In honor of Mother's Day, I thought we would focus on two of the founding mothers of the gay rights movement- Del Martin and Phyllis Lyon. Lyon and Martin met in Seattle in 1950 when they were working for the same magazine. They formalized their partnership in 1953 when they decided to move to San Francisco together. I love what they say about their first year together-
"We really only had problems our first year together. Del would leave her shoes in the middle of the room, and I'd throw them out the window," said Lyon, to which Martin responded, "You'd have an argument with me and try to storm out the door. I had to teach you to fight back."
In 1955, Martin and Lyon were part of a group of lesbians who formed the Daughters of Bilitis, the first major lesbian organization in the U. S. Lyon was the first editor of the group's newsletter, The Ladder. They worked with DOB until the late '60s. The group disbanded shortly after the women left.
Lyon and Martin began working with the National Organization for Women (NOW) in 1967. The women worked to combat the homophobia they perceived in NOW. They advocated strongly that lesbian issues were feminist issues. Also during this time, Lyon and Martin helped found the Alice B. Toklas Gay and Lesbian Democratic Club, a group working to support gay friendly politicians in getting elected.
In 1979, Lyon-Martin Health Services was opened. This is a health clinic for low-income lesbian, bisexual, and transgender women seeking culturally sensitive health care. The clinic provides case management and recently added sliding scale mental health services. It was started by a group of health professionals and named for Lyon and Martin. It is still in operation today and is considered a model of culturally sensitive health care.
More recently, the couple has worked on issues related to aging. In 1995, they were named to the White House Conference on Aging. They have also done work with the group Old Lesbians Organizing for Change.
The women have written three books- Lesbian/Woman, Lesbian Love and Liberation, and Battered Wives. They were also the subjects of a documentary film by Joan E. Biren released in 2003 called No Secret Anymore: The Times of Del Martin and Phyllis Lyon. Joan E. Biren is also known as JEB, and is a noted documentary artist, known for both photos and films depicting real queer lives.
On February 12, 2004, Lyon and Martin were the first same-sex couple given a marriage license in the U. S. Those licenses were then voided by the courts 6 months later. Lyon had this to say-
Del is 83 years old and I am 79. After being together for more than 50 years, it is a terrible blow to have the rights and protections of marriage taken away from us. At our age, we do not have the luxury of time.

A picture of Lyon and Martin on their wedding day. I remember how moved I was when I first saw this picture, and it still has the same effect now. I almost can't stand how cute they are!
Del and Phyllis marry

Lyon and Martin in their early years together. Okay, I'll say it- these women are HOT!
What is amazing to me is how much work this couple has done, the length of time they have done it for, that they were among the first to do this work, and that they continue to do relevant activist work today. They are incredible women and OMG is proud to salute them on Mother's Day.
Happy Mother's Day to all you mothers out there, whether your children are of the 2-legged or 4-legged variety!
New info-
But new information coming my way says David Bergstein's Capitol Films behind the pic is troubled. In 2006, he acquired a leading UK-based international sales company which over the years had built a good reputation in the movie biz and made a wide range of commercial and critical successes, including Robert Altman's Gosford Park. But now I'm hearing from NYC film financing circles that "a shitload of people are owed a lot of money," in the words of one expert in the field. "I heard this week that his major financing source, a hedge fund, has shut down and left him in the lurch."
Jake now listed as the Prince in PoP at IMDb
Jake Gyllenhaal ... The Prince (rumored)
I honestly hope Jake Gyllenhaal won't get the PoP project. Why? because I would like him and his PR to know that taking part in a huge fauxmance and relentlessly ramming it down the public's throat doesn't fool anyone including HW producers.
It's about time HW woke up to the fact that the public doesn't like being manipulated.
Happy Mothers Day everyone.
Happy Mother's Day, All!
Great post today - I always love to hear about the Founding Mothers (and Fathers!) of the Gay Rights Movement. These women are beautiful!
