So OTH has cranked up the McConaughey factor and has cast Robert Buckely as Clayton, Nathan's agent. Is OTH going shirt optional? Does it mean that Brooke will still say Clothes over Bros or will she ditch it for Dare 4 Bare between the two boys from LA?
You think Schwann and Co are going to do gratuitous shirtless scenes that get pulled into the storyline? No they would never....Like casting calls? Maybe "Shirts and Skins" pick up basketball games? Beach walkoffs? Or will it just be a shirt throwdown in the middle of store for Brooke to pick a pec? Shirtless dancing on a box - now that would be too much - wouldn't it? Or would that be part of the talent competition?
You think Austin is PoPing in a few workouts in this summer just in case ? (Wait are we still talking about pecs?)
Monday, June 15, 2009
Bush(ell) and some Pecs
Posted by
Special K
8:43 AM
Labels: Brooke, Clayton, Julian Baker, One Tree Hill, OTH, Pick a Pec
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Lets hope there are some shirtless showdowns on OTH this season.
I agree the People think was to counter all the Cantara crap. And I guess with their MV house up for sale the clan decided to go to Europe.
For those who missed it. Here's the link about the G's selling the MV property.
NY Post Cindy Adams - June 1
National Equality March
If tales like Cantara's were out about my family, I would gather the troops too. It must have been pretty bad for Naomi to hear some of what was said.
Can't say I know much about this Buckley guy, but I like what I see. He's beautiful. Here's hoping they are both shirtless at least once in every episode. Who cares about the storyline anyway.
Like the new addition to OTH!! Just so he doesn't break up Brooke & Julian.
I can't say that I've read any of Contraband's comments yet. I don't know if I want to, from the sounds of it. Someone lit a fire under her, eh? Man, that's terrible to have someone spilling alot of beans like that. Like Special said, hell hath no fury...
And I would really like to participate in the National Equality March in October. That's great if it looks like it's a go!
In the grand scheme of things, with riots in the streets of Iran, GM going belly up, American citizens being murdered by zealots, Adam being gay and both Jon and Kate on every check-out tabloid, does anyone really care what an obscure for 99 44/100% of the US population bitch blogger has to say about a family just as many folks couldn't name two members of?
No rallying needed, unless you're talking about the kind that should have been an essential aspect of the family dynamic BEFORE and all along the big meltdown.
She's a nobody that says nothing of value that no one cares about. You know, sort of like Reeke.
There are a lot of things I don't think most people care about, like the fact that an actor is not straight, but it doesn't seem to stop pr from circling the wagons and countering chatter they don't like.
I am definetely coming to DC for the Equality weekend.
I am definetely coming to DC for the Equality weekend.*
Who else is coming? The Wicked household will put up as many OMGers as we can comfortably hold. I'm thinking we can probably take as many as 6 people, if folks are willing to do sleeping bags on the floor.
I think it sounds like an awesome event. I'm glad it's a go. I'll have to do some checking now.
Hopefully, it doesn't snow in October in DC?
I kind of like this song. I like that guy's voice.
Well, I am on the make for a new laptop. Scouting reviews & stuff on line. Getting a little excited & past ready to kick mine out to the curb. lol. Awwww, my poor laptop, it has served me well. Shoot, not anything wrong with it now except it doesn't have much on it, just plenty of memory now!!
And I don't really care anything about ol' Contraband. Like I said, I haven't even read what she said and someone even posted the whole thing on WFT2, I think. I kinda scrolled by it, not because I didn't appreciate someone's effort by copying it on there, but I just don't take anything she says too seriously. I don't reckon she can say too bad of stuff, right? Or she'd get slapped with slander. The G family is having a very hard year; I don't know what to think about it all. Seems like something's always going on.
Okay, well, I've got to go.
Hey, where's Meg??? Meg, are you traveling again? And Elinor?
flf, are you still studying?
hey, hey, all the gang's not here!!!....
What do you guys think of this?
I just thought that I would tell
you they called me at work to come
in and come in to work Wednesday!
I am glad! I am just glad that Austin has a job! I hope that there
are more shirtless guys! Prairie
Girl, try Dell for they have some
great laptops! The only reason that
I got this one was that I got it
on credit from QVC! Tomorrow, I
have to go to my medical doctor so
there goes my day! Oh, well, that
is how it goes!! Have a good week,
Interesting article Wicked, and I totally disagree with the author. First, gay pride parades are primarily celebrations, not political rallies.
Second, althouh they are also about increasing visibility, I really think it is wrong to expect gay people to conform to some kind of "model" gay and lesbian, especially a model that seems to have its basis in the 1950s nuclear family ala Leave it to Beaver. I also wonder if the writer is young and/or even considered the history of the gay rights movement. It was drag queens and butch lesbians rioting at Stonewall, and it was lesbian and gay men who didn't conform to society's expectations that were the visible face of the gay pride movement for decades, while most gay people chose to pass for straight and stay in the closet.
