Right now I am reading the book The Girls: Sappho Goes to Hollywood by Diana McLellan. This book was suggested by Daff. Thanks Daff! :) I've just started it and already have come upon some interesting quotes. In trying to uncover the secret sexual lives of her subjects, McLellan found that lies, especially those that were both repeated and unnecessary, lead her to the truth more frequently than the so-called "true" reports. She writes-
"One big, unproven lie reveals far more than dozens of widely reported "truths"- once you understand why it was told." (Italics the author's.)
And a tiny bit later she says-
"Whenever I could document a consistent unnecessary lie, I fished more intently in the waters around it than elsewhere, hooking in as many sources as possible, arranging events in the correct sequence to determine cause and effect, applying what I knew to areas I did not know, and slowly triangulating my way toward the truth." (Also italics the author's.)
I've been kicking this idea of the unnecessary lie around in my head. It really does appear that Hollywood runs on lies, but are the typical lies that Hollywood tends to tell unnecessary lies? Would the Hollywood machinery really fall apart if these lies were not told? Who and what are these lies really protecting? And how does this all relate to Jake and Austin?
Here is a poll for your perusal. It is difficult because there are only two choices. That is intentional. Just give your best answer and don't overthink it. Go with your gut feeling. The definition of "unnecessary lies" is whatever YOU say it is.
Just had to say re Dusty Springfield- listening to this song, I think there is no way Nicole Kidman can convey this kind of soulfulness. And I like her as an actress. But this is a miscast.
I did not get the fish reference of Bad Seed's question. I think the reason I didn't is because I do not think of Chris Fischer as even a remote possibility for TT's BF anymore.
That tired horse of is Chris the BF, again?! How anybody who read the 20/20 vision without glasses or contacts item about JG and AN doing the digital dance in the streets of NY can think this is beyond me.
I vote yes because... as Neil Gaiman once said - people in Hollywood just have a tendency to tell lies, even when it's unnecessary, it's sort of like a habit... jake grew up in that environment, i think sometimes he would actually have to make an effort to "stay" on the truth. And Austin trying to adapt to this environment will probably have to pick it up quick too.
it's not about right or wrong... i never believe in the virtue of complete honestly, but whether those unnecessary lies are harmful or not, it's another matter.
I voted yes, too, I think that that's HW, and I don't know if they are necessary. My gut feeling is that in order to make it, you go along with the system, much like in the everyday world, to get ahead (which I hate). Or maybe not out-and-out lie, but saying nothing. Surely the more powerful one is in HW, the less you have to go along?
Thanks for Dusty today, this one gets me right in the heart, her signature song I think. I like NK too, but she seems a bit too cool for this role, unless she can do a 180, and tap into her inner soul singer. :)
As far as our next movie, anything would be great! I just watched BBM on my new HDTV. It's even more beautiful, and with the surround sound, the reunion kiss, there's a note that reverberates for a long time, like the chords of the universe have been struck in harmony, when E&J come together again. Just beautiful. :)
Hmmmm . . .
I wonder if Ted's reference to "fox" is in the age-old meaining of "clever" or "crazy as a fox" as in he's doing what he has to do to for now.
The saying is...... "As cunning as a fox."
We don't hear much from Austin, but one lie that stands out to me is the "dating Sophia Bush" one.
And before the usual rebuttal comes that she said she didn't date Austin as she was still technically married - yes,yes, I know that but it still doesn't explain the Sophia/Jake/Austin pix delivered as two separate dates to the gossipists.
Or why Sophia, in her denial, linked Jake and Austin together. (She said she went for a hike with both of "those two guys").
That one always stands out to me - probably cos it comes with photographic proof.
I think Jake's pants are smouldering
^^from all the lies I meant!
^^That too! ;)
Jake's pants are smouldering
Sorry, I just thought that needed to be repeated!
James Dean and Paul Newman screen test
Check out the chemistry. James asks for a kiss and Paul says not here. Hot!
Wow, James Dean and Paul Newman really did have chemistry!
I'd love to hear from some of the folks who voted "no" on the poll. Provided you're not trolls.
I def voted yes. If a person can lie without saying the words yes or no then both Jake and Austin have lied. If a picture can lie then reeke has told many lies.
