Superheroes and you know with Dark Knight it makes sense. ( Zing! Pow!)
Who's she wearing? I don't know. I don't think it Ralph Lauren, funny if she did though since I did when I went and Austin did (KaPow!) when he went. Who know what Kirsten was thinking last year with that thing on her head.
You know I got invited to the Governor's for dinner, maybe I can ask if they could squeeze you in. I can't make any promises, but if not, I will make sure I bring you back something official from the governor's office. (What was in that Welcome to SC gift basket that I got that would work - got it!)
Something to make this all worthwhile.
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
So Sad ....Too Bad
Posted by
Special K
7:37 AM
Labels: Jake, Met Costume Gala
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Find it interesting the Reese has never been to the Met Gala, and this is one invitation you don't turn down from Anna Wintour the editor of Vogue. (And inspiration for the Devil Wears Prada)
I love love love that our funky fashion boy Austin has!!! Only imagine him decked out in Ralph Lauren Black Label like Jake is in the last picture. Caliente!
great post spesh! early for me & still foggy tho so sorry for qeustion-who was invited this year to gala and turne it down?? Jake?
Don't think Jake turned it down, this year Maggie represented the House of Gyllenhaal at Anna's soiree to be scene at. But Austin's look a like Tom Brady was smoking hot with Gisele.
Jake & Austin's co-star Emily Rossum attended again and is regular it seems for the event. Austin's other co-stars the Olsen twins are also regulars.
The guest list is the who's who from fashion, entertainment and music.
Anna picks the list. Nuff said.
I know she has a thing for tennis players (hello Andy Roddick) I always wondered if Austin got the nod for Wimbledon. Or just maybe he is truly the fashion genius we suspect. : )
The only good thing I can say about these new pics is at least Jake is shaving.
I never thought I would see him look so comfortable in this fauxmance. I think we have turned a corner here. I have felt that Reese has been willing all along to go the distance with this thing, but now I think that Jake has decided he is willing also.
Washington Post talks about Reeke at Zaytinya
I disagree. I don't think he looks comfortable at all. When have you ever seen him that hunched over. He has never done that ever with Austin. Talk about walking tall.
I also think the camera angle really plays a lot into this new set of pictures. Head on it would look different than what you are seeing. Remember the photographers job is to make you think you are seeing what they want you to see. These are good examples of just that. And remember these pics were taken on a set. It wasn't like paps were taking random shots, they thought this shot out. And no doubt were told where and when they were coming, because he was on set.
I still think the hand holding is a passive aggressive thing. Jake and I don't put it past him to do such things either. I think the ride in the car in NYC and the noise he made and the hand around the shoulder neck hold all past little moments that he gets to pinch back as it were.
You know what I am a Red Sox fan we waited 86 years to win the World Series again, I think I can wait this showmance/fauxmance out for the real deal.
Spesh, what about those pix that Nicole @ WDW took? They are candids and he looks comfortable in those too.
Sorry on set means on set. Means on the clock. Reese in SC means on the clock. You don't think he doesn't know that people are watching him and watching him even more when Reese shows up.
The one picture of hers of them walking away, sums it up, walking away from the performance with a enough room for an extra person between them.
I think they look comfortable in the sense of being friends. i don't think they hate each other - but they really start dating - they might! :P
another interesting thing is when around when jake went to sc reese started wearing her hair off her face and showing her forehead again like how dhe did all those years w/ryan. it prob sounds like nothing but theres something signif about it to me..i dont know much about body langauge/greek symbols but showing your forhead means something. methinks the change is slight but important.
I have lost all respect for Jake Gyllenhaal. I know these pictures are a lie, and therefore I know that he's a liar - necessary lies or not, they're all just homophobic posturing in the end.
He has been a great disappointment. He will continue to be a great disappointment.