Well, I'm off to spend the day with my Mom, so see you all latah! :*
Learn more with each of your post Wicked. Thanks for sharing it with us.
They remind me of friends who have been together for 60 yrs and how you can still see how much their love has grown and deepen over the years.
flf said...
I honestly hope Jake Gyllenhaal won't get the PoP project. Why? because I would like him and his PR to know that taking part in a huge fauxmance and relentlessly ramming it down the public's throat doesn't fool anyone including HW producers.
It's about time HW woke up to the fact that the public doesn't like being manipulated.
No one has been tougher on Jake than me flf but this explains Jakes behavior. I am sure the competition for this part has been tough. Lets face it this will be the biggest payday of Jakes life. He had to do everything he could to shed the gay rumors and his association with BBM to get this part. Includiing ignoring Heaths death publicity. I sure am not saying I approve now but I think I heard numbers like 31 million. It sures explains the change in Jake. Disney can deal with a pregnant 16 yo but will not risk its dollars on a gay man.
Jake has looked miserable pretty much througout this whole ordeal. He looked like he was never into it. Finally he seemed pretty happy in SC and reese sounded like she wasn't. Maybe Jake can now also see the light at the end of the tunnel. Lets hope.
May 11, 2008 9:00 AM
Happy Mother's Day to all the moms at OMG!
Wonderful post Wicked. Thank you.
Wonderful post today Wicked. It's beautiful to hear about a couple in love for so long dedicating that much of their time helping others. Happy Mothers Day to everyone.
"It's about time HW woke up to the fact that the public doesn't like being manipulated."
ITA. There is no reason that can be given for not being true to yourself and others. Money or success included. JMO.
Happy Mother's Day to everyone
Great post Wicked. I've heard a lot over the years and Lyon and Martin, but some of this was new to me, including the bit about their first year together, and the marriage license.
I have real mixed feelings about PoP and Reeke role in it. The real question for me is what he'll do when/if he has money and power.
I hope everyone knows that I have hated what Jake has done since Rendition. It is awful that this is the way HW works. HW is Homophobic and America for the most part is Homophobic. HW wants America's money and therefore HW biggest stars must be str8.
I have asked myself so many questions since I have been a Tb. The most important was am I out at work the way I want Jake to be. The answer was no. But now I am out to several of my friends at work. Now I have to ask myself what I would do for 31 million. dollars. I am not sure of the answer. Of course 31 million would probably equal a million to me in my world. Jake certainly isnt hurting for money. I am just hopeful that Jake gets what he wants soon and can go back to being the guy I loved pre Rome.
Jake may want to do this set of movies so he can take a very long time off of work, because he definately will not have to work between those movies....he will be far from the spotlight if he chooses. He can even end Reeke and just be single while making the movies if he wished to. Many possibilities.
Thinking along the same lines, I Can See It... .
Interesting post today. I remember seeing that wedding pic but did not hear the story about the couple. Nice that they have been together so long as well.
I am not ready to believe POP unitl I see the official announcement. Too many rumors over the years. The worst part of it will be his filming in Morocco that may keep him out of our sight and what about Austin? That will surely keep them apart. I know Jake filmed there for Rendition, but it was a short time. POP sounds like a very lengthy deal.
Read on ONTD that one of the TV gossip shows is working on a special about Heath. Has flown people out to Perth to interview those that knew him when he was young. Part of me wants to know everything about him, the other part says let him rest in peace.
You never know where Austin might be during the shoot. Jake seemed to fly home a lot during the shoot Rendition, maybe Austin will be the one to travel this time.
If Jake does PoP we will keep an eye on him for some of the time (the only reason I really want him to do PoP is the London part :)
Really want to know what Austin is up to as we are getting so many Jake deets even if they aren't firm information.
Great post, wicked - how I wish this whole couple rights thing would just extend to one nominated adult instead of being bound up in marriage, gay marriage, etc.
What is best in me, I owe to her.
Happy Mother's Day!
