It's Saturday, the day we like to pick your brains on various topics. Today you get to pick the next movie for the Movie Club.
I found Tink in a compromising position the other day. I think she was waiting for Atticus! Tink is a hot mess! Maybe I should submit her as dlisted's Hot Slut of the Day. I think if Tink was not spayed, there would be little Tatticuses running around!

Spesh said not to post a picture of Tink without posting one of her buddy, Potter, or she would be mad. Potter loved his Auntie Spesh and even tried to get in her lap. Since he's 75 lbs., this is not such a great thing. He's definitely a little dog in a big dog's body. He's also a very shy dog, so don't tell him his picture has been posted. If he finds out, he will hide his face in the corner of the couch!
Sorry guys, there was a problem with the poll this morning. Had to redo it in another poll host. Hopefully it will work now.
Is this report that Nailed is on hold remotely credible? And if the money was indeed a problem, could that be why Reese was on the set last week- to bring in publicity and $$$?
Nikki Finke's Wiki bio
She sounds likely to be credible and plugged in.
I voted for Maurice... it's a great story and a finely made film. And the ending... *SPOILER* Maurice escaped high society life to live in the country with Alec... that's almost poetic... the young Hugh Grant was stunning to watch too. Although my heart totally went for James Wilby (Maurice) back then.
The poll seems to be working now... and all the votes went to Maurice :P
Don't know what to make of the Nailed put on hold rumour yet. I guess we'll find out more soon. But I remember two of the producers there also produced Jarhead... I always think it could be one of the Jake-connection to the film
have a good weekend
And the ending... *SPOILER* Maurice escaped high society life to live in the country with Alec... that's almost poetic... the young Hugh Grant was stunning to watch too. Although my heart totally went for James Wilby (Maurice) back then.
Winterbird, it was just so great, wasn't it? It was a long time ago that I saw it, so I would really love to see it again. I liked Alec (Rupert Graves) a lot too :)
Oh Tink! What a photo. And Potter is just gorgeous - gotta watch out for the quiet and shy ones they say! ;)
Love today's song. :)
Have a great Saturday!
I liked Alec a lot too! *sigh* ;)
Nikki Finke is considered to be one of the more credible writers on HW, with a focus on the business side of HW, and I think her column is widely read. She is the writer that predicted Crash would win because of all the stories she was being told about homophobia in the academy.
So was the recent Reeke fest an effort to get attention from investors?
Tink and Potter are ADORABLE (sorry for shouting). I always associate that position with males, because only my male cats ever sleep in that position. They also seem to do it when it mostly when it is hot, so we call it the jet cooling position.
Haven't voted for a movie yet, still mulling over the choices.
From After Elton
Maybe the pix of Jake and Jess on their cell phones looking like they're arguing and Jess looking really upset in the pix of her alone were taken when they heard the news of the delay. They cannot be happy about this. Especially Jess. This is HER movie.
Today is David Fincher's birthday.
That Tink!
One of my favorite director's also shares a birthday with another favorite, Bono.
I have to say the post today made me laugh out loud. Tink is definitely a HOT MESS in that pic. Lol. Potter is beautiful btw.
As far as the movie goes, I’m going to pick Maurice because it sparked my attention right away. I haven’t seen it but I’m sure it will parallel with the present situation in many ways. I reminded me of BBM too.
Great music Wicked. We are definitely on the same wavelength musically.
Have a great Saturday everyone.
There's my Potter! He's my guy.
And Clarity Tink is a Hot Mess!totally. She's no lady, and damn proud of it.
I think Wicked was shocked when she saw Potter want to crawl in my lap, since he is particular who's lap he wants. But I think he knew that I was use to it with my "niece of a dog" Penny, a beautiful 45lb Vizsla who likes sit on my lap and be cuddled too.
Movie choice. Love Maurice. The time period and romance. Shortbus I think would be very interesting, just because I think it would create a great dialog here.
Hi guys! Not much posting these days because of a muscle/nerve problem in my left arm & hand. The doctor said to cut down on typing (repetitive movements) and since I don't want to end up with some nasty carpal tunnel shit or something I'm following her orders. (Reeke Inc., Avon fake walk, Nailed troubles, shit, my fingers are itching madly!!!)
I voted for Maurice. Great movie that I haven't seen in years, but I love the other films too. :)
Tink & Potter are so much like my dogs. The bigger male is a sweet, shy soul & the much smaller female a little slut on four legs with a quick bite! :D
Destiny, I loved that little Evelyn haiku you posted on May 7. ;D
Ok, back to lurking mode now. Take care everybody!
Happy Birthday to David Fincher and Bono! :)
Great article on real live couples in After Elton. Thanks to whoever posted it. In case anyone didn't catch the quick reference about the danish band Safi Duo, I would recommend checking them out if your into house/tribal music.
I voted MBL but Maurice is good as well - read the original EM Forster book if you get the chance. It's great.
