I found this along my online travels and found it funny as that someone took the time to measure Austin's head and his head to hair ratio. This was definitely during his JFC days sporting the great Texas ideal of "higher the hair closer to God".
Even Austin has made fun of his noggin... maybe that's why I keep hearing ....
Stuart Mackenzie: Look at the size of that boy's heed.
Tony Giardino: Shhh!
Stuart Mackenzie: I'm not kidding, it's like an orange on a toothpick.
Tony Giardino: Shhh, you're going to give the boy a complex.
Stuart Mackenzie: Well, that's a huge noggin. That's a virtual planetoid.
Tony Giardino: Shh!
Stuart Mackenzie: Has it's own weather system.
Tony Giardino: Sh, sh, shh.
Stuart Mackenzie: HEAD! MOVE!
Stuart Mackenzie: I'm not kidding, that boy's head is like Sputnik; spherical but quite pointy at parts! Now that was offside, wasn't it? He'll be crying himself to sleep tonight, on his huge pillow.
(Know the movie?)
And is it true what they say about a man with a big head ....
They must have some really big pillows.
Friday, June 5, 2009
Measure for measure
Posted by
Special K
5:03 AM
Labels: Austin Fridays, Big Noggin, Measure for Measure, Texas hair
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Does Tink know mama is going to be MIA for a little while? I dunno - Tink strikes me as one who will still eat even when mama's not in the house. Some dogs lose their appetite or are sad.*
Tink does not care! As long as somebody is here to feed her and play toys with her, she's good. Potter will be bummed a little, but because the Mrs. will be here, he'll be okay. When we both go on a trip and have a housesitter, Potter goes on hunger strike. One of our housesitters hand-fed him when we were gone! When we got back he wanted this to continue. I told him he needed to put on his big boy dog panties.
No idea on the movie, I"m sure I"ll be slapping my normal-sized forehead when I find out.
And wow, a photo of Austin's I don't like. That second one almost looks like his head was photoshopped onto another body, and hate the suit. But still kind of nice to see something new.
(Know the movie?).
Special so why do you always axe us these killer questions?
This post makes me think of The Third Rock From the Sun. The leader of the aliens was called The Big Giant Head.
Have fun girls.
The Red Sox are Coming. The Red Sox are coming.
I liked the line in One Tree Hill where Austin referred to his "fivehead". He's not afraid to poke fun at himself, or his relationship with Jake.
I sent my new email to you last night after all. Woke up in a stupor at 3:00AM after falling asleep on the couch. The computer was still on so I said let's just get this done. This AM I realized I forgot to sign my OMG name, so when you see the email, it's from M. At work, my name, title, contact info is added automatically when I hit send, so I forgot all about adding my name. Habits die hard.
Now Austin has given us pictures of the girls he met in Italy. I actually asked him to do just that after his first vacation post. He calls them Italian birds. So pathetic Austy. Austin is now just as much of a liar as Jake. Homophobic lying closet queens.
Out and about to pick up the Prairie Girl and put her out on the high seas for the ride home. Oh the fun of public transportation.
Austin and his birds in Italy. Flocking Hell. He looks like his making it seem like he some feathers in his cap. No doubt that women would be attracted to him and his devilish charming ways. But it looks more like ready for the close up. Damn Austin should do more modeling.
Italian Birds
Aww, Austin just makes me grin. I love love love his archaic language (birds?? Who says that anymore?). And I'm sorry, he is taking way too much pleasure in the niftiness of these women for this too be a list of notches on his bedpost (imagine by contrast some frat boy going on about "Dude this babe was a total hardbody -- and she was, like, totally crazy in the sack....")
You know, many straight guys don't actually like women, except for sexual/romantic purposes. Remember that guy in high school who was adored by all the girls and was buds with all of them -- chances are he's gay.
I'm sure that Austin genuinely thinks that fabulous women are fabulous, and he's happy to write about it in his own way. While he's not going to come out any time soon, I think he's putting a little bit of himself out there and letting people see what they want to see.
Wow!! Is his shirt off in that last one?? Austin you just cant seem to keep a shirt on can you ; )
Do you think Austin took style tips from this guy.
Austin lookalike
Nothing about those pictures say anything but momentary acquaintances to me. My husband and I met all kinds of couples during our recent trip, and chatted with them for hours. End of relationships. He can't very well post pictures of the guys he met - or did not meet, if he is faithful to Jake. At his age, I would expect a single male to be looking to get laid constantly and I just do not see any serious evidence of him pursuing women. He did not mention their bodies once. Most straight guys can't help but talk about bodies.