Wow Paul and James were smoking together. That reminds me of J and A on the TDAT set.
HW thinks the lies it tells, especially about its stars' sexuality, are necessary. It will not play in Peoria if the truth is told. I think the moviegoing public can handle much more truth about HW stars, but HW is afraid to risk the $, so lies are what is put out there. It will take someone who is willing to tell the truth and who is financially successful, to break this mold. Until then HW will continue to run on unnecessary lies.
Jake Gyllenhaal- Mr. Smoulder Pants!
Yes, it's a great book, Wicked! And my favourite Dusty song to boot. :)
Also, is there not something ironic about a closeted HW actress of 2008 playing a singer who was brave enough to refer to her sexuality way back in the early 1970s? Dusty Springfield was conflicted, but she was never not *brave.*
I do think that HW as an institution insists upon certain things, like sexuality, being covered up. The person who breaks the mold MUST be financially successful in order to do it. The all-mighty dollar is what rules in Hollywood. Daff, as a filmmaker yourself, I would love to hear what you have to say about this. Are these lies necessary for Hollywood to continue its financial success? I really think that is what drives these lies- fear of not making money.
And we still have yet to hear from anyone who answered "no" in the poll. Hmmmm...
That blogger says Reese was on the Nailed set yesterday
Anyway, around 11:30 p.m. Reece came into the shoot and walked right past me (escorted by one of the make-up people) and went over and stood in a corner waiting for Jake to finish his shooting. We had gone way over because of the issues I mentioned earlier and I think she was getting impatient. I was seated around a few girls in their early twenties and they were tickled pink to see Reece and kept leaning over to get a glance at her. I think she was probably just getting really impatient because once Jake finished shooting they took off out the back way together.
How long before the romantic dinner sighting?
Funny that they can't spell her name correctly.
Really impatient . . . that doesn't sound very romantic. I expect we'll get pics any time now . . . from a "really impatient" lunch or dinner. ;(
What's worse is he doesn't get Jake's surname correct either.
Do I think they do unnecessary lying. No. I think they have had to lied though. I guess it is what you think is necessary or unnecessary. I think that their management, make the unnecessary lies about them them to cover up because they clearly feel J&A are not doing enough to cover themselves. It is those extras that glaring point to the real truth.
HW is based on fantasy and driven by what the audience wants or what HW thinks they want. It is based on story for the audience vs. the reality of the business. Talk about ignore the man behind the curtain. I don't think there is anyone in HW that doesn't lie about something. Whose lies are necessary and unnecessary are is the question.
Whose lies are necessary and unnecessary are is the question.
That should be:
Whose lies are necessary and unnecessary is the question.
Jess in NY for weekend
Along with Nailed, Jessica also stars in three more flicks in the works, including Powder Blue, Planet 51 and Easy Virtue.
The real question is how soon will this sighting get picked up by mainstream gossips?
The word necessary originates from Latin necesse meaning be needful.
One does not lie to meet the needs of another - it is rather done selfishly.
So, IMO, there can not be any unnecessary lie - it is an oxymoron.
One does not lie to meet the needs of another
People lie to meet the needs of other people all the time. What would you call it when people fail to tell their own truths to please someone else?
...to please someone else.
... is the need of the one who is lying.
And what about when you tell more of a lie than you need to? Isn't that unnecessary? Sometimes I think you hide behind semantics, Rattler.
I think the sighting of Reese on the set is credible. I thought she would show up in SC this weekend. Wouldn't really make sense if she didn't, having to come to DC anyway and be "on hand" for the Walk tomorrow.
One tells more lies to meet greater personal needs. The extent of need is decided upon by the liar, not by the one who is being lied to.
Each word has its own significance.
Hence, I always choose my words carefully. Their interpretation and comprehension are solely your prerogatives.
Guys, any Movie Club suggestions?
I would agree, Wicked; it seems time for a sighting.
Love the idea of smouldering pants, Max, even though you originally were talking about something entirely different! Or at least, at first you were, huh?
The sighting is from the same guy who everyone said was trying to impress from yesterday.
Don't you think he knows people are looking at his myspace?
Why is he legit today when not yesterday?