One big reason why the issue of gay marriage didn't matter to me until recently, in addition to thinking it was not going to get anywhere (boy was I wrong about that) was my belief that people should have full rights without marriage, if that is what they want, and that gay relationships shouldn't have to be like traditional straight marriages if that is not what people want.
Sometimes I think there is too much of a push for conformity in the gay community, and it comes out in so many different ways. Is it internatlized homophobia? Fear? Not wanting to be grouped together with people you view as being very different from yourself? Wanting to pass?
The one thing the author didn't explicitly talk about that I do think should be toned down is the amount of nudity or near nudity (g-strings and not much else) you often see at gay pride celebrations. And that is only because it's out on the streets for all to see, and because I think people should feel comfortable bringing their children. But the picture they used for the story--I think that is fine.
Yikes no gold chain seen in Paris pics. But could be it wasn't worn because of ring-could-be-seen-thru white shirt. We know he/Reese/PR reads here and WFT2, they saw the black-shirt-windy-day-ring-underneath discovery. Or the other alternative, no Jaustin.
Looks like both chains are there:
Jake close-up
Whew thanks smiley! Good eyes!
*hope is alive*
DC Elections Board Blocks Marriage Referendum
Great pictures of Jake at the Paris Flea Market with Peter and Maggie. Good to see him relaxed and happy. It reminds of a place that Austin would really like, full of quirky treasures, bet Jake thought that walking around there too. Nice to see his necklaces.
On a very sad note. Heard some heartbreaking news. My former boss and friend was found dead in his apt in PA. Being out doesn't take all the demons away, and sadly those demons were too great for him. I am remembering the good memories of him, and all the thing we did together. He had great taste, threw great parties, and was a great friend until his addiction took that away from him and him from us.
Jake and POP is now FAST becoming a symbol for 2nd class, 2nd choice, fluff, not-serious gaming due to a big sexist faux pas made by IGN and Columbia TriStar. They have a Comic Con contest open only to male gamers (Wtf?) and female gamers put up a stink. Also adding to the female gamer fluff factor is the L.A. Times who wrote about female gamers at Comic Con: Women will be rushing the stage, offering to do star Jake Gyllenhaal's laundry on those washboard abs that he acquired for the film, since he spends much of it fighting, shirtless or both.
If Disney was hoping to attract female gamers to POP, they might be surprised it's become a symbol of inequality:
"So girls, don't feel intimidated by Comic-Con. You can do Jake Gyllenhaal's laundry!"
(((Special))), sorry about your boss.
Great news on D.C. Wicked.
Interesting, but not surprising, to see that Disney is behind the times.
Anyone notice that Jake has really weird, almost rheumatic type hands in those Paris pics.
Maybe its just me but that doesn't look right for a man in his 20s.
old lady hands
What does a rheumatic hand look like?
Jake's hands look fine to me. Maybe a little veiny but he was walking in the bright sunshine which shows everything and they were down by his sides for a long time, which is normal. I've done hand modeling, you actually have to hold your hands up higher than your heart the entire time so the blood doesn't go in and show. Look at your hands Doctor Ed, the next time you're walking around, you'll be surprised how rheumatic and veiny they look. Jake's hands are pretty, the fingers aren't misshapen, it's just the light and that he was holding them down.
"What does a rheumatic hand look like?"
Swollen joints, puffy knuckles. Isn't Jake double jointed, just hope that all those steroids he's been pumping into his body aren't beginning to have unwanted side effects.
Some people are just unbelievable.
Special just lost a friend and all you care about is making sure you can get a dig in at Jake.
Can't you just let it go for at least a few hours out of respect of the owner of the blog you're posting at?
It's bad enough you don't care enough to honor the work she puts in the posts every single day, but this is just horrible.
he once lived with his partner of five years, Jake Gyllenhaal.
I don't get it, what is this book? The book review article goes on to say he's working on his first novel, so the story about Jake, is it true?
Stubborn, get over yourself.
The review of the book is a work of fiction a joke. Go back and read the review.
SB is correct.
What's SB?
Sorry you lost a friend, Special.
Some people think it's wrong for me to post, to talk normally and comment with others about Jake, Austin and gay issues? Funny, Stubborn tb, how you only show up and post to bitch people out. You must really get off on it.
OMG needs all the friends it can get, and guess what Stubborn tb, I'm not going to let your fucked up domineering attitude and hatred stop me from posting whenever I want to. Go find something else to constantly complain about.
Really sorry to hear about your boss Special.
Great news in DC Wicked.
I cant wait till October. I will be there.
Loving that Jake is spending some time with his sister. I hope he is apologising to her for using her wedding to promote a lie.
Lefty has arrived and I am in love.
Thanks girls.
Not Good said...