It's hard to put a pretty face on that.
somethings wierd about the pics..reese less makeup, not using sunglasses [were hanging on her shirt] squinting in sun, lines all in her face, hair off forhead, looks like recluctant to hold hands. something seems off, like she didnt really wanna be there. hmm. i wonder if she would ever take ryan back.
thx spesh for telling re fashion show.
Trying to out actor Van Hansis
Too bad he's on Jake's payroll!
Lesbo phobia leads to WNBA trying to teach its players how to be more feminine
Rookies had to attend an orientation that included make-up and hair tips so they could look more attractive.
I agree with Wicked and Honest. I really can't stomach this stuff anymore. The phoniness or posturing - whichever way you want to look at it is ridiculous at this point.
I have to say I’m so disappointed I’m almost speechless. I really can’t believe he would take this to this level even if it was real. I lost a lot of respect for Jake yesterday. I took him off my friends list at LJ. I can honestly say I won’t follow his career any longer.
We have definitely turned a corner.
"I know these pictures are a lie, and therefore I know that he's a liar -"
How do you know - 100%, I mean?
And I'm asking because I wish I were that certain, but I'm not.
If the Jeese is real it still sucks simply because Jake seems to have completely subsumed his life into hers - where are his friends, his cycling jaunts? (Not to mention where is Austin?)
At least Austin seemed to share Jake's interests - like taking up cycling with J, which seemed like something A did for J.
Those pix came from FITS
This one looks like they're kissing!
Anybody want to take bets on whether Mr. Witherspoon takes her to the governor's dinner tonight?
^^That's just it, "on set" means work to me. This campaign is in overdrive now for some reason, when all it would take would have been for R at the last interview to have said "Jake and I are spending such and such time together." He's still in costume, for crying out loud! If they do look more comfortable, and frankly, I don't see a whole hell of a lot of difference from other photo-ops, they might as well be by this time. But I wouldn't be too quick to blame him, I think it's as much for her benefit as his, if not more so.
Kissing? She's too short to reach him without putting him in a trench, or her standing on a box! That's a tromp l'oeil if I ever saw one. ;)
Actually it looks like there were in a little bit of discussion about what they were going to do. You can kind of see in their faces, each had different ideas.
I do think there is some level of friendship as well as business. While Reese clearly runs the show, there are times they are just friends standing there talking about how the scene is going or how work is.
Maybe its just me, but I just see this a business as usual, just like the other times. Rome, NYC, LA. New location that's about it. Spend sometime get the pictures out of the way, have a few sightings.
One thing I think is really interesting and kind of funny. They seem on a check list travel plan. Day one Friday Columbia, Saturday Charleston, Sunday Washington, Monday... And their whirl through Charleston and Washington seemed the same, everything as an appointment.
But that is totally Reese's personality! But so not a Jake thing. I can totally see her with a travelogue and a check list and racing through the Louvre, we have 45 minutes people -- keep up!!
^^Oh man . . . what a killjoy! ;)
Why are people making such a big deal about Reeses PR tour of the week?
This is exactly what Evelyn wanted: For people to make it more significant than it is.
Now Jake doesn't even have to look happy anymore for people to say he's happy with the situation.
I just don't see where he has turned a corner at all.
He still looks tense in almost all the pictures.
The only time he's not bunched up into himself is when he seems to be arguing with Reese.
There he almost looks like he wants to slap her.
Believe me, I could really do without her there - anywhere near Jake really - but this is no different than the NY PR whirlwind.
In fact, it's at work, so it means even less.
You can stone me now if you want, but that won't change that I think people are blowing this out of proportion.
I agree, Stubborn, I don't see where any corner has been turned, it's still the same straight line. ;)
it's not any different, it's just that I am tired of the charade. I think the charade is homophobic. No more complicated than that.
^Now we are getting somewhere.
