Remember Prince Manvendra? He was the subject of our Out Spotlight XXI. Out recently published a piece on him, complete with his revelation that he has (gasp!) a boyfriend! The prince was quite coy about it with the interviewer at first but then ended up having dinner with the interviewer and introducing him to his new BF. Excerpt follows. Click the source link for the full article.
When we meet for dinner that night, he’s got a surprise for me -- his Mystery Lover, a hulking, swarthy, 44-year-old Gujarati musician, not quite a royal but hailing from a Rajput landowning family. He’s dressed, like the prince, in a traditional red kurta, his ears heavy with ancestral gold rings and studs. Mystery Lover, or M.L., who was educated in the United Kingdom and speaks with a plummy Indo-British accent, asks me not to use his name in this story. “This will bring all sorts of strange people into my life that I’m not ready to deal with,” he says. “And I don’t want to put any additional strain on a new relationship.”
I ask how they met. M.L. does most of the talking, diving into a plate of tandoori prawns, while the prince, who has a tiny appetite and is rail-thin, picks at his food and mostly listens. They connected a year and a half ago through the Gay Bombay list-serve. There was no immediate attraction, they say. “We took one look at each other and I thought, Oh, God,” says M.L. “Me too,” says the prince. “I thought, He’s absolutely not my cup of coffee.” But they stayed friends, bonded by their Rajput roots and love of classical Indian music, and talked in general terms about what each wanted in a lover. Finally, out of town one night for a concert, they shared a bed, with a bank of pillows between them.
“It was the Great Wall of China,” the prince says coyly. “He didn’t want to break my virginity.”
“What virginity?” says M.L.
The prince ditched M.L. in the morning. “My suspicions were confirmed about blue bloods being shit,” says M.L. But they started dating. Eventually, they really slept together, at Dada’s place. The proper affair began rockily because of gossip from the Gay Bombay crowd. “We go to a movie premiere,” says M.L., “to find these bitches doing these low-sweeping curtsies, calling us ‘Your Highness.’ ”
Since then, things seem to be going OK. M.L. is affectionate with the prince, calling him Hukum, a Hindi honorific that means “your command.” The two talk about building a house together on the prince’s farm.
There is just the matter of the prince’s fear that he can’t love. He can’t quite answer seriously when I ask him what he likes in M.L. “He’s arty-farty,” he says. “I thought he’d be a good hunky guy from the warrior clan.”
M.L. senses the hedging. “I think you will find that our Manav is not very communicative,” he says.
But I’ve come to feel protective toward the prince, and it’s not the first time M.L. has disparaged him in front of me for being a frigid noble. Does it bother the prince?
He shakes his head. “Sometimes I feel I’m not human at all,” he says.
“Don’t say that,” says M.L., suddenly tender.
“I want to change,” says the prince.
After dinner, we walk along the promenade by the stinking, trash-filled Arabian Sea and talk about gay rights. I tell them about the Gay Bombay meeting, how confronting the police had barely come up.
“India needs a Stonewall,” says M.L.
That’s why the prince never stops talking to the press. “The moment you stop doing press...” he trails off. “I’m trying to see the next celebrity come out.”
We hug goodbye on the roadside and promise to talk soon. In the cab, I turn around to watch them walking side by side up the highway -- just two more gay men trying to cut through the baggage of adolescence and find love in midlife. Except, of course, one lives in a palace, oversees 200 servants, and commands millions of hits on Google. Not that you’d have to remind him. Even on bad days, you can’t forget that you’re a prince.
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Prince Manvendra has a boyfriend!
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6:18 AM
Labels: Prince Manvendra, updates
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ENGAGING THOUGHTS: I'm hearing that Reese Witherspoon and Jake Gyllenhaal may get engaged before he heads off to Morocco this summer to star in what everyone thinks will be the next big movie franchise: ''The Prince of Persia.'' Jerry Bruckheimer and Disney are producing the huge action-adventure project (based on the video game) that's being touted as a possible successor to the ''Pirates of the Caribbean'' flicks.
Reeke may get engaged before he leaves for Morocco
And 'may' is the operative word.
Great song Prairie Girl!
Thanks for the update Wicked. Seems like the Prince is finding his way. It is inspiring that he was to keep talking so that others come out.
I did have to laugh at the great wall of pillows.
Steph has added more to the pic series of Reeke shopping when they were supposed to be looking for a yoga class.
Jake looks great in these new pics. I love to see him shaving.
I loved Prince Manvendra and the Great Wall of Pillows! So chaste.
Why do you think so? Neither J. Depp nor Matt Damon are having problems in getting serious roles, both were in extremly successful franchises.
