Thought we'd make you work today with a few polls for your contemplation. Since both Jake and Austin will have movies coming out this fall, we wanted to see which one is generating the most excitement for the group. Only one choice per person here.
Saturday, May 24, 2008
A Poll Workout for You!
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A couple notes about today's song-
it's not a lost Doors song
the name of the band is not a typo
the name of the band is pronounced "Wooden Ships"
dunno what's up with that J
Posted at WFT2 by Wicked:
Just wanted to let you guys know I put a few polls up at OMG today in case anyone feels like voting.
May 24, 2008 7:31 AM
Very interesting.
Why interesting, Mrs KR? There is some overlap with WFT2. Is there a problem?
It's not a lost Doors song.
Awwwww, that's too bad. Speaking of lost Doors songs, I loved the Black Angels song from last week, Deer-Ree-Shee. Definitely want to hear more of them. Some present-day bands like to experiment with psychedelic music, TBAs seem to take it all the way. :)
I voted for PoP, because I'm so intrigued by it. I'm going to wait a bit on the movies poll, a lot of them I haven't seen and would very much enjoy seeing, so I have to think about them before voting.
Got a lot of catching up to do with the recents posts, would love to have a discussion devoted to JFC. What I had seen of it I really liked, because it was different.
Have a great Memorial Day weekend, all! :*
I haven't heard of about a third of the films on the list: Eating Out, Hellbent; East Side Story, Wild Reeds, Trick, a few others. I wouldn't have heard of Mambo Italiano except I just happened to watch it on Logo this week. It was funny and cute for the genre, i.e., entertaining but nothing that makes me say, hey, you've absolutely got to see this movie.
I haven't voted on a Jake movie yet; but in the first poll I went for The Informers because it is hands down the movie I am most looking forward to.
I also voted for Informers. Did not vote for any of the movies Jake is doing. I am not sure I have any interest in seeing them.
i voted for nailed cos i wanna see some skin and maybe some bad acting.
Really great song today Wicked. I’ve never heard that one before. I love it!
I chose Informers in the first poll because the movie sounds very intriguing I really can’t wait to see what Austin will do with his role. I didn’t vote on the second poll because I really don’t care too much about Jake these days unfortunately. One the third poll I picked Maurice, Making Love, and Adventures of Pricilla. I’m watching Shelter today. There were a few others that I liked too but those 3 stood out in my mind. There were at least 5 or 6 that I had never heard of: Beautiful Thing, Eating Out, East Side Story, Mambo Italiano, Mysterious Skin, Far From Heaven. I was surprised because I thought I knew most of the gay-themed movies out there.
Tough polls today. I am way more interested in seeing Austin than Jake right now. Where the hell is that man? Why has he disappeared from sight? I voted for Brothers, but honestly I am not excited about any of these movies at the moment. As to the Elton list, I wish I had seen more of them as I had to limit my choices from those I've watched. Many of them on Logo, but they do edit the films so I am not sure I've really seen the film as the director intended. One of my most favorite films ever was Gods & Monsters. That was an easy pick.
I should clarify my comment, I voted for Informers on Question 1, Brothers for Question 2. I am grateful for the Elton list as it's given me a list of movies that I now plan to see.
Hi there
I haven't had a chance to look at the polls today but I just wanted to mention that Maggie and Peter's fall wedding event news is starting to be common knowledge.
I don't think anyone believed me when I said they were getting married on MV this fall but they are. Now I don't feel guilty about talking about it because it doesn't seem to be as much of a secret.
The first one was way hard. I wanted to see Jake as an ex con and seeing him work with Natalie. Then again this is a great role for Austin a departure from his other stuff, and we haven't seen the boy on screen (big or small) in almost a year!!
Honestly I am excited about all three of Jakes roles. I want to see his work under the great Jim Sheridan and playing against type. I want to see him in Nailed because I want to see him do more comedy, he's got great comedy bones. And PoP well for shallow reason - see him looking smoking hot in the hot desert. The script synopsis look like a great story.
After Elton movie: The One's I haven't seen or heard of East Side Story, Hellbent, Mysterious Skin. And too many good movies on the list. Good to see Latter Days and Get Real on the list. And of course Priscilla -- Fabulous! for the ensems and music!
Mrs. K Rove, the reason I invited folks from WFT2 to participate in the polls today is because the third one has so many choices that were unfamiliar (at least to me) and I thought if more people voted the results would be more interesting. Not trying to offend anyone.
