Taking about Austin and acting this week, led to talk about John From Cincinnati, so today two clips from JFC.
This is a scene between John and Cass and while Austin does have lot to say in, he makes the scene his own. It is all those little things that he incorporates and thinks about to his character. Having a series really gave him an opportunity to spend a lot of time and effort to develop John and have John grow as a character as much as him as an actor.
Just love the way in the longshot how he marches like a child would across the grass.
The second video is a tribute to JFC found and pictures from production that haven't seen before. Enjoy!
Friday, May 23, 2008
All about John
Posted by
Special K
7:13 AM
Labels: Austin, JFC, John From Cincinnati
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The second video I think is from some one who worked on the show.
The opening of the second video is worth it just for the laugh.
"I don't know Butchie instead."
Aside from the form and figure of Austin Nichols, from his tall and slim good looks to the way he fills out his wetsuit... could it just be that we've been witness to the development of a fine actor?
If it's true as Austin maintains; that he learned so much about acting from Jake, then isn't it also true that he has done an excellent job in that regard in how he brought so many quirky and expressive traits to his John Monad. I don't want to unduly praise Austin but I do feel that I've been witness to something special in this young mans career development.
The boyish quality that Special mentions is evident in many of the exchanges in JFC and they give me great pleasure. And it considering how well Austin uses his talents I can't help but think of Jake also and how his acting and his former self spoke so loudly to me in a youthful and very open way.
I hope Austin can continue to flourish with his talents, and that Jake can find his way back to his friends and his youthful zest for life.
Thanks Special, I'll be watching them tonight.
ITA with everything you said seaweed.
Well in the Informers Austin is definitely going to be different than who we've seen before.
Watched House of Usher again last weekend. My niece got really creeped out by Rick and kept saying there is just something so weird about him. I told her that's the guy from Holiday in the Sun remember when you watched those Olsen movies and she was like NO WAY. Made me laugh.
Nice post Spesh - am 4 eps into JfC and enjoying it, and Austin, very much. Very restricted net access at the mo, though.
Nailed shut down again?!?!?!
Nikki Finke's Deadline
There are no plans to resume filming until next Thursday at the earliest.
Production is week behind schedule.
Hope Jake spends the time off with Austin instead.
I didn't realize that you haven't seen JFC yet London. Wait until you get to episode 6, it is defintely the best.
The other day someone mentioned having a discussion about JFC one day, that is a great idea. Maybe we could do it later in the lazy days of summer--and give us all a lot of time to watch it again.
I have to say once again that I loved this show and remain so disappointed that it was canceled. And I truly hope it was not my fault that it was canceled. I have a bad track record of watching a show and it gets canceled right after I start watching it! Frustrating! In the next few weeks, we will have to plan a discussion of JFC. I think there are enough people here who are interested and who have seen the show. Austin is simply fantastic in this role. Sigh.
Will we get Reeked because of the Nailed shutdown?
Pregnant man is writing a book!
Ok Wicked I am sending you a list of shows I like and you are not allowed to watch them. : )
Lesbian kiss on Grey's Anatomy
Why is it that whenever there's a gay kiss somebody HAS to walk in on it?
Grey's is really pushing the envelope on gay story lines. Love it!
Lesbian kiss on Grey's Anatomy
Why is it that whenever there's a gay kiss somebody HAS to walk in on it?
Grey's is really pushing the envelope on gay story lines. Love it!
I have already been banned from watching both Grey's Anatomy and Lost!
What does everyone think about the Lohan/Ronson pairing? Real or faux?
Latino Review likes the PoP script
I think Austin is developing into a fine character actor - hope he doesn't get side-tracked into wanting to be a star. That's not a pop at Jake - this Prince role could be interesting with a decent script. Let's all hope for a decent script!
Yesterday I was pimping out Torchwood - I said you'd love it. Maybe I should have qualified that and said anyone who's a geek will love it ;-) I do admit to a bit of a Trekkie interest in my teens - the old series, so I'm a a self-confessed geek.
Anyway, this is what the hero does when he's not saving the world:
what 51st century leading men do in their down-time
I go back and forth on the Lohan/Ronson pairing, but I lean more towards it being real, which then makes me wonder if some of Lohan's problems are due to the closet.
With summer around the corner I'm really missing JFC too. :-(
How bout this Jack Harness video?
Steaminess! Barrowman is HOT!!!
I lean toward Lohan/Ronson (Lonson?) being real too.
Reading Latino Reviews description of the script for PoP sounds awesome.
Linds and Sam - I 'm thinking the real deal too.
To be all pedantic and geeky the Jack/Jack vid is from Season 1, and my Jack/Ianto vid is from Season 2 (the one just finished)and is part of a season-long relationship. No reason anyone on here should care, just getting that out there!
Have a look on Youtube if you want to see more Torchwood - including entire episodes.
I bet the POP news is taking some of the stress off Jake about the Nailed trouble.
Max, is Torchwood out on DVD? I can watch DVDs and re-run episodes of shows without getting them canceled. It's when I try to watch a show's first-run episodes that it's trouble.
I can watch DVDs and re-run episodes of shows without getting them canceled.
*makes list of shitty shows for wicked to watch*
Season 1 is out on DVD, Season 2 to come soon. 2's just come out on iTunes, I believe, and is doing well.
Don't buy if you really hate sci-fi, though - do buy it if you find Captain Jack charming. He's featured heavily in every episode.