PoP could only have a negative effect on Jakes carreer if it is indeed a popcorn movie with boring characters, stupid dialogues...
Depp was one of the best and most wanted actors before the Pirates.
Jason Bourne franchise is character-driven, the hero is a real man, in a real world.
Another question - how can a successful franchise improve actor's career? What about Orlando, Tobey, Brendan, Hayden, Christian?
Sweet post today, love how they get along. Cute that the Prince thought he was just going to be another hunky guy from the warrior clan, but he's got an arty side. And the Great Wall of pillows. Very sweet, good for the Prince! Love the song too PrairieGirl. I think I remember it by Bob Marley as well,and I love it. :)
Jake does look great, his hair is getting longer and fuller, very nice!
Great song today Wicked/Prairie Girl. Haden't heard that one in a while.
I love the post today. They sound so real as a couple. Sometimes it's not a "love at first site" scenario - you just "grow" on each other slowly. I'm glad they found each other.
What a great story. I especially love the line about India needing a Stonewall and that is why he never stops talking to the press. Visibility is so key to making progress when it comes to gay rights.
“I’m trying to see the next celebrity come out.”
Me too. I love this quote.
That is very brave of the Prince, to keep talking to the press, to further gay rights in India.
Also, today is Morrissey's birthday - Happy Birthday Morrissey! :)
Heartwarming addition to the Prince's story. I love the verbal interplay between them. I hope their relationship works.
Ent lawyers hints were extremely blatant this time - the writing style reminded me of Ted actually.
Those expanded Reeke pics still look like shopping buddies to me. They make no effort to look good for each other, which to me speaks volumes.
That's because they are so comfortable with each other and SO in love.
Jake is looking really really good. But what is up with the covered up boy? It was wicked hot in CA this past weekend. Didn't want to show of the hot new princely bod or was he looking so good someone ; ) was very happy to see him and it wasn't Reese.
Maybe he was avoiding the sun/tan so he wouldn't look weird when he went back to taping Nailed. He looks conservative in the pics by himself though, only thing missing is a tie.
He still will need to work with a trainer bigtime if filming starts in July.
I think the casual homey/suburban look is deliberate, Jake never dresses up unless it for business, even with Kiki, jeans and t-shirts. Kiki had a more funky style.
Reese seems to be going out of her way though, she used to dress a bit more her age, these recent pics are more conservative (with the exception of the bikini pics, but I think that was done to show that she wasn't pregnant).
DC commenter suggested that the pic of R looking down at Jake's front should be captioned - "they are both trying to find out what Jake did with his balls" - cute.
I would think dressing in jeans and t-shirts would be more in keeping with the audience that PoP is geared towards, so dressing so conservatively doesn't make a lot of sense. It also makes him look a lot older than he is. Then again, maybe that's just an effort to make Reese look less like his mom.
As for Reese, dressing like the stereotype of a suburban mom, and showing the world you have the body of a 30-something who has had several kids, doesn't seem like the way to go when you're at the age HW considers over the hill. And let's face it, HW isn't too concerned with that demographic group when it comes to the pictures it makes.
Is America's First Gay Superhero coming to TV?
Ok some may have questioned Batman and Robin in the 60's but this looks like a series based on Perry Moore’s novel Hero, about the world’s first gay superhero, might be coming to TV in the States.
And who is one of the producers helping Moore bring him to television. Comic legend Stan Lee.
That would be great if we had a series like that with a leading gay character, especially if it serious drama and not a half-hour comedy.
That would be great if we had a series like that with a leading gay character, especially if it serious drama and not a half-hour comedy.
Well there is Torchwood on BBC America with a leading bisexual hero played by an out gay man, and he's having a passionate relationship with his sidekick.
It is sci-fi but you'd probably love it anyway - it's great fun.
Torchwood is a great show. I'm not that into sci-fi but it drew me in right away. John Barrowman is not hard to look at either : )
You're right Max, I completely forgot about Torchwood. One of these days I've got to check it out, I have to admit I kind of avoided it because I saw some really bad reviews, and I never liked Dr. Who.
Also, I was thinking more in terms of the exposure the superhero series would get; the article said there is interest in it from the networks, which would mean a much larger, more middle of the road audience.
"And 'may' is the operative word."
Actual 'deflection' (from the Nailed mess) is the word that comes to mind.
John Barrowman is great in Torchwood. I'd never heard of him but sounds like he is quite multi-talented from what I read. The only time I get to see Torchwood is when I dogsit @ some of my people's houses who have a more generous cable system than my town does (yes,this means you, COMCAST). I think it's great that he is open about his sexuality and has a very successful cable series.