Thinking along the same lines...
Yes, such is the audacity of hope.
Happy Mother's Day, all!
Wicked, thank you for such a beautiful post today. Talk about the very best of the human spirit in this world...thank goodness no so-called governing body can take away what you see in that wedding day photo. That's untouchable and so pure. It made me cry!
Regarding PoP, I like how you think, I Can See It. I could imagine Jake enjoying the prospect of a secured franchise ahead of him. The money, certainly, the security, but perhaps most of all, the space. He'd be set for a few years, not have to run around. It'd be interesting to see what would change or remain for him over a period of time like that. Who would exit, who would enter? Maybe the restaurant would come to fruition. Maybe Jaustin would gently come alive again.
hank goodness no so-called governing body can take away what you see in that wedding day photo. That's untouchable and so pure. It made me cry!
Me too, BLTB! I thought I was a sap, but at least I'm not alone. :)
I agree with M that I will not believe PoP until the official announcement. Too many rumors flying around it.
bltb said...
Happy Mother's Day, all!
Wicked, thank you for such a beautiful post today. Talk about the very best of the human spirit in this world...thank goodness no so-called governing body can take away what you see in that wedding day photo. That's untouchable and so pure. It made me cry!
Regarding PoP, I like how you think, I Can See It. I could imagine Jake enjoying the prospect of a secured franchise ahead of him. The money, certainly, the security, but perhaps most of all, the space. He'd be set for a few years, not have to run around. It'd be interesting to see what would change or remain for him over a period of time like that. Who would exit, who would enter? Maybe the restaurant would come to fruition. Maybe Jaustin would gently come alive again.
Like I said. A possible light at the end of the tunnel. This long nightmare may be over.
Lyon and Martin were some of the first people to really challenge NOW on its homophobia. NOW was so afraid (and still is, really) of being labeled as a man-hating, lesbian organization. Lesbians were often pushed out or held back from leadership positions. Lyon and Martin really paved the way for lesbians to be active in NOW in any kind of leadership way.
"Like I said. A possible light at the end of the tunnel. This long nightmare may be over."
I so hope you are right, Tom.
It's disgraceful how many of these women's organizations are so fearful of being labeled that way Wicked. I've never been involved in any of them myself, but I've read a number of stories over the years about that. And the way the media is doesn't help either, where conventionally pretty women, like Gloria Steinem, get a lot more attention and recognition than others.
I never realized that about NOW, Wicked, and it is shameful. NOW is supposed to be about women's issues, those of all women.
I've been thinking the same, ICSI and Special. I'm really hoping that Jake is going be involved in the PoP franchise, I think it will give him a lot of freedom, in many ways. Also, I think it will be a lot of fun and enjoyable as well.
All quiet on the Western front, I see. . . ;)
light at the end of the tunnel. This long nightmare may be over."
huh?? when? in 5 yrs? dont get yur hopes up. dont you think thats what he tells himself? And his agents/pr/reese tells him, that:
After 'this/that'..success will come and then he can be himself and have freedom???.
yeah right, more like more ropes.
cost and worth are 2 diff things. when will it be enough, when will jake ever have enough money, enough time?? maybe he needs to ask Heath that question.
jake prob said
'after i make 5 movies i'll be free'
'after i get a bafta i'll be free'
'after i make 10 movies i'll be free'
'after i get into ampas i'll be free'
'after i get nommed i'll be free'
'after i make 15 movies i'll be free'
Jake is planning his post acting career. I don't think it will be a long one. He has been in the business since his childhood. Jake loves food, Jake loves restaurants, Jake loves his bff(Chris).
Jake will have his partner in life and his partner in business at his side visibly in the near future.
^^I have been wondering about this as well. It really is a difficult business - difficult on the ego, what with criticism of an actor's work and abilities, critical agents and producers (he or she isn't this or that enough), fickle fans, bitchy fans, & lunatic fans.