Movie Club suggestion:
Their interpretation and comprehension are solely your prerogatives.
Thanks for the insult, Rattler. Obviously I am not intelligent enough to talk to you. I'll bow out now.
-Truth (blogger won't let me put a name in, so I'm signing)
All the talk about expecting a sighting tells PR do one.
The sighting is from the same guy who everyone said was trying to impress from yesterday.
Don't you think he knows people are looking at his myspace?
Why is he legit today when not yesterday?
I thought what he said yesterday was legit. It was the rumors he heard that I thought were not legit. Doesn't seem likely to me that both Justin and Reese could show up in SC and nobody would report it. I did think he was reporting what he heard, though. The stuff about various people bumping into him and him being the most important of all the extras, not so much.
I don't think he'd make up just seeing Reese. Maybe he would, but I think if he did he'd make the sighting better, like Reese and/or Jake talked to him or something.
I would never dare to insult the Truth! :)
I was just beginning to enjoy the conversation with you! So please continue...
But Justin was in NY isn't that why Jess went there? He had his concert with Madonna was it Wed?
Re: Movie Club Suggestion
I know we've discussed this film here before but I recently saw "shelter" and would love to discuss this film in more depth.
MODEL Erin Wasson has to give her heels a rest. The bones in the leggy mannequin's feet were so damaged by years of wearing only stilettos that she broke her foot shooting a running scene in the hills outside LA with Justin Timberlake for a line of shorts for William Rast. A spy said, "She continued shooting after the injury and finished the 16-hour day, but she's in a cast for a month and has to postpone all upcoming projects and work."
Page Six, May 2
Well, I'm one of only 4 people so far to vote no. I think Jake and Austin have lied, but I think they've been told that if they don't they won't get certain roles. So unfortunately I think that in some way the lies have been necessary. I also think the lies became necessary because there was so much talk Jake would come out. I think the PTB were afraid he'd come out and hurt their film and he wasn't getting work as a result, and I think the getting caught with Austin walking in NYC while promoting a movie was a huge no-no, so the lies increased as a result. I think Jake got burned a bit by being as open as he was, and Reeke was the price he had to pay to get work.
Which is not to say HW isn't totally f*cked up and telling unnecessary lies about how they'll lose that one extra ticket sale if they have a leading gay man. But if all the people holding the purse strings believe that and wont' hire an openly gay actor for certain roles, I don't think it is fair to say, well, then Jake and Austin should just settle for the roles they can get if they're out.
I have to agree with you, Destiny, even though I voted yes. I find it quite unsettling that Jake is apparently getting so much works going once the Reeke thing is in motion.... even though it might not all be a direct result of the affair, but it certainly "looks" that way.
if jake is still with Austin, it's very likely that they have come to an agreement of keeping things low-profile/secret and work on their careers.
I am one of the Gang of Four. You said everything I wanted to say but was having a tough time getting down on paper.
I voted yes; I went with my immediate gut feeling. I don't judge anyone in any way at all, and human nature being what it is, it's highly likely people are less than honest. However, I don't/can't differentiate between a necessary/unnecessary lie. A lie is a lie is a lie. It's never necessary. You choose to do what you have to do, and accept the consequences/tradeoffs for it. I do believe that J&A felt they had to keep their relationship private, that in itself is their prerogative. You could still have a career in HW and not have to play the game, it's whether or not you would be happy with the level of success that might be the result. It's never necessary, and if Reeke is total PR, it certainly isn't necessary to take it to that level. But who knows, I don't, and as I said, I am in no position to judge anyone. I feel badly because of the angst carrying on with such a pretense would cause them, if it is a pretense. :)
I think the lies became necessary because they weren't keeping their lives completely private. They weren't talking about their relationship or photographed holding hands, etc., but it was there for all to see. I do think they were testing the waters and thinking about coming out. But then I think Jake wasn't getting work, so as much as I hate to say it, I think Reeke got him work. I also think if they had truly kept things private I suspect we would have not had to endure Reeke.
All of which is not to say I don't hate the bearding with a passion and think it is done at a huge cost. But people shouldn't be forced to have to chose between their relationships and the work they want to do.