I have to agree with Max. I'm not really sure what's going on with Jake or Reeke, but whatever it is, Jake seems to have no life apart from her. One of the things that made him sexy in the past was the fact that he didn't seem to care about the rumors - he continued to see his friends (Austin) no matter what was being said. He was confident and secure in who he was. That Jake seems to have disappeared to be replaced by someone whose sole concern is his image. If Austin really is "just a friend", then it looks as though Jake is one of those people who abandons their friends when they get involved in a romantic relationship. If this is all PR, then they should allow Jake to look as though he has a life and friends of his own. Austin's absence is telling.
Everyone's absence is telling!
Death of an inadvertent pioneer
“We are not marrying the state. The law should allow a person to marry anyone he wants.”
These were the words that Mildred Jeter Loving told The Washington Evening Star in 1965. At that time she was in exile of her native state, Virginia, which had convicted her of the crime of marrying the man she loved, Richard Loving, seven years prior.
On June 12, 1967 the Supreme Court of the United States of America agreed with Mr. and Mrs. Loving that there is no valid state’s interest in denying them the right to marry each other.
There are those who loudly proclaim the morality of the civil rights efforts that were fought over the freedom and equality under law for persons of African descent yet who actively oppose those same freedoms and equalities for gay people. They “take great umbrage” at the notion that the struggle for equality for gay folks is in any way similar to that of black folk.
Mildred Loving was not such a person. Mildred never set out to be a champion for African-American rights or for mixed-race relationship rights. She just wanted to love and be left alone.
And perhaps it is this heart-based agenda that allowed Mrs. Loving to see her own plight mirrored in the lives of same-sex partners who are denied the same happinesses that she had been denied. On June 12, 2007, fourty years after she won the right to be married to Richard Loving in every state in the Union, Mildred Loving released a statement supporting the struggle of gay men and women to be married. It concludes as follows:
Surrounded as I am now by wonderful children and grandchildren, not a day goes by that I don’t think of Richard and our love, our right to marry, and how much it meant to me to have that freedom to marry the person precious to me, even if others thought he was the “wrong kind of person” for me to marry. I believe all Americans, no matter their race, no matter their sex, no matter their sexual orientation, should have that same freedom to marry. Government has no business imposing some people’s religious beliefs over others. Especially if it denies people’s civil rights.
I am still not a political person, but I am proud that Richard’s and my name is on a court case that can help reinforce the love, the commitment, the fairness, and the family that so many people, black or white, young or old, gay or straight seek in life. I support the freedom to marry for all. That’s what Loving, and loving, are all about.
Mildred passed away on Friday. We wish her family much love and peace during their time of grief. And we join them in honoring and missing an amazing woman. She was a hero to the end.
Stubborn makes a good point Evelyn wants everyone to make this a big deal. Why? Because they have factored in the loss of fans into their risk analysis. It is far easier to let a smaller number of "expendable" (in their eyes) fans go in order to service the "common good". What burns them is the group of fans who hang in there and not buy their PR bullshit. It is a pebble in their shoe, we might not be big but we reminded them every step we are there.
Sometimes when I am frustrated I remind myself of this when it gets tough going. Everyone has a tough days being a Jake fan, no matter what side of the great debate aisle you sit on.
Does anyone want him to have to hide his life away. NO WAY!
I think sometimes it is more WHO is bearding with that causes the biggest issues. No one want to Hayden to beard, but you don't see such aggravation and anger toward Rachel Bilson. Reese seems to set peoples teeth on edge. It looked good on paper but in real life.. oh lord!
BV -- you make a good point to in the absence of Austin. It is truly telling and says more than PR realizes it does. For someone who was such a fixture in Jake's life to be gone, its speaks volumes, (past 11 for the Spinal Tap fans)
I will make the reminder for those who are new. No anon postings. Give yourself a name so the post stays.
Hold the people of Myanmar in your prayers
So many things are more important than Reeke.
"What burns them is the group of fans who hang in there and not buy their PR bullshit. It is a pebble in their shoe"
I know Special - but the fact remains that he's going along with it - and at his workplace no less.
And why would they have to factor in him losing fans? I don't think he really cares at this point anyway.
There is alway a factor of fans dropping off or gaining fans for the parts actors take or directions they go in their career.