I wouldn't be surprised if once it is no longer fun anymore, he chucks it all and does something else and I wouldn't blame him. The restaurant idea sounds like a good one. Far from the madding crowd of HW. And if it hadn't been for Ted's sort of revealing GG to us, I'd wonder if maybe it were Chris. There's a wonderful comfort level there, and a respite from the HW craziness I see there. You could fall in love with that. :)
I have been wondering about this as well. It really is a difficult business - difficult on the ego, what with criticism of an actor's work and abilities, critical agents and producers (he or she isn't this or that enough), fickle fans, bitchy fans, & lunatic fans.
^^Awww, thanks! I forgot to add difficult and despotic directors too!
Still, it's probably better than the old 9-to-5 . . . ;)
fickle fans, bitchy fans, & lunatic fans need some spanking on Mother's Day.
Really how difficult can the fans make an actors life. An actor is not exactly an athelete who will be booed by fans who are not happy with his performance. The fans Jake sees are adoring and polite as far as I can see. I just dont see how an actor is exposed to negative reaction by fans. Unless Jake spends his day on the internet I really doubt he is overly concerned with his fans. If he gay we love him, If he is str8 the boobleheads love him. He cant lose.
^if he is gay And of course we know he is.
Seems to be some unhatched chicken counting going on here. Sure, Jake may make PoP, but there is absolutely NO guarentee that it will be a hit, find an audience, or, to put it bluntly, not suck. If PoP does any of those things, the likelihood of subsequent movies is very low. No studio will be anxious to shell out a bazillion dollars on a losing proposition. The number of hoped for franchises liter the streets of HW. PoP might just join the ranks of those one-off mistakes.
Which is either sad or ironic depending on your viewpoint - sad that Jake's meal ticket failed, ironic that all of his groveling for straightness will be for naught.
Jake will have his partner in life and his partner in business at his side visibly in the near future.
So we'll be seeing him soon with both Austin and Chris?
Actually, that was me, the devil's advocate.
Jake has had enough, you're here and at WFT2. We've had enough. Go start that Jake and Chris blog you so desperately desire.
Well, even if you take the fans out of the equation, it's still a difficult business. I'm not made of strong enough stuff not to be quaking in my boots about how well a film is going to do at the box office, among other things. The restaurant business isn't the easiest either, but may be more rewarding personally than HW. Just sayin', that's all. I can't imagine not being aware of fan feedback, of course, I might not want to know either. Kinda scary!
Director's Guild getting involved with Nailed drama
Bet Jakey's sorry he ever agreed to do this film!
NY Times has picked up the story too
LOS ANGELES — The Screen Actors Guild on Friday pulled its members, including the stars Jake Gyllenhaal and Jessica Biel, from a movie being directed by David O. Russell after producers of the film failed to keep sufficient funds to pay actors in a union-mandated account.
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Marilynn K. Yee/The New York Times
David O. Russell, director of the troubled comedy “Nailed.”
The independently financed film, “Nailed,” halted production but is expected to resume shooting early this week, according to a person who is involved with the film but spoke on the condition of anonymity to avoid conflict with colleagues.
While financial jolts are common in the world of independent film, the mid-production shutdown grabbed attention because it sidelined some high-profile stars. Mr. Gyllenhaal received an Oscar nomination for his performance in “Brokeback Mountain,” and Ms. Biel has been a fixture in studio films like the Universal Pictures comedy “I Now Pronounce You Chuck & Larry.”
Word of the production’s troubles was reported on over the weekend.
Mr. Russell is known for off-center comedies like “I Heart Huckabees” and “Three Kings.” A spokesman for the Endeavor agency, which represents him, had no immediate comment.
The movie, which began shooting in South Carolina in mid-April, is expected to wrap by mid-June. Co-written by Kristin Gore, the daughter of former vice president Al Gore, it tells the story of a waitress who falls into Washington misadventures, sexual and otherwise, after accidentally getting a nail lodged in her head.