Jake is on record as saying that Peter and Maggie were already married. He said this at least twice during PR for Rendition in October. He said it on the Jonathan Ross show in the UK and also the Daily show if i remember correctly.
I don't know if the host brought up or Jake but why would Jake lie and say that his sister was married? Or maybe he was joking? Odd thing to joke about.
Also, a girl that runs A Peter fan site that lives in NY swears that Maggie and Peter were maried on MV last August and that Jake was the best man, she claims she got confirmation from Peter and some of his family that she is in touch with.
DL forum gossip:
"Jake's been on a couple of dates with Israeli classical musician Daniel Bard. Yaël Kareth, another Israeli who plays with him and who's a relative of mine, told me he's been attending their concerts and has been to see Daniel backstage."
"Yes, 23, this was in Feb/March of this year. Jake has some contacts in the classical music world through his mom's side of the family and attends concerts occasionally, though he's more interested in rock music. The Israeli-Canadian guy, from what I've heard, is low-key and unpretentious. Jake has dated other men in the past 6 months but he keeps in touch with Daniel. It would be nice if it worked out."
"r25 - Jake seems to have an image on DL of being a 'one man' kind of guy, but he may just be playing the field (to use that tired expression) and just interested in sex, companionship and variety. Otherwise, I don't profess to know any more than you do - I've simply repeated the information my relative Yaël, the Israeli girl who plays with Daniel, has given me."
What happened to the actor from brothers and sisters that Jake was supposedly dating that was posted on the DL a few months back?
Boy is he busy!
The only musican in Jake's life is Mr. Wainwright. Jakey loves him some RUFUS. Of course now he is forbidden to go to his concerts anymore.
If they were married there would be a marriage licence on file in Massachusetts. It would be public record and a piece of cake for inquiring minds to find the document.
My sources say there was no wedding last summer and there will be this summer. Sometimes fangirls lie.
TR - have your sources said anything about the status of Jake and Austin's relationship. Your last couple posts seem to indicate you think Reeke is real?
It would be public record and a piece of cake for inquiring minds to find the document.
Maggie and Peter are together for ages, they have a child ... I can't see anyone terribly interested in their marital status.
TR, your posts here seem to indicate that your sources are from the Ryan/Reese camp consideing your comments on their relationship. Don't know if your sources worked for them while they were married or still works for Ryan or maybe you do/did. But you never seem to indicate you have sources in the Gyllenhaal camp, so I assume this news is coming from the Ryan camp, if so why would it be talked about in that circle unless the wedding would involve the kids, therefore he would have to know.
I ask this because Reese and the kids spent some time with jake and his family last Aug. on MV.
Are your sources connected to CAA?
Jake, Reese, Maggie and Peter are all repped by them, you obviously know someone that does copy for Ok magazine.
Or maybe your sources are in Delaware.
Still doesn't explain why Jake said they were married on TV twice last fall, again if he was kidding, it's an odd thing to joke about.
Wow, so many genres of movies! That's a good thing. In looking over the plots, they all sound wonderful. :)
First, I forgot to answer one of the polls - I'm interested in seeing Brothers, because I would like to see Jake playing an ex-con, I think he'd be great. That's not to say I'm not interested in Nailed, if it ever gets back on track, and the Informers sounds wonderful too. I'm interested in PoP because of it being a big, sumptuous blockbuster for Jake, at least I think so, and I'm happy about that.
Now, about the movies:
Some of the older ones I've either seen or heard of before: Making Love was good for its day I think, with the lovely Harry Hamlin. Longtime Companion, I remember this one but not sure if I saw it.
I would absolutely, absolutely LOVE to see Big Eden - how could I have missed this one? Sounds like its got all the right elements for a big, beautiful romance. I love The West too *sigh*
Latter Days - this one sounds good because it explores religious teachings that are not only hurtful but in my opinion flat out wrong, that cause people unnecessary anguish and keep people apart. Love, all love, is a gift.
The Hours sounds good, and I've got a little place in my heart for The Object of My Affection with Jennifer Anniston, never did get to see it. I'd also like to see Gods and Monsters. :)
No one I've talked to has ever intimated that Jake was in a serious same sex relationship with Austin or anyone else. Although everyone has heard about Toothy and knows Jake is Toothy no one I know has any details about that. Most people I know assume every actor has an active and interesting sex life and they all have done drugs. If he occationally hooked up with guys it wouldn't exactly be shocking gossip. It would barely raise an eyebrow.
