Happy Cinco de Mayo, or a better way to count today would be "One Tequila, Two Tequila, Three Tequila, Floor"
Cinco de Mayo is not Mexican Independence Day (Sept 16th) but a celebration of Mexico's victory over the French in the Battle of Puebla on May 5th, 1862. Celebrated regionally in Mexico, Cinco de May is celebrated in the United States and other countries as celebration of Mexican heritage and pride. And somewhat like St. Patrick's Day in the U.S. celebrating means partying, and the excuse to throw back Mexican beers or tequila and eat Mexican food.
One lost their shirt, the other found a skirt and both found something to do break up the monotony of filming.

While it's always Austin losing his shirt at a moment's notice, this time its Jake. Jake has lost his several times in various locales in Mexico, including his stay filming Jarhead, but most recently in Cabo San Lucas. Jake might have gone with a someone who brought a skirt that that trip, but it was Austin who found his there a while ago. "I actually have a skirt. I went on vacation to Mexico and I bought one just to wear while walking the beach. Just like a towel." (GQ) Sarong, so good.
And how do you break up the monotony of filming that would be enjoying a tasty beverage or Dos (Equis) or tres or ......
But don't pull a Peter. While drinking with Jake when they were living in a Mexican hotel during the Jarhead shoot. "I had a couple margaritas... Jake started drinking beer at that point and I had some margaritas, maybe only two or three. And there was a thing that was like a fountain in the middle of the courtyard. We're staying at this not-very-nice hotel that had like a fountain and it looked like it could be a pool, but it was not actually a swimming pool. And he says I finished my margarita and I put it down and he said he was in mid-conversation with me and he said I just walked over to the edge of the pool and with all my clothes on, just walked into the pool and went underwater for a little bit and then came up and walked into my room totally wet. And he said he was in the middle of talking to me about something. So that actually happened, I realized, and I sortta blocked it out." (Filmmonthly) Blocks that out but not Jake playing "Candyshop" 50 million times.
Austin is no stranger to Mexico on either coast or borders growing up in Texas. Sure he found ways to break up the grind of filming Luz Del Mundo despite a much shorter shooting schedule than Jake's Jarhead.
You wonder if the J and A-team have made for the run for the border and not Taco Bell.
Speaking of tasty treats, wonder when leaving the Mexican surf, if Austin get a hankering for a Big Boy like he does when he finishes surfing in Malibu.
As for getting Nailed and celebrating - leave that to Pee Wee.
Thanks to Austin Nichols Fan, AustinMedia, Picture This: Austin Nichols Journal, SAB87, and IHJ
"So I don't think we can write Austin dating Sophia down as a lie because it may well have happened whilst Toothy and Goose/Fox were on the outs."
Just responding to ag's point from the last post: the original Sophia/Austin rumors surfaced at the time that Jake and Austin were tight. Didn't E! comment on Jake being a third wheel though IMO Sophia was the real add-on in the situation.
Who knows - A and S may have dated for real later, but the most recent pictures of them at NY Fashion Week give off a just good friends vibe to me.
I think both Jake and Austin have dated women for real. In fact, Jake may well be sleeping with Reese (sorry, guys, but that's what I think. Sexuality is a spectrum like Kinsey said) but I still think Jaustin had quite a long-term affair. However, unless either of them talks about it we might never know the truth. And I'm not sure even Ted knows what the hell is going on right now.
Interesting about Ted going to the same gym as Jake. Hmmm. At one time Ted mentioned the bf was sweet and well-endowed - and I think I said at the time it's the kind of thing someone who saw him changing at the gym might notice - maybe Ted himself saw Austin at the same gym? Maybe Ted has seen Jake and Austin together personally - adds a whole new level to the BI's. All speculation of course.....
However, unless either of them talks about it we might never know the truth.
Why do you expect them to tell the truth?
"At one time Ted mentioned the bf was sweet and well-endowed - and I think I said at the time it's the kind of thing someone who saw him changing at the gym might notice - maybe Ted himself..."
Very interesting point, max :)
"Why do you expect them to tell the truth?"
Maybe when they're in their 60's and being honest about their torrid times as young men in HW...;-) It's amazing the things people admit a long time after the events - just read Holywood Babylon.
Does anyone else find it not a coincidence that Ryan proposed to Reese at the Planter's Inn? Does anyone still think that a great part of her motivation for this "relationship" isn't to rub his face in something??