I voted for Laundrette because I've been thinking about Daniel Day Lewis ever since his nice tribute to Heath, but would be happy with any of the choices.
Re Nailed, sometimes the reasons given are just for show. Maggie recently dropped out of a film to "be near Peter" then weeks later signed on for a film in New Zealand. Producers are usually on the set and view the dailies. Maybe they did not like what they saw. Chemistry is a big factor in a film like this and if it was not there, would not bode well for future box office. Anyway, we will find out soon enough if it's true.
Reading about Tennessee Williams made think of the story of British Playwright Joe Orton and Ken Halliwell and the movie Prick Up Your Ears with Gary Oldham and Alfred Molina. Another movie to add for an upcoming movie club movie.
Posted on WFT2 - Nailed update:
"ON SET DRAMA UPDATE: SAG Orders Actors On David O. Russell Film To Leave; Jessica Biel & Jake Gyllenhall Sidelined
EXCLUSIVE! SATURDAY AM UPDATE: I'm told by knowledgeable sources that David O. Russell's indie political comedy Nailed which began filming April 15th was shut down by the Screen Actors Guild on Thursday because of a "cash crunch". I've also learned the shoot is in trouble with both the IATSE and Teamsters unions, and some members have left the beleaguered production. Rumors also are circulating that the state of South Carolina could withdraw its incentive monies because of the financing problems. An insider confirms for me: "SAG told the actors to leave on Thursday. And then the actors came back on Friday. It's been touch and go the entire time. The financiers are doing the best they can. There's been a cash crunch, that's for sure. It's a drag, but they'll muddle through. Everyone seems happy and committed to the movie and hopeful all this stuff will get worked out." I'm told Jake Gyllenhaal and Jessica Biel and the other name actors are all standing by to see if the movie can continue to completion. The script was co-written by Al Gore's daughter Kristen (once a staff writer on Futurama) with Russell."
SAG told the actors to leave because of the union stuff? This must be really bad. And what happens if they lose the SC incentive money? I bet they wouldn't be able to continue. How much do you want to bet that's why Reese came back to the set on Mon? To give it more publicity. That whole set visit seemed like the only thing in this whole Reeke fauxmance that was actually done for Jake.
Jake had a MAN PURSE. I bet EV and BABY aren't gonna like that one little bit.
Jake had a MAN PURSE.
Is that called a murse?
Was he carrying the purse in some of the set pictures? I don't remember seeing it...and, clearly, I'd like to, lol.
BLTB, scroll down to see this pic of Jake and his man man purse.
Comment from Nikki Finke's post about Nailed shutting down-
This is just par for the course! I’ve been there since the first day and it has been on-going drama, drama, drama. They’ll be up and filming any day now …. this same thing happened LAST week too! You just have to “go with the flow”. It’s all good.
Comment by Anonymous — May 10, 2008 @ 11:57 am
This comment from FITSNews says the drama will continue-
Melissa - May 10, 2008
the movie was only shut down for the day and it was on Friday (we had extras at the State House on Friday)…i hear they are back to filming starting possibly Monday and definitely Tuesday. I work in the State House and they have filmed a lot there and will be back Monday or Tuesday we are told. and yes, I have seen this girl there lots and she is actually 1000 times prettier than these pictures show
old news about Jakes purse - I already said in this blog about the man purse yesterday or day before....dont you people read the posts and pay attention??!!
fyi the jake murse pic has been on ihj for 2 days..its the latest one.
*lady marmalade tinkybell musta been dreamin of me*
hey potter its boys nite out -lets get some siamese food & purrrrsian martinis, run wild in the streets & bite some mail carriers!! *hopes goodlooker potter is persuadeable [esp when drunk in Atti's tent] heh*
yep bein fixed and bi and beautyful and havin a rich daddy is a sweeeeeet deal.
Atticus...Come on, get in the house. Do you want Reese to drive by and think you want another walk?
aw....okay unkel aust but only if you give me a pig ear. the one you & dada slautered this morn.
i likke it when reesers walks me now- i luv freaken her out. 2 kin play dat game..'never blame the animal' -gah i gotta call up that white tiger.
Those aren't cured yet buddy, you'll have to settle for some Scooby snacks.
Interesting article about stars' earning power
Poster on IMDb claiming Jake has been cast in PoP and Disney will be announcing it by the end of the month
EXCLUSIVE! 2ND UPDATE: I'm told by knowledgeable sources that David O. Russell's indie political comedy Nailed which began filming in April was shut down by the Screen Actors Guild on Friday because of insufficient funds on deposit with the guild. I've also learned the Columbia, S.C. shoot is in trouble with both IATSE and Teamsters, and some of those union members have left the beleaguered $25 million budgeted production. Rumors also are circulating that the state of South Carolina could withdraw its incentive monies because of the financing problems. Filmmakers hope to resolve the cash crunch and re-start shooting next week since principal photography is only at the halfway point. "I am confident we will finish," an insider on the pic just told me. "The financing on this like most indies is based on bank loans and bridge loans. This is a matter of waiting on the bridge loan. Hopefully, it will all be resolved." David Bergstein's Capitol Films is behind the pic. In 2006, he acquired the UK-based international sales company which over the years has built a good reputation and made a wide range of commercial and critical successes, including Robert Altman's Gosford Park.