I don't really know people who know him that well though so it would be unlikely that if he hiding a huge secret that these people would know. I am asking around about him now that he's dating Reese and maybe I'll hear something. That's how I heard about the wedding.
As far as believing in Reeke, I don't think Reese has the emotional capacity to have a relationship that a normal person would consider "real".
I have seen enough to believe anything is possible and disbelieve almost every detail that is made available for public consumption.
IMO Reeke reeks.
Tr: You are side-stepping the question about your sources regarding Reese or Ryan. Your posts suggest that you have first hand knowledge or did regarding Reese and Ryan.
After all this time i find it strange that you are now asking about Jake and Reese, I would think you would be curious from day one. And the people that you talk to mentioned Peter and Maggie are getting married, so it seems that you are talking to people that know the Gyllenhaals plans.
She was with Ryan for 10 years and had 2 kids, I think most normal people would consider that "real", even though the relationship obviously didn't work.
Agan, I think you are inthe Ryan camp either a PA or former PA considering you were here in March pimping his film, I think you found an audience.
Next weeks OK magazine is between Britney & Angelina but...Jake and Reese make an appearance as an insert:
Jake To Reese: I want kids
Picture is from the farmer's market stroll I think.
I would never tell you who I work or worked for. I will just say I'm not a friend or relative or anything like that.
Thanks TR for your reply. Please do share if you do hear anything. The situation seems to get more confusing by the day so it would be great to have some indication of what's going on and what to expect next.
Looking over Ted's comments since last Oct. Ted still holds the line at Toothy and Goose as being together. Don't you think he would've love to dish on if there was a change on Toothy his biggest BI? He is a gossip columnist first and foremost. He hasn't shied alway from saying things about Toothy's little wayward way back in the summer of 2006.
Tr: you already answered my question, especially the news about Maggie and Peter. I guess you found this blog through google, Reese's name must of popped up since she is mentioned so often here. You also probably lurk at other places but prefer the anominity here since you don't ahve to register.
Must had some nasty run ins with Reese, she is not above exploiting her relationships for PR even if it's legit and neither does Jake IMO, so they do make a perfect
Not the I want a baby crap agsin, didn't they do that story already? Or was it Us/In Touch/Life & Styles....
Thanks TR for the heads up.
Would love to be a fly on the wall in those weekly editorial meetings and hear what the spin of the week will be. Thanks for being the fly for us.
Tr: The OK magazine will have Britney on the cover since Angelina made this weeks cover, unless they plan on putting Angie on the cover 2 weeks in a row.
Must had some nasty run ins with Reese, she is not above exploiting her relationships for PR ...
I believe PR is Reese's first and foremost priority.
PR is Jake's first and foremost priorty as wellIMO, so again they make a perfect match.
I wonder why a str8 studly family man like Mr. Gyllenhaal shows such interest in gay male musicans. Quite odd? Oh thats right I remember those pesky Godparents;-)
Seems like Jake has lost interest in sports since he and baby have become hot lovers. I guess Austin was the one who liked Basketball. I guess Lance and Matt were the ones who loved football.
I guess Jake and baby just sit around and have tea parties with the English Tea Set Jake's folks got him a couple years ago for his birthday. Such fun!
Did you forget about crutches and hurting his ankle playing basketball?
Did you forget about crutches and hurting his ankle playing basketball?
The thing with the crutches was so weird. Some even suspected he faked it.
Until reeke inc. signed on the dotted line for the big bucks Jake has seemed so unhappy. You think a man as deeply in love as himself would look great. Sure seems funny that the only two times he seemed happy was when he was chatting with the gay gentleman at Kate Hudson's party and the time when that really hot guy was helping him with his stuff in Mexico. Actaully he looked more that happy in that shot in Mexico. He was beaming. Weird Huh?
Maybe he didn't get hurt playing basketball. Maybe it wasn't his foot either. ; )
Didnt those crutches look liked they belonged to someone taller than the studly Mr. G. :-)
Didnt those crutches look liked they belonged to someone taller than the studly Mr. G. :-)
It really looked like it!
I am suspicious of anyone who says they never heard rumors of Jake and Austin being in a committed relationship. That is the very foundation of Toothy Tile. So besotted that he is holding hands in a public restaurant and ready to come out.
m, the question is if Ted's stories are true or if that what he saw is much less juicy than he wants us to believe!