Ms. Gore was among the writers of “Arctic Tale,” an animal-themed documentary released by Paramount Vantage last year. She has also worked on the “Futurama” television series for Fox and the “Charlie Lawrence” series for CBS.
The film is being produced by, among others, the veteran studio producers Doug Wick and Lucy Fisher, whose credits include “Jarhead,” with Mr. Gyllenhaal, for Universal, and “Memoirs of a Geisha,” which was distributed by Sony Pictures Entertainment.
Efforts to reach David Bergstein, a principal of Capitol Films, which is helping to back the movie, were unsuccessful, and a call to the film’s South Carolina production office drew no response.
A representative of the Screen Actors Guild had no immediate comment.
The restaurant business isn't the easiest either, but may be more rewarding personally than HW.
Most restaurants fail because so many good cooks can't run a business.
Jake loves food, Jake loves restaurants
just because jake loves to eat and cook doesnt mean beans re 2nd career in opening restaurant! at least 80% of restaurants fail in the 1st 5 yrs and even the good ones that last have verrrry low profit margins and marginal cash flow.
Mr. Gyllenhaal received an Oscar nomination for his performance in “Brokeback Mountain,” and Ms. Biel has been a fixture in studio films like the Universal Pictures comedy “I Now Pronounce You Chuck & Larry.”
There's an irony in this sentence . . .
alot of ironys!!! :D
I will admit: my mother hates me so much that she is out having fun with my siblings. I am so bored and lonely that I totally hate Jake now. It is fun to go around and puke around his fan sites. I am so pathetic. Please have pity on me.
A lot of want-to-be restaurant owners fail because they think that liking to cook is enough. But most cooks like variety, and restaurant patrons want consistenty. Their favorite dish there when wanted. Jake does have an advantage in that Chris has lots of experience and is a trusted friend, so it may work out.
This next week should be full of drama as we wait to see what happens to Nailed. Too bad Ted is still on his honeymmon. I bet he would have something to say.
Hope you all had an enjoyable Mothers Day.
The music used with today's post has really grown on me, as often happens. You guys should issue an OMG soundtrack. :-)
About the Untitled Moon Project:
this project has been halted. Doug Liman is pretty busy these days working on the second film of the Jumper trilogy. That's another good reason for Jake to try to get into the PoP project or any other film project.
Actors were also trying to get commitments to projects before the June 30th SAG deadline. Talks have broken down and they may strike. But things in production may keep working. Disney wants to get PoP started because if they need movies for 2009 and 2010. If SAG strikes for multiple months it is going to have every studio scurrying to look for things in their vaults to release or independents to buy. They need blockbusters for next year.
Funny - all this press about Nailed troubles, I'm sure their have been a movie or two that runs out of money (hello read any HW producer's biography) but really hasn't gotten the press coverage about it. Call me crazy, but I wonder if there is isn't a reason for all this media coverage. I keep thinking there is a mouse in the house spreading this , perhaps to make their movie start production on time or even sooner?
Not saying it isn't happening, it is, but just the level of press coverage it is getting makes me really curious.
Or is it the time the timing with the SAG talks. Like the SAG is promoting how they protect its actors since the deadline for negotiations is getting closer and talks have broken off. It just so happens that Nailed is the movie they are using as an example.
Jake and Chris could run a successful restaurant if they surround themselves with people who have already run one. They should talk to De Niro.
Yeah, I just wanted to mention De Niro.
Re POP. I still don't think Jake is right for this part. Maybe he'll surprise me if he takes it on.
RE bearding and career in HW. We've always had mentions in interviews that Jake was going to have a short career and then do something else. He actually seems further away from that now than ever before.
Once he signed on the dotted line with Witherspoon Inc, he signed for life. Oh they don't have to be 'together' for life but she will always have to be recognised as a viable ex of his.
Why do you think we've gotten all the Ryan is so sad about his marriage ending sob stories? Part of his punishment for signing up.
Can't wait for The Informers
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