Think someone could be fan of John from Cincinnati?But is it the show or the actor? ; )
Thursday, May 29, 2008
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The song - it's the whole thing. Beck just did a little Soprano's move with it. And hey the Soprano's were the lead into JFC's premiere. I couldn't resist. : )
Funny how similar those images are.
Makes you go hmmmm....
It's definitely an Austin kind of shirt.
I am wondering how long this "they'll be engaged any second" campaign will last. At some point, if they don't get engaged, it will look bad for Reese. Why isn't he asking her? So I think they will have to either get engaged, do a cooling off period to explain why they're not getting engaged, or break up. The question is, how long will these "he's about to pop the question" stories continue without some kind of resolution.
NY will recognize California same sex marriages
I just don't even get why they put all of this "engaged any second" talk out there to begin with. In addition to fueling the expectations you mentioned Wicked, it is just so unromantic. An engagement is coming because all their friends and families have been talking about it and wanting it, and the merits have been discussed in all the rags? Talk about a fractured fairy tale.
Jake has worn stuff about Austin before, like his Texas t-shirt. This shirt looks likes something Austin got him. Definitely not Reese or the kids. LOL
Willie Garson from JFC adopting a child
dont know if real estate pr or true but fun to picture. [after cristina story].
jake at house
I love this t-shirt - it's the best look on Jake since October, IMO.
I agree, wicked and destiny - this only seems to be a glossy mag convention.
Clay Aiken impregnates someone?!?!?!??
I CANNOT believe that Gayken story. He admitted to artificial insemination when he could have claimed to have gotten her pregnant the old fashioned way?! BTW, that sound you hear is the ovaries of Claymates around the world exploding.
Aiken on his sexuality-
"People don't want to have that type of stuff pushed, people who are living in Omaha or in Charlotte or wherever," Aiken told Access Hollywood last month.
"They don't want stuff like that pushed in their face," he added. "I don't think that's necessary and that's also not what I'm here for. I mean, I went on Idol to be a singer, I went on Idol to be an entertainer and that's what my priority is."
US Magazine story
I don't know much about Clay Aiken but I always thought there was no question he's gay? The responses to the first link were, in the main, pretty horrible, weren't they?
I couldn't resist a peek at "Reese in Jake's clothes", after the previous trolled thread. Umm, they are obviously Reese's clothes - they do up the girls' way, as someone said on the previous thread, and they wouldn't fit Jake anyway ... plus, the long and baggy look is back in. Quite a nice look I think.
I wonder if they'll claim the artificial insimination was due to her age, and if we'll get stories about them both wanting to be parents but being finding the right person.
If not,then wow!
That's a nice Tee, no doubt... :)
I have a feeling that Jake is an ardent JFC fan and he probably knows the intended ending/mystery as well, he has first-hand information.
Sincere congrats to Jersytb/Tom and Eastcoastfan. I'm sure your situations are different but you should be applauded. I wish I had your kind of confidence and was able to make a positive move of my own.
Cheers to you both.
I wish I had your kind of confidence and was able to make a positive move of my own.
What stops you? It's 2008, gays are not pariahs anymore. Why is it that people are so afraid to come out? Not a criticism. I really want to know. Why is this hard? What would/could make it easier?
The move by Paterson's administration does not legalize same-sex marriage in New York. The state's highest court, the Court of Appeals, has said it can only be legalized by the Legislature, which failed to pass a proposed measure last year.
Kudos to Paterson for doing all he can for marriage equality. Too bad the NY Legislature won't do the right thing.
I thought the comments to Aiken were pretty sad and homophobic. Whether or not you like him or think he's is a good entertainer to be so mean and dismissive about a gay person having a family is horrible imo. This is why so many ppl don't come out. And he's exactly right - some ppl just don't want to hear it because they can't deal with it. Unfortunate but true.
Jake's head photoshopped on Ryan's body?
Reese runs errands in the white Red Sox hat
The comments are incredibly nasty. She is really not liked.
Has anybody seen the OK story? It says Jake will be spending Father's Day with Reese and the kids. Like they don't have a loving and involved father.
its jakes body but in rome red carpet pic. pic of reese was from legelly blond a few years ago but the hand around her is ryans!
yea the errands comments are funny!
This whole thing is getting ridiculous now - the "living in sin" hypocritical crap, the obvious photoshopped pic. If they are supposedly getting engaged, what's the point in dragging it out? Just do it, for Cripe's sakes. It seems like the end of an era now, Heath gone, Jake barely recognizable. Time to move on, for me.
Exactly, Arctic.
Hey PR, how about getting your clients actually and officially engaged once and for all? Don't know about other people here but these cheesy statements courtesy of "good pals" and "close sources" make them look more and more clownish to me.
Special, is that "Shirts Tales Part Deaux" a word game or what?