Haaaa! Poll #1 is such a twisted thing! ;)
Putting aside my strong dislike for Jake's current status as tabloid fodder, SuperStraight Jake & Reese's favorite revenge-happiness weapon, and duly noting to myself that barring Austin, I'm not particularly fond of the other actors in The Informers, I decided to vote for Brothers.
I have a strong feeling that this movie will determine if I'll keep on following Jake's movie career with the enthusiasm I felt in the past. Also, I think it's high time that something fresh reminds the public that Jake is also an actor, not just Reese's shopping companion.
Having said that, I'm still eagerly waiting for The Informers and if it shows in a Montreal theater I will be first in line to buy a ticket. But I have a strong feeling that I won't get as much Austin as I'm hoping for. In fact, I'm expecting as much Austin as I got in Glory Road, that is just enough to make me salivating, not enough to make me full.
Among Jake's next projects Brothers wins hands down. To me Nailed is simply intriguing and with PoP, I can't shake those thoughts of Jake � with his current beard and his future blockbuster � as some kind of late Bloom-er. :D
In the AfterElton list, here are the ones I've never seen:
Trick (1999)
The Opposite of Sex (1998)
Far From Heaven (2002)
East Side Story (2006)
The Object of My Affection (1998)
Beautiful Thing (1996)
Get Real (1998)
Big Eden (2000)
Shelter (2007)
Wild Reeds (1994)
Eating Out (2004)
HellBent (2004).
Among those, Trick, East Side Story, Get Real, Big Eden,
Wild Reeds and Eating Out are the ones I'd never heard about before.
I still have to cast my vote in that third poll though. There are many great and/or fun movies in it!
Since we have to choose, my four selections: Beautiful Thing, Gods & Monsters, Maurice, Mysterious Skin.
Everyone has heard the Toothy rumors but no one I know has ever known anything beyond that A & J know each other and are friends and that they are the Toothy BI suspects.
Confused: I don't feel any more anon here then anywhere else. When Reese was first mentioned as being with Jake someone I know mentioned the Waiting for Toothy zeitgeist so I checked out WFT. I was amazed at all the internet mania about Jake because he had never registered on my radar before. I think I found my way here from there.
This overly convenient and mutually beneficial relationship seemed off to me. I knew she was furious and was not going to allow herself to be cast as an Aniston-like victim. She was going to turn the entire dumping to her advantage starting with the starvation diet and new style for the 2007 award season, followed by the assassination of Ryan's character in the tabloids, culminating in "hot new love" with someone more famous and more popular as an actor than Ryan. The last part must have been the hardest to accomplish because men aren't exactly tripping over themselves to date Reese but there was Toothy desperately in need of an influx of heterosexuality and working with Reese. I have no idea if he is gay or straight but he sure needed to stop the frenzy at that moment.
It was just so Team Reese to come up with this type of plan. Nanci and Evelyn are IMO much worse then Reese ever will be. They are pure evil.
So mostly I decided to post to tell you what they were like not to defend Ryan or defame Reese although it clear who I liked better.
tr- read dcf poster lyle mookska posts. he lives in west hw,has friends who has seen j+a touching [and not like 2 guy buddy pats on the back if ya kno whut i mean.].
re the jross show + mags 'married'. jr said 'your sister is hot for a married lady' to jake.- it wasnt the place or time for jake to explain 'yeah shes with peter they have a kid they live together they got engaged before the baby came theyre not married yet but will be soon because they want to have a nice big weddinbg but theyve both been so busy making movies and it takes time to plan it so really jonathan theyre not married technically but i consider them married cos theyre together'
jake went along with 'yeah she's a married lady' cant say i blame him, i would too. :)
TR, interesting you mention the starvation diet. Seems she's not following it anymore. Any thoughts about her weight gain? Is she fueling the pregnancy rumors?
No that's just her natural shape. I doubt she's happy about pregnancy rumors.
Jake, Reese, Maggie and Peter all are repped by CAA, how about Ryan?
The Evelyn and Co are evil stuff has been reported and confirmed elsewhere, and even a gossip piggy like Lainey who believe they are legit but are exploiting their relationship for PR has some not so nice things to say about Reese, Ryan too for that matter.
I'm glad Reese got off that creepy baby food diet, she finally looks like she is putting on some weight.I'm no fan of hers but thatimage she was projecting then was negative.
PS: I'm 100% sure now where you are getting your info from BTW.
wondering, I think she just has a bad body shape. She's not fat, she just hasn't a good body. Did you see the pictures of her, Ryan and the kids on the beach in 2005? She definitely lost weight since then.
Her natural shape?? If you think she isn't happy about the pregnancy rumors, she sure isn't doing anything to squash them.
All of her cloths lately are worn to show off her tummy, she used to wear things to cover them up. Now she just flaunts and grins at the paps along with Jake.
The beach pics she doesn't look preggers to me, just looks like she needs some toning and should wear a more flattering bathing suit.
Didn't she sue the Star 2 years ago because they said she was pregnant in some beach pics?
Brothers and PoP are deadheated. What's going on with Nailed? Looks like most here are not too interested.
I want to see The Informers over Brothers. I'm not really feeling Jake's upcoming movies, truth be told. Brothers' story doesn't appeal to me, Nailed seems silly, and PoP is fantasy and based on a video game- two things I don't like.
I haven't heard of so many of these gay themed movies that I was shocked. I thought I was pretty knowledgeable. I voted for Priscilla, Object of My Affection, and Gods and Monsters. The scene in Priscilla where one of the characters is on top of a van singing "I've Never Been to Me" wearing silver lame is worth the whole movie right there.
TR, in this story about Jake wanting kids, any word on what her response is? Is it a problem?
How can he ask about kids if he hasn't even propsed yet? How silly.
The baby thing was covered on the US cover and if I recall the answer was not yet to both marriage or kids.
You would think that the interns/copy slaves at these rags would come up with something original.
Brothers' script is excellent, I like silly comedies (Nailed) and silly hairdos (PoP).
It's not a problem in the story.
Confused: Don't be coy. Tell me what you think. I bet you're wrong.
I voted for Brothers in the poll because I generally don't see popcorn flicks. I've never seen a Tomb Raider or Mission Impossible or anything like that. Star Wars is my guilty pleasure but I doubt I will ever see PoP.
Brothers sounds great and I love TM and NP.
Nailed just sounds terrible to me on so many levels. I hated I Heart Huckabees, I hate Jessica Biel, the story sounds stupid etc.
PS: I'm 100% sure now where you are getting your info from BTW.
Then say. Or you're bluffing.
zzzz. sorry but as much as I don't believe all this kid talking since when one need to propose even before talking kids.Wow, my grandma would like you though.
Quite honestly, Ted seems to be on the way to drop the whole Toothy Tile thing altogether. And I think is rather naive to think Jake only does what he is papped doing... a few seconds of his life, what the hell do we know what he does in the remaining 23h 55 min of his day.... He could be training for the Tour de France, going to meet Austin the Israeli musician, or god knows who else for all we know. That he walked on crutches for fake is beyond ridiculous.
I see no signs that Ted is on the verge of dropping the Toothy saga at all. I think he has been persistent and consistent in the way he has dicussed Toothy. He may be out of contacts for the moment but has never waivered on what he has said.
since when one need to propose even before talking kids.
Since Reese is traditional.
I think things could get real nasty if the reese in reeke inc feels like she is at any time getting the raw end of the deal. Jake had better have kept his mouth shut about his personal life during this little charade.
In terms of my favorite movies on the list, I went for Gods and Monsters, Mysterious Skin and Wedding Banquet.
Still can't decide about which jake movie, all of them have potential, and potential problems. I like the idea of bad boy Jake in Brothers, but Sheridan's films have always been a mixed bag for me; loved Russell's earlier films but hated Huckabees, and Pop could be fun (Iron Man) or horrible (Pirates 2).
Reese traditional? She was six months pregnant when she got married.
I turned the TV on earlier today and what was starting in minutes but My Beautiful Laundrette. Just watched it again. I had forgotten a lot of the film and that it was DDL's first movie. The guy that played Omar reminded me of Jack/Jake in some scenes. Those doe eyed looks.
Re some of the comments earlier today, no doubt in my mind that Ted's Toothy is Jake. Toothy items appear less often as info is harder to come by. Ted still mentions him at least every two weeks or so, and he said Toothy had pulled the closet door shut tight. You know Jake is being very careful not to be seen; Austin has become invisible. Despite PRs valiant efforts, the Jake is gay continues.
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