Actors are like commodities they are analyzed and management just like one. You calculate how they well they will perform in the market vs. the risks (image and fans) and that is what give them those power scores or more importantly Q numbers.
Yes he is going along with it, but I have never supported the idea that is was about his career. I have always said when you have something big to hide, you have to go big. This is his go big.
Thanks Perspective for the reality check. I know I need those!
Sending thoughts and prayers to the people of Myanmar
I love Christina Ricci's dress!
I think the pics are business as usual, it's the duration that's so annoying - but then Reese wouldn't have travelled all that distance and not got in a decent amount of face time for the brand.
I mean brand Reeke obviously, not the cosmetics house :)
yea, abscence is telling. for instance actors, you can never trust them, BUT the ones who can really tell when theyre acting/lying is thier parents and family. [mabee lovers but even then..] which brings up how/why reeke isnt seen with naomi/steven, maggie/peter. mabee those 4 dont wanna play along.
There is one thing that I realize is different. Reese was on Jake's turf this time. She was on his set and he is not only there as an actor but as a backer (well rumored) I wonder if the grin on his face was little more about the realization he a moment of upper hand.
Actors are like commodities they are analyzed and management just like one. You calculate how they well they will perform in the market vs. the risks (image and fans) and that is what give them those power scores or more importantly Q numbers.
Special, I so agree. This is why I haven't been so quick to get aboard the Reeke train. I prefer to wait and see. It's a tough choice, I'm sure he and his mgmt. realize that some fans may be lost, but if a larger fanbase is ultimately gained, then that's what they would like to see. (Nothin' personal babe, it's not you, it's me, etc. etc.) And of course, an actor wants to be in movies that will be seen, if he wants to continue doing what he loves to do. Strictly $$$'s and cents from mgmt's point of view.
So, it oughtta be interesting from here on out.
Thinking about the people of Myanmar too. :(
It comes across completely as Reeke business as usual for me, too. I see nothing different here - same cliched posing, awkward walks together and tete-a-tetes that look like they're in an office. What *has* changed - and someone highlighted this - is how second nature this is obviously becoming for both of them, and it's boring the crap out of me (hence my near-zero posting). They both appear to have had lobotomies.
bltb.. everyone gets use to the day job eventually.
Its a sad fact but I'm beginning to think that jake may have turned into something none of us wanted, that is he's a bore. Maybe we should just let him get on with it, things don't usually turn out the way you'd hope they would.
(Austin obviously remains the cutest man on earth, but hey, you all know that already).
Without sounding too bitter and twisted, doesn't anyone else find all this hand holding in the workplace just a little bit pathetic, how old are Reeke and Jake, it's like they're still in high school or something.
facing reality, too true, we've all been there, probably several times. And I don't think Jake's a bore as much as he's one to become almost irretrievably lost in other people, hence no definable qualities of his personality coming through (I won't say "soul", no, I won't).
I'm definitely letting him get on with it; he knows what he's doing (day to day to day to day...).
Do you know the really sad thing is that he's wearing the same jeans he wore at the first 2 Lakers games, (sad because I recgonise a stranger's clothing and just because).
didn't everything seem so much more innocent back then.
Clothes are comfort. We all have our favorite that make us feel good. I wonder if Jake wanted a little piece of that and his touch to home (Austin) with him?
The thing that really upsets me about this is that Reese will not allow this to happen on HER turf.
You notice at all of her events, premeires, sets - Jake is no where to be found. She doesnt even mention him by name. But she is at his workplace?? - so now he needs her to sell a movie? - what does that say about HIM??
I think it is the other way round. There is an extended Reeke sighting when ever Reese needs to get exposure. NYC-Avon, Ryan's movie opening, Washington -DC opening,. Not when Jake needs it.
I don't think she came to help him sell a movie, I think she needed a little exppsure with JAke to get some buzz for her in DC.
Aren't those the same jeans Chris was seen wearing more than once?