I'm surprised Jake would go along with this.
Engagement and Wedding Date:
While on vacation, Ryan proposed to Reese in December, 1998 at The Planter's Inn in Charleston, South Carolina. The ring he gave her is a very rare early 1990s Neil Lane, four-carat Asscher-cut-diamond platinum ring.
Reeke in DC yesterday for a romantic dinner
Okay, who called it about the romantic dinner sighting? I thought Jake had to be on set early this morning?
Tequila! Now you've done it Special, another day of hearing that song all day long. And dreaming of Mexican food and tequila.
I do wonder if J&A have holed up togher in Mexico on occassion; Ild like to think they have.
While I believe the restaurant sighitng, I think the Planter's Inn is pure pr.
Speaking of pr bs, there was an article about Ryan Kavanaugh in the NYT this morning. He had a hearing on Friday at which he was supposed to be sentenced for a hit and run while under the influence. The judge put off the sentencing a bit to consider a tape R.K. gave him about all his charity work which includes well-known people talking about him at charity events like Jimmy Carter.
Kind of funny getting that pr bit about Reeke, which was at a charity event, when you consider all this. Just more evidence that this was all done for the purpose of name-dropping/talking himself up.
Reese Witherspoon and Jake Gyllenhaal were spotted having a romantical dinner together at Zaytinya in Washington, D.C. on Sunday.
Wow funny I went there with Wicked and the Mrs. when I went to DC. You mean we could have had torrid sighting there? Amazing food by the way.
But romantic? The large open airy spaces of Zaytinya are more of I want to get seen kind of place than romantic, everyone sees you. Unless I guess you are up in the open balcony. But then you have to walk through the main dining area to get there.
Subtle thy name is Reeke.
Still not believing this one Perezy
Thanks to everyone for the Birthday wishes. It just so happens I had a large Margarita last night!!!
Very interesting reminder about the Planter's Inn, FYI.
Zaytinya is not only one of the best restaurants in DC, but one of the best restaurants in the country. It is not cozy or romantic, however. It has windows all around so everyone walking by is able to see all the diners. A bit of a surprising choice for this oh so private couple, I would say. I wonder if there will be any corroboration of this sighting in the comments at Perez.
Tequila! Now you've done it Special, another day of hearing that song all day long. And dreaming of Mexican food and tequila.
I agree, Destiny! Glad you had a large Margarita for your B-day, Joker! Maybe I'll have one, or maybe I'll just skip all the preliminaries and head straight for the tequila! ;)
Fun post today, and Happy Cinco de Mayo to all!
So we got not just the romantic dinner sighting, but a lunch sighting too. And who would go to an inn where an ex proposed to you? I wouldn't go anywhere within a 100 mile radius of a place my ex and I stayed for fear of bad luck. Bad vibes on that. ;)
who would go to an inn where an ex proposed to you?
Someone who is very bitter about getting dumped by that ex. To rub it in his face, as FYI said above.
who would go to an inn where an ex proposed to you?
Someone who is very bitter about getting dumped by that ex. To rub it in his face, as FYI said above.
They stayed in the same hotel where Ryan proposed to her? She must have ice in her veins. I do think she was totally, royally pissed when she and Ryan broke up. Recall seeing pictures and you could tell she was livid. Way too livid for someone just living a dying marriage. So, there may be some truth to the concept of revenge evidenced staying at the same hotel.
Good point NETB about the Inn. Even worse, would you want to go for a romantic getaway at the place where your current partner was proposed to by his or her first partner? I wouldn't, it's creepy.
And don't get me started on Perez, I could go on all day about what a hypocrite he is.
That is so funny about the restaurant Special and Wicked. We've now had several restaurants that someone here has been to used for Reeke, too bad for pr that a lot of Jake's fans seem to be foodies.
I never thought about it before since we all know this is crap, but the way Reeke has tried to mimic Reese and Ryan is just more evidence of how fake it is. What sane person would want their relationship to mimic that of their partner's previous relationship. Of course we know a few delusional fans who seem to think that is just peachy.
Have to add my comments about Zatinya. It's probably my favorite restaurnat in DC, but it's not romantic. If I'm in DC I go there (sometimes more than once). To get an unbiased opinion about it, I just asked my husband if he would recommend it to someone looking to have a romantic dinner. He looked at me as though I was losing it and said: "No - it's wide open, there are thousands of people coming in and out of there, the tables are close together... people go there to have fun, talk, people-watch (especially if you get a window seat) and eat the great food."