Jake and POP is now FAST becoming a symbol for 2nd class, 2nd choice, fluff, not-serious gaming due to a big sexist faux pas made by IGN and Columbia TriStar.
destiny said...
Interesting, but not surprising, to see that Disney is behind the times.
Since you're both equally unable to read and equally willing to jump to the most negative spin you can put on things, I'll just point out the nothing in that story comes from Disney. The "male gamers only" contest is in regards to a game/film called District 9: Sony pictures is the parent company responsible for that production. And the comment regarding women washing laundry on Jake's abs comes solely from the sexist mind of a journalist writing for the L.A Times.
So, we have two stories, one of which is has no origins with Disney, and the other has absolutely nothing to do with Disney or PoP whatsoever. But we do have one person eagerly manufacturing a negative spin and another eagerly willing to swallow it down whole. Laughable.
Whichever way it spins, what hits the wall is still not good for PoP.
What does it say about a movie when the main talking point is the chisleness of the star's stomach muscles? Nothing about plot? Acting? Cinematography? Really cool fight scenes by guys with bitching weapons? No?
Jake's abs. That's it.
I've said from the very beginning that gamers are a shrewd bunch, with high expectations and discerning tastes. They won't be won over by beefcake.
Now, Gemma's skin...
ITA V-Box 360. In the end Jake is getting the brunt of the LA Times sexism. IF he shows up at Comic Con what self-respecting female gamer is going to see him?
I knew the LA Times article was not about Disney. I did however misread the bit about gamers and thought it involved Disney as well as Tristar.
I'm happy to admit it when I make a mistake, but I'm sure you'd never do the same Think Before you Post, the fact you felt the need to use a name never used here before tells me that. At least I have the courage to regularly post under the same name.
Special... i'm so sorry about your friend. i reminds me of heath's death, and others that are questionable, and it makes you feel so sad for someone who is no longer able to value life over the alternative. i hate to think of anyone getting to that point, and again, i'm so sorry.
i also read most of the article and i have to agree more with the writer than some here did. my take on it is this: if you want to appeal to the masses and get their sympathy and SUPPORT, then you need to find a way to make them feel like you are one of them in some ways. this is not a time to highlight differences; it's a time to bond with sameness. gay/les/bi/tran people may have many differences, but they are still human beings sharing space on the earth, and we all have to get along in order to live here together. Embracing shared issues and reinforcing common ground doesn't mean ditching everything that makes you unique. There is nothing wrong with using savy and strategy to make things better. IMHO.
I looked at those pics of jake in paris and i have to say that IMHO.. he looks like sh*t. he looks worse every time i see him. his hands did look swollen and funky in that one pic, but maybe that's just swelling from walking around in the heat, etc. but there is just something overall off about him that i can't even point to, but that i've been noticing for the last few months. at the beginning of Reeke, he looked mostly happy and normal, but since coming back from POP, i've seen very few pics that made me think, Awww... He's just not the same anymore, even with the normal body and hair... i can't say what's wrong, but in my eyes, he looks off.
i hope that maggie is giving him some good advice about not blowing his life on a bad decision. his parents are a good example of what not to do. please jake, move on.
hugs. s.
I'm glad to see Jake spending time with family, but must agree with Sienna. He hasn't looked himself since Reeke began. Sometimes I have to remind myself he's only 27, not 57. Stress. It gets you every time.
Sorry to hear about your friend Special. My thoughts are with you.
Special, I am also very sorry to
hear of your friend's death. My
thoughts are with you.
Yesterday afternoon, the phone
rang and my family doctor had an
emergency and could not see his
patients today. This makes the THIRD time that they have rescheduled an appointment for me.
I do not go until August.
I am also glad to see Jake with
his family. It would also be nice
to see him with Austin!
"Stress. It gets you every time."
ITA. Stress and depression caused by not being truthful and living a false life, whatever it might be, Reeke or hiding a lover or a child. Jakes seems to have lost his charisma and star power, remember how he used to exude it just walking down the street? Confident and sexy, you couldn't take your eyes off him? Reeke got him overexposed yet underexposed and overshadowed at the same time. Maybe its true what some cultures say, that pics take away the soul. Reeke photo ops sure did.
Sorry to hear about your friend, Special K. It is sad - and you must be devastated. May your friend find eternal peace and happiness in his afterlife. I am glad that you made an attempt to make him cheerful, and that you have good memories of him to cherish.
And StubbornTB, I am digging your fucked up domineering attitude. Very sexy.
Btw, notice that Stubborn TB's comment doesn't offer any condolences or words for Special. None.
I'm really sorry to hear about your friend Special. Sad to hear of someone dying alone like that.
I should have done this earlier now that this is turning into something else.
I would like to thank all those who have given their condolences both online, and as well as those who reached out to by email and phone. I appreciate all your thoughts, prayers, friendship and love. Thanks again - Special
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