I'm now one of a gang of five who said no :) Pure instinct with no real thought, much less over-thinking. The lie became necessary because of work. No reason why either of them should feel obliged be a trailblazer. Spesh and destiny say it perfectly and I take rattler's semantic point also.
The Newman/Dean clip is amazing :)
I also can't say whether or not Jake's film roles we are hearing about now is due to being connected with Reese, maybe it's because of his own talent, and networking he has done on his own. He may have had these irons in the fire all along; there's no way for me to know for sure. He doesn't have to be a trailblazer, I don't think anyone is saying that, he doesn't have to come out, that in itself is not being dishonest, it's entirely up to J&A. I just don't feel it's necessary to have a sham relationship, if that's what's going on, so I do agree with Rattler - anything necessary is from personal need, not because others require it. :)
Oh, I agree, isn't that East of Eden screen test great? I love how James Dean says "Kiss Me", and Paul Newman says "Can't Here". Sounds like Ennis! I love James Dean *sigh*.
I honestly don’t know how to answer this question with a simple yes or no. I guess I’m just way too analytical.
On one hand I think sometimes celebrities have to lie to protect their privacy. I think J & A were being honest in the beginning about their friendship. They both looked like they enjoyed each others company and it wasn’t just a “celebrity based” relationship. Unfortunately, I think the relationship just got so much scrutiny that they had to start telling lies (or keeping things under wraps) just to protect their careers. I guess they both thought it was necessary at the time.
Having said that, I don’t think telling lies does anyone any good in the end. You end up being forced to create more lies to cover up the ones you told before. As for Jake/Reese I guess we will just have to wait and see what happens. The truth will be revealed sooner or later. If it is a PR driven relationship – it is a totally unnecessary lie.
I'm still thinking about the Movie suggestion : )
oh... about movie club suggestion, i don't have one at the moment, but I'd urge everyone to go see "Shelter" - it's easily one of the best gay indie films of this year.
i dont get the poll. was it a trick question?
evrybody lies every day. esp at work. yea right youre 'going into a meeting-gonna work on that report right away-its okay if your idea was rejected' -uhhuh. or persoanl stuff -running out the door-been busy-cant make the party/have plans. necessary or not theyre all lies, does it really matter??
what about avoidence of an answer, does that count as a lie? Pap: hows your relationship with Reese going? Jake; Hilarious!
Methinks J&R are using thier friendship to appear as a romance and they are having alot of fun pulling everyones leg with it and getting alot of media coverage out of it too. If they are trying to make things look like something its not is it a lie??
Ok, I have to talk about Dusty.
Dusty Springfield has one of the greatest pop voice ever. She is the definition of blue eyed soul.
Dusty in Memphis is on every best album of all time list with good reason. Check it out.
I still think the Son of a Preacher Man is best known song. But I only Want to be with You is right up there.
Well, I just have to link some stuff of hers:
Son of a Preacher Man
Classic - nuf said.
Only Want to be with You
All I See is You
A fav of mine
In Private
One of her songs when she worked with the Pet Shop Boys
Dusty - Gay Icon
Special, Thanks! I am so there for this movie. :)
btw i dont think austin has had to lie..much. but jake..yea. he plays the game, gives roundabout responses and answers nothing. the whole thing of reeke is deception cos he can say they were friends, it was peoples imaginations what made them think it was romance- even tho reeke hammed it up in agreed photo ops.
deception and leading people on and not denyingit & telling truth when its obvious what people believe is false -is that lying??
Methinks J&R are using thier friendship to appear as a romance and they are having alot of fun pulling everyones leg with it and getting alot of media coverage out of it too. If they are trying to make things look like something its not is it a lie??
Sometimes it seems that way to me as well. But boy, that Cabo trip sure seems to have been quite the effort to've gone to. If it is just a PR showmance, to make such an show as that plus the big splashdown at the airport after Rome, boy, if that's not putting up an untruthful face, I don't know what is.
Don't want to come down negatively, though; sorry to have gotten started on that again. Now to get down off my box.