Reese makes no mention of Jake in her Mother's Day plans
But does show what a great mother and humanitarian she is. She forgot to say that she's tiny. She must be slipping.
I was there with my husband, sister, brother in law, and a group of friends and I totally saw them! We were sitting on the second level. First I thought…that guy looks a lot like Jake Gyllenhaal…and then I was like, that is Jake Gyllenhaal! … and Reese Witherspoon! What are they doing in D.C.? I think I heard she was doing the breast cancer walk. That's nice. They were just leaving though. Jake G. is very cute but Reese Witherspoon is positively luminescent.
From Perez' comments. That didn't take long. There's another comment insisting that she's nice.
Luminescent? There's a new one. ;)
Gay marriage proposal on Brothers and Sisters
From timely's link at 11:07:
But as a paparazzi target, the Oscar winner knows she can't count on a disruption-free holiday, even though she's careful not to reveal a single specific detail about their plans
So when we get pap pics and/or gushing reports of her idyllic Mother's Day, just remember it's not Reese's fault. It's all down to the evil paps following her and those nasty "sources" revealing details of her private life [/sarcasm]
i think part opf reese's anger at ryan is because she had her tubes tied after the 2nd child and now how is reese gonna trap another man?? blackmail??
That can't be Privacy???!!! I've spent so many sleepless nights trying to figure out how those pesky paps found her at that pig farm.
Luminescent makes me think of makeup. Coincidence?
^^ :)
Thanks for the song today Special. It put me in a great mood.
"Even worse, would you want to go for a romantic getaway at the place where your current partner was proposed to by his or her first partner? I wouldn't, it's creepy."
I have to agree on that one if its actually true.
I wonder why Reese isn't talking about Jake in public? Interesting...
I wonder why Reese isn't talking about Jake in public? Interesting...
maggie & peter arent talking about reese. a freind of mine saw them and they talking about jake + whats going on w/him. nothing about reese/jake & reese. youd think w/how the rags say how much maggie 'loves' reese and how jake is dating reese m+p would mention sumthing? but no.. interesting..
Bad seed,
I read someone on the DC board where someone in London sat next to Maggie/Peter in a restaurant and accidentally eavesdropped Maggie telling Peter that Jake was "exhausted." Are you referring to that?
I saw this on DC too but I thought the overhearing of Maggie and Peter talking about Jake being exhausted happened in Morocco, according to the poster? I don't know why, but it keeps being reported as London.
Gah, Reeke in DC, who cares. It's all about Reese getting over (and one over) on Ryan. I have no idea why Jake is playing along. Oh yeah, maybe I do. :)
Bad seed,Reese has never talked about Jake in public, if so please provide a link so I'm puzzled to why you find that interesting, that or you are just pretending.
The closest she has commented on him was on ellen when she said that he was great, and during Rendition promotion she deflected by saying we haave been friends for a fews years and that she things all the gossip is amussing, something he had said as well.
Nothing directly, and if you read the USA today article, she also refuses to talk about Ryan as well.
She didn't talk about him during Penelope PR either.
Bad Seed didn't say that, 1:15. She was quoting.
Reeke on the Nailed set
More Reeke on the Nailed set
Why do it if there are no pix?
Why are these pix only showing up today if they were taken Friday?
Why today -- who would see them if they had come out on Saturday?
Love the hand holding pictures. Why?
Because it looks like Jake is squeezing her hand so hard, she looks like she can't wait for him to let go. Wait wait that face might mean something else entirely. Damn Jake are you that good? Just from holding hands? ; )
Those pleated pants are true fashion crime. Thank God it is for movie. The jeans and white, oh yeah Jakey can rock that hard.
Splash sent them by pony express.
Just like Dlisted says, they look like two girlfriends.
The Avon pics would need to be released first, Spesh.
Ohh that's right... its all about the Avon.
Sorry, I forgot this was a charity thing, and not Reese's PR parade. My bad.
I wonder what Avon and the organizers of that walk think of of all the talk about baby bumps with the pictures from DC?
It's not worth doing if you aren't being seen
So after eating dinner at Oya tonight, I'm walking down 9th street towards the Metro, and Reese Witherspoon and Jake Gyllenhal are at the window, eating at Zaytinya. Kind of odd to see celebrities of that ilk in the District.
She's gorgeous in person, BTW.
Anybody notice that Splash took both the Reeke on the Nailed set pix and the Avon Walk pix?
