Looking at the recent picture of Austin being interviewed, its not just his shoes that are the same from Borders, but the overall colors.Is this his Border's Lite Summer Edition look? If so man long dark brown in 90F(32 C) plus heat that's kind of crazy. Look at the cameraman he's got the right idea, shorts. Afraid showing off some leg is too much for OTH fans?
Is it his subtle saying that brown and blue go together quite well? You think he was having a curl issue at Borders too and went for the hat when he could?
And is it me, or does he in the interview picture look a little Ryanesque? Oh the irony!
We still don't know when Austin's interview will air. Will all have to be on the look out for it.
Some other news about OTH. It's moving. Same network, same night, but a new time.
Looks like there is a little switcheroo on with Gossip Girl. Does this mean less shirtless Austin and Robert Buckley in exchange for more shirtless Chace Crawford and Ed Westwick? Outrageous! Or is the CW so confident the they are going chest for chest competition with the guys on Dancing with the Stars, and shirtless Neil Patrick Harris moments on How I Met Your Mother?
Austin why are you sitting around? Sit up, push ups, weights, pilates, yoga.

From the Special's Gossip Gills pic comment on prevoius page: Looks more like he's saying on Tuesday evening "Ok it was nice visiting these past 2 days, gonna take off, see you later, you'll do fine by yourself, so what if you don't have friends read a book or something just don't call me because I'll be busy, ok did they get the freakin pics you wanted so bad? ok gotta go, bye, see ya."
Oh that field pic cracks me up every time. It looks like Austin is pushing that thing into Jake's head.
And what little personal space there is. That huge field and Austin doing "look at my balls" situps and Jake right below them with a big owl's eye view of Austin's wild wrinkled gobblers. Sorry but straight guys don't do that. Neither do non-intimate gays.
8:00! This is not good, that is the same time as House, one of the few shows my gf likes to watch. I am never going to hear the end of it. :-D
OTH vs House: The real test of destiny's relationship.
Longtime lesbian partners torn apart by Hugh Laurie and Austin Nichols. Stay tuned.
Caught! Hot lover lesbos meeting and cheating with straight men!
There will be a few months of peace, Fox waits until after the world series to start new shows.
Also interesting because GG has the lower numbes, and maybe they want to change that by not competing with House, and see if OTH can hold its own.
So Nick Lachey and Vanessa Minnillo broke up, does that mean that he's coming back to Tree Hill for Brooke?
Stay Out It Nick Lachey
The Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences just announced that they are increasing the number of nominees from 5 to 10 for Best Picture starting with the next Oscar Awards.
It was common for 10 nominees for Best Picture back in 1930's and 40's.
While their is already good Oscar buzz for Brothers sounds like their odds just improved.
Dear Ted:
If the man we all know to be Toothy Tile ever comes out of the closet, would you actually confirm that he is Toothy?
Dear Don't Wait Too Long:
Of course!
Ted will probably be a senile old man by then and won't be able to remember who TT was, and Baby Tile will be a screwed-up, middle-aged man with self-esteem problems who can't stay in a relationship or hold down a job.
And another family values politician who can't keep in his pants. When I got the CNN alert about Gov. Sanford going missing because of an affair I practically spewed coffee all over my computer.
Can't they just stop with the moralizing already, and let gay people get married.
New post by Austin on sogopro. I don't know what to make of it. Better you read it cold and form your own impression. Perhaps just a writing exercise. He does like to write.
I am bummed because a close confidante told me in confidence that layoffs may be pending and that my name is at the top of the list. They may not happen, just a what if list in case they are needed. But just the thought of it is horrible. Friend did not want me to be blindsided, for which I am grateful.
Thought on the newest pictures.
I noticed and someone else pointed this out on JJ, I'm sure others have too other places. Jake looks over her, past her or at the top of her head but never really at her.
Sending my thoughts to you. I really know that feeling.
Austin's post - channeling a little Milch isn't he with meter of his prose
As always need to read it a few more times to peel back the layers of what he wrote.
Jake in DC. Where, Where? Looks like Georgetown in the matching outfits. Jake, call me up when Reese goes to work on set. Live near Eastern Market.
Beechwood 4-5789. You can call me up and make a date, any ole time..
Jersey Tom said...
Sorry m. I hope that doesnt happen. Good Luck.