"Part Two" would spell "Part Deux" in French, but when I read "Deaux", I immediately thought about "Waters" ("d'eaux" in French) and beautiful visions of John riding the waves accompanied me throughout the day. So, mistake or not, I owe you a big warm thank-you for that post. :) :) :)
It's silly how this supposed impending engagement/wedding has permeated everything. Reese will live with Jake when they get married, Reese will have children with Jake when they get married, life will be perfect and magical when they get married. It makes Jake look like a confused fool - the all-seeing, all-knowing tabs reading his thoughts and practically begging Reese for children, but dragging his heels in proposing. And, oh yes, of course it all has to culminate in marriage and children, what else is there to life and relationships?
I hate how they drag it out like a serial or soap opera, manipulating a public that's meant to care and claiming it's all happening in real time just like this, quotes included. It really is another world over there. Fauxmance or real relationship, it's insulting as hell.
Home from a long long long day at work.
That is so not a Red Sox Hat (Thank God) but she is trying to be a wanna be. Interesting how she is doing I'm wearing my boyfriends stuff. Funny it is does work like it does with the orange bike jersey, the Sturgis Cap, or those black jeans that seem too long. : )
Sometimes I'm sneaky Frenchy. Glad you enjoyed it.
Ryan is a great dad. He is probably one of the best dads in HW. You can see the genuineness of his love for his kids.
I remember reading how he was the one who never was phased by tantrums and who ended up potty training them when they were little. Growing up with his mom running a daycare gave him a huge leg up on being a dad.
I really hate it when women wear pants with writing on the ass. I got a good laugh out of that Reese link and the comments.
Great news today about NY, and with California not having a residency requirement to get married, it does give us NYers food for thought, not that I'm sure I'm the marrying type. And with more people getting the right to marry, the fauxmances look all the more ridiculous.
really hate it when women wear pants with writing on the ass.
It's one of the worst, most tacky fashion ideas ever! As if women's asses aren't ogled at enough, let's give 'em something to read! Bad as it is, I'd say only college girls need apply.
Don't want to seem like I'm taking my favorite blog too seriously but since we seem to be one of those PR-sanctioned-story preferred sources, here's one more fabulous suggestion that would make Reeke seems like the "real" thing. A thing that every couple on this planet shares; a thing that would be proof of their undeniable love, devotion and maturity; one more evidence that "they're real!!! they're in love!!!"
I'm talking about a frigging fight people.
A real HW, public one, with the flaring nostrils in full display, Jake's blue icy eyes visible this time (get rid of those damn aviators!) and crowned by a severe frown clamoring to the world (and a couple of well-positioned paps) his frustration and anger. Bodily distance is a must (past photographic evidences show that this shouldn't pose any difficulty); and have ready a couple of your usual close-friend/source/pal/witness comments describing their fallout.
Leave the kids out of this though. I know kids sell but in this particular case they might prove to be a tricky liability. Dogs, having a short memory, somewhat limited facial expressions and a wonderfully non-existent vocabulary - no "I'm scared mom" from these furry sidekicks - are acceptable domestic accessories.
Of course this should be followed by very public displays of affection near your favorite pap-infested places, Any other outcome is totally acceptable and would fly in the face of any impending engagement.
Such events shall take place before the beginning of the PoP shooting to take maximum advantage of the concerned parties' availability.
I think that this fight/reconciliation scenario would do wonders for this showmance. Nothing like a bit of spicing-things-up to grab the attention of a public notorious for its short attention span.
Looking forward to your full cooperation in this matter.
special k, in pap pics of ryan with the kids, the kids look tired and have normal messy dirty clothes, like theyve been playing all day. like it should be. but with reese they all look perfect like theyre going to a photo shoot. like they probably are.
frenchy, lol!!
bltb, i thot reeses pants said FAERIE on the back. my 2nd thot was she borrowed them from jake.
i think the story of jake wanting to have kids with reese is a extremely critical turn to thier fauxmance cos i'm pretty sure she got fixed a while back. methinks the 'jake wanting kids vs reese already has 2 and wants to focus on her career' issue will lead to reese sadly breaking up with jake but staying forever fond of each other.
^^ the breakup over the children issue could happen after the yearlong/2 year engegement, after PoP is finished.
I can't believe that people are still discussing these stupid marriage rumors. They're trying to distract us from Nailed, which is turning into a professional embarassment for Jake! Ignore the rumors.
imo the rumours are very important..theyre setting the stage for the breakup.
On the plus side, production of Capitol Films' troubled comedy "Nailed," starring Jessica Biel and Jake Gyllenhaal, resumed Thursday after having been shut down for a third time due to financial problems. Members of the Intl. Alliance of Theatrical & Stage Employees were ordered by IATSE leaders a week ago not to show up at the South Carolina set after not being paid.
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