Gah, Reeke in DC, who cares. It's all about Reese getting over (and one over) on Ryan. I have no idea why Jake is playing along. Oh yeah, maybe I do. :)
exactly. who cares? i am at the stage that I am not even interested in talking about Reese even if I thought Jake is "really" dating her. I am treating the whole thing like "a good friend of mine is going out with an annoying girlfriend or something. I am just hoping this will be over soon.
That should be we hired them this weekend, it take 2....
I am treating the whole thing like "a good friend of mine is going out with an annoying girlfriend or something. I am just hoping this will be over soon.
The problem with some of those annoying girlfriends is that they become annoying spouses sometimes. Really looks like she is not going away any time soon. I'm steeling myself for the engagement announcement any day now.
Reese's gotta be careful. Two divorces don't sell America's Sweetheart. Real or Fake marriage. It's all about Reese.
Report from FITSNews
Oscar winner Reese Witherspoon and her boyfriend Jake Gyllenhaal were spotted making out just outside of the S.C. Governor’s Office this afternoon, which is surprising because the last time we checked Witherspoon was a female.
Apparently, the pair were coming back from a Starbucks in the city’s Vista District, where they have been seen together on numerous occasions since the movie started filming on the State House grounds two weeks ago.
Sources tell us Gyllenhaal has also accepted an invitation from S.C. Governor Mark Sanford to join him and his family for dinner tomorrow night at the Governor’s Mansion, although actress Jessica Biel has yet to accept the governor’s invite.
Wonder if he brings Reese to the governor's dinner?
Interesting angle that they got photographed at. Not straight on but to the side. It does show how much distance there is between them.
Kudo's PR and Splash News -- you are finally figuring out how to sell it and ALMOST convince people.
A little hand holding but for that short of a walk not long, and I still think he is squeezing it just to make her hand hurt. Kind of like the boys did in school when you had to buddy up for field trips. They didn't want to hold your hand and they were gonna make sure you never wanted to hold theirs after.
^^ :) Cute. What up with making out just outside of the Governor's Office? Classy.
no wunder the blogger said reese was inpatient at thr set and when jake was done they went out back way. photog was waiting! shit-mabbe reese wants to get the photo ops done asap too.
re m+p convo; no- somewhere else, cant say.
thx tblondon.'cute pics' prob a jeeser/babtab, ready to accuse + wants links. oh im soo rude; hi u-v and f-l, now why dont you both g-o.
i didnt bother puttin quote in eyetalicks cos it is right 2 inchies frikkin above. duh.
pics from th/fri on mon-yep avon had to be done first. self-preservation, lookin out for the kids, future,money,contract.
methinks reese belly is fat wieght not lost after deacon. shes prob one of the apple body shape types, all belly. babybump watch, nah- lipowatch, 5 years gestastion.
wunder how much total $$ in tips the enterprizing bellhops got after thier storys to everyone staying in hotels suites that w/e.
btw hotel suites. ive never been in the planter but ive stayed at enuff of them to know suites are more than 1 br/ba + have more than 1 bed. thats why 'suites is sweet'- ya have roooom & friends dont hafta sleep together or see each other nekkid and can have thier own leettle thing goin on if ya know whut i mean.
btw ive stayed in hotels w/my best gay/les buds many a times. seen each other nekkid, watch havin sex with ourselves lol & omg evn held hands and eat and kiss in public. it dont make us lovers.
reeke is playing a game. guess they figure noone loses so y the hell not.
witch lol brings me a quest?? for all you; if reeke is a game- does anyone lose?? prob just our employers for all the freakkin time spent on this but if we werent here yappin about a&j&r we'd be somewhere else online..lol
jake looks terrible in nailed costume pics. wtf w/the hair?? i guess hw thinks greasedown+extremesidepart=congressman. more like greasedown+extremesidepart=[pick a profesion]spazz..sorry jake, not your fault you aint old. but they aged you good in bbm so mewonders re nailed crew skill/script..blech..
another reason why nailed looks like turkyturd. but jake is allowed a mistake, hey?? not like any of us evah made career blunders..heh
Austin - Mexican Beach - No shirt - Sarong
Reese ruins all the fun!
i really wanted to say;
hi u-v and f-l, now why dont you both f-o and g-o.
but i didnt want me whole post deleted. lol [self preservation].
spesh- good eye re angle and anger. heh. verrrrry good.