Str8 or gay, m, I expect Austin has a bit more class than that. Especially on a blog he knows is being read by a mostly female OTH fanbase.
Class, IA however a mention like m says doesn't have to be crude like you're probably assuming. Or go with the bird story line with slapstick shots at breasts, legs and thighs either LOL. The point is he didn't make ANY reference to the girls' body parts and with his fluid prose he easily could have in a subtle undercurrent way. Like noting skin touches, glows, long silky legs, curves of a back etc., you get the gist, something that signifies an underlying base sexual interest and attraction, whether it happened or not. But there was none, and so there is none.
P.S. I guess I win the "Name the movie" contest, Special? I didn't want to spoil it early on, that's why I said "Special so why do you always axe us these killer questions?" to give others a chance. No one even bit, what's that about? So I married an axe murderer. Special, you may need to send out the axe murderer to get your readers to pay attention and play the guessing games.
Everyone hears their own language when photos speak to them.
While I agree with everyone that Austin wasn't making out or sleeping with these women, it still comes across as heavy-handed and trying too hard, IMO. And the "travelogue of women" look and feel really bothers me - am I alone in feeling slightly creeped out by it all? His use of the word "birds" to describe the women was archaic all right; archaic and kind of predictably sexist. I guess the swinging 60s London lingo fits in nicely with the scooters and other 60s affectations.
I don't know, Austin seems like a decent, intelligent guy and he's a clever writer, something I admire, but I can't see any of this as really classy and fun. If this is his agreed attempt to appear straight to the female OTH audience, it's really cringe-worthy and bordering on offensive. I did a 180 on Jake some months ago and Austin's not far behind. It's becoming more and more difficult to care about their professional woes and challenges as dictated by the closet and pr.
Again, just my opinion.
He signed it with Wild Turkey, so it's not just the girls who are birds.
Yeah, it's only Austin's alter-ego Wild Turkey who sounds like a male chauvanist. ;) Guess there's no future for Jaustin, with Jake cruising for strangers and Austin hooked on "bird" watching.
Birds: Where you get laid at least once, any cock will doodle doo and everyone gets a pecker on their face.
Some on WFT2 are suggesting Austin is poking fun, mimicking Reeke in his own way.
Odd that Jake's been out and about in NY, allegedly, yet not a single photo has appeared.
Jake doesn't schedule the paps like someone else *cough* does. Maybe NYers are too cool to take pics of celebs or Jake is old news or maybe no one's interested in Jake or a pic with him unless his other half the Chin is with him. She might have sunk to #71 but where was Jake? He wasn't even on the board or in the running, for all the good 3 movies in the can and bearding for 3 years has done him. Now he can't even get papped by a cellphone unless the beard is there, example: Coachella. Plenty of pics of Reeke by regular people. But regular people taking pics of Jake alone, hardly ever any more. The Chin used him as kindling to build her bonfire and his hotness got burned to the ground.
Okay Austin maybe used a rather cringe worthy analogy, and its not his best effort. Maybe he was just struck with the fact that European women are more attractive than Amercians (opps, apologises to almost everyone on this board!! I'm not being serious).
Joking aside, it doesn't seem like crime of the century to me. Ever thought, maybe Austin got so fed up with Jake's bearding etc that he decided he might try his luck again with women (Jake G turned me straight). Okay, I don't believe that for a moment, but none of us know any of these people, so let's not be too harsh.
"Maybe NYers are too cool to take pics of celebs"
I'm actually fairly shocked at how uncool all these new yorkers are. Has there ever been so much boring and tedious twittering going on. Its almost like the early days of Reeke, when everyone with a blog seeemd to be blogging about sightings of the adorable couple.
Jake G turned me straight
lol Well, Austin did say Jake taught him all about women in an interview once.
Sorry but I find Austin's warbling rather juvenile.
Seems like twitter has taken the place of all those sightings!
I'm with charybdis and Meg on all things Austin at the moment. Glad he enjoyed the holiday and met some fun people.
Oh but Twitter is dull - 140 word limit isn't a problem for the likes of me but you can't report a decent sighting and it's so fakeable.
Agree with everyone who said that Austin was just meet having some fun and meeting people. Good point Charybdis about gay guy vs. straight guys in relationships with women.
Who uses the word birds?
The International Man of Mystery.
And well Austin is a man of mystery and went international.
Speaking of Mike Myer - Lane you do win the prize. It was "So I Married an Axe Murderer". Sorry it took me awhile to jump on and crown you the winner of this one.
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