Thank God I came home from work today and didnt have to read any f ing twitters on OMG.
Spesh its the Flyers vs. the Bruins at Fenway on NYs day 2010.
GO FLYERS!!!!!!!!!!!
Looks like Jake is still in DC.
Jake at the Sox/Nats Game.
Oh yeah Go Sox!!!
He doesn't seem very interested in the game Spesh.
It was the bottom of the 5th and the Nats were at bat. : )
Tom, why do you always do this, delete your post then copy it and repost it, probably with corrections (that's ok), but always with the original "Jersey Tom said..." in it?
Jersey Tom said...
This post has been removed by the author.
June 24, 2009 7:47 PM
Jersey Tom said...
Jersey Tom said...
"didnt have to read any f ing twitters on OMG."
You do know Tom, that Special follows Jake's Twitters. Go ahead, insult her too.
Whew nasty odor in here. I love you Spesh. I love you PG.
Jersey Tom said....
Jersey Tom said....
Twitter is too new-fangled for Prairie Girl, Tom and M. "It's junk!" they cry, "What we had in the good old days, Live Journal, now that's what's real communications about, not this new modern crap they call Twitter!"
LOL ^^^ very true. And very funny.
Jersey Tom said...
Jersey Tom said...
Jersey Tom said...
Jersey Tom said...
Jersey Tom said...
Whew nasty odor in here. I love you Spesh. I love you PG.
Jersey Tom said....
Jersey Tom said....
Lets see a troll, a bobblehead, maybe dany. The smell is getting worse in here.
Great game. Big Papi 3-run homerun, Varitek 2 run homer. Sox win again. 6-4 Woo hoo.
Tomorrow. John Smoltz is back and making his Red Sox debut. And who will be there? Special and Wicked!
Please dont go back under your rock. I want you.
Have fun Spesh............
"Lets see a troll, a bobblehead, maybe dany."
Nope, a regular poster. How else would I be able to notice your sloppy habit of failing to edit out "Jersey Tom said...." over and over and over? Btw the tantrum is a nice touch, it just serves to reinforce your childish behavior.
Jersey Tom, love to see how mad you are making the troll. Who knew you had such power.
Oh yeah, real mad. Uh huh. If anyone is calm, it's the so-called "troll", not Tom. Keep trying, M.
LOL, get a load of this Reeke sighting and what someone said to make Jake spit out his coffee. Now this one I believe since I read this blog all the time.
That is too funny Dest!
"a neighbor tells me that his friend ran into Reese and Jake Gyllenhaal walking by Dupont Circle. The male friend, now beside himself, said something to the effect of "I'm gay, so I'd take either one of you!" Jake reportedly spit out his coffee."
Jake probably spit out his coffee because he was thinking, "I'm gay, I'd only take you, forget this bitch."
Maybe if all else fails career-wise, Jake can be in the 2010 Men of Ojai Calendar. Perhaps as Reese's Bitch of the Month Mr. March, since he marches to her orders?
Austin's post - could it be about Lincoln Booth?
Finally a chance to comment. First of all ((M)) what a stressful situation. I hope everything will go well. You are lucky to have friends looking out for you.
I really liked Austin's latest post. I think he's working on the character (LB) but puts in some of his own personality (feeling at home in the water/ off land. I remember an interview where he describes himself as a fish).
I know the Cantara posts have been discussed on WFT2 but one thing about them was very interesting: that the family allegedly took a vote that they would not be photographed together anymore. And no photos have been taken since (apart from the wedding this year). This is just more evidence that you can avoid paps if you want to and that the 10000+ pictures of Reeke are preplanned.
Also some inside info (with nothing new really) about Brothers. Spoke to a person who had seen the material and thought it was really good. The problem has been that the film is too dark (no happy ending I guess) so it has been in and out of the cutting room. I'm looking forward to the film coming out so we'll be able to talk about Jake as an actor again.
The matching gym outfits... No comments.
LA Times on the Expansion of the Best Picture Nominees - suggests Brothers could benefit
LA Times New Oscar Math
^Dont see it happening Spesh. Sorry.
What is much much more likely is that Ryan will be with his beautiful girlfriend Abbie Cornish on the red carpet come Oscar night. Some are predicting now that she is one of the favorites to win Best Actress for Bright Star.
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