austy in a skirt. reese didnt ruin anything. peeps are saving the sarong image for private moments later. reeke is keepin us awake and alert cos its so ugly and laughable and lets face it, the worst monday is better than that freeke bearding anyday. austy in a skirt in a mexican beach on the floor after 4 jose cuervos is makin our eyes half lidded and dazed and our clothes damp and the chairs wet- not a good thing at the office. me, im saving the visual and the moans and groans for laterrrrrrr. growl. believe you me, todays blog not gone to waste..lol
nailed walking pics on ihj. 2 are good.
whats with the jake hunch? talking to a shorter person cant be that hard, cmon. jakes neck and back andf the whole posture is baaaad. what hapenned to proud jake? body language anyone??
friendly visitor you better give youself a name cos omg doesnt allow anon comments.
funny how the first pics [start at bottom- thats how ihj does it] look like jake trying to convince r to hold hands and then the later pics they do w/him clenching. its like hes saying [while she pretends to laugh-is that a phony laugh on her face or what??] 'we gotta hold hamds to make it look real, remember my part of the contract?'
mabbe thats why hes hunched, so noone will hear..
im jus thinkin out loud..
forget to add, cos if it was just a pic of them walking and laughing after him being in sc for 2/3 weeks and not seeing each other..it would look like friends wouldnt it. just friends..
okay i go now..
Reese on the set of Nailed is great publicity for the movie. She is the biggest name on that set, much more so than the stars of the film. Finally Jake gets something out of this Reeke deal.
^ Sure, if you like Reese.
These pix are basically the hand holding equivalent of the choke pix.
There wasn't a song call Mezcal but it would have been appropriate.
Mezcal is similar to Tequila that is is a distilled spirit made from the agave plant just like Tequila is. One difference Mezcal has the worm actually a gusano, properly a butterfly caterpillar (Hipopta Agavis), in the bottle. Some stories say that is you will hallucinate if you eat the worm. Maybe that's what they were hoping for, we'd go for the worm and believe Jeese today.
Drink the Mezcal, wait for the spaceship kind of thing?
Nicole from WDW met Jake and Reese on the set today-
ok so I was there for nine hours!!! and it was all worth it!!! they were actually filming outside today..they filmed the same scene over and over and over the whole time I was there! ok..so I immediately saw jake when i got there and Reese was there with him!! omg i just love her...they were so cute together!! ok so we asked jake for an autograph and he said he had to work but he smiled a huge smile and we asked him maybe later..and he said maybe yeah..then I saw JAMES MARSDEN!! and I said hey james and he said hey how are you and i said im doing good how about you and he said good thanks (i was freaking out) I saw Jessica, and peewee, and catherine keener, and tracy morgan!! anyways after nine hours of waiting they were finally done filming outside and he saw us waiting and he said do you guys want an autograph?? and i was like yeah! I took rendition with me for him to sign..and he said what is your name and I said Nicole and he said with a C and I was like yeah! and he said ok and he signed it and i said thank you jake!! He signed it Nicole- thanks for your patience and then he signed his name! I will take a pic of the autograph too!! omg it was amazing..the best nine hours i ever spent..i was tired and hot but i didnt care because it was all worth it!!! i will upload pics soon!!
I noticed the body language immediately. Hunched shoulders, neck scrunched down. He looks smokin hot in the white t shirt & jeans by himself however. I needed a shower after that one. On the other hand he looks like a dweeb in the ones with Reese.
Funny how many people commented that Reese looks so good. She certainly did not look good in some pics from last week without makeup. Maybe she is wearing Avon.
I agree that Jake looks pretty dweeby in the Reeke pictures.
Jake's silent signal for sanctuary? Or is he doing for Igor from Young Frankenstein?
I vote for Igor! Young Frankenstein is probably my favorite comedy of all time.
Bet he was doing an Abby Normal joke... just a hunch. ; )
Check WDW for more from Nicole. More hand holding and cuteness!
Wouldn't be surprised if Jake wants the POP role and the middle class squeaky clean family man fauxmance is for the benefit of the Disney execs.
Wouldn't be surprised either if Austin is up to his neck in this. I think they are still together and Jake wouldn't do something like this on this scale if Austin didn't give his approval. IMO it explains Ted's "he's a fox" comment.
I think the set photo are pathetic. who the hell walks with both arms swinging forward? Make sure the pap can get a good pic that they are holding hands! If not, the hands would have been hidden.....
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