Torchwood on DVD
I think your ok Wicked...lol
I wouldn't mind a discussion on JFC either. I really liked the show once I got into it. I think Austin did a terrific job.
Wicked, any show on Fox News that you could stomach would be a start, like O'Reilly. :-)
I think Lindsay Lohan has just come out, in every way that matters. She is happy kissing and holding hands with her girlfriend in Cannes. She looks better than she has in years - healthier and happier. She's brave.
Hollywood has no problems with actresses coming out, only actors.
Hollywood has a HUGE problem with actresses coming out, I assure you.
What would do it do Lindsey's career if she did?
Isn't Lindsey the answer to quite a few BIs about a closeted actress - including one of Ted's?
Unfair double standard said...
What would do it do Lindsey's career if she did?
We don't know. No one at her age and star-level has ever come out before. Ditto for a gay man.
I'm hoping for the best. You can't help but smile at these happy pictures.
*makes list of shitty shows for wicked to watch*
Wicked, any show on Fox News that you could stomach would be a start, like O'Reilly. :-)
You people are EVIL!
But you're Wicked!!
Have to say this about O'Reilly and Fox News. My dad watches it and all of us, kids go insane that he does. When he comes to visit we put the parental control lock on Fox News.
He can't get it cause he doesn't have the code. It makes the visit so much better since we've done it.
Gay Superhero
revenge is special i mean sweet.
*figures out why he can't get the kennel show channel 'best bitches' when he's at tinky's house*
Wow! Lindsay and Ronson sure look like a couple to me.
It will be interesting to see how the mainstream media (ET, Insider, etc) will treat the Lindsey and Sam story.
People had a picture of them holding hands.
i like sam, shes cute [i wish she'd go back to her natural brown hair tho]. she & jake are buddies. maybe how she lives her life she can knock some sense into him..
she & jake are buddies
Samantha Ronson? Details please!
:), IHJ has pics of them together after having lunch or something. 2005, maybe?
Variety talks about Nailed work stoppage
There are pics with him and Sam a couple of times, once hanging with Eve.
I had no idea. Thanks Wicked and Special.
IGN podcast talking about the casting of Jake in PoP
So has anyone seen the picture from that second JFC video before? I hadn't.
The pics are from '05, I think Sam was a friend of Kiki's at the time.
Sam is also known on the club scene as a "go to" for drugs. And although I think that Lindsay andSam are legit, unfortunately dugs are another reason.
Jake hasn't been seen with Sam nor Eve since, no surprise.
That should be "drugs" of course.
There of pictures of Sam with Jake and Kiki in this group of photos. (Sam has brown hair then )
Jake Kiki Poolside and Sam July 2005
Here Jake is with Eve and Sam (more pictures of them in the series
Jake Eve Sam May 10, 2005
As much as I hate the os scars this could be a very interesting year. "Milk" the story of the assassination of Harvey Milk the first elected gay politican in San Fran is getting serious consideration for a Best Picture nom. The Director of the movie openly gay Gus Van Sant is also a top contender for Best Director. The actors in the movie are getting very high praise. Sean Penn who plays Harvery Milk will be one the the favorites to win Best Actor. Josh Brolin will be one of the favorites to win Best Supporting Actor along with Heath Ledger and RDJ. No mention of a little known actor with the initials JG/TT.
I'm really looking forward to seeing Milk. Especially since I lived in the area through that time. I've also been paying more attention to James Franco lately. He's a so-so actor, but I am learning he has a great sense of humor by catching some of his postings on the web.
Another stoppage on Nailed. Who knows if it will even finish. Remember how long it took for Zodiac to get released. I think it was at least 6 mos delay.
I've seen those pool pics with Kiki but had no idea that was samatha ronson. Small world hollywood.
May 23, 2008, 08:37 PM
Capitol Films hopes to ink a deal with lenders Tuesday after IATSE for a second time shuttered production on David O. Russell's politically charged romantic comedy "Nailed" over financial squabbles. The company's head of business affairs, Ray Reyes, said a high-profile commercial bank and bond company were on board Friday, working "feverishly" to close the deal.
Didn't know that was ronson in those pool pix either. And Lindsay looks really good in the new pictures. If she really does come out I wonder what effect it will have; she's had a lot of work troubles lately.
funny how the women always have to show the men how its done.
In the next few weeks, we will have to plan a discussion of JFC.
Yes, YES, YES! Oups, forgot to add "please" (manners, manners...)
I've caught some episodes of Torchwood on TV, just enough to make me want to buy the first season on DVD. Have to agree though that it's definitely not everyone's cup of tea. Did I read the word "geek" above? ;)
I receive one of those British DVD magazine once in a while, you know the ones that feature the whole Sharpe collection in a wooden box (complete with collectible sword) or those hard-to-find Masterpiece Theater programs? This is where I found out that Torchwood was some kind of sequel to the Dr. Who series, which doesn't interest me at all (my most sincere apologies to fans of this program).
I have to admit that I've watched my JFC DVDs a couple of times now but never with the commentary on. I wanted to keep the magic intact and make up my own crazy interpretation. Still wondering if I should turn it on to be ready for our discussion. ;D
Thanks for putting up both the JFC video's special k and you are right, some of the pictures in the second one were new to me too, never seen them before. This calls for screencaps.
Great find!
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