Off to Sears on a Saturday night - it's an exciting life out here in Kansas, folks : )
With all due respect if reese was on the set of Nailed hope she stepped on a nail:-). Not in the mood for her right now. We all pretty much knew it was coming though.
prairie girl.. if you can't see that the whole cabo thing was a paid publicity thing from the people trying to promote their property down in mexico you need to get of the farm more.
Jake and Reese were basically seling timeshares with that one.
It was definately the all time low, I doubt it will be repeated.
Wont it be nice when we wont have to hear about the wonderful miss witherspoon on this site. I can't wait for the day. She needs to find herself a real boyfriend and move on with her life.
tom who would have her? cant say i see anyone fighting over her, saying how hot she is. what men in hw have said how hot reese is?? 0. only middleage middleamerica middlemiddlemiddleclass women + preteen girls like reese. i think jake feels sorry for her..so they do each other a favor + pretend to be in relationshop to keep up appearances for diff reasons.
Congrts to 2008 Kentucky Derby Champ: Big Brown.
Heart breaking to hear that Eight Belles had to be put down after finishing a courageous 2nd. This young lady beat eighteen of the boys.
why are we talking about something with no proof that's happened? why are we wasting our time worrying about a sighting? better things to do than that, like talking about Austin being a hot fox
jakes always trying to fix things with people. its a childhood thing. he'll grow up when he figures out its thier problem not his.
i love horses, hate horseracing. what they do to them, breed them to go faster on spindly legs-its inhumane. im crying now, poor poor belle. 'she ran the race of her life' she sure did..
Horse racing has serious problems that hopefully they will stop ignoring now. First Barbaro, now Eight Belles. Sigh.
" That tired horse of is Chris the BF, again?! How anybody who read the 20/20 vision without glasses or contacts item about JG and AN doing the digital dance in the streets of NY can think this is beyond me."
I think that Chris is much more likely than Nichols for reasons of character, familiarity and looks.
I've been trying to decide between yes and no but destiny's great post steered me to the no side as well. I do think the Jake and Reese show has been way over the top though and look forward to the day when its all a thing of the past.
The Chris theory is completely unconvincing to me because of the sibling vibe between these two. As well as a mountain of evidence pointing to Austin being Jake's so and CF being a long time family friend.
bond, ita. austins still possible but people forget cf was at oscars & w/jake [same room] at resort tht cought fire & in nyc reeke last month &..alot. looks like bf/gf/bf's buddy. hiding in plain sight.
oh boy we are still at the 'Chris is the boyfriend' level. I actually have to say that to me it would be more plausible that Jake and Reese were for real than Jake and Chris were together. Nonsense. Chris was at the Oscars so what. He shared a room with Jake, OMFG! Bond, character and familiarity are usually at the core of great friendships not necessarily of great love stories... As for the looks it is all a matter of taste so I am not sure how you can say that, unless you know Jake's personal taste.
Chris was at the resort that caught fire? thought who was there, was never established??
And I guess Ted was wrong all along??!
No way, it's Chris. He doesn't get yanked and hidden in a dungeon for months on end nor does he hang back when he's with Jake to avoid the paps.
And sorry if I offend anyone but Austin is gorgeous Chris ain't even pretty!
Tom, Reese is admired by insecure women because she is an average looking woman who has made it in an industry that thrives on beauty. And they think she's done it on talent, intelligence and guts.
Nicole Kidman - ugh. She is the second worst crime that Tom Cruise has committed. Marrying her and giving her a name in HW.
I think necessary and unnecessary lies don't come into account in regards to actors' personal lives, primarily because I don't think it's any of our business to know what is happening in their personal lives in the first place. The only thing they owe me is a good performance if I am spending money to see them.
reeke having lunch saturday in charlseton sc.
flf everyone has thier own taste. dont insult chris. or anyone else.
yanked and hidden in a dungeon for months on end
huh? whos in a dungeon? a little too dramamtic there, flf.
"I don't think it's any of our business to know what is happening in their personal lives in the first place. "
I agree. I also don't feel anyone should have to validate their sexuality for my benefit either.
i dont mind if jake validates his sexuality for my benefit. over and over and over. *wink*
Chris fans, start a blog, please. He's not the bf but hey, knock yourselves out :)
Reeke? On cue? Surely not.
not worth getting mad over..have a nice life.
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