The tear/bleach stain on the left leg.
She didn't need buzz for the Avon walk,thousands showed up for a worthy cause. Her appearence on the set created tons of buzz and he knows, it that's why he is grinning.
Jake laughing. Gotta be thinking about a Reese/Russell fight.
doesn't anyone else find all this hand holding in the workplace just a little bit pathetic, how old are Reeke and Jake, it's like they're still in high school or something.
yep i think its over the top high school lockerlike. shit not even hs more like grade school. guess its cos w/o the hh no 'chemistry' would be seen & lets face it it would look like big sis visiting baby bro at his work. noone needs a hs chem class to see whats missing with reeke.
Well, Special, you might be right, but I'm personally not endorsing JG anymore until he grows some cajones as Ted would say and starts acting like "our" Jake again.
Bad Seed, don't even get me started on the juvenile factor. I have to say I expected so much more from him. I hate to be such a downer, but I'm upset. I'll shut up now.
yea, abscence is telling. for instance actors, you can never trust them, BUT the ones who can really tell when theyre acting/lying is thier parents and family. [mabee lovers but even then..] which brings up how/why reeke isnt seen with naomi/steven, maggie/peter. mabee those 4 dont wanna play along.
And who knows for sure, but I have wondered about this myself. How strange is it to never see pictures of him with any of his immediate family anymore? Not that it isn't happening, but there just haven't been anymore pictures, particularly when there have been breaks from filming. To do a 180 like that just doesn't seem totally normal, no matter how "involved" a couple may be.
It's been kind of a couple of rough, discouraging days for some of us, as I can just get a vibe from the posts. Special K, do you feel like a mother hen sometimes, trying to calm down the roost? smile - you & Wicked do a good job of it. Appreciate all the hard work you do on this site - I don't know where you all get the time but it is great to come here. All my best.
Talk about high school. When the producer said 'Jake really loves her", that was totally high school to me. The days when a boy is too shy to declare he likes a girl so a buddy does it for him. A 27 yr old man needs to speak for himself or it doesn't count.
I never talk about Maggie. Would have no interest in her save for her being Jake's sister, but I must say the purple frock she wore to the fashion event was breathtakingly beautiful. And the color was perfect for her.
These latest pics still ring false to me. There is nothing of the Jake I've seen the past 2 years there. Nothing. I read comments on other sites (not babblers) and its still some gay, some straight so the PR plan is still not succeeding.
i like maggie. shes a no-bullshit kinda girl. loving/caring but heads-up honest, cards on the table. interesting we havent seen her w/reeke. or jake..
is this worse or what?! what a turkey movie..great choice jake..good going- keep makin those good decisions, reese/reeke is sure helpin ya choose good movies..yep you're battin 1000!!
nailed change
the plot is bad and laughable [not in a good way] the other actors are 10 minutes away from selling jewlry on home shopping club.
sorry i was wrong when i posted ^^ this friday. the plot is awful & at least one actor already sold crap on home shopping club!!
Disagree Bad Seed
Brolin is a great choice for Speaker of the House. He can do odd comedy remember he played Pee Wee, in the big screen version of Pee Wee's life, in Pee Wee's Big Adventure?
And if any one can handle a diva of a director Brolin has gotten years of experience. Hello Barbra!
Kirstie Alley is a great comedian although it has been a while. She was biting and funny as Rebecca Howe in Cheers and had a awesome role in Carl Reiner's Sibling Rivalry. She has great timing and good comedy instincts. Madhouse. Drop Dead Gorgeous. Totally see her as earth mother kind of out there kind of vet.
Russell's casting seems kind of crazy but who'd thought Mary Tyler Moore for Flirting with Disaster and you got to see Laura Petri/Mary Richards flashing and throw the F-bomb -- genius!
"Without sounding too bitter and twisted, doesn't anyone else find all this hand holding in the workplace just a little bit pathetic,"
If it was with Austin you'd be delighted.
If it was with Austin it wouldn't be fake.
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