I'll have to google "waiting in Vain" by Bob Marley - I'd like to hear it. This song is haunting - it's in the movie, "Serendipity". I can identify with the lyrics - sometimes we just wait and wait against hope for that other person to come around....
The Prince and his bf sound like an awesome couple. No one should be forced to live their lives hidden in a closet. Even royalty. Now when William or Harry come out that will be quite a story.
By the way The Prince of Persia is nooooo hero to me.
They make no effort to look good for each other, which to me speaks volumes.
ITA, m. Even though J & R have supposedly been seeing each other for about a year, that would still be a relatively new relationship. There's casual and then there's "we've been married for 15 years, he/she's seen everything so I don't care how I look" casual. Maybe Reese wants to throw out a "I don't give a flip" attitude. I don't know. Usually she looks pretty together, but these last weekend pictures are not very complimentary. I'll shut up now.
ita m/pg. reese is pushing her hair away from her face, no makeup gaining weight and flabby. the driving miss daisy pics of them near the car- if you look it looks like jake is asking her to put her hand on his arm befor they start walking and when she does she makes faces like its a joke. methinks reese is done.
Ring Watch begins
methinks reese is done.
No way.
maybe the contract is
maybe the contract is
I don't think so. Doesn't feel like they're done with each other to me.
I would be very surprised if the showmance stopped right now. Would be a pretty big slap in the face of Disney. Not something that would help for your furthering of your career.
I have know idea if they are going to go the distance. I hope they don't but who knows. I think they realize that the only folks who really like this pairing are some brain dead Reese fans and the Hollywood money folks. They can't be that blind to the general opinion that is floating around the internet...
Sorry I have no time for Jeese stuff tonight. I am too busy think about that six pack Jake is covering up with that shirt.
Hey ... at least I admit it : )
PrairieGirl, this version of Waiting In Vain is very beautiful. In fact, I'm not sure which one I like best now. I have loved Annie Lennox for years, she's got a beautiful voice. :)
I'm too happy about Jake being in PoP to be concerned about Jeese stuff either.
Shallow K
they might get 'engaged' before morocco. not really but all she has to do is wear a ring and everyone will think so. hes out of the country and they wont have to spend alot of time together, just a few visits, seeing the world with the kids, traveling, shopping shopping shopping. easy fauxmance maintanance! easy pr! easy bs!!
the driving miss daisy pics of them near the car- if you look it looks like jake is asking her to put her hand on his arm befor they start walking and when she does she makes faces like its a joke.
I noticed that, too! There's always funny little incongruities with them. Some of their photo-ops seem to have the equivalent of a leader tape on a film; it gets rather clumsy at times. I also think I've created a wee monster with my Driving Miss Daisy/Reese comparison, lol.
Regardless of when Reeke ends, it's going to be a long, slow winding down. Putting the engagement rumor out there before Jake goes off to film PoP is the kind of thing I'm expecting down the road. They could stay vital through copy alone for months to come. There's respective movie premieres to consider in the near future. Depressing, but true.
Maybe you're right whoever said it early that Jake can't get a tan for Nailed.
If he is a supposed horn dog of a congressman, he's going to have to show off some skin while doing the "hucklebuck" with Ms. Beil. And tan lines can be so distracting. Hee!
^^ :)
Well, well, well... it's raining Princes these days! Very glad to hear once again about our Prince of India. :)
I love that version of WIV too. Thanks Prairie Girl!
And since Bob Marley has been mentioned, here's my all-time favorite: Is This Love.
Great post, thanks Wicked :)
What EZ said.
Nailed extra
I'm not bitter So last month I was an extra in the film "Nailed" and a few days ago the movie got cancelled! It had Jessica Biel (a snob if there ever was one....I'm thinking about starting whatever the opposite of a fan club is, for her), Jake Gyllenhaal (who was actually pretty nice, even if he did flirt with all the college aged girls...pssst! Don't tell Reese Witherspoon). Catherine Keener (who was also very nice but she has like a 12 inch waist!), Tracey Morgan (he wore sunglasses inside the building, listened to his music and didn't pay much attention on set). Paul Rubens (Pee Wee Herman for those of you who don't keep up on such things) I liked Mr Rubens, thought he was a funny down to earth guy...not a snob like some people (think first actor I mentioned). Anyway, the update on IMDB for the movie makes it seem like the production will still go on but I'm waiting for my check for the 4 days I worked! I was told it will be 4 to 6 weeks! So on my only 2 days off in 4 weeks I had to work the whole weekend to make up for the check they never sent....oh but don't worry about Big A, NO, I'll be just fine!!!!
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