The filmmakers were able to get in a full day of shooting Thursday until SAG put its figurative foot down to protect its members during traditionally more dicey independent productions. I'm told co-stars Jake Gyllenhaal and Jessica Biel and the other name actors are all standing by to see if the movie can continue to completion. Some left the location for the weekend to spend Mothers Day with their families. My sources say James Brolin, who replaced Jimmy Caan in the movie after the veteran thesp got into a creative battle with Russell and quit, flew in early in the week and completed all his scenes befor the movie was shut down. An insider confirms for me: "It's been touch and go the entire time. The financiers are doing the best they can. There's been a cash crunch, that's for sure. It's a drag, but they'll muddle through. Everyone seems happy and committed to the movie and hopeful all this stuff will get worked out."
The script is based on the novel Sammy's Hill authored by Al Gore's daughter Kristin (once a staff writer on the TV series Futurama) who co-wrote the script with Russell. The pic's predicament is unrelated to its helmer. True, the temperamental director is known for turbulent shoots especially when it comes to actors. Already on Nailed, Jimmy Caan stalked off the South Carolina set two weeks ago after he and the helmer couldn't agree on the best way for the actor to choke to death on a cookie during a scene. The film focuses on a naive small town waitress (Biel) who gets a nail lodged in her head and discovers a new-found sexual drive. When she travels to Washington to fight for better health care for the "bizarrely injured", she meets an unscrupulous U.S. congressman (Gyllenhaal) who attempts to take advantage of her. Brolin plays the U.S. Speaker Of The House. The movie also stars James Marsden, Catherine Keener, and Tracy Morgan. Those are a lot of name actors to be sidelined. One source with insider knowledge about the production told me Friday, "The actors are waiting to see if the movie will continue. It's kind of amazing, really."
Clarity, I have asked Tink if she is a hot mess, and she responded by rolling around on the bed on her back with her legs spread. I told her she is like 7-11, because she's always open. She is sooo proud of not being a lady. Re the music today- this record is pretty good overall. It's an older one, from 2004. This song is my favorite, although it was not the single.
Re Nailed and the shut down- has anybody ever heard of a film being shut down like this? I'd like to know if while not common this is not unheard of or if it's really an extraordinary occurrence.
I've also learned the Columbia, S.C. shoot is in trouble with both IATSE and Teamsters, and some of those union members have left the beleaguered $25 million budgeted production.
SAG is a union too. Maybe that's why they demanded the actors leave the set. One union supports another.
Jake's definitely a Union guy too.
Well if Jake wants to work for Disney he has got to be str8. PoP will be his big payday. Maybe this is why we have reeke. Very very likely actually. For some reason I want this to be offical soon. Maybe then I can take a deep breath a finally see a light at the end of the tunnell.
Today i watch a lot of the old videos that made me love Jake so much. They had to be genuine. He was fulled with joy.
Thank you for the link, carry on murse! I remember seeing it now but I guess I didn't fully take it in, ha. It looks like a camera bag.
Everything about Nailed, including this supposed shutdown, just seems surreal. I agree with the idea that Reese's visit to the set was two-fold - a little something for Reeke Inc. and some mega-watt star power for Nailed, ahem.
How credible is that IMDb poster?
I think Jake looking buffer in the white t is a better hint he might be doing PoP.
If anybody's going to be staying in SC, it would be likely to be Biel and Jake. He could still be there waiting it out.
I can't recall hearing about any films shutting down after filming had been underway this long. Plus a lot of prep had to be done before they even started shooting. Location scouting, contracts with locations, city regs, security, extras, trailers, getting all the stuff there in the first place. I think this event is a pretty big deal. Was surprised to hear the budget is only 25 mil. Seems like they have a lot going on for such a low budget.
Wasn't POP supposed to start shooting 6/18? Can't remember where I heard that date, but I must have read it somewhere. So if Nailed gets delayed, there may be a scheduling problem if the POP rumor proves to be true.
stopping a prod is hardly evr done, $$ can always be 'found' by studio/producers/distribs..methinks if true it cos the movie is turd. 4/15 start to 5/7 is enuff to see..& a course 'no $$' is the ez way out -sounds better than 'it was a piece a crap & woulda taken 6 mos to do it right'
no matter how it ends this is bad pr..
"Clarity, I have asked Tink if she is a hot mess, and she responded by rolling around on the bed on her back with her legs spread. I told her she is like 7-11, because she's always open."
LMAO. Tink on a Hot Tin Roof.
only if you give me a pig ear. the one you & dada slautered this morn.
just because you heard someone squealin like a pig this morning doesnt mean they was slauterin anything!
David Fincher's birthday is on 28 August according to IMDb